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One of my great joys in working on All the King's Men is opening up the world to the fans and my friends. There are several characters who have interesting and pivotal roles in the narrative that are the creative property of others. There are some who have roles that help expand the official canon of ATKM.

Lioncourt is separated into five provinces, the previous five Kingdom's in the Sun's Reach Hegemony. The southern province of Lioncourt is called Nemea. It is home to Nemean Pride, the Elioudan descendants of the Eternian and Kingdom's founder Panja the Merlion. The Regency in which the seat of Nemean power, the Capital City, Cithaeron, is named for their honored ancestor. Known today as Merlion.

--Duke Palurius Nemea--

A Dreamy, lazy, patron of the arts; the noble kin is more interested in having fun than administering the lands. Palurius is full-hearted, charitable, and gracious to the people of Nemea earning him their love. Unlike his wife who is of the direct line of Panja, Palurius was a distant cousin of the noble House Corinthia of Fanwort Flow.

The Duke's favorite past times are throwing parties, spoiling his children, and dotting on his wife. Due to his cheery and non-confrontational nature, he is entirely incapable of disciplining his children, with his daughter Palulu, often walking all over him.

--Archduchess Agne Nemea--

A shrewd, serious, and cunning tactician, diplomat, and negotiator; the regal Agne Nemea is openly known as the 'Last Word'; because she always has it. Only Queen Lesser Azalyn de Lioncourt is said to have a more devious mind. Though the Archduchess is far more adept at disguising the true depths of her guile. She is the current that keeps the waves of Merlion racing. There isn't much the astute Agne cannot accomplish, save convincing her daughter to do just about anything. No amount of carefully laid plans or crafted cunning has ever been able to overcome the sheer stubbornness of her eldest child. Despite often and openly decrying and disparaging her husband, claiming to merely put up with him; Agne is madly in love with the Duke. Truly appreciating his naive sweetness and unbridled passion for her. She is somewhat overprotective of her son. Of note is the nickname of 'Agne the Ass', which only her husband would dare utter in her presence. Though many believe it to be a commentary on her shrewdness and uncompromising personality, one need only meet the Archduchess to find out how she got 'that' moniker.

--Marchioness Palulu Nemea--

Palulu is the eldest of the two Royal Nemea Twins, though only by a few minutes. Despite being an energetic and enthusiastic young woman, the Marchioness of Aidonia isn't quite what one would consider a hard worker. Though she attends projects and tasks that interest her with an almost fiery zeal; anything that doesn't pique her interest or benefits her in some way is all but abandoned. Smart and sassy, she can usually be found manipulating or cajoling others with cuteness and charm. Depending on how badly she wants something and from whom, she isn't opposed to offering more intimate rewards for favors. She is known to be shameless in gaining what she wants.

Unarguably an incorrigible minx, one would be a fool to believe the daughter of Agne Nemea is without her own cunning and intelligence. Though vehemently against study and politics, she nevertheless has an extensive knowledge of the goings on in court, as well as the particulars of the movers and shakers. Where she lacks care and concern in matters must high, she makes up for with excellent social skills and grace.

Palulu is a shameless socialite who revels in her own popularity and regard. Rumors and gossip may be a hobby to some, but to the young Marchioness it is a sport; one that she is quite talented in.

Most of the lioness time is spent on frivolous pursuits such as fashion, gossip, games, desserts and looking for playmates. Often playing lewd, sexual games with other lords and ladies of the peerage who take her fancy. Though she would not describe herself as promiscuous, despite what her young brother would have you believe. Underneath her veneer of nobility, grace, and frivolity however is a passionate young lioness who often struggles with her emotions. Easily shaken and without a hint of a poker face in stressful situations, many believe it will be the studious Luthor who inherits his mother's crown. Nevertheless, the two have a close bond, with Palulu supporting and doting on her brother whenever she can.

-- Earl Luthor Nemea--

The younger of the two Nemean twins. Born with a birth defect that stunted his growth and physical development. He is short of stature and looks much younger than his sibling. Most mistake him for a much younger brother.

Luthor is soft spoken, shy, bookish, and hardworking. He wants to be the best noble he possibly can be and knows a lot about court politics and history. He wishes to be regarded better as an Archduke than his father. Despite his efforts and hard work however, he lacks the force of character his parents have and has a hard time commanding the respect of his lessers.

Unlike his sister, he begins the story as a virgin and is not at all promiscuous. He is affectionate and romantic, hoping to one day fall in love. He enjoys the company of dashing men and brave knights. Though his friend, Prince Vandell de Lioncourt, often manages to drag him into one sexual misadventure after the other.



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