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Sayuri Seiji is the young scion of Clan Seiji, a powerful Wakokujin family of loyal vassals to the rulers of Pandorica since its foundation. Descendant of the ailurius slaves of Wakoku before the displacement, the Seiji Clan kept many of their traditions and even their masters name, as well as their martial disciplines of kenjutsu; though they were never taught the techniques of reikiken.

Like all Seiji, Sayuri practices the ‘Tenken’; a sword art style that incorporates high speed movement, precise counter strikes, and elements of battōjutsu. It’s emphasis of focusing suffused quintessence into strikes is similar to elements of rekiken, without the ability to temporarily imbue weapons made of mundane materials. Like a rangers ‘ imbue arrow’ or ‘infuse imbuement’; the imbued strikes of pandorican blade master are a brief flare of arcane energy, as opposed to a consistent enchantment. These techniques can be more powerful than the strikes of a seishinken, but cannot be maintained for more than a few seconds.

From a young age Sayuri was a genius with a blade. A true wunderkin. It was clear by the time she was five that she would surpass even her father, who served as a member of the Ojaswi Rajanya; the royal knighthood of Pandorica. Where he served as a Rathī; the equivalent of a Lieutenant General.

With her excellent pedigree and her family's long years of service, Sayuri was quickly accepted as a candidate for the red guard; showing her prowess early, impressing Prince Kiritin and his father King Sejun Aeon. There she was introduced to Kiritin’s adolescent son Oni, whom she would be raised with and trained to protect.

Unique for a wakokujin ‘bushi’, Sayuri also excelled in several of the blade dancer artes, becoming one of the few Pandorican’s to marry the two disciplines. Paired with her duel affinities for Lightning and Fire, she has grown to be a powerful warrior. Confident, catty, and possessing an independence that is often incongruous to her role as a member of the Guard; Sayuri quite heavily reminds Oni of his mother, Queen Asura, making her one of the Prince’s favorites.

As a member of Oni’s Red Guard, Sayuri serves the prince in whatever capacity he may need. She is guardian, friend, counsol, companion, and lover. If it is her prince's desire, Sayuri is there to see it fulfilled. Her success at her craft, coupled with her eagerness to please has seen her rise to the role of his most trusted confidant; ‘The Right Hand of the Prince’.

Though many of her brothers and sisters within the Guard consider her to be an ‘abrasive’ lover, who takes what she wishes and enjoys the thrill more than the sensuality of love making; Sayuri has a tenderness that is rarely seen by anyone other than her Prince. Despite her reputation, she is quite capable of leaning into her femininity. Though she is quite happy to be the dominant partner in most cases, she is quite comfortable being submissive with the right companion.A small tender picture between Prince Oni and one of his Red Guard.


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