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Elaine Haldar is a talented, beautiful, and powerful member of Pandorica’s Red Guard. She has served Crown Prince Oni Aeon since she was knee-high to a grasshopper, and has desired to be the best just as long.

Despite earning her place as her Princes ‘Second Hand’, Elaine’s insecurities and extreme competitiveness leave her discontent over her place in the world. Vega, Priya, and even Rohit had all grown powerful enough to challenge her for her seat at her Prince’s side. She was training every day, but feared she could not progress much further without aid.

To that end Elaine, under the guise of visiting friends in Lioncourt, found her way to the Nemea. Down past the Viridian Sink, to Port Piraeus, where rumors held that a shop of charms, currios, and concoctions could be found somewhere in the back alleys of the city.

There she sought Swiftfoot Sorceries, a magic shop run by a witch rumored to be more Biencien than Gray, though with little proof of the accusations.

Within the wah would find a curious young witch. Be they she, he, or something in between, Elaine was not readily sure; for proprietor had cloaked herself in illusionary magic.

“Welcome,” called out a distinctively feminine voice.

“I am certain I have what you seek...”

It was a promise and a warning, but Elaine was too motivated to notice. As she stepped through the portal the door behind her closed and lights came on in the little shop.

Before her stood what looked to be a rabbitkin of uncharacteristic height and build. They were tall. Not tall and fit like a Harimali Leverin, but tall and curvy. She was definitely not one of the ascended of the Mana forest, nor did she sound like one of the Isheri of Noveria.  The lagomorph was mostly white, with their paws, hair, and a little patch on their chest was dark as midnight. If Elaine had to guess, she was simply a forest hare from the Freelands, but she wasn’t sure.

Under their tall witch’s hat and spectacles lay discerning, almost predatory, violet eyes; that glowed curiously as a mana halo burned a circle around her pupils. She was already enchanting.

Nervous, Elaine almost left, but the news of her arrival had already reached the ears of the eerie enchantress, and promises of aid in whatever drew the pretty panda from her mountain home would be offered... for a price.

Against good reason and better judgment, Elaine admitted that she sought power, power that she could not attain on her own. The witch, Marbles Swiftfoot, would laugh.

“A common request from an uncommon kin.” she would reply.

The Gray Witch warned of the consequences of the kind of power Elaine sought. The subversive nature of it.

She offered talismans and potions, charms and weapons. She even offered to share simple arcana that would marginally improve the warrioress’ effectiveness in battle; but Elaine wanted none of it. What she sought was a permanent boost to her arcane attunement, an infusion of power, that could give her an age.

“Indeed, I can do this... but know that there may be unforeseen consequences.” Swiftfood warned; but Elaine was set to her path.

The spells and craft of witchery are perioless by nature. Magic that tows the line between subversive and ameliorative, often going too far. On that particular stormy Manadies night, that power was turned on Elaine.

Using spells and enchantments under the warm glow of their cauldron’s fire, the enchantress spoke the words of incantation to invoke her arcana, calling to herself memories of creatures and times long since past.

With glowing eyes and a wicked smile, she began a ritual of power fueled by debauchery. Too late to refuse, the red panda is grasped by the magical tentacles that sprung out from the witch’s now visible aura and held her fast.

Elaine was penetrated, prodded, and laid bare before her. Brought to the edge of nirvana in a way that only the carnal artes could manifest. In that moment of debauchery she felt the full force of the witch's sorcery and knew her to be a Biencien Witch in truth.

The Arcane power flowed through Elaine, the kernel of subversive energy growing inside her like a seed. With will and intent Marbles opened up her grimoire and began to speak the words of the ancient tongue; granting Elaine gifts of might and magic that she so desired... but everything comes at a price.

“I have done this for you, pretty panda and you will now do something for me.” Marbles laughed as floated in the air, lowering Elaine upon her now exposed and stiffened dick.

“I will taste this body and all this new power I’ve given you, and when I am done, you will complete a task for me.” She stated forcefully. Elaine could only cry in pleasure, as the Witch continued to work her magic.


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