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Though legitimized by his late father as his heir and Crown Prince of Pandorica, Prince Oni’s position as  future King of Pandorica isn’t as stable as it may seem. Enemies and the allies of the previous regime are still all around him, scheming and plotting against the young prince. Many feared the young prince's calm temperament and shy demeanor would make him easy pickings for the camarilla of disingenuous psychofants around him. Could he be swayed? Could he be controlled? Would he grow to be a puppet king?

These questions were answered when the young Prince decided rather than courting the favor of those who were not already his allies, but allies within Pandorica’s suzerain Kingdom, Lioncourt. 

Attending every function, party, and banquet held in the honor of his father and grandfather, Oni was once mocked for not paying attention to the lordlings around his age within the Pandorican Peerage. It wasn’t long however that his detractors noticed what he was up to as his popularity grew among the lordlings and nobles of the Courtian Houses. 

Of the royalty of the Court of Lions, Prince Oni is most familiar with the de Lioncourt Pride, the King’s family, and Pride Assyrius, the family of Archduchess Ariella. The ruling family and the family with the largest military respectively. Their favor gives his enemies pause. Should they move against him, what would such powerful allies do in retaliation? No one wanted to anger their benefactors. 

Of the Courtian nobility, Cassius Assyrius is perhaps Oni’s most familiar friend and ally to mingle amongst his retinue. The youngest  son of the Archduchess is someone whom Oni has had the pleasure of making acquaintance with many times in his youth. Cassie’s friendship not only provides Oni with a strong tie to the mighty Pride Assyrius, but also to the Sacred Order of Raven Knight’s, to which the lion is an oathsworn member.

They say familiarity often either breeds contempt or fondness, and with the Prince’s cock in the pretty little lion's mouth, it’s pretty clear which is the case between them.


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