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I didn't think I'd be able to do it anyway, but being sick for half of last week pretty much ruled out a last minute rush to get a new HoHH release out.

I don't like failing to get a regular monthly release out.  I'd put this down to the mini-boss scenarios being longer and more complex, but I suspect it's more down to me trying to do too much and spreading myself a little too thin.

One of those side distractions is pretty much done.  It ran over by a couple of months, but I finally posted the 365th room to finish the #SexDungeon23 series last week.  I'll be posting my overall thoughts on that next week sometime.

I think running #SexDungeon23 and #MonsterGirl24 series alongside each other was doable, the harlot spotlights also.  What really tripped me up was trying to get the harlot profiles off the ground.  I could not get the basic design template right.  Marwmellow did one for me, but that ran into problems as he uses photoshop and I use GIMP for artwork.  I needed to turn it into template so I could switch out the text and pics for new harlots.  I could never properly replicate Marwmellow's design - colours got lost on importing, fonts were non-transferrable.  It was an annoyance and turned out to be a timesuck that dragged me off what I should have been working on.

I think the profiles is a good idea, but I think I might have to go for something simple.  The MGE profiles are pretty much picture + plain black text and that works fine.  I'll shelve it for now while I prioritise making sure March has a HoHH release.

Once I realised I wasn't going make the end of February release, I turned my attention to something else that I've been needing to fix for a while.  I have 35 harlots ported over into the fancy 1.5 version of HoHH.  The main problem is my testing program is broken after I made changes to the UI.  Once I fought off the sickness bug I spent the rest of the week trying to straighten out the CSS and JS code to get it up and running again.  That is now on the way to being fixed.  A few more days next week and I should be back to testing the ported harlots in the evenings.

A rough February overall.  On the plus side, I am posting a lot of regular content with the harlot spotlights and other things, but I want to avoid skipping end-of-month releases if I can help it.

(And I do want to make time again to get back to updating some of those H-space bestiary shorts.)

Busy.  Busy.  Busy. :D

Thanks for the support and interest!
- manyeyedhydra 




Take your time man, your stuff is always worth the wait :) Love the art for all your lovely ladies as well!