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And after emptying the vaults of vamp girl ideas, it's time to look at their rival faction – the leech girls.

#70 Leech Cloak Girl
She has a long black cloak that is part of her body and has many sucker mouths on the inside.  She likes to wrap it around men while embracing them and slowly and pleasurably leeching away their strength and vitality.

#69 Hiro-Enma Girl
An elegant oriental goth girl.  Her mouth opens to reveal a nest of semen-sucking tentacles.  She can drain with both kiss or blowjob.

Ah, Nioh.  She was a ridiculously hard early boss.

In my early notes I think the leech clan were supposed to have a historical Japan theme.  That might be a good idea to retain.  It could make for a nice contrast if the vamp clan favour more typical Western gothic horror costumes.

#68 Leech Dress Girl
A pretty girl with a mass of leech-like black suckers under her dress.  She pulls unwary men under and subjects them to pleasure hell with her various suckers, while draining him with a special 'vaginal' sucker.

#67 Classic Leech Girl
The classic leech monster girl as seen in Monmusu Quest.  Her lower half is a giant leech and her oversized vagina doubles up as a maw.  She sucks men in and leisurely drains them while using internal suckers to keep them in a helpless state of sensual ecstasy.

Continuing with vamps...

#66 Blowjob Vampiress
She has the traditional fangs of a vampire, but prefers to get her blood from an erect penis during a sloppy blowjob.  The semen adds extra flavour!

I'm not sure with this one whether to make her a skanky street vamp, or the aristocrat that's pure filth in the bedroom.  Maybe both with slight differences.

#65 Skin-Drain Vampiress
Is always seen fully clothed in public.  In the bedroom she strips off completely.  She absorbs blood on skin contact with every part of her body.  Her favourite way is to wrap a man in her arms and legs during sex and subjecting him to a long blood drain he can't escape from.

#64 Blood Cloak Vampiress
The classic monster girl vampiress.  Her voluminous black cloak is part of her body.  She wraps it around a lover and the inner lining slowly drains blood through skin contact.



Continuing to be very pleased with the vamps! It would be interesting to work out the lore for this faction—are they lust daemon proper or undead witches corrupted/elevated by infernal magic, in this case from the Dominion of Lust? (My preference is for the latter as it fits with trad vampire lore without being too “one bite equals superpowers” and explains why they are also eager for sexual pleasure).


Could be. I haven't figured it out fully. The rough idea was to invert the usual power levels and have the vamps be quite weak lust daemons - maybe from a border region with one of the other Sin dominions to explain why they have to drink blood. They could also be multiple different types as well. I always liked how Jim Butcher went through all the different types of werewolves for the 2nd Dresden files books and then somehow managed to include them all while making it work.


this could be a great sequel to hohh, you escaped the house but now you're prey to all kinds of monster girls and demons