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A frustrating week.  I came back from my break, got the usual admin stuff done at the start of the month, and then got knocked on my ass with another flu-type bug.

I wasn't able to get too much done this week, but did recover enough to get Mistress Eve Satana mostly implemented last night.  The regular parts of her scenario are done.  The outstanding bits involve tweaking some of the core code to allow for some non-standard pathways to the harlot's room.

Thankfully, I prepped a few releases in advance.  May's HoHH release will have two new pitcher plant girl harlots and is pretty much ready.  I also have a H-space rewrite story typed up and queued up for editing.  That should cover May's releases.

The short story writing for the 7th collection is behind.  I suspect that's going to go into June for the first drafts, although I should have enough HoHH material to keep the regular releases going through that period.

While a minor exercise more for my own personal benefit, the #SexDungeon thing did get a little derailed by getting sick again.  I had a couple of competing ideas for the sexy plant girl region, and have picked one to run with.  My plan is to get back to a room a day, with a few extra ones until I'm caught up again.

Hoping next week will be better.

Thanks for the support.
- manyeyedhydra



Take good care of yourself Hydra!! ❤️