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Roughly in the centre of the pool is an elegant gazebo.  This used to be a place for visitors to take a seat and enjoy the tranquillity of the lake.  It's completely overgrown and choked with vines now.

It's also another of the BOSS ALRAUNE's traps.  As the player enters the structure, special flowers open up and pour aphrodisiac scents into the gazebo.  This will sharply raise the player's AROUSAL.  If it peaks, the ALRAUNE will suck out another ejaculation with one of her special flowers.

This one can be mitigated if the player moves quickly enough, has kept their AROUSAL low, or possesses enough resistance.

(The bridges on either side offer no safety – the BOSS ALRAUNE can send her special semen harvesting flowers there as well.)


It used to be a pretty zig-zag bridge running over a pretty little lake.  The bridge is heavily overgrown now and some of the boards rotten.  While it might give the player some anxiety about giving way halfway across, it's still in good enough shape for them to reach the gazebo structure in the centre.

(The second segment – from the gazebo to the far shore – is also still structurally intact enough for the player to cross.  This 'room' covers both ends of the bridge.)


The central pool seems still and slightly sinister.  A long way over to the left you see it gets shallower, punctuated with rocks and stepping stones.  Behind that is an artificial waterfall spilling over a rocky rise.  Over to the right the path follows the edge of the lake.  The water's edge is choked with a profusion of unnatural plants.  There is a wooden zigzag bridge running over the centre of the lake, with a one-pretty gazebo right in the middle.

Still slightly out of sorts at the moment.  This region hasn't quite bedded down yet, so updates have been a little more sporadic.  I'll keep creating 'rooms' as they come to me and hopefully get caught up soon.


After the large hedges end, the park opens up.  The left side seems more artificially cultured, with lawns and regimented flower beds.  While the right is wilder and looks closer to natural woodland.  There is a large pool in the centre of the park with a pretty wooden bridge running across it.

At the far end of the park you see a crumbling folly rising out of the trees to your right.  On the left is a large and fancy pavilion with a hedge maze in front of it.


Before the row of hedges ends on each side, a playful SUCCUFAIRY flutters over with the intent to have fun with the player.


The succufairies have the same 'trick' as the ones in House of Hellish Harlots (they have sex by everting their vaginas and enveloping a man's cock).  It leaves them fairly vulnerable, so their attacks will be centred around immobilising the player before going in on the cock.  These ones are weaker then the House ones.  They can call on and animate vines to try and tangle up a player, or use magic to entrance him, but their abilities aren't enough to completely immobilise a man (unless the fairy wins the combat).

Overall, they're pretty weak.  This is to reinforce that the main threat in the area is the smothering fog of aphrodisiac scents and the many traps of the BOSS ALRAUNE.


Right after the ornamental shrubbery the paved thoroughfare continues with tall hedges on either side before opening up into the park proper.

The player will see an emaciated, near naked man tending to the hedges with clippers.  The SUCCUBUS COMPANION will tell them this is what happens to men that fail the BOSS ALRAUNE's challenge.  She drains them of all life and will and makes them work on the garden until their bodies finally give out.  On closer inspection the player sees twisted plant tendrils growing through the zombie's flesh.


A bout of illness knocking me off schedule allows me to redo this room as a proper intro to the level.  I'm a few rooms behind, so some days will have two new rooms until I'm caught up.

Before the lust daemons descended and took the city, what is now called Ur-Carnosa had a splendid series of parks and gardens in the centre of the city.  These were designed to show off the wealth of the thriving cityport.  They are still beautiful, but it's now a twisted, wild beauty.  Plant daemons have taken over the park.  The railings and buildings are overgrown with twisted creepers.  The flowerbeds are still bursting with colour, but the flowers look perverse and corrupt.  The air is heavy with pollen and other scents that dull the mind and raise the libido.

The player enters through a large iron gate.  A broad thoroughfare between two thick hedges leads to a large bushy feature.  It stirs as you approach and reveals itself to be a large ALRAUNE.  Slutty fairies flutter between her flowers.  She welcomes the player to her domain and issues a challenge.

She will use her flowers to harvest the player's seed.  Once she has made him come X times, she will claim him permanently as hers.

X is something I'll decide later when balancing the level.

To demonstrate it won't be easy, one of her flowers whooshes a thick cloud of aphrodisiac perfume into the player's face and before they know it, they are noisily ejaculating into one of the BOSS ALRAUNE's flower receptacles.

"And that's one," she says and then retreats back until the feature resembles regular, if slightly alien, shrubbery again.

The SUCCUBUS COMPANION will fill the player in on more background.  The BOSS ALRAUNE is not as strong as she makes out.  She relies on traps to slowly whittle down a hero's resistance.

The player needs to go through here to find either a KEY ITEM hidden in a building at the end, or to gain access to further areas.

The main mechanic is the air Is filled with powerful aphrodisiac scents.  These are constantly raising a player's arousal.  If it peaks, a special flower will show up and suck an ejaculation out of them.  This will also decrease HEALTH, so either going to 0 HEALTH or hitting X ejaculations will have the ALRAUNE come to claim them as a BAD END.

Because of the X-ejaculations-is-Game-Over mechanic, the save system will likely need to be structured in such a way to stop players locking themselves out.

Another way I was considering implementing the mechanic was to have the BOSS ALRAUNE increase her power with every ejaculation sucked, but that would risk setting them up for a potentially unwinnable boss fight.  However, it might make for a fun 'difficulty slider' for the region, especially if the powered-up BOSS ALRAUNE gains new moves and techniques.  Something I'll leave open.


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