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Originally I was going to parcel out the new harlots one at a time to give me a chance to work on the new short story collection.  However, I got a bit more done during March than I was expecting, so I've jumped the release to v0.043 rather than an official v0.042 release with just Cyane.

This release adds two new harlots:

Cyane is my take on a jellyfish monster girl.  She was originally an idea for a level-drain monster for a HRPG, where she'd trap a player in her bell and slowly suck out their "levels".  I thought she'd fit in HoHH as well, so I gave her a scenario.  She's very ladylike for a jellyfish.  She respects the Madam's rules and doesn't eat gentlemen.

Make sure you're a gentleman!

Lagona Voluptes
Lagona Voluptes is a fleshpot pitcher plant girl.  Similar to the usual carnivorous plant monster girl, but her pitcher is a little comfier to be inside.  I try to vary the characters of the girls, so Lagona is a bit eccentric compared to the usual cold seductive predator succubi.  Despite this, she's a very dangerous harlot that won't show up until the later rounds in the finished game.  It should be pretty easy to figure out what you need to survive her though.

This is also the first proper official release after I reorganised the project into different modules.  It should work the same as before, but there's always a slight chance something might have broken somewhere without me realising it.  Let me know if you run into any bugs or other problems.

I've also updated the private version on the houseofhellishharlots website.  The new password is:

I hope you enjoy the new release.  Let me know what you think below.

ETA: A couple of patrons have mentioned difficulties with getting the new password to work.  If you're also having problems, let me know.  I've tested it on another laptop and a spare smartphone I have lying around and was able to get in without any problems.  Not sure what the issue might be, but I'll keep looking into it.



Hello, the password doesn’t work for me. It just keeps reloading the password screen.


Not sure what this is. I checked on two separate devices (laptop and phone) and was able to get in okay. I'll keep looking into it, but baffled for now.


I enjoyed the new update. It was cute that the pitcher plant girl brings some dolls to show you what she is going to do to you. The Jellyfish girl actually reminded me of a monster from the SCP Foundation called SCP-312, Atmospheric Jellyfish where these Jellyfish-like monsters float in the air, disguising themselves as clouds and if a person looks up, they grab the person, paralyzes the victim with venom, and digests and eats the victim. They prey on cows, pigs, humans, and other mammals. Anyway, hope you are enjoying the RE 4 Remake, the new Ashley is awesome :D


I've done those as well in the "Riding the Medusa" story. Cyane is a little different as her human half is on top rather than inside the bell (and she's more talkative). I wanted Lagona to seem a little eccentric. Her doll show should reinforce that. RE4 is on the wait until on sale list, although I've had to resist the temptation to pick it up full price. Looks excellent.


Running into the same password problem on my iPhone. I’ll try on a different browser.


What was the browser on the iphone? I tested on both my laptops and a (very old) android phone and those worked, but it could be that other browsers and devices are having problems somewhere. Is the download .zip version fine?


Looking up online, it might be a cookies problem. Someone's answer was that Safari blocks cookies by default and cookies need to be enabled for password protected websites. Maybe going into the settings and enabling it for the HoHH website might fix the problem.


In my case, cookies are enabled and I’m still running into the problem. I also tried the extension and tinting features with no luck. Do you think it might be a region based server issue? I don’t know about the others who are struggling, but I’m in the States.


I don't know, unfortunately. These are the worst kind of problems as everything looks okay at my end, so it's hard to narrow down on what the problem is elsewhere. (Also doesn't help that web design is an area where I have extremely basic knowledge). What device and browser were you using?


I was using a Safari IPhone 8


Try to enter the code manually and not by copying and pasting


Worked, thanks