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The KRAKEN SCYLLA BOSS is in a smaller backroom.  You arrive in time to see her squeeze the last of the energy out of the pirate crew.  You see the captain moaning away in pleasure as he's inserted bodily in her vagina mouth, and then shrivel up as she drains his energy.  She spits out his wizened corpse and turns to you with a smile.


She will be a proper boss fight.  Her speciality will be grappling and immobilising the player with her tentacles and then either squeezing them out where they stand, or trying to drag them into her plush vagina mouth.

Complicating things will be two additional TENTACLES similar to the ones faced in the side hallways.  These will count as additional combatants, making it 3-on-1.

This is where the KRAKEN KILLER comes in.  I was thinking of how best to use it.  One possibility was to make the boss fight unwinnable unless the player has found it, but that feels harsh.  How it could work is to take out the two support TENTACLES so the player only has to fight the SCYLLA KRAKEN body.  She will still have other tentacle attacks (including the drag into mouth attack), but it will be one attack to deal with per round rather than three.

The fight without the KRAKEN KILLER should still be winnable, but much harder.

After defeating the KRAKEN SCYLLA she brings the temple down.  Defeating her either grants the player whatever key item they needed to be in this region for, or opens up the way to a further region.


You're in a side hallway with decorated pillars.  There is an exit on the left at the far end.  Before you can get to it, the KRAKEN SCYLLA sends a tentacle through to try and grab you.


This is pretty much a repeat of the left hallway.  What could make it interesting is to have each hallway have a different loot item, so the player can choose one or the other for each playthrough.  The KRAKEN SCYLLA can bring the temple down on defeat, so the player can't backtrack to get the other.  I don't normally like 'lost forevers' in RPGs, but this could work, especially if the items steer the player down different build paths.


I did go back and forth on this.  I am rigidly sticking to one room a day and one level a month.  I didn't really leave enough days to make the temple big.  This is something that could potentially be expanded later, but I also think I need to be careful to avoid bloat.  A four-room boss location might be fine.

You're in a side hallway with decorated pillars.  There is an exit on the right at the far end.  Before you can get to it, the KRAKEN SCYLLA sends a tentacle through to try and grab you.


Some of the suckers on the tentacle are special.  They can suck in a dick and trigger it to come.  The KRAKEN SCYLLA doesn't just feed through her mouth.  She can wrap a tentacle around a man and squeeze all his juice out with her special suckers.

The tentacle fight will likely have a struggle component where if the player fails a certain number of events, they will be immobilised and slowly squeezed out.

If the player found and assembled the KRAKEN KILLER, it will either negate the more dangerous attacks or skip the fight completely.


There are two ways into the temple.  The player can join the pirate crew and be admitted as part of the pirate captain's delegation, or they can find the secret entrance, which leads out onto a balcony above the atrium.  Unlike some of the time-critical events, taking the secret passage into the temple will exploit magical videogame time, so the player will always arrive in time to see the pirate delegation enter through the main gate.

Beyond the gate is a massive atrium with walls and columns of decorated sea stone.  The floor is flooded with water that comes up to the news.  At the far end of the room is the large and intimidating KRAKEN SCYLLA BOSS.

The KRAKEN SCYLLA is the typical half-woman, half-octopus combo.  However, she's giant-sized and has a lot more and a lot more varied tentacles than the usual scylla.

The pirate captain thinks he's being granted some kind of special trade deal and launches into a great speech about how much of an honour it is.

(I suspect you can guess what happens next.)

After the speech, the KRAKEN SCYLLA yawns and squirts a thick cloud of black ink that fills the atrium.  During the confusion she starts snatching up the men and consuming them.

(She is a lust daemon, so it will be the fun type of squeeze-out-all-your cum consuming, rather than just eating them.)

What happens to the player will depend on how they entered the temple.  If they came in through the secret entrance, they'll be up above on a balcony and can watch the chaos play out in relative safety.  If they came in with the delegation, they will have an inkling something is up (either from previous NPC gossip or passing some form of stat check) and the option to slink off to either side of the room.  If they take that option, they will be able to get into one of the side rooms and avoid the tentacles.  If not, they will have to fight one of the KRAKEN SCYLLA TENTACLES before they can get to safety.

After grabbing all the men (and the player, if he's unlucky or stupid), the KRAKEN SCYLLA will retreat to a back room to enjoy her meal in leisure.

The one remaining loose end is the WATER WITCH's curse.  There are a few options as to what happens if the player gets here without dealing with the WATER WITCH first.

The harsh one would be to have it be a GAME OVER.  The WATER WITCH appears and uses the greater magical energies within the temple to intensify the stimulation until the player ejaculates and she can come and claim him.  I think this is a bit too harsh.  I want her to be an optional nuisance rather than something the player has to find and take out.

The other is to have it just dissipate.  If the player gets to the temple, he's the KRAKEN SCYLLA's lunch and the WATER WITCH has to give up any claim on him.

A more interesting possibility is to have her show up on an out of reach balcony and be a nuisance during the subsequent boss fight.  GAME OVER on ejaculation would no longer be a worry, but the player would have to fight the boss with a debuff on them.  This feels the best option so long as the debuff isn't bad enough to make the fight an auto-lose.


The way becomes a narrow flooded tunnel with natural rock walls.  You wade on through the water and then run into problems as a bunch of smiling TENTACLE ANEMONE GIRLs unfurl their tentacles to choke the way forward.

Similar to the SEA ANEMONE GIRLs, the TENTACLE ANEMONE GIRLs are a trap rather than a combat encounter.  They're also weaker, so they won't actually suck a player in.  However, their tentacles are long, dextrous, and very naughty.  They will try to tangle the player up as he forces a way through.

This should test something a little different than just STR.  Maybe a CON component to resist aphrodisiac stings.  Or an AGI/DEX component to slip through the tentacles without too many getting hold of the player.

The other alternative is to have the SEA ANEMONE GIRL room rely on dodging being grabbed in the first place (with STR being used if grabbed) and this tunnel be more about STR, but with slightly lower stat requirements.


The passageway leads around the back of the building and where the street has collapsed into a natural cave system.  You suspect smugglers used to use these old caves to bring in goods without interference and the house was originally built on top to provide cover.  After the lust daemons took over this whole section fell into the sea.  Most is flooded and untraversable, but you can find a pathway where the water only comes up to your knees.

Further along this opens out into a shallow room overgrown with marine life.  A curious SEA ANEMONE GIRL pokes her head up and then retreats back underwater.

This is a puzzle room filled with SEA ANEMONE GIRLs.  There will be multiple routes through, but every time a player passes too close to a SEA ANEMONE GIRL, she will grab him and attempt to suck him in.

The player can search thoroughly and find various items, but will run the risk of having their STAMINA drained through all the struggles to escape the various SEA ANEMONE GIRLs.

(This route overall is mainly a STAMINA, STR and other physical stat checks.  If the player has a different build, they should try and use the conventional way of getting into the temple, although there will be consumables that might help should they be forced or want to take this route.)



Wow an update for Sex Dungeon while I just finished watching Dungeons and Dragons: Honor of Thieves trailer? Cool. It would be awesome to see an actual DnD group go through your sex dungeon MEH. A Bard, Knight, Wizard, and Warrior trying to survive in the city of sex daemons. I was excited for the DnD movie, but the writers ruined it for me, why? They deadass said that they will be emasculating all the male characters, so I was like,NOPE. If you have to smash down and weaken male characters just to bring up the female characters, then its an example of bad writing and sexism toward men.


Wrong time for that film, I think. From what I've heard, it's the standard comedic heist caper with a fantasy skin, and everyone is equally an idiot, but that "we like emasculating men" interview was probably the kiss of death for it. I dunno about full DnD-style parties. I think people play the Monmusu Quest type games because they want to imagine the sexy stuff being done to them, so I'm not sure how it works when there's a full party. That said, I did have a pretty solid idea for a Darkest Dungeon-style game where monster girls pick off a dwindling party of H-space soldiers and scientists. Maybe that could work, or maybe it's a genre that only works with a solo protagonist. Stories give a little more flexibility. I did have an idea for a Goblin Slayer-type story where the typical cocky DnD party gets completely wiped in a succubus dungeon. I drifted more into a SexCity than SexDungeon for Dungeon23. Maybe next year I'll do it as a traditional underground dungeon and have a story about a traditional fantasy party getting wiped out and drained as an introduction to the setting.


Hey Hydra! Are you currently envisioning a point buy attribute start, or some random stat distribution for character creation? (Like HoHH)


Haven't thought too hard on the mechanics to not get in the way of working on HoHH. HoHH isn't totally random. It's kind of a buy point attribute start, but the points are randomly assigned. It's to stop someone getting all 1s or all 5s. The player should get a couple of stats they're good in, which will then give them a hint as to which path to take. (I'll also add preset character builds at some point.) The SexDungeon23 game will likely be more of a conventional RPG with specific builds the player can aim for, so they'll probably have more control over stats.