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After navigating the flooded rooftop, you're able to walk across some rooftops and find a high room enterable through a balcony window.  Inside the room you find a fancy chest guarded by a WATER WITCH.  This one decides discretion is the better part of valour and dives out of a nearby window.

The chest will probably contain a cool non-key item such as a weapon or magic charm.

More importantly, one of the secret back entrances to the temple can be found here.  If the player searches and successfully finds a secret door, they will discover a passage leading downwards that's only partially flooded.


The wooden walkway ends here, but the water seems fairly shallow.  Ahead of you is a submerged rooftop.  You could swim or wade across to a section of rooftop that's still above water.  Marine life has already aggressively claimed this area and the submerged roof below is already festooned with marine life.

If the player does elect to swim across, a SEA ANEMONE GIRL will reveal herself and attempt to suck the player in.  This is a trap rather than an actual combat encounter.  It's very comfy inside her mouth/vagina and the SEA ANEMONE GIRL will focus on trying to get the player to come.  The HEALTH loss from coming is negligible in this case, but each time the player's recovery period will allow the SEA ANEMONE GIRL to suck them in deeper.  3 pops and she'll pull him in all the way and slowly drain him at her leisure.

On the player's side they will have multiple chances to make a tough STR test between each AROUSAL increase to pull free.

If the WATER WITCH still hasn't been found, this will be another way to zero AROUSAL without triggering the curse.  The HEALTHY penalty is fairly small, so the player can probably let the SEA ANEMONE GIRL get them off once, but should try their best to struggle free after that.


You finally make your way around to the WATER WITCH's lair.  It's a ruined townhouse with a hole in the wall for access.  The WATER WITCH has set up home here.  She welcomes you and uses her magic to increase the AROUSAL from the ball of water at the crotch.  When that doesn't work, she hisses and comes at you.


I'm still wondering whether I should have made her the boss of the region.  Or link her closer to the SCYLLA KRAKEN as a sort of handmaiden.  The beauty of throwing out rough brainstorming like this is it can be tweaked or altered later as needed.

As for the fight, she's slightly harder than the MERMAIDs and uses water magic to arouse the player.  To be consistent, having her max out the player's AROUSAL should be an instant GAME OVER.  This would probably make the fight too frustratingly difficult.  That aspect would need to be ignored.

Another option would be to require the player to find an item to weaken the curse first.  They can still fight without it, but they would have to win without the WATER WITCH maxing their AROUSAL at all during the fight.  (Game mechanics would likely have HEALTH a much bigger bar than AROUSAL – in fights AROUSAL is more of a combo meter for the monster girls to target to trigger a big HEALTH loss if they max it out.)


You come across an opening that might have been a courtyard before flooding.  You hear the faint sounds of someone singing.  It's a haunting song that tugs at your heartstrings.

Yeah, it's the classic Fantasy SIREN encounter.  This won't be a fightfuck.  To not make the project unfeasibly large and impossible to complete, I'm limiting monster girl types for each region to roughly two plus the boss (with the odd additional sexy Game Over scene for traps and other events).  In this case she's more a locked door type map piece than a combat encounter.

Talking to the NPCs at the start will have given hints on the SIREN and the item she's guarding.  And also that the player will need ear plugs (or an ear plugs style protective charm) to avoid being ensorcelled.

If the player does push on without the right key item, they will ensorcelled and dragged off for a GAME OVER.  If they've picked up clues about the SIREN the game will spell this out clearly to them beforehand.  There are probably already quite a few hidden items in this level already, so the ear plugs will likely be something that can be bought from the street vendors at the start of the level.

If the player does have the ear plugs, the SIREN will realise they haven't been ensorcelled and leave with a splash before the player can properly see them.

You find a small sturdy sea chest sitting on a pile of rubble.

Opening this will give the player the second part of the KRAKEN KILLER item.


Walking along the walkway, you're disturbed by a commotion in the water of the flooded street next to you.  A MERMAID jumps out of the water and blocks your way forward.  Another one leaves the water with a splash and blocks of the route behind you.  You'll have to fight.


Similar to the other duo fights, they will probably have an extra move or two.  (Likely one holding the player from behind while the other gets in for a good cock suck.)  As with the other fights, the WATER WITCH curse is temporarily dispelled, but deliberately letting the MERMAIDs peak the player will be a little dangerous as it could result in them stuck in a difficult-to-struggle-out-of grapple and heavily drained.


There is a commotion in the water next to you.  A MERMAID jumps out of the floodwaters onto the wooden walkway.  She doesn't talk and immediately goes for your crotch.


She is pretty much the same as the brothel MERMAIDs, but immediately hostile.  Her sex attacks will likely be blowjob focused.

The WATER WITCH's curse is temporarily dispelled during fights.  Deliberately letting the MERMAID max the player's AROUSAL is definitely a viable tactic.  Sacrificing a little bit of HEALTH to zero AROUSAL is probably worth it in this region.


While navigating the flooded back streets, you come across the WATER WITCH.  She is leaning out of a window of the building on the other side of a flooded street.  She gestures to you.  More water twines up out of the flooded street and joins the ball floating around your crotch.  It increases its size and thickens it, so that it provides a stronger erotic stimulation to your cock as the thickened water churns around it.

A few options here.

This could be a one shot stat test or AROUSAL spike that will only GAME OVER the player if their AROUSAL is already dangerously high.

It could also be a permanent strengthening of the curse and increase the ticking AROUSAL gain, reinforcing to the player the urgency of getting rid of it.

I'm more inclined to go with the former rather than the latter, mainly because the latter seems a really good mechanic to go back to for a later region (where the player will have to worry about the nuisance monster girl stacking up the curse as they try and hunt her down).

The other option depends on whether the map is RNG or a fixed maze.  If fixed, this will reveal where the WATER WITCH's lair is, but the route across is impassable, and so they will have to find a way around to it (Souls-like games do this a lot, so it seems a good level design idea to copy).



Hey Hydra! Are you currently imagining this map/project as something that allows backtracking, requires backtracking, or prevents backtracking? I'm trying to imagine a couple different forms of implementation, and backtracking as a feature limits certain options.


Probably backtracking. As much as I like the old Fighting Fantasy gamebooks, their usual design of letting the player reach the end but fail because the player failed to find an important key item is a little too sadistic for modern game design. Some things might be time critical, in that the player has to get to the right place at the right time, but nothing that will torpedo their progress completely. For implementation I'm thinking of nodes. The player can backtrack, but will risk random fights going back through already visited areas.