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March continues to be very productive.  I think this is more because I currently have a lot of already-written material to work with rather than extra focus.

The v0.042 release for House of Hellish Harlots is prepped and adds the jellyfish girl, Cyane.

This week, I also implemented and prepared a v0.043 release that adds the fleshpot pitcher plant girl, Lagona Voluptes.

The mindflayer girl,  N'gleria Sepiida, is typed up, edited and queued up for implementation.

I've started work on typing up the artificial pitcher plant, N3P-NTHes.

Eve Satana is still stuck on a minor scene.  The soapy pitcher plant is ready to type up.

I also started the first draft of a bratty succubus.  I was a little iffy on her as she uses a similar mechanic to another harlot, but I think the character is different enough that both scenes can co-exist.

This week I also put out a new(ish) H-space short story, "A Comfy Pink Cushionblob".  This a substantial reworking of the original "Pink Cushionblob" story.

I also finished off a newer version of the "Venus Mantrap" story.  That's sort of typed up.  I'll leave it on the side for a couple of weeks and then give it a proper edit.

A pretty good week in all.

Thanks for your support!
- manyeyedhydra



Great to see that you are working good. March is being quite generous and I enjoyed the H Space story with the Cushionblob. The two H Space stories I'd like to see is Red Lips Succubus and the slime that steals the skin from humans. Also who is the bratty succubus? What's her deal? Is she a succubus that acts like a spoiled sheltered rich chick?


I absolutely love your work. You've fulfilled many people's adoration and love for the sexy and horrific side of women in the monster world. All that being said, I noticed some rough draft ideas for the harlots. Have you considered using AI to render your characters? They do a fantastic job at being able to read a description and bring it to life.


Bratty "teen". (teen in inverted commas as tends to be a no-no word - in this case it's a succubus acting like a very slutty 18-19 year-old). She's not very powerful and an element of the scenario will be played for laughs. She will still happily drain the player to death if they're not careful, but it will be very obvious and easy to avoid. (Succuba is being moved to faction independent, so I needed an easy tier 1 harlot to take her slot.)


I've found AI to be pretty poor at drawing monster girls unless it's very similar to an existing famous character. One of my patrons is looking into training one of the AIs exclusively on sexy monster girl art, so hopefully that will bear fruit. I have some ideas to try it out for background scenes or NPC portraits. Mainly to create placeholders that can be updated later. For full sex scenes, I'll need to hire a team of artists. If the game gets popular enough, I'd like to follow a similar trajectory to games like CoC or Monster Girl Dreams - games that started text-only, but started to add art as they became popular enough to afford it.


Love the HOHH game. is there a way to know which faction the different characters are in? I was also wondering if you were looking for suggestions for potential characters or if you already had a surplus. Keep up the amazing work!


What faction the harlots are in has to be somewhat disguised as it will contribute to the ending. Most are fairly obvious though. I have most of the slots locked up for harlots, but the game was designed to be fairly open ended, so I might go back and keep adding new harlots/factions even after a 1.0 "completed" version is put out. Always open to suggestions, but whether I can write them or not will depend if the idea "clicks" with me.


I can't find the story you posted. Did you take it down?


Should be in the previous post as an attachment to download (word .docx or .pdf). It's also in the list of downloads in the pinned post ("A Comfy Pink Cushionblob").