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It ran over by a day, but I managed to get the new version (0.018) of House of Hellish Harlots out.  You can find it in the previous post.  Trying to keep to a regular monthly release schedule helped here.  I suspect I could have pootled around on Hiru's scenario for another week or so if I hadn't had the end of month deadline to give me a kick up the ass.  That said, typing up nearly 8,000 words, editing and then implementing a 10K word scenario in a week is a little faster than I'd normally be comfortable with, and I suspect I'll have to correct more typos than usual when I give Hiru's scenario a second look.

I'm still a little concerned about harlot scenario complexity creep, but I'm falling more on the side of letting some harlots have fun if that's how the scenario runs.  There will be plenty of other more straightforward scenarios.  The important thing is to keep regularly adding new content.  We're at 28 harlots now and the basic game framework is all written.

As with all update posts following a release, I tend to look more ahead as what's been done is already covered in the release post.

Going forward, these are the next priorities:

There are three placeholder harlots left.  Once those are replaced, that should be the end of the ugly temp passages and we'll have a proper demo covering the first 4 or 5 rounds of the game (tentative plan is for 12 followed by an end 'boss'),

I need to set up a website and put up a public demo.  The aim of this is to try and attract broader interest and see if that's enough to give me confidence to hire artists and maybe go further than a text-only Twine game.

Those are my two main goals for May.

I also want to write a whole bunch of new harlot scenarios so I have a stockpile again.  Writing 1st drafts still seems to have gone slow and scratchy for me, so I want to bust out of that and have a productive period again (as with when I wrote the succufairy and other scenarios a few months back).

Thanks for the continued support and I hope you have fun with Hiru no-Koochi in ver0.018
- manyeyedhydra



With a public demo being the goal for May, I was wondering about how big you want the game to be? After all, you are probably one of the most well knows authors when it comes to deadly succubi and there are a few studios like SQDT that really like to create games with deadly succubi. Ofcourse, working with a studio like SQDT might be too big and also might take your creative freedom away, but I was wondering what you would think about something like that?


I have multiple options for size. I think the minimum is 5 separate harlot factions + independents with each faction having around 15 harlot scenarios (some harlots will double or triple up on scenarios). This is around 75-90 scenarios, which sounds a lot, but I've already added 28, so I'm nearly a 3rd of the way there. What I would like to do is stop the complexity creep and hammer out a bunch of rank'n'file type encounters to push that count up a little quicker. Then it will depend on interest. If it's not enough and I don't think it's financially viable, I'll leave it as a text-only twine game on a web page somewhere and maybe come back to it later. If there's a lot of interest then I'd like to take it to the next step and port it to something like Unity. It would still primarily be a text-based game, but with a more user-friendly interface and MGE-style portraits for the harlots. Is SQDT that big of a studio? I always thought the Japanese circles were mostly single devs that outsourced to artists. One option might be to get in touch with one of the Western eroge game devs/publishers and see if they're interested. I'd happily give up a slice of profits and some creative control if it resulted in a proper Steam release with decent graphics/sound/interface.


Oh, SQDT is a single guy outsourcing to artist. Or maybe a few guys, but not really that big. Thats why its so impressive when it comes to how good Succubus Academia turned out to be. Regarding western eroge game devs... To be honest, I dont know any. When it comes to the public demo I guess I could make SQDT aware of it? They are quite active on their Twitter and also their Ci-en. I also did playtest Succubus Academia for them and gave them a lot of feedback which they always replied to. So guess I could at least make them aware of it. Unless you dont want that, dunno.


I'd be fine with it. They might remember me as the overseas dude that wrote a review of Succubus Academia. Not sure if anything can come of it because of the language barrier. I'd love to do the reverse of Monmusu Quest and have an eroge that has a fanbase in Japan. Unfortunately, a text-only interactive novel type thing is probably the worst type of genre to do that with! :D