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I missed the end of the month by a day, but here is April's House of Hellish Harlots release.  Hiru's scenario was just a little too big for me to be able to implement and test in a single day.

April was a bit of a patchy month.  I needed to finish the Barman NPC off and didn't really get the creative juices flowing for new harlots.  At least the new harlot, Hiru no-Koochi, has a fairly long and detailed scenario.

Here's a list of new additions:

This is the last of the regular House NPCs.  His role is to provide a seamless introduction to the other NPCs.  Later on he will also dispense advice on how to escape the House, but that is to be implemented later.  With his addition that means the basic game framework is now fully written.  The only placeholder material left are the three remaining placeholder harlot scenarios.  There are some optional features I'm thinking of adding later (random events, side quests), but for now the core game framework is fully written.

Just the one new harlot, but she does have a big scenario.  I keep saying I shouldn't make the basic scenarios this long, and then do it anyway.  After seeing how popular Suka no-Hirudo was, especially her 'just one more suck' aspect, I created 'evil' Suka using the leech-tongue succubus from my H-space stories.  She's so nice she'll make that difficult 'one more suck' choice for you.

You'll probably get sucked dry by Hiru a lot.  Her scenario is quite difficult.  She's intended as a late round harlot.  Even if you find the right protection, she'll still give you options that will make sure you never leave her room.  On the positive side, she'll make your time in her room very pleasant.

What isn't in ver0.018.

Cibi, Suffocatrix Mamilla and Sorpresa Ombra still haven't had their charm interactions implemented.  I was hoping to get that done, but it got crunched out when Hiru's scenario ended up being bigger and slower to implement than I was expecting.  I will try to get that done for the next release as well as fix some minor corner case bugs I know exist.

And that's that for version 0.018.  April was a bit of an 'off' month.  I was probably due one.  Despite that, I'm hoping Hiru no-Koochi will make up for it.  Experiment with gifts and dispositions with her.  There are some less obvious interactions tucked away.

I hope you enjoy it.  Sorry it's a day late.  As always, let me know what you think in the comments below. 


Tiber Septim

Wondering if there is some kind of technical problem with posting replies to this post. I haven't seen anyone reply to this update (which is very unusual) and Also I wrote a big long reply which seems to have just vanished. I don't know if there is nothing here or I'm just unable to see replies for some reason but something seems wrong. If you get to see this, Hydra. 17 and 18 are great updates and thankyou for making them :-)


Seeing it and thanks! Patreon is sometimes a little screwy with posts. I get email notifications and then find the post isn't here. I don't know if it's Patreon eating them or the poster changing their mind and deleting them. I try and reference them if they have a question, but I don't go too direct about it in case the poster had a reason to delete. The only circumstances where I'd delete a post was if it was abusive towards other patrons or could get me in trouble with Patreon, and thankfully I've never had to do it. Some posts do seem to go missing, though. I think it's Patreon just being shit. Sorry if that's happened to anyone.

Jimmy the Cannon

So Hiru is the first time I've tried to get a charm to protect me from a succubus, and it looks like the correct charm wasn't one of my available options. Is that always going to be a possibility?


Yup. Currently, the charms available each round are random. Hiru is similar to Sorpresa in that they both can show up earlier than they should in the demo version. The plan is to "tier" the harlots and have the ones with stricter survival conditions appear later, so Hiru shouldn't really show up until round 8 or so. Because of the random nature, I know it might be possible that the right protective charm doesn't show up at all. This is intended. The philosophy is slightly reversed to normal game progression. Instead of building up (stats or resources) to get through a specific gate, the player has to use their stats and whatever they pick up on that run to determine a 'safe' path to follow, and the safe path changes depending on their starting stats/personality and what protections they can obtain. I'm planning to group the harlots around specific themes so that the later rounds aren't a complete RNG-fest. The algorithm that determines which harlots are presented each round is biased to whatever group the player has visited the most and the harlots in each group/faction tend to like the same player attributes and are protected against by the same charms (with a few exceptions to maintain some tension).