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I'm bumping the harlot spotlights up to weekly for a while. I have quite a few pieces of art stored up and I want to get as many of the Tier 1 harlots done as I can before they get revealed anyway when I put the upcoming demo out.

At the moment I'm running through the independent game mechanic harlots. These are in the game to fulfil a specific function for the game. Some are helpful. Others are not. Morticia Rosa, the harlot under the spotlight today is most definitely not helpful!

Morticia Rose was one of the first harlots. Her function is to kill the player, and that's all.

The core game loop of HoHH is each round the player is presented with a choice of 3 harlots. They must pick one and then go to up her room for either sexy times or death dependent on some hidden checks each harlot does. With Morticia there is no hidden check. She always kills the player. That is her role.

There's a couple of reasons for this. The first is to provide the potential of a deadly threat every round.

And then, after the player has figured out Morticia is a "death card" for subsequent runs, her appearing ups the tension as it cuts the player's choices down from 3 to 2 for that round.

Now given how dangerous most of the harlots are, you might wonder why even have Morticia. The reason is the selection algorithm for the final game will work differently than it does in the current demos. The selection algorithm has code to only pick harlots within the right round range. But, because the current demo is only the first 5 rounds, every harlot has been given a round range of 1-12 to ensure there is a chance they might show up. So, the player in theory can get a 1st round choice of three Tier 3 harlots, which is instant death unless the player is very lucky and can buy the relevant charm from the Buxom Lolibaba. This won't be the case in the final game. The Tier 3's will have a round range of 10-12, so they won't show up until the player has had a chance to pick up the things he needs to survive them.

The exception to this is Morticia. Her round range will always be 1-12, meaning she can show up at any time.

This is also reflected in the description and art. Morticia is not meant to be sexy. She's the creepy ghost child the player is supposed to avoid, which is what Marwmellow gave me.

This is probably not the titillating succubus art I'm guessing you'd like to see in a monster girl H-game. Which is also why I'm putting out four spotlights this month!

And onto the lore, which is deliberately sparce for Morticia.

Morticia Rose is not a lust daemon. I haven't narrowed down exactly what she is... yet. She's powerful, maybe some kind of shadow or darkness daemon… and now you know about as much as I do.

She's in the House because she wants to be. She thinks the Madam's game is fun and wants to play too.

The Madam would like to get rid of her but can't, so now she's resigned herself to Morticia being a slightly unfair component of her game. She also reasons that if a player picks Morticia over any of her other lovely succubus gals, that player probably deserves what's coming to them...

And that's a brief spotlight on Morticia Rose. Let me know what you think below.




The very first harlot I picked was Morticia because she sounded cool and I was curious. To add insult to injury, I picked the black rose because it seemed like the kind of goth gift you'd give a goth option like someone named "Morticia." I, uh, learned pretty quickly to respect when a demon says not to pick them.


Choosing double instant death. :D Morticia is particularly mean. All the other harlots are supposed to be nice and give the man a pleasant end if he brings a black rose.