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Short update this week.

Stressing over missing another end-of-month deadline locked me up. I realised I needed a break and used the release of Stellar Blade as an excuse to take the week off. Sometimes you need a break to recharge the batteries.

I did keep the regular posts going. It's good to have them for those periods when the muse is stubbornly non-compliant!

Marwmellow has nearly finished another batch. I've sent him the descriptions for the next lot.

We have some very nice art of Suka (and the full piece is NSFW, I know I tend to regular pinup over sexy for most of these). One thing I forgot to put in the description is Suka doesn't have teeth (being a leech daemon). I'm not sure whether to keep her pic as is, or see if Marwmellow can remove that little flash of white behind her pout.

Anyway. I'm hoping the break will have cleared the cobwebs out and staring at EVE's ass for several hours does get the right neurons sparking. ;)

I'm still concerned with the fight I'm having over the mini-bosses. I might have hyped them up too much in my own mind and maybe I'm subconsciously scared of not matching expectations. When I get back to it next week I'll see how things are. If I still feel stuck I still have some regular harlots to write for the last remaining slots. Maybe that to just get something ready to release might take the pressure off and I'll finally get one of these bigger mini-boss scenarios out.

As always, thank you for your patience and understanding while I try to get back to a regular schedule again.
- manyeyedhydra




Love to see Suka!! She's one of my fav waifus despite her scenario being relatively simple. She's one of the few who makes me wish for an "escape the House with your waifu and become her sex toy" ending ;)


I might use the extra side quests for that. I have some obvious storylines lined up. Maybe I can open up others if a harlot is popular (and I think people like Suka). Got to smash through that mini-boss wall first. Never anticipated they'd give me this much trouble. :'(


The nice thing about your audience and patterns here is that if a draft doesn't work, you can rely on on us for actionable feedback that helps make it better. You got this!