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I'm upping the frequency of art reveals as the new HOHH 1.5 demo is looming.

It also gives me something to post while I'm struggling to get the first mini-boss out for regular HoHH 1.0.

This is the suffocatrix fairy pair of Broinn and Ciùin Mùchadh.

Art is by Marwmellow. He's got more monster girl art here.

As for the first mini-boss. Writing the artificial scylla is proving a struggle. I'm making progress, but it's more like chipping at a wall than smashing right through. As a result my regular release schedule is a bit haywire. I apologise for that. Sometimes the muse is a bit stubborn. As soon as the scylla is ready, I'll release her, and then hopefully Temptacia not long after.

On the plus side, marwmellow being very efficient with the harlot art (which I'm using the $5 and $10 tiers to fund), does give me plenty to show off while I'm working on the first lot of mini-bosses.



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