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Unfortunately, I had a bit of IRL stuff I needed to clear up this week. That and a couple of mouth ulcers (really should stop stressing myself :D ) meant I had to sneak work in when I could.

This was a little more writing on Temptacia. I've started typing her up early to try and pick up the threads again.

I've also fully implemented the repeat scenario for Nicolette in HoHH 1.5, so players might be able to visit both her and Friesya multiple times in a single playthrough.

In better news, the art is going really well. I have an adorable piece for Sammy in. I now have art for all of the game-mechanic-important harlots. This is pretty nice as I reckon about half or more of the Tier 1 harlots will have proper art for when I put the updated 1.5 demo up. Still have to finish testing a fair few harlots for that. I'll continue to keep working through them.

A short update this week. I don't think I have any distractions for next week, so hopefully I'll finally be able to get a good solid week of writing done. I want to get those first two 'mini-bosses' written!

Thanks for the interest and support!
- manyeyedhydra




Are the repeat bits exclusive to 1.5 right now? Will they also be implemented for the 0.0## version at the end of this month?


Just the 1.5 version. I want to migrate over to that when ready and it doesn't make sense to duplicate the work. It's mostly just some minor dialogue changes.