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#104 Poisonous Nuru Slime Succubus
A succubus that offers the typical erotic nuru massage on an inflatable airbed. She secretes the slime from her skin. It also has the toxic effect of overstimulating the testes until the man ejaculates out all of his fluids in the typical succubus dryfish bad end. Her vagina also secretes an antidote, but only if the harlot is brought to orgasm. Be good in bed or else!

I'm not sure why I didn't write and implement this one for HoHH. The game mechanics are already there. It's an affection and/or stat check. If the harlot likes the player, she orgasms and gives him the antidote. It could also play out like the classic scene from Basic Instinct where she rears up and then collapses down on the man during climax. The harlot loves to trick the man and make it look like she's about to come. Sometimes she does and it ends in a gloriously slimy climax. If she doesn't, it ends up in a glorious slimy Bad End, as – overwhelmed by the toxin – the player pumps all his fluids into her pussy.

It might have been a better version of the nuru scene than Nooru's.

I think it might have fallen victim to the problems I'm having with the sensuality faction. Despite fitting thematically with the sensual body-to-body massage, this harlot is a bit too predatory. Maybe I need to give Priti Nāndyāh a dark sister goddess, one that preaches pleasure is a tool to destroy and consume humans.

I had to skip a couple of days to focus on HoHH. I'm caught up now, so here's 3 new ones all at once!

#101 Sludge Tail Pumper
This is a nasty one. A succubus with a thick fleshy tail she uses to pump erotic digestion fluids into her prey. She likes to slip in a man's ass during sex. She can pump in a small amount of fluids, which just increases arousal and volume of ejaculate. Or pump in a lot, which turns the insides of a man into semen which is then either sucked out by her vagina, or through her tail like a female version of Cell from Dragonball.

#102 Wing Wrap Succubus
A succubus with very large wings she wraps around a man while embracing him. The inside of the wings is soft, cushioned and very pleasant to touch. She can overload a man with blissful pleasure just by wrapping her soft wings around him.

#103 Hypnotic Harlot
Either a vampire or succubus. She has very large beautiful eyes that grab and capture the gaze. She drowns men in them, and when they are hers, slowly and leisurely drains their lifeforce with sex.

This was another harlot idea that missed out through all the early slots being filled. Her scenario was fairly straightforward. If the player socialised with her beforehand, she'd hypnotise him into being her slave, which would then result in a forced pick and bad end. Otherwise, her scenario was perfectly safe.

#100 Trap Bed Succubus
The succubus is a trap specialist. Her room is booby-trapped to tip the player down onto an inescapable soft, sticky bed, then incapacitate him with aphrodisiac gas. She mentions she works in dungeons in fantasy worlds where her sex trap is intended to kill marauding adventurers. In the House it can be part of a safe roleplay scenario providing the player is of the right disposition and/or makes the correct choices.

#99 Sexy Genie Girl

Sexy genie in harem gear that tries to seduce a man into performing three sex acts with her. At the conclusion of the third, she gets to take his soul. Her scenario has a nasty little gotcha trick. If the player picks vaginal or anal as the second act, she'll switch positions to get his cock in her other hole, satisfying the 'three wishes' requirement.

The genie idea was suggested by an email correspondent who also helped out with catching typos in HoHH releases. Sadly, I haven't heard from him in a while.

Mechanically, the genie idea is pretty much there as a HoHH harlot. Unfortunately, she's another one where I don't really have a slot for her. Mainly it's the mess of the 3rd faction. She fits the sensuality look of that group, but doesn't really fit the 'pleasure cult' aspect of them. At some point I'll have to go in properly and redo that faction from the top down to make it more cohesive.

I was out all day yesterday and wasn't able to get the entry done in time, so I'll start the week with two to catch up.

#97 Bubble-Tail Succubus
Type of succubus that blows bubbles from tail to restrain men or provide a bouncy bed to fuck on. Is as sadistic as the H-space variant. If the man pisses her off, she'll inflate a bubble in his ass and rupture him from the inside. If she likes him, will give him an energetic bouncy cowgirl fuck on top of one of her bubble beds.

#98 Bubble Chair Succubus
Another bubble-tail succubus, but one that doesn't like direct sexual intercourse. Instead she'll wrap a man up in a special arousing bubble and squeeze out all his cum (and life and soul, if Bad End conditions are met) into a special bubble onahole.
