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Time to turn the spotlight on the second of the Pêls, Pêl-O Sugn.

Pêl-O Sugn is a later iteration of The Doctoress's semen extraction units. While an improvement on earlier designs and lacking the flaw present with the Pêl-V model, she is still regarded as too machine-like and forceful by The Madam.

Rather than have her destroyed, The Madam chose to be diplomatic and allow Pêl-O's use in the House, but with strict stipulations on when she can fully drain a man of all his fluids. While this compromise was agreeable for both The Madam and The Doctoress (and probably a great relief to Pêl-O Sugn, who, despite her artificial origins, is still technically 'alive' and sentient in every sense that matters), it did drive The Doctoress to refine her work further, until she created the more empathic model, Pêl-Z Perffeithio (the "perfect" Pêl).

Despite her imperfections, Pêl-O Sugn can provide both a bouncy cowgirl fuck and an extremely pleasant body-to-body massage.

The less said about her anal drain the better...

And now the behind-scenes stuff.

Pêl-O Sugn was the first of the Pêl trio, before I even had the idea of a Pêl trio. I think most of the girl + living bed/cushion ideas all lead back to the Milfy slime girl character from Violated Hero 2. Pêl-O Sugn is a more elastic, rubbery, and artificial take on that concept. Her ball doubles up as both a comfy, bouncy bed to fuck on, and a large storage bladder for all the fluids she harvests.

While House of Hellish Harlots is primarily erotica, I like to have that ever-present horror edge lurking at the fringes.

Her scenario mechanics also came at pretty much the same time as her sex scene ideas. It's reliant on an additional hidden variable tracked by the game and fits my overall plan of making those triggers fairly obscure. Sometimes the player will walk in, have sexy fun, then leave, other times the harlot will mercilessly drain them to a husk. The core mechanic is trying to figure out what those triggers are to make the harlot 'safe' for future runs.

As for the art, I figured the Tron girls would be a good starting inspiration – sleek and with an artificial sheen of soft plastic or rubber. I think Marwmellow did a good job of capturing it. You can find more of his work here.



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