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Hi Everyone!

First off, thank you all again for your continued support!  As I mentioned in a previous post, after avoiding it for three years, I caught COVID.  I'm still recovering but I THINK *knock on wood* I'm on the upswing of my recovery.  Still, taking things a little slower and trying to pace myself and get rest when I need it.  I may have to shuffle around my worklist a bit this month to compensate for the necessary time off - some projects might get pushed back, but we'll see.

BUT!  I DID just finish TWO BIG BATCHES of both Captured Barn and Cabin in the Woods!  AND - even better - there actually still is a fair amount of credit remaining on both sequences that I'm going to defer to working on next month. 

I'm going to post Captured Barn separately from Cabin in the Woods ( Which I'll post here in a few minutes) becuase the batches are so large.

ALSO: let me know in responses if there is anything in particular you'd like to see in future batch(es) of Captured Barn!

I have a few ideas of where things are going to go from here (and a few ideas of a scene or two for later) BUT I will listen to suggestions to work into the story as well (No promises everything will get integrated  - but I'm open to suggestions for now :) )




Another very fun update! Will probably get quite hard for Nathalie with all these cute females around and with her being the only one with a cock.


Well, you've gotten most aspects of barnyard animals covered. I'd suggest horses, but since you're still doing Equus, that feels redundant. Maybe a sheep and sheepdog arrangement.


great work as usual. just curious...the title says 17 pages but there are 16 posted, is there one missing?


Ah I'm more meaning plot points and events rather than additional characters :)


Woops - I think that was a typo on my part! I've edited the title - thanks for catching that!


Glad to hear you are starting to feel better! Great batch of images. Chloe is looking amazing. I wonder how long Natalie can resist her cries for help!


Ah, well in that case, perhaps when Chloe inevitably succumbs to her change, she’ll be moved to Shannon and Sarah’s room to increase milk productivity. But their combined milk output will cause the pump to overflow and effect at least one of the scientists.


Haha thank you!


Thank you so much! And yes - actually - having Chloe go full cow is definitely something on my list <3


Definitely something that was in my mind as well! Would really love for that to happen, especially as she has trouble resisting. I think maybe Nathalie could find it harder to resist as well as her cock reacts to all the females around. I would say Chloe and Nathalie could go feral and Julia and Ashley kind of 'pass' the test and are left as anthro's.