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SO I managed to dodge Covid for 3 years, and it finally caught me.  

I plan on taking at least a couple days off of artwork (my wife demands it ;) ) - so expect some delays to my worklist.

I'm glad I got the site updated the other day - I know I've been fighting it for at least a few days now (been feeling run down and sore throat) - and my wife tested positive several days ago.  So I'm going to take it easy and do my best to recuperate quickly.  I'm fully vaccinated and boosted so here's hoping it's a quick, mild case.  



Andrew D

Hoping for a speedy recovery!


Paxlovid will alleviate the worst of the COVID symptoms, if there are any. Though you'll also want to get some chewing gum to deal with the persistent aftertaste.


Feel better soon Arania! I avoided for a long time but it finally caught me in November. Was like a bad flu for a couple days. No paxlovid for me, multiple doctors refused to prescribe. Sheesh!


Thanks, Keo - So far it hasn't been TOO bad (knock on wood) - and same, it's felt like a nasty cold or flu.

Steve Crowson

Hopefully you feel better ❤️‍🩹


Get well soon! We can wait. Health is always the most important thing!


Persistent, isn’t it? There are only 3 things in life that are certain: Death, taxes, and COVID. Get well soon! ❤️ I could actually be one of the first back in November 2019, but we’ll never know. Way before any tests. Got something COVID-like after a 中文課 with a physics professor from my university who also got ill after having been to Beijing and Wuhan, so… good chance tbh. Haven’t had it since.


Please take a few days off to get better, plus an extra day, just to make sure you are better.


No kidding - and yeah, at this rate it was already feeling like catching it at some point was inevitable as you can't put your life on pause and not go out and do Things forever. I'd known a few others who had also avoided getting it thus far who finally caught it within the last month or two, and I really want to go to a convention in June, so was already preparing myself for the inevitability. Here's hoping that having had it this recently will help reduce the chance of catching it twice so quickly back to back. But man, yeah, hearing that timeline it sounds possible - glad you haven't had it since then!


Take all the time you need to get better! :)


Thank you! It's been like a bad cold that's lasted like a week now.