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And as mentioned in the sneak peek of Captured Barn - I ALSO have a big batch of Cabin in the Woods to share with you!

As mentioned, I do still have a fair bit of remaining credit for next month, but between being sick, these already being huge batches, and having reached a natural end to this scene, I opted to save the rest of the credit for next month :)

I hope you enjoy!  




I loved the reaction panel and the panel right after where Eveleen is like: 'I am done, bye.'


Amanda looks so awesome. Glad to see they're off to a decent start. Her whole "hey ladies~" thing was -amazing-. xD I think we know where that's going...


Heh - thank you! Yeah it was fun drawing Amanda looking confident and sexy!


It's very lion-like. She's quite a heroic character, and I hope she continues to get more of both of those aspects of her personality... She's kind of the stud of the house now. @_@

Vinnie Hatcher

I gotta say, Jack pulls the shirtless look off pretty well