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Hi everyone!

First off thank you all so much again for your support.  It's been a crazy couple of days - but incredibly encouraging!

Thanks to everyone who was interested in a commission slot this last opening - and for the understanding that it might have taken me a bit to get back to everyone who was interested in one!

As I discussed, I DID end up having to work on set for Fear: The Walking Dead yesterday (Sunday) but I got home by 6:45, and that worked out pretty well - I was able to close slots when I got home and then spend the rest of the evening working on responses.  

At this point, everyone who messaged me should have gotten a response!  If you didn't - let me know - and I'll make sure your mail didn't get filtered to spam or something.  

I wound up accepting around 40 people onto my list this go-around, so I do expect to be closed for some time as I work through this list of new work (plus continuations of old  sequences that are still WIPs), but there's a lot of fun new ideas on my worklist and new projects I hope you all enjoy!  You can get a glimpse of my worklist posted here for a teaser of some of the planned projects (and there are still around a dozen people who are on my approved/reserve list that have till March 7 to pay to get on the list):


I like this method - I left the commissions open for about 45 minutes, and everyone who messaged me during that window got a spot reserved.  Hopefully these will be mostly more self-contained projects that will be mostly complete by the time I reopen commissions again.  As always, I will keep you all in the loop for next time - and give a heads-up at least a few months in advance of when I reopen publicly like this again.

I may or may not open set specials again (safe for work self-contained sequences) between now and then, but we'll see!  Again, I'll always post word here :)

ANYWHO!  I wound up working right up till the wire of the site update/commission openings on finishing up all the work from my last opening, and didn't get the chance for a vacation/small breather before my planned reopening, and I've spent 7 hours a day the last two days answering emails - so I am officially on vacation (or staycation, lol, thanks covid) for the next week!

I'll still work on finalizing the last details for the those that need it who got into my slots this opening, but other than that, I'm going to give myself a little break for my sanity <3. 


Jeroen van den Broek

Sanity is overrated in my opinion, but breaks are definitely not. Have a nice vacation!


Ooh, see some interesting things on the project list! I'm looking forward to seeing them! But first, enjoy the vacation!