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Alrightie!  Since I'm going to set on Sunday, I've done the update to the site!  Commissions still happen on Sunday, but please check out the news post on that for details :)

LOTS of new artwork and I hope you all enjoy!

News Items

  1. The Website Update is Live!
    Lots of colored images! Two HUGE batches of the crowdfunded sequences, and MORE!

    UPDATED NEWS ON COMMISSION OPENINGS IS HERE. - (NEW as of Feb 25) please read this!OPENING TIME:  6pm CST on Sunday, Feb 28, 2021
    There will NOT be a go post, but I will update the commission status above when slots close
    What To Send: When you send an email (not before Feb 28), include at least the following:

    Scope of the project:

       - (how many pages (can be approximate),
       - pencil, inked or colored,
       - how many characters, and if multiple characters, are they present on all pages?

     Paying all at once or in batches?  
        - If in batches, do you have a basic budget for your first payment? 

    OPTIONALLY, You CAN send me the full write-up/details of the commission, but at the minimum, let me know the above information separately/at the top of the email.  If I haven't closed yet, I will reserve you a spot, but I only add people to my worklist after I've received payment (and I add people to the list in approximate order I receive the payment). 

    This is all to give me an estimate for how long it is going to take me to work on your project, so I can get a feeling for how many commissions I can take on before I close.  

    Payment:  Once I confirm your slot and/or give you a quote, you may send payment (for at least the first batch of the work). 
    Payment must be received March 7 (1 week after commissions open) at latest, or else your reservation on my list will be forfeit.
  3. Donation artwork for February 2021
    Inspired by a real event that happened to my wife (the first page at least lol)
    After being bitten by a bobcat kitten, a woman becomes a were-bobcat!
    Woman -> Were-Bobcat
    3 comics + 7 full pages = 10 pages total
  4. Crowdfunded Sequences -  HUGE UPDATE with content on Devil's Due and Cabin in the Woods!
    11 pages for Devil's Due and 14 pages for Cabin in the Woods!!!!
    I've had a wolf fursuit for years, and have only worn it a couple of times.  I'm looking to sell it.  I'm asking for $1000 plus shipping, and am willing to ship it anywhere within the continental US.  Shipping is an additional $150 (including insurance).  
    More information and photos are HERE.  
  6. I want to give a Big Shout-Out of thanks to all my $15+ Patreon donators this month:
    _WAter_, Andrew D, Ishayu, John P, werewolf_hunter20, anybee, Cowrara, GrafAlucard, Komodo Dave, Robert, Scotty R, Shian Hi, WOW for life!,  killer095, Andrew WS,
    (IF any of you would like to go by a different name, please let me know!)


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