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Hi Everyone!

First off, thank you for an incredible, successful commission opening!  The slot opening went smoothly and I was really happy with how the opening went.  While I will probably change up the time of day the slots open next time to help make it fair to people who live in other time zones, but the leaving slots open for about 45 minutes, taking on all the work for that time, and then taking a couple of days to respond to all the emails while taking some time off of producing new work was a system that worked very well for me. 

I currently have about six months of work on my worklist, and I expect it to expand a bit with sequences that were being paid in batches, and other still WIPs from before this opening, so it will probably be a while till I'm able to reopen commissions.  

Also, thank you all for understanding as I took this week off from working on commissionwork.  I didn't get the chance to finish up the old list before I reopened my work, and between a lot of factors all happening at the same time, I needed a break for my mental health <3   I'm looking forward now to starting work on these new projects next week - and there should be a lot of cool new sequences planned that I'm excited to draw and share with you all!

Here's my worklist if you want a sneak peek of the kinds of projects I'll be working on over the next several months:


Anywho!  I did work on a personal project - and another collab with a writer in the Good Omens fandom (entanglednow) - and I've been narrowing in on a set inked style with procreate I'm getting more of a feel for.  I've been enjoying these  pieces where I feel more confident experimenting with when they're not paid commission work and I can offer more styles down the line in commissions when I get more confident with the style and how long they take me to do :). 

I know I've done similar pieces too this one before, but I had fun with it <3 




Good luck with your new projects, I'm sure you will succeed perfectly, I hope you will share your progress.