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Hey everyone! Fall is here, which means it's time for another Seasonal OSP Update! Stuff has been busy around here for the past few weeks, and we're really excited for the next few months of OSP content.

We've got to start by thanking you all for your generous Patronage of our channel. It's because of all of you that Red and I are able to make fun videos on the internet for a living, without having to worry about any algorithm weirdness or random acts of Demonetization on YouTube's part.

To recap the past season, we crossed the massive milestone of One Million Subscribers and we couldn't be more excited! — Our double charity stream of Journey and Shadow of the Colossus this past weekend raised a combined $6,700 for the Reading Is Fundamental charity! We're hoping to have a best-of-stream highlight reel out before too long. We also had a blast with our Summer Stupidity series, with 5 city reviews and 3 movie reviews. We're definitely going to be revisiting the Summer Stupidity next year, and are looking into more ways to include shorter bonus content throughout the year — All of that is possible because of your support! :)

We've got a good fall ahead of us too! Fall is by far our busiest season, with everybody going back to school and needing a really good reason to actually sit down and read some of the absolute doorstops we call "Literary Classics". Red has a bunch more Trope Talks on the way, along with a deep dive into the city of El Dorado, the legend of Krishna, a spoopy tale of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde for Halloween, and, most excitingly, another Journey To The West. On the historical side, we've got Mexico, Ancient India, the Byzantines, Florence, Ireland, and a History-Makers on one Niccolo Machiavelli. We're also hoping to try out more "___ In A Minute" videos after our first foray with the Mahabarata — We're going to do some brainstorming to see which type of topics would work best for the format, for both history and mythology!

Off the channel, Red's fantasy webcomic Aurora is currently midway through chapter 3! If you haven't seen it yet, now's a great time to jump in at: https://comicaurora.com/aurora/0-1-1/ — all the art you already love from Red, with an original fantasy story! You can also follow https://twitter.com/AuroraWebcomic on Twitter for updates. New pages are posted every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.!

New for this season, Blue will be contributing monthly articles to https://thearmchairhistorian.com — the official website of Griffin Johnsen and The Armchair Historian Channel. They're launching their own platform to upload new and original content from dozens of History YouTube creators. I'll be making monthly articles on various topics in history that wouldn't otherwise fit as a mainline History Summarized. The first topic I'm covering will be the history of the schism between the Catholic and Eastern Orthodox churches, which involves everything from the Roman Empire, through the Crusades, into the Renaissance and beyond!
If you want to subscribe to their website and get unlimited access to everything on offer, you can use code "OSPHISTORY" for an extra month free. But it's also important to us that OSP Patrons are never locked out of any content we produce, so everything I create for the Armchair Historian website will be openly available to all patrons after 2 weeks. To recap that: monthly history articles on TAH website, available to patrons after 2 weeks.

It's been a great summer for Red and I. Making great videos, hitting 1M Subscribers, doing some fun livestreams and starting a new wave of bonus content on our channel. And we're so excited for what's to come this Fall — I know I'm biased, but I think it's one of our strongest seasonal lineups ever. And we want YOUR thoughts on what we should add to it!

Answer the question in the poll below to let us know what topics you'd like us to cover in our "_____ In A Minute" series, or leave a comment below!

-Blue and Red



Oh my gosh, if you did ‘Classics Summaries’ of Tolkien’s books, I would love you forever. I’d love to see the OSP take on that craziness.


I love this channel an hope it continues to grow! If red makes the Gilgamesh video, I don’t remember much about it so I hope he does have a flying throne thing like in fate And I hope one day my man blue will do a video on Diogenes. Oh man I’d love that lol


I'd also like to see you tackle the Magna Carta in a Minute.


Dang. O_O Tough choice. I would almost have voted for whatever the hell book the Suikoden franchise was based on, but something tells me that would have been a SLOG. But yes- it's voting time...


I honestly just want to see SOMETHING about The War of the Roses because my current understanding of it is "a confusing mess".


I'll tell you now that's a fully accurate assessment


"Bandits of the Water Margin"; one english translation is titled "All Men are Brothers". I'd rather have Red do it straight than try to rattle it off in one minute, however it would probably remind people of "Journey to the West".


I feel doing The Silmarillion in a minute would be a bit too short. That book is a mouthful!

Bill Lemmond

Red, I love the comic, but I don't see a link to an archive page. I think that leaves me only two bad options: eventually lose browser tab and lose my place; only hope I don't lose the tab (Oh, right - bookmark) ... but still, these are only two clumsy options. Please consider adding an archive page, where each comic page is a link, and we can see where we left off, and pick up there.

Kraken Artificer

I can't actually learn anything from the "in a minute" videos, because it goes by too fast and you have to cut too many things. So the ones I'm really interested in are the ones I already know, but want you to do a rapid-fire video of. So what I want to see is stuff like Harry Potter in a minute or something.


Hi Bill, we've actually already got one here: https://comicaurora.com/archive/ -B

William Duan

well, if we are putting the Silmarillion up there, can I nominate Fire and Blood? Granted, it's still a half-finished work, but the history is quite interesting

Morgan Pairo

I feel like The Epic of Gilgamesh is the only option that could easily be summarized in 1 minute good lord!