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I think theme of this Norendber will be "Ups, I overdid it again"

This one is actually were my favorite from all of the sketches and even though it didn't enough votes in the last poll, she were in top ten of the previous one and like I said I count both. Also it were supposed to be quick one due to it being one char with good line-art. But then i spend a 2 days just drawing line art for her feet, so can't be called quick one anymore.

Tangled version have 2 gag variants, normal and with her hair, which i know is unrealistic, but it's still fun. And also an alt version with a little playful strand of hair. I post some of them lower, and attach all versions in attachments (or just see them in 5$ folder)

P.s. This month I will draw sketches, but i wouldn't make a pause for them, so they will be drawn alongside Norendber pictures and posted when complete somewhere in second half of month.

UPD: Forgot to add, we continuing Norendber as this option is absolutely won. I actually didn't have doubts for that, but democracy, choice and and all that...




Really nice work


This looks incredible. Rapunzel's one of the few characters there's much hair bondage content for, and I love her for it. Her cute character design, of course, helps foster that love as well.

Second of Many

You did an amazing job with the pose for this, so glad to see it coloured. Looks so good

Trevor Bond

Excellent! Nice work! This looks quite pleasant.


The little hair bows on the nipples are just adorable.


Love her! Love to see more of her with Eugene