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Aidenke inspired by the victory in the last vote decided to write a dialogue for old sketch of his and after that I decided to fix it a bit too. Main change - I adjusted faces of all Batgirls and Harley + some other little touches here and there. Still not perfect, but not as bad as before.

Next Norendber picture is coming, but i got a busy week - like i said December is not as quiet month as November for me - so it will be done somewhere in the beginning of the next week. So enjoy this one while you wait a little longer =)



Trevor Bond

Excellent, it's the little details that make a work go from good to great!


I'm just glad you liked the dialogue enough to want to take a fresh-eyes look and "remaster" the piece to make it even better than before! This is a fun group, and we'll get back to that facility again someday soon...

The Cad

Great piece, very hot.


Excellent as always