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Like the previous year, you have a choice - either we go back to regular style and draw a poll winners or we extend this shit for a month to the end of the year.

Also, again, December will be less productive then November, since I will need to do a quick pause for Monthly sketches + all the holidays, which I, like a sane person, will not spend drawing porn-art whole time (only most of the time).



Gloomhaven is so fun! What class you playing?


Sane do what Sane do.. ty for your content!


I started with Brute (party needed a tank and I drew the short straw), but I just moved to tri-force which I think I will like more =)


Tri force is indeed hype. I also played brute for the party and I hate that class so much. So little movement! Scoundrel was far more fun


I don't hate brute and i don't know why you feel a lack of movement, he has tons of it =) My brute almost carried whole team of mindthief, spellweaver and tinkerer/khtulhu on lover levels, as he was a combination of DD and tank with great movement and pushes. But I prefer to feel a challenge in games, and though GH has a lot of it by itself, brute class is as simple as it can get.


I guess I came to brute after playing scoundrel, and without spoilers, we fought a giant hell boss that I managed to one shot through scoundrel cards. It felt like brute was very limited. I could easily admit I just didn't know how to play the class well. The classes you listed I think all have pretty big learning curves! Gloomhaven does have a ton of challenges! I wish you the best with your crew. It's a super satisfying game and the potential of different class combos makes it very fun!


It's been a while since I played, but I found I really enjoyed tanking with the Sunkeeper. I remember it being super durable and able to hand out card refreshes to others. Fun game. I miss having a group for it.