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Hey guys! Here is the YT edit for Thirteen Days which will premiere shortly. Hope you enjoy! 



Ria Grix

I wasn’t around during the Cuban missile crisis but my dad told me that over here in the uk they were well aware that there was a ‘the end is nigh’ feeling, with many people wondering if they’d see it to the end of the week. In the early 80s I remember the shadow of nuclear war loomed over us, we even had government pamphlets about what to do in the event of a nuclear strike. The Protect & Survive pamphlet was the inspiration to the brilliant and heartbreaking Raymond Briggs anti-war graphic novel and subsequent animated film ‘When the wind blows’ My Dad said it wasn’t worth reading because we lived too close to an important airfield in the south of England and we would have no chance of survival. I was 8 when he told me that.

Paul Rich

I was a little kid in school (revealing my age) and remember "drop and cover" drills where the bell will ring a certain way and students will drop to the floor and roll under their desk, as if that would protect us. The world was that close to apocalypse. Many believe we are just as close now where nearly everyone has "the bomb" and all it takes is one crazy nutjob to pull the trigger.


You should watch Parkland. Great movie about the assassination of Kennedy. Done almost like a documentary. You follow a group of people through the couple of days.