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Sorry for the delay this week! This definitely wasn't the conventional, romantic movie but I knew I was watching something special. The performances were amazing. I love how it felt real life and shocking at the same time. It's one I can't stop thinking about! Kill Bill 2 coming tomorrow! Love you all!

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[Full Reaction] Silver Linings Playbook (2012)


Clifton Owens

I watch the patron full-length versions and the YouTube Versions of all the films Cassie reacts to. Her ability to understand and share her heartfelt feelings and empathy for characters, love, and sensitivity to life's problems makes me enjoy all the movies I've seen in a fresh new way. Great Job, Bright Angel Cassie.

Terry Yelmene

Little Miss Sunshine? Big Labowski? Ya Cassie... I see it! Just off enough... to be a bit too real. It was real enough... Jen won the Oscar for this one.

Odd Thomas

The best David O'Russell movie is Three Kings with George Clooney. I also really liked Amsterdam, but that's a very Marmite movie. You either love it or hate it.

Eddie Perkins

This was a lot better than I thought it would be. I could relate to a lot of this. My father's bipolar, and our whole family are compulsive gamblers. The movie Rounders (1998) with Matt Damon and Edward Norton is excellent now that I'm thinking about gambling.

Doc Savage

I gotta say if you like David O'Russsell you should see "I ❤️ Huckabees"; if you haven't already. One of his best.

Brad Lowry

I am so thankful that I watched this with you. I enjoy so much you being you. YET being open to everyone else being everyone else. I don't know if you know how rare that is. I love watching you watching "your kind of movie", but what has kept me here is how open and respectful of things and people outside of your zone. The way you summed up your reaction was Pitch Perfect!: "I'm not sure how accurate that was at looking a people with bipolar or OCD or other mental issues, but it opened my eyes to it. I loved the line [by Pat], 'What if people like me and Danny and Tiffany see something that you guys don't.' We all have our own crazy and our own issues and everyone is struggling." I also appreciate how you picked up on how special a moment it was for Pat's mom to watch him dance... the actress was amazing, but I think maybe that shot in particular was important for the director, David O. Russel, to nail because his real-life son struggles with autism and mood disorders, and I think in that shot it was him looking onto his son with all the love of any father. Like Temple Grandin said at the end of the Biographical Picture about her, "We are Different; not Less-Than!" (Do put that Emmy winning film on you list!...) Thank you for seeing these characters' difficulties for what they are... things that make them Different not Less Than.