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You know what? I think Quentin likes a love story! This one took me through WIDE range of emotions, but I actually loved it! I loved the backstories and Uma was just amazing! Hope you enjoy!

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[Full Reaction] Kill Bill: Volume 2 (2004)


Robert da Spruce

Deadly Viper Assassination Squad - a.k.a. “Vixen Devil Killers” 😂 You’re funny Cassie! I didn’t think you’d enjoy the Kill Bill films when it showed up in the polls. Glad I was wrong. I really enjoyed your reaction!

Aaron Ritchie

The thing I love about the final act is how complex it is. Beatrix absolutely made the right decision in keeping her daughter from Bill, as she knew exactly what kind of life she would have if she grew up with him as a father. By the time she's four years old, she's already been completely desensitized to death and violence. Bill lets her play with toy guns, he allows her to watch Shogun Assassin before bed (an extremely graphic and gory film), and she's already shown signs of becoming a killer when she kills her goldfish. Yet Bill is completely oblivious to this (he claims that when she killed her fish she had no concept of what death was prior to this). Once Beatrix rescues her she's shown with stuffed animals for toys and watching more kid-appropriate cartoons. Beatrix has already started to reform her. Given that we don't know anything about Beatrix before her relationship with Bill, it makes me wonder about what she was like in regards to his whole Superman / natural born killer speech. Was she actually always that way, or was she a normal person who Bill took a liking to because she was blonde (à la the Lana Turner speech) and she was corrupted by him in the same was he began to corrupt B.B.?


LMAO, I usually like comedies but I can't be bothered wasting time to see that

Eddie Perkins

This is one of those movies I would have never expected you to watch. So you can handle blood and violence; you just don't like horror?