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This was PEAK!! Was it? It was the most FUN! If you would have told me whales in space would have been in ST4, I would not have believed you. There were moments of my Spock, but I still need a montage! So 5 next right? Then TNG episodes? Hope you enjoy!

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[Full Reaction] Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home (1986)



That was a HELL of a lot of fun. I am also watching these movies in full for the first time with you, even though I've seen parts of them and know vaguely of some of the film's plots mostly from 90's HBO Free Preview weekends, I never really gave them a chance as both a kid and a teen. I would always come into Star Trek movies in the middle of them, context less, having no idea what was going on. I watched a few episodes of the Original TV series back in 2011 when I was camping with my parents believe it or not! It was pretty nice to get in my sleeping bad and watch a few episodes on Netflix on my phone before falling asleep. Not much else to do! I didn't finish the entire first season, I think I made it about 2/3's the way through, but I did get a little love of Kirk and Spock's friendship. I really felt it though in that episode where they went back in time as well as in these films. I can appreciate their comradery a lot more now at age 40.


Fun fact: transparent aluminum is now real and no longer science fiction. Just watch this video about it. https://youtu.be/DduO1fNzV4w?si=kKKotn_Wb4gw3RYp

Andrew Ramos

If you don't have time right now to watch the whole TNG series, skip TNG and watch the newer Star Trek movies. TNG is much too sacred to be diced and chopped up. It would be the biggest mistake the channel has ever made. Well besides reacting to Batman '89

Tony Olmos

cant wait till you get into the next generation think you love the characters

Jared Wiltshire

I haven’t seen this one in a looong time, and I was surprised how much I enjoyed it. I might have been too young to really get it/ get into it before

Randolph Tirazona

"See you next Pon Far Lieutenant!!!" She's from 7th Heaven!!! A Great Show! It's one of thee many things I loved as a kid growing up. The Star Trek World is amazing! "Make better life choices!" Tell'em Cassie! "I just got full body goose bumps from Star Trek!" I - Commander Corjet, Rand Chief Engineer of Kootenai Station - of Starfleet Command hereby declare that Cassie is hereby a Trekkie!!! Congratulations Cassie! YAY! So where's Carly?!?