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Well that was a LOT! Omg, i thought I might have needed to bail after the first scenes but i made it through and actually want to watch volume 2 even. I NEED TO KNOW. Uma Thurman was very good in this, I could feel her pain at some points. 

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[Full Reaction] Kill Bill: Volume 1(2003)


Russell Teo

Tarantino at his best


Cassie, you are our Yellow Haired Warrior making it through this. Halloween costume for next year? Yellow jumpsuit and samurai sword haha

Brian McGovern

The good thing about Volume 2 is that it is not as violent as volume 1. From memory, there is only one part you will find squeemish.

Mike Lemon

Easter egg for VLC users- I just noticed this after all these years, if you watch the movie with VLC, check out the traffic cone when the movie is over. I wonder if there are any others like that?


Great reaction, Volume 2 is even better

Henry Graham

I really think you'll enjoy Part 2 a lot. It's a bit less focused on the sensationalism and gore, and it has more of what you were seeking in terms of backstory and more character-driven and emotional moments. There are still plenty of unpleasant moments to face but I believe you'll be satisfied by the time this epic journey reaches its conclusion.

Ryan Geiger

"I didn't know cartoons could be so yucky" Oh Cassie you have no idea. ex. Akira, Heavy Metal and many more


Yes Cassie you HAVE to watch vol. II. It explains in more detail what happens in volume. 1 and it also wraps up the story. It's not as gorey as this one, and you just have to know how it ends.


First The Thing... now this. You are pushing your boundaries girl ! I prefer this to the second one just 'cos of Lucy Liu and how gloriously deranged her character is. The second has it's moments though.


Cassie's new nickname should be "The Yellow Haired Warrior" after watching this lol Thank you for watching this Cassie and 100% watch Volume 2. It ties everything together and all the mysteries and questions from the first movie are answered and neatly tied together. It would be a great disservice to yourself to not see Volume 2.

Eric Denney

Definitely have to watch Vol 2. Cassie, and it's MUCH easier to watch than Vol. 1 for someone like yourself. Guarantee you'll be glad you watched it by the end!

Justin Schuller

I'll echo what everyone is saying in that Vol. 2 is far less violent and bloody, and much more story driven. It answers a lot of questions you probably have about why all this is happening. I highly recommend watching it if you enjoyed this one.


You definitely should watch 2. Good news is it isn't anywhere near as violent. Much more story and much less gore.

Doc Savage

Just so you know.. if not already. The skinny guy in the animation that helped kill Oren's parents is Bill. And the bald guys at the end were 2 different people. The 1st bald guy was knocked unconscious by the bamboo pole early in the fight. The 2nd one you saw stabbed in the stomach was out for sure. The 1st bald guy regains consciousness after the 2nd bald guy was dead.

Luke Godfrey

Finally got around to watching this one. I'm way behind so watched all the ones I liked first and now I'm getting around the ones I don't really like but am just curious to see what Cassie made of them, like this one. I must say I found this movie way more funny this second time round all these years later. I particularly enjoyed seeing Cassie's reaction to the over-the-top gore that made me laugh out load, and I laughed even harder at her reaction when she realised she was going to have to watch Vol 2 to find out what happens. Absolutely priceless! 😂


The skinny guy in the animation has never been confirmed as Bill. Would be cool if he was but thats not a credible claim at all.