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Hey friends!!

Hope you’re having a good MLK Day, and that it can be hopeful and thoughtful for you. We are on our way home from a little weekend away to Ben’s brothers, it was chill and a little warmer than where we live so two thumbs up! Meanwhile….back home in Alberta they are literally in the polar vortex, it got to -50 degrees (in fahrenheit too) at some points. My parents were without water again. Stay safe and stay warm my Canuck kernels!

This week we have a little break from Star Trek, with I,Robot (which won the YT community poll of the 51-100 drawings) I’m randomly watching Tron because we head on our long awaited Disney World trip soon and there is a Tron ride and i just feel like that’s the responsible thing to do! Don’t forget about Crocodile Dundee, one of your suggestions for Australia Day next week! Coming up soon will be ST5, Three Men and a Baby (YT runner up) Presidents Week and of course some romance in February too ❤️❤️ I’ll be posting a Classic Romance poll (pre 1970) soon!

Just for fun

Currently watching….The Bear (Only ok for me, but feel like I’m in the minority with that opinion) Ben and I are also watching REACHER (I like it but it’s not GRABBING me) I have enjoyed watching the award shows highlights!

Currently Reading: My book club is reading The Silent Patient. Haven’t quite started yet but I’ve got a week! I’ve heard great things, have any of you read it?

Currently Loving: Planning out DW like it’s the most important exam of my life, I literally have worksheets. Fast internet, Valentines jellybeans are the best holiday jellybeans, coaching my boys basketball team and my heated electric blanket that i’m in a relationship with!

Thanks for being here guys ❤️❤️ Truly madly deeply





A very good friend of mine did the post process effects in I, Robot. Also, I’m very happy to see you doing TRON. I don’t know if you’ll see this comment, but when you watch TRON, try to keep in mind the technology of the time. This film was groundbreaking in its use of computer animation.


For February/Valentine's Season I hope you will consider the film 'Harold and Maude' (1971).

John Liebling

And if you want a total change of pace... Two future presidents in John Adams and Thomas Jefferson - set 13 years before our first president, George Washington became president in 1789. The movie is "1776" Oops I just snuck in a musical. As an historian, and one who appreciates musicals, I enjoyed it. It came out in 1973. Cassie I am sure you know who Gweneth Paltrow is...her mom is in this movie...Blythe Danner. It's a way to learn a little history, be entertained with good humor, and clever musical tunes. It's amazing after how much went wrong early in the war, and that the US was able to win its revolutionary war in 1781. At that time, we were a nation of 13 states and 3.5 million citizens and 500,000 slaves. And that the Constitution would be written six years later and approved, without the Bill of Rights. It was only promised that one would be added. It's amazing how those first 10 amendments truly define what it means to be an American. Cassie and Carly if you ever want to take an amazing trip visit Washington DC Smithsonian Museums. There are many of them. There is one created for our Centennial in 1876. Everything in that building is as it was in 1876 it's a way to truly be a time traveler. I know your kids a very young, too young to appreciate the museums in 2024...but in a few years when they are older it could be a great experience. Even though it's a very long trip from UTAH.

Björn Karlsson

Another funny movie from Australia is Young Einstein 😄

Björn Karlsson

Romper stomper with a young Russel Crowe is also from Australia. Not so funny thou 🙂


If you like Tom Cruise you should do War of the Worlds. It's really intense and one of his best performances.


An excellent movie from Australia is "The Dish," as in the huge receiving antenna in Parkes, Australia. Humorous (not a comedy), charming, and based on a real event. Actors include Sam Neill (Jurassic Park) and Patrick Warburton (Seinfeld). I've mentioned it before in these posts, and hope that one day it gets some visibility because it is a very good movie. If not watched now, for sure schedule it for July to coincide with the anniversary of the Apollo 11 mission.


I would include the original classic sci-fi film version "The War of the Worlds (1953)" and "War of the Worlds (2005)" with Tom Cruise. Both good and worth watching.