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Hey, as I am working on the August schedule, and watching this top 50 poll unfold and how close it is, I wanted to do a runner up poll. I had so many to put in the poll from our last 10 ore more polls, but YT only lets me do 5, so I picked what I think were the closest.

Go vote on YT here:



craig arellano

We were Soldiers should be the clear winner. It's historically accurate (although only half the mission), it's got happy family stuff, which I know you like. It's got real combat stuff, which I know you're learning about. You'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll love it.

Christopher Carr

Once again I choose to eat uo space by requesting 3 x Oscar winner the Treasure of the Sierra Madre. Directed John Huston (O), written by John Huston (O) and best supporting actor his father Walter Huston (O). Just for grins ad in Bogart and Tim Holt. We have lines in our lexicon like "Badges? We don't need no stinking badges!" VOTE for it you won't be sorrysorry!!! Great action adventure movie. Probably one of the most perfect movies ever made.

Philip G.

This is the first time the comments swayed me. I changed my vote from Jojo to we were soldiers. I saw it it theaters when it came out and don't remember anything because I was in middle school

Björn Karlsson

Any chance of a non english movie in August? The last one (and only one I think) was in January (Amelie). Like 7 months ago. Which one I'm thinking about you might know by now 😇

Joseph Rardin

I chose The Revenant, but don't mind We Were Soldiers


Do another reaction with your momma!

Jon Johns

Or Dad!? I'd like to see that dynamic! And it would resonate with this old dude centric fandom...


We Were Soldiers is a good movie to watch and also is Inside Man - Got to vote for We Were Soldiers

Brian Jones

Was hoping Spike Lee would get some love this time around. Oh well, maybe next time.


Jojo and We were Soldiers tied after 25k votes. Insane! 🤯 Well percentage wise anyway, if you look at the votes tally, I think there probably would be a small difference. But I think only Cassie can see that.

Gábor Árki

Actual vote counts (2022.07.21 13:55 UTC): 1. Jojo Rabbit, 6894 2. We Were Soldiers, 6775 3. Zodiac, 4714 4. The Revenant, 4516 5. Inside Man, 2628 So even though it seems to be a tie, actually Jojo has a 119 vote lead.

Beau Mont

I consider myself fairly intelligent and a more than average cinephile but I just don't "get" Jojo Rabbit. Maybe because I am a huge history buff and this movie makes no sense historically or maybe I'm just too old for some of these new movies, but I find it incredibly pretentious. I also think it is dangerous to show Hitler as a bumbling buffoon, we must take him serious and make sure he never happens again. It's just my opinion, take it for what you will.

Robert da Spruce

First The Bodyguard. Now Inside Man. Seems my latest picks haven’t been doing too well. 😉 Appreciate the info!


Most war movies are serious stories and if well done, mostly historically accurate depicted. This movie is more of a satire, trying to get a laugh, but in some moments, it does strike a very serious and heart wrenching note. There by exposing the atrocities and absurdities of war. The overall message of anti-hate is well delivered, it's just delivered in a different way than most war movies. But I think it did it well. It may not be to everybody's taste, which is fine, but you cannot deny the quality of the work and admire the daring approach to the subject matter. On your last remark. If it was the only war movie ever made, I would agree. But as we have countless serious war movies/docs/books, I don’t think this depiction of Hitler will do any harm to the way he is viewed and our general awareness of such things never happening again. Besides, it is not Hitler who is depicted anyway, but a young boy's idea of him, which also makes any criticism on it not being the same as Hitler mute.

Beau Mont

Thank you for taking the time to try and help an old man understand the youth of today, but I did not get a message of anti-hate, it just seemed silly. And just because someone takes a different approach to a subject does not make it daring or give it quality.

Beau Mont

Oh, and on your last remark. I bet if we did a poll of everyone under 30 who watched Jojo I guarantee that they would think Jojo is historically accurate. They don't really teach history in schools anymore or more likely they teach that the U.S. was the aggressor in WWII and that Hitler was just minding his on business. But again, just my opinion, don't want to cause any hate.

Aaron Mann

For me, I'm okay with war movies being historically inaccurate. Two examples - Inglorious Bastards and Life is Beautiful. Two great movies that capture the overall gist of WW2, but obviously the events depicted in the movies never happened, and I'm okay with that. It's akin to a fiction within a non-fiction.


@Beau Mont I am pretty sure we are still taught that the attack on Pearl Harbor brought the U.S. into the War. I don't know where you ever got the idea that any other "version" of WW2 was being taught in schools, which is just ludicrous.

Just Plain Bob

@Beau Mont Agree 100% with your statement that "And just because someone takes a different approach to a subject does not make it daring or give it quality." Today, they call that "subverting expectations." A better term for it might be "failing to live up to expectations." Maybe they should just trying "exceeding expectations." But that would require imagination and a willingness to do hard work, something today's filmmakers too often seem to lack.


To accuse this film of lack of imagination is ignorance on vulgar display.

Ben Livingstone

The Great Dictator was a satire on Hitler, as well--and more of a direct one. Nazism should be fought with every appropriate weapon, one of which is often humor. Belittling Nazis and what they stand for, without minimizing their crimes or trivializing their victims.


Intelligence and an appreciation for film are not needed to enjoy or even necessarily understand art and to insinuate otherwise is incredibly haughty. Also, to insist on all films with WWII as a setting be historically accurate so you can "get it" is deranged. It is not the job of film makers to teach history so blaming them for the failings of your education system seems like misplaced anger. Its art. Art is subjective. Try not to yuck on other peoples yum, especially here.


First off regarding the historical stuff. Whatch a cultured bubbles reaction to it. She is German and comments throughout how the portrayal of the Hitler Youth was similar to the stories her Hrandmother told her. Also, it shows how JOJO who's idol was Hitler knew nothing about him. His imaginary Hitler offers him cigarettes (you could not smoke near the real one) and ate Unicorn (he was a vegetarian). The blind loyalty and indoctrination is clearly shown. Historically, satire is used to poke fun at evil. I agree Hitler was not a buffoon. But here you see him through the eyes of a 10 yr old.

Beau Mont

Wow, that was cool, that got a lonely old man lots of attention. Could of done without the couple of hateful responses who chose to attack me personally without even knowing me, but overall y'all were pretty nice and thoughtful. Movies should be entertaining and I was not entertained, it's okay to have fun and enjoy life. It seems like so many people these days are angry all the time, and they are usually angry at other people who do not think the way they do. There are so many movies out there and Cassie can't react to all of them

Beau Mont

Did not mean to end it there. My point with the last line is, why do Jojo again? There are over 30 reactions to Jojo on You Tube and only 4 for We Were Soldiers. There is so little left in this world to which I can still relate, please don't ruin this site for me. Considering the ratio of Jojo reactions to We Were Soldiers reactions on You Tube maybe you hard core Jojoites could try another site and leave this one to focus on entertainment instead of social issues. And please, as my long dead mother used to say "if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything".

Aaron Mann

Here's my take. I don't just watch any reaction. I actually have to like the reactor. Having said that, while there may be a lot of Jojo reactions, that doesn't mean anything to me, because frankly, none of those reactors resonate with me and I have no plans to watch them. Some talk too much. Some not enough. Some are edited very poorly. Some show very little emotion or way too much (almost to the point where you think it might be fake). So with that said, I will watch a Jojo reaction by Cassie because I like the movie and I like Cassie.


Same. I don't watch other reactors. So it doesn't matter to me how many other JoJo reactions there are, because I'm not going to watch those. There's a lot of JoJo reactions because it is a popular movie. Say what you want about We Were Soldiers...it's not going to bring her any new subscribers/patrons. A JoJo reaction will.


"if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything". says the guy who has nothing nice to say about JoJo Rabbit. My friend, you cannot cry foul in this situation. You asked for the smoke, so you got it. Funny thing is, the smoke is tame as fuck and you are still having a cry over it. Classic!

Sean Novack

Two years ago I had a "history" teacher fired for trying to push his anti-American views on his class during COVID-19. The schools were forced to do remote learning and this instructor didn't want the "distraction" of parents in the same room as the student. He was insisting that the Constitution was simply written by white male slaveowners for white male slaveowners and needed to be scrapped. The Civil War was only about the economic interests of the North and had nothing to do with ending slavery. The United States provoked the Japanese into the attack on Pearl Harbor and remains a war criminal because they are they only country in the world to have dropped nuclear weapons... That sort of thing. Look. We are far from perfect, but the simple fact remains that in the short 240+ years we've been around we've done little worse than any other nation in that time, and a hell of a lot better. I have no problem teaching the bad with the good, but the good needs to be addressed as well, and this guy wasn't doing that. Students who challenged him were mocked and ridiculed, and their grades were docked. I recorded his lessons, went to the school administrators, and found I wasn't the only one who filed a complaint. I was the only one with video evidence however. I doubt he was the only one. If you've noticed an uprising of parents against the educational system in the United States, this is probably why.

Coleton B.

SPOILERS SPOILERS SPOILERS. Wow, people... She hasn't seen the movie yet. What are you thinking!?