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Ok what to say, what to say about this one. A lot of parts looked very cool, the red sand, loved it! I liked a lot of the ideas they played with but I just felt a few of them led to an anticlimactic end.  At one point in the middle of the movie, all of a sudden, there was just such a different vibe, it didn't feel like a Star Wars movie anymore. It was so hard seeing Hans' fate in #7 and then I just felt like Luke lost his spunk too much in this.

It was good to see Leia, not enough Chewy, I weirdly liked the Kylo and Rey thing I just wish they spent longer with it once they got there. You know?

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stephen lee

can this full reaction be re uploaded please

Philip Alan

No video? Please re-upload! Thank you!


Cassie if you are still reading and are interested. Here is my "response" video to TLJ. I made this video the next day after seeing TLJ in theaters. You don't gotta respond or anything I just want to put this out there if you want to see what someone else thought right after they first saw this movie. I promise it's not toxic, or curse laden or anything like that. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GvaTVPqyMnE


I'm no Cassie, LOL, but I just started watching your YouTube video. I'll be back after with my thoughts.


I stand firmly behind everything I've said about this movie. So by all means. Enjoy my initial impression. I have other videos if you need elaboration on my views on anything.


I had to smile seeing Cassie looking for the love stories in the movie. But… ughh, it just reminded me of how much I hate what they did to such a beloved character. Am I asking too much to have more of the original cast that I love so much in this movie? I wanted more of C3PO arguing with R2. I wanted more Luke. I wanted to see him as the elder Jedi Master who mentors Rey ala Obi Wan and Luke from A New Hope. I wanted… I wanted… I need to watch A New Hope right now to get this bad taste out of my mouth and remember the Luke Skywalker that I love and not this cynical character that they turned him into. Shame on them!


It was a pretty good video and inline with what most people ended up feeling about this movie. You actually only cursed once LOL but it's okay because it was about Admiral Ackbar LOL Also people's points of view definitely change after seeing The Rise of Skywalker.

Robin Craft

@ Tara.... have you read or seen Mark Hamill's criticisms about The Last Jedi? 😬

Celeste McAllister

Only Disney could sink a long standing franchise with a mediocre trilogy.


The Prequel trilogy is so much worse. The franchise was already sunk by the man that created it.

Shaun Ganyo

Is this the same sunk franchise that has the Mandalorian and Boba Fett and Obi-Wan Kenobi? Yea, looks like it's done!

Tyler Foster

Criticisms he was clear he regretted mentioning because he does not like people believing he didn't think the film was good, FWIW.


*singing Frozen's famed song*

Marty McGee

I actually loved everything about the Luke/Rey/Kylo/Snoke story, but I hated just about everything in the Resistance escape storyline. Luke throwing the lightsaber away was shocking and jarring, but as the storyline progressed I started to understand his arc better. I actually think he has an amazing arc in this film. The Kylo and Rey connection is different from anything we've seen in previous films, but I think it's incredibly interesting. The only thing I didn't like about Snoke is that he got killed off too quickly. Though it led to one of the coolest fight scenes in the sequel trilogy and just behind the Anakin/Obi-Wan fight in ROTS. The Resistance storyline was just awkward and kind of unnecessary. Holdo was a horrible character. Star Wars is famous for scenes depicting plans being discussed by the entire leadership. All of a sudden here's this one person who says, "hmmm I think I'll just keep my plan a secret from my fighter pilots." She didn't even acknowledge that there was a plan! The chase was just a silly concept in my opinion too. Kind of like watching the OJ chase. Captain Phasma also felt unsatisfying. I think she was underused in both 7 and 8. And the Leia Poppins scene. I'll admit that the visual looked kind of silly, but she had that premonition of warning before the bridge was hit so was able to put herself in a Jedi survival state. We also know that you can manipulate objects with the force, even yourself so it is totally believable she was able to save herself in that moment. Again, the visual just looked really silly and terrible. So I always put this movie at around a 5 or 6. I think episode 9 could have made it better, but I'll save my criticisms for that one.

Celeste McAllister

My father was in line for 12hrs to see the original '77 Star Wars release,everyone in the theater went nuts over it,standing ovation in a movie theater was unheard of at that time,where did Lucas go wrong with the prequels nobody asked for,Jar Jar was thought to be the "Next Chewy"..But these sequels! OMG! At least 30k-40k workers stayed employed during the production.

Mr Jordan

It was a terrible movie (in my opinion), but Cassie's reaction was awesome (which is a fact).


Yay, the only good Star Wars movie :)

Joe M

Boy I’ll tell ya, after watching The Rise of Skywalker, I am starting to appreciate this one even more.

London Davis

Where is this copy? If it's no longer available to watch or download then it should probably be removed. Don't you think?