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Hey everyone!! Big week for PIB over here! I am getting so excited/nervous for the LIVE on Saturday. I am hoping you are able to join, this is your reminder to get your tux's and gowns dry cleaned ;) 

Ok so we have a little pickle with The Count of Monte Cristo, the first half has no audio, the microphone must have come loose and not connected to the camera. Luckily I always record the audio on my phone as well so we are going to try very hard to match it up and hopefully you won't even notice, it just is going to be an extra day, should be up tomorrow though! Next, I am excited to watch a movie for Australia Day tomorrow. This recc was given to me by one of our Australian patrons and though it deals with a dark time in Australian history, I still am very interested and think it is important to see. 

Lastly, Dirty Dancing, as a chick flick connoisseur I am a little embarrassed to admit I  have never seen this one! Excited to start getting into some LOVE movies for FEBRUARY! 

We also have the football movie poll coming tomorrow!

Thank you SO much for being here,



Glenn Burns

I'm also looking for it. Will it be on YouTube or Twitch?

James Moy

I'm not finding it either and according to my calculations it should have started 3 minutes ago... either I'm doing something wrong or it's not up yet

Seymor Butz

Usually it's youtube and advertised at least an hour prior. But I checked both.....no joy

Glenn Burns

Sometimes she's running late. Maybe that's just the case this time, too.

Obie Brown

She is usually punctual, I hope all is ok

Obie Brown

Todays live is a bigger production than usual. She said she was gonna dress up and Carly will be here too, so more things to prepare.

Seymor Butz

A quick update would be nice. If it's not tonight there are other things I need to do.

James Moy

I hope everything is ok also. Have heard from someone else I follow on Patreon that it has been playing him up today so maybe that has something to do with it.

Obie Brown

Its live! Lets gooo

James Moy

its up on youtube

Michael Labs

Stream has started on Youtube and the chats are going.


I can't believe you've never seen Dirty Dancing!! I saw it when it first came out on vhs. I got in trouble for it (I was only 9 at the time!), but it has long since been one of my favorites. You MUST watch the final dance more than once per viewing! It's like a tradition!