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It took almost ten minutes for Jesse to finally make his way to the club, long after anyone else had arrived, breathing a sigh of relief as it finally came into view. He’d quickly found a parking space, running into Jack soon after, at least relieved that someone had bothered waiting for him with how late he was.

“Sorry again... I swear my phone was acting up so I couldn’t find this place at all...”

“Listen, it’s fine!” Jack smiled. “You’re here now so don’t worry about it. James and Max will understand as well. They should be waiting inside for us now.”

“Ok, ok...” Jesse muttered, the two of them slowly walking towards the entrance. “Wait, I thought you said the message said to use the back door?”

“Yeah, it did. But I’ve seen like, seven people walking in and out while I’ve been waiting for you. So whatever issue the door had is probably solved now.” Jack explained as they walked inside, Jesse looking around at the club, taking in the atmosphere and the tons of people enjoying drinks, both men shivering from the sudden change in atmosphere.

W-well... that had to be it right? There was a small stirring in Jesse’s core, his heart pounding in time with the music, Jack seeming similarly confused, Jesse opening his mouth to ask before-

“I-I’ll go look for James and Max!” Suddenly squeaked Jack. “H-how about you find us a table and I’ll meet you there? Ok thanks bye!” He spoke way too quickly, dashing into the crowd before Jesse could get a word in, acting in sharp contrast to how he had been a moment ago.

“That was... strange.” muttered Jesse, shaking his head and walking in the other direction, trying to take his mind off the unusual feelings by admiring the club.

It was a good location, some nice music playing, lots of chatter, only the smell of alcohol slightly unpleasant as he scrunched up his nose, swearing he heard a faint crack under all the music. He ignored it though, focusing on finding a table, thinking he might have one before he spotted something else.

It was the empty stage, a curtain drawn over it to conceal it from the crowd, the sight of it making Jesse twitch slightly, like his body was being magnetically drawn towards it. It must have been a natural curiosity, yet natural was the one thing he couldn’t describe it as, even his movements seeming off and stiff as he drew ever closer.

He questioned himself, obviously, but he honestly had no idea what he was doing, the need inside simply impossible to ignore or hold back as he wobbled uncertainly. It was just c-curiosity. That had to be it, Jesse nodding in agreement as his jaw and cheekbones softened, starting to sink inwards as they were infected by cuteness, the blush covering his face looking particularly adorable.

It was only after he reached the stage that he noticed the door, muttering apologies as he navigated through the crowd to reach it, the words “staff only” written clearly on it.

That should have been where his journey ended.

So why did it not seem like a problem at all?

His hand was on the handle before he could even think, opening the door and slipping inside without a second thought, finding himself backstage, the area filled with various boxes and junk collected from over the years, all of it pretty uninteresting. It was then that he came to his senses, Jesse shaking his head to focus, wondering what he was even doing.

“I shouldn’t be here! I need to be w-with the others getting ready for the s-show?” He spoke slowly, unsure why the correct sentence sounded so strange, or why he’d chosen to emphasise the show over just hanging out.

Jesse decided it wasn’t worth questioning, his effeminate face blushing as his clothes brushed against what was slowly becoming quite soft and sensitive skin, ready to return to the table and forget all about the strange events.

Then he saw the drum kit.

He froze in his tracks, a confused shiver running through him at the mere sight of the instrument, unable to help himself. Something about it was eating away at him even greater than the stage had, his eyes widening and staying that way as the fluttering eyelashes framed increasingly red and sparkly eyes.

Jesse didn't know what had come over him, his heart doing backflips as he staggered towards the drum kit, having no idea of the changes claiming him. But he was all too aware of how good it felt, moaning softly as he sat on the seat, gripping the drumsticks so tightly it felt like his hands might break.

He knew how to play of course. He was sure of that, but it was feeling more important than just something he could do, almost like it was... his job? N-no, but he hadn't played any drummers in a show before, that w-wasn't-

"M-maybe playing will... clear my h-h-head?" he managed to get out, his voice gently rising in pitch, exchanging gruffness for a cutesy, high pitched soprano, the sound stirring his cock to life as he began to play.

Each beat seemed to shoot right through him, Jesse's eyes wide as he banged each drum in front of him to an improved beat, the sheer force of the beats seeming to push his hands over the edge, both of them snapping with each beat as they were reduced in size dramatically. Yet it wasn't something he was fully aware of, Jesse starting to breathe heavily, feeling his body burn with bliss, the wonderful sensations making his eyelids flutter.

Performing was only enhancing it all too, his heart pounding and cock twitching in sync with the improvised beat, moaning in need as the muscles in his arms decayed into slim, powerless fat. It looked far more appealing though, just the sight of it making him give an uncharacteristic giggle, his shrinking toes curling in shoes far too big for them as they fell to the floor.

His tiny toes were the last thing on his mind, his brain slowly feeling more unfamiliar with each passing second, and strangely, all the better for it~. Jesse let out a giggly gasp, his eyes sparkling as two hard beats sent his shoulders collapsing inwards, feeling his brain throb in time with the clash of the cymbals, certain thoughts growing fuzzier from the piercing sound.

Jesse laughed, a giddy, girly sound feeling so natural to let slip from his plumper lips, wriggling in the chair as his ass tingled from bliss. He squirmed harder, eyes rolling up as he began to scream like a riot singer, grinding his expanding ass into the chair as he began to orgasm from the unbearable bliss of it all.

The expanding rear strained against his pants, sensually squishing against the seat, each cheek surging out further with each beat of the instrument. It was a constant cycle of bliss, one Jesse found themselves willingly trapped in, his thighs clenching harder with each eruption of mass, his brain feeling as beaten as the drums he was playing, new thoughts and memories bouncing into view, high school seeming so much closer, cute girls all around him seeming more like friends than hot, everything making it s-so hard too-

"O-OHHHHHHHHHH~!!!!!!" he squealed, cumming even harder as he slammed his head down onto a drum, drooling from delight and twitching as the overwhelming surges of fat spilled into his thighs. He couldn't focus, couldn't think, but it was impossible to do anything but scream and buck, especially with how fat and thick his thighs were becoming, threatening to burst free of his pants at a moment's notice.

Their growth was unstoppable, Jesshi drooling as his pants felt set to be torn apart by the sheer volume of mass, everything squishing and grinding in delicious, feminine delight. Then, right as they were about to burst, his pants seemed to unravel, the changing man squealing in bliss as his smooth legs were exposed, what remained of the trousers floofing up into a short skirt right as his lower assets finished growing, his cock free to spurt buckets of cum as he drowned from the electric delight.

His past life was fading under the pressure, his arms soon resuming his playing as his long sleeves turned to short ones, his shirt a simple Japanese schoolgirl uniform, complete with a ribbon, a hand down f-from her big sis! He wasn't even sure if that made sense, shivering as his drumming continued to drastically alter him further as he fell deeper into his new feminine life, his shoes turning to red trainers that perfectly cupped the smaller forms his feet had taken.

Each beat reaffirmed the invading thoughts, sending them digging into his malleable mind, overwriting the old with ones that were so much better! Performances were constant of course, only these ones seemed far more exciting than those old acting roles, Jeschi wondering why he was thinking of boring things like that as he banged away in increasing enthusiasm, chunks of his life melting away like a collapsing glacier as locks of hair burnt with fiery bliss.

Locks of shiny blonde fell over his vision, almost gleaming in the limited lighting of backstage, cascading down like a waterfall of sunlight, his hair forced down longer and longer with each bang and hit of the drums and cymbal. He even gave the foot pedal a stomp, squealing as the following bang not only annihilated the muscle within his legs, shrinking them down to appealing lithe forms, but also sending his hair growing even longer.

It was pouring out in soft waves of blonde, the locks conditioned to girly perfection as the rhythm styled it into a cute side ponytail. It felt like every old thought was being sapped and drained from his head, physically removed and replaced beat by beat until Jeschi didn’t even know who he was anymore.

AH~! KYAHHH~!!! OHHHHHHHH~!!!! G-GAWD~!” came her Japanese cursing, her gender the next to fall into the Ijichi ocean as her hips burst, expanding to become wide and alluring.

The beats were literally beating her body now, the changing girl more than happy to let them as she played harder and faster. She slammed her spine into an arch with a joyful scream, the bangs of the cymbal making her core waver as a plug was pulled within, the fat and muscle that had been within swirling out of her throbbing shaft as she was drained of masculine essence.

Only girly femininity was left in its wake, a slender, slim core that would probably look perfect in a swimsuit, that thought made her giggle and gurgle as even her impressive height dribbled away. The performance had made her almost unrecognisable as the same man that had entered the room, the small bit of doubt within the almost teenage girl unable to stop herself from playing more, the final performance that would truly seal her fate fast approaching.

Even that doubt was starting to fade though, only two very important things left to be altered as Jeichi suddenly squeaked, her chest pounding as she slammed the drum kit, the sudden sensations sending her falling to the floor. The impact sent her back cracking into an even deeper arch, yet all her attention was on her chest, the poor girl forced to squeal and cum with each surge of mass.

It was following a drumbeat inside her, the song of change that had been guiding her reaching a climax as her inflating bust brushed against her shirt. Her hair was going everywhere as she thrashed and squeaked, her hands unable to help themselves from giving her tits as much attention as her beloved drums.

They surged past As, Bs, finally settling on a perky C, the girl gasping as she fully remembered her sister, her dream, her bandmates and love for performance, a-and wait shit wasn’t there one now!? W-what was she doing here!? She needed to-

“HNGH~! A-AH~! OH F-FUCK ME~!” she cried in primal bliss, a chunk of her cock suddenly sinking into her eager pussy, Jichi barely having a moment to react to such godly euphoria before another chunk met the same fate. Then another. Then another. Then-

“S-SHIT~! FUCKING S-SHIT~! IT’S SPLITTING ME~ KYAHHHHHH~!!!!” her manhood’s final curtain call was certainly one for the ages, the whole thing imploding in a brutal explosion of euphoria, spurting free as much cum as was physically possible.

She headbanged to the bliss, loving every moment as her shaft was reduced to a mere nub, straining and twitching until a final squish of her thighs banished it to non-existence with a moist sssssssssssssssPOP~!


Ijichi screamed from pure delight, twitching and bucking on the floor as she came for the first time as a woman, a dazed smile on her face as she savoured the wonderful, peaceful aftershocks. She’d been so stressed lately... managing the band. Stopping Ryo from trying to use the band funds to buy some old vinyls. It was a miracle they could get anything done sometimes.

But despite all that, she wouldn’t trade her bandmates for anything in the world, the drummer smiling wider for a second before pausing, blushing as she realised something, drumstick still instinctively in hand.

“Wait... did I forget to wear any panties today!?”

It was then she realised something much more pressing.

“OH MY GOD WE’RE ON IN FIVE MINUTES!” screamed the girl, shooting to her feet with wide eyes. “W-where is everyone!? Why aren’t I with them!? AH THIS IS THE WORST POSSIBLE THING!”

Her attempts of staying calm were far from successful, Ijichi dashing out of the room into the backstage corridors, desperately searching for the dressing room the band had been assigned. Thankfully she found it almost right away, breathing a sigh of relief before throwing it open,

“Oh thank god I found you all! We’re on in five minutes, so please tell me- WHAT ARE YOU TWO DOING!?” she shrieked, Ryo tilting her head as Kita squeaked and attempted to put her clothes back on as fast as she could.

“Dang. Busted.”

“I-I... b-but... what is this!?” the drummer managed to squeak out, her brain still trying to catch up.

“Oh, we were having sex. Was that not obvious?”


“Four minutes now.”

“THAT’S NOT HELPING RYO! A-also please put some clothes on!” Ijichi blushed, Ryo starting to slip on her clothes while the drummer turned to Kita.

"By the way, I'm very happy for you both. I'll congratulate you properly once we get through this show."

"Thanks, Ijichi-chan! Oh it was just heavenly! S-senpai is sooooooo skilled with her-"

"Too much information, Kita." the drummer breathed a sigh of relief as they both finished putting their clothes back on. "Oh thank god, you're all ready. Phew. That could have been a disaster!"

"Aren't you forgetting someone Ijichi?"

The blonde girl blinked, looking around as she finally noticed who was missing. *W-wait! Where's Bocchi!? She's not here!? How is she not here!? Where is she!?"

"Oh yeah, I haven't seen Gotoh-chan since we got here..." Kita muttered. "Do you think she got afraid of the crowd?"

"That would be just like her... come on you two, let's look for her. She can't have gotten too far..."


Jack had no idea why he suddenly felt so on edge.

He shivered through the crowd, shaking like a leaf ever since he had left Jesse, only assuming the club being more busy than he expected was the cause. It had to be that right? He'd gotten way better with people recently; s-sure he didn't talk much, interact much, and always felt like he was bothering people and one wrong move would result in the end of his life. The credits rolling on a wasteland of a social life. His one chance of being social gone with the winds of despair-

"F-fuck that's a bit much... I really need to get out of m-my head more..." Jack muttered, idly scratching his itchy hair, wondering when was the last time he got it cut, swearing it wasn't this long the last time he checked.

He wanted to focus on that a bit more, but he was currently doing his best to not curl into a ball at the merest glance from another human, letting out a few tiny squeaks and waves as he desperately searched for James and Max, hoping their comforting presence would put him more at ease.

But try as he might, Jack could find no trace of them, whimpering as he almost caused a woman to knock over her drinks, squeaking out an endless stream of sorries and dashing away without a second thought, terrified at the thought of confrontation, knowing how it was bound to end.

"We hereby sentence Jack to lifetime imprisonment for being a blemish on society! Begone!"

"Noooooooooooooooo! " he cried, shaking his head and long, pink-tipped hair before blushing. "I m-mean, that's obviously never going to happen! H-hehe..."

The pink seemed to be spreading alongside his anxieties, more and more of the increasingly messy, uncut, and not as well cared for strands falling to the bright new colour, still becoming softer regardless. It felt nice. Comforting. Like a warm blanket fort to hide from the world in, like he really wanted to do right-

"H-hngh! C-come on you two... w-where are you!?" Jack tried to hiss, shivering as his shaking hands collapsed, tiny fingers instinctively hiding in his sleeves out of nervousness. "O-oh why didn't I bring my g-g-..."

His what?

"I-I need to find the others already! S-stay focused Jack! I-it’ll be fine!" he reassured himself, brushing a lock of bright pink hair to one side as he journeyed through the crowd.

He was confident! He was an extrovert! He could do extrovert things now! He just needed to focus on all that! This was fine. This was fine. This was- WAIT WHY WAS EVERYONE SO MUCH TALLER THAN HIM NOW!?

Jack made a sound between a whine and a moan, paralyzed by fear, swearing the imposing figures around him were towering over him more by the second, backing away with wide, panicked eyes. He had to be imagining it, he was certain of that, p-people don't shrink! It was just his fear trying to stop him!

With that confirmed, he barely ignored his anxiety, taking a step forward with a nervous smile.

It was then he tripped over his too-large trousers and hit an empty table, sending the drinks on it flying everywhere.

"My life is over. The gaze of society has marked me with judgement. My pants are down and- ASKJNLFHJBJKASFJL MY PANTS ARE DOWN!?" his thoughts grinded to a halt, Jack making a tiny "pilp!" sound like that was enough to erase him from existence and escape the shame.

He pulled them up right away, blushing like crazy, only hoping nobody had seen his tiny body tumble, Jack trying to shake off the feeling of everyone being so much bigger than him. His back felt off too, the shape too curved, too girly, the man certain he had to be imagining it, namely noticing how two ice cubes that had fallen to the ground stuck to his hair, one turning blue while the other was washed with yellow.

The hairpins dislodged a single lock, making it stick out as Jack stumbled between the busy crowd, unable to meet the eyes of anyone around him, his body shivering wildly as his shoulders, slotted down into pleasant, appealing curves. It made him pause, Jack swearing there wasn't something right, yet unable to properly pinpoint the source, instead forced to squeak while holding up his too large pants.

His brain was fogging over, his eyes tingling as they grew heavy, pools of blue overtaking them as the image of who he was looking for began to shift; t-they weren't as tall as that. Or as old. Or g-guys to begin with! R-right?

"I-I... d-d-don't remember?" he muttered in confusion, his heart pounding, the world spinning as his entire brain throbbed, tiny feminine hands clutching a face that was rapidly shifting to match. His nose and jaw shattered from the weight of society, cute cheeks flushing as his lips plumped out appealingly. "W-why... w-what's... h-happening?"

His voice was starting to sound higher pitched with every second, only adding to the image of him being like a frightened animal, whatever force was changing him hell bent on making him match the final girl of the band in every single way. It was hard to think, Jack clutching his head and dropping his too large pants, revealing the short, fluttering skirt beneath them, the man instantly regretting it, w-why did she l-let Kita convince her to wear s-something so s-short!? S-she'll be fetishized on the internet for this! L-like some freaks might write stories when some guy turns into her or-

"A-ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh~?" he moaned uncertainty, trying to hide it with a giggle when he got a few curious stares in return, muttering about the w-weird girl, o-oh she just wished a hole would open up in the ground and never let her out ag- wait g-girl? She flinched, looking down at the throbbing bulge in her skirt, wondering what part didn't fit.

The pink was no longer satisfied to simply be contained to his(?) hair, his shirt growing baggy, loose, the kind of comfy clothes they loved to wear when hiding in the closet. T-that was a right thought r-right? That was real? W-who was she? W-what was happening!? F-fuck she couldn't think!

"Um, excuse me?" A voice suddenly rang out, Jack swearing his soul was leaving his body as an older woman addressed him. "Do you know where the toilets are?"

"Yes or no. It's a yes or no question. Open your mouth. Say the word. You've done this so often in the mirror!  W-wait no in person! I-I've done this all the time in-"

"Well, you did fantasise about it a ton."

"Well obviously Guitar-kun, when I have imaginary friends I obviously have to have better goals in- WAIT WHY DO I HAVE IMAGINARY FRIENDS!?"

In reality, Jacki simply raised their collar, blushing and trying to hide her face as the woman blinked, eventually moving on altogether.

"Oh t-thank god! I was worried she would a-ask me more! Oh s-some rockstar I... w-what am I saying!?" she gasped, her eyes spinning, breathing harder and shivering in pure terror. He was arguing with his thoughts every second, even his gender seeming to flip flop as his cock pounded and throbbed in overwhelming need.

He really wanted to find the others now, the familiar presence of the other girls certain to calm her down before a performance. M-maybe she could even perform in a box again! Y-yeah that would work! I-it was really nice and dark and tight in there and-

She wriggled happily at the thought, gasping as her hips began to crunch outwards, pushing out her skirt with their increasing heft. Jacci was squirming hard as she stumbled almost drunkenly, her mind feeling like it was growing closer to figuring out what was happening, desperate to figure out why her pink hair, personality and clothes made her feel so scared.

So this is the curse of the introvert. The world itself is gaslighting me. Society and reality r-rejecting me.

"N-nooooooooooooooooo... b-but I... c-can be s-social too~?" he let out a gasping moan, feeling his chest ache and pound, groaning as his nipples burnt, fat beginning to slide behind them. "O-ooooooooooohhhhh s-so nice~?"

They slowly bloomed outwards, fueled only by the fat that had previously been contained in his stomach, gently rising like bread in an oven, Jacci unable to help herself from gently groping them in needy bliss. He was lost to the pleasure for a moment, feeling them push outwards with plush mass, almost making him sink into the comfy tracksuit and identity, to just be a rockstar forev-

"Eh?" he looked down, suddenly coming to his senses, tilting his head as he saw the b-cup breasts in his hands.

He blinked.


Jack was convinced he was hallucinating, no other explanation making sense as he did his best not to hyperventilate into passing out, screaming a verbal text smash at the realisation he was growing tits. T-things like this didn't happen! They c-can't! This stuff that should only be in stories you read on DA and n-not that she would know that of course, rock stars don't read porn and n-nobody must never be able to prove that she ha-


Which identity she was talking about didn't seem to matter, especially when another surge of mass was coming, her breasts bursting outwards even further as they gained even more feminine appeal. They were tenting her shirt, although it was doing an excellent job at hiding just how massive her breasts were, Jocchi wondering what would happen if she showed them off more in their sho-

"NOOOOOOOOOO T-THEY'LL JUST CALL ME A PERVERT GUITAR GIRL~! M-MY LIFE W-WOHHHHHHHHHHULD BE OHHHHVERRRRRAHHHHH~! *she screamed, her changes only drawing limited attention, as if her mere presence was something that could be easily overlooked by the more social people in the club, not even the expansion of her breasts into DDs able to change that.

She came and wailed in shameful euphoria, eventually dying down to cute, panicked little squeaks, her eyes spinning as two identities scrambled for control. S-she had to get help. She had to stop this. S-stop the changes! The s-show!? Y-yeah she had to stop the show so s-she didn't have to perform in front of all these... p-perverts!

"N-NOHHHHHHH T-THAT'S NOT RIGHT- THAT ISN'T- BUT I D-DOHHHHHN'T WAHHHHHNNA PERFORM~!" she wailed, staggering in wild bliss, helpless as the muscle in her arms broke down, forced to follow the societal expectations of introverts, reduced to nothing but slim, powerless fat.

"Bocchi-chan is only saying this since she doesn't want to admit she doesn't work out more!"

“N-nooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhh I s-said shut up Guitar-kun! R-rock stars are too c-cool to have- w-wait... B-Bocchi!? B-but t-there's no- amnsjkbhfkjhjlansfhkbaslfn~!?"

The realisation shook him to the core, the fact he was becoming a fictional character made him breathless and aroused, filling him with a mess of conflicting emotion that made his head spin.

“N-no~! Just because B-Bocchi’s my f-fav doesn’t mean I want to be just like h-her for real!” he pleaded, hoping whatever force was changing him would listen to his plea, but no answer would come.

She had to get away, Jacchi barely able to focus on TG triggers though the anxiety infested mess of her mind, trying to figure out what had even caused this and how to undo it. W-what about the ones in the stuff she wrote!? No that was music that wouldn’t help and NO IT WASN’T IT WAS TGS AND-

“HOLY FUCK I C-CAN’T THINK! THIS STAGE FLIGHT~! TOO MUCH- TOO MUCHHHHH~!” She squealed, the pleasure only getting more intense as her heart fluttered from supportive YouTube comments, urging her to keep playing, to be their guitar hero. Jocchi couldn’t say no to that, screaming as his ass burst in size, new panties wedging between the thick checks, the changing boy horrified when she realised there was no padding down below to hide how developed she was down there, her cock shuddering in shame.

She didn't know the cause, only that she needed help fast, breaking into a desperate dash, each step forcing his legs to discard more of their former muscle, gradually wasting away into slender, feminine foundations. Her feet were doing the same, slowly breaking into smaller, girly sizes that were a much better fit for the shifting shoes, Jocchi breathing a sigh of relief as the exit finally came into view, right before she bumped into someone.

She squeaked as she fell to the floor, her heart pounding as she was filled with both relief and terror at the sight of Ryo's blinking face.

"Oh there you are Bocchi."

"A-AH~!? NO~! B-BUT YOU’RE- I MEAN- YOU CAN'T BE- W-WAHHHHH~!!!!!” She couldn't think, every thought a haze of pleasure, each action making her body buzz, her thighs clenching out of instinct, a decision she found herself regretting immediately.

"Having fun?" asked her bandmate with a tilt of her head, watching as Bocchi stuttered and squealed, her erect cock twitching and throbbing like crazy as it pushed out her skirt.

It was obvious from a glance that her thighs were growing, bulging with pure fat, surrounding his brain with anxieties, the mental image of Jack being dragged into the closet of Bocchiness. There was no way out, Jack unable to fight it, she could only scream as he was submerged with a love for rock, an almost exaggerated degree of anxiety and love for her bandmates.


"Oh don't worry about that." Ryo brushed her off. "You'll be fine soon. But word of advice Bocchi. The best rockstars don't have annoying cocks. You'll make a lot more friends and be way more popular without it."

Her words certainly had the intended effect, Bocchi shrieking as her cock throbbed harder than ever, her eyes wide as it began to sink inwards, Jack fully buried in the same place she kept embarrassing 3am thoughts from her dark past. But that was hardly important, not when she was being flooded with bliss beyond compare, her scream growing more intense by the minute, barely even sounding human with an almost electric filter.

"Goto-chan! What's wrong!" Kita cried, bursting from the crowd and leaning down as Ijichi followed.

"Oh, it's just her cock inverting. She'll be ready in a moment."

"Good thing too... we have two minutes to spare. Let's never cut it that close again, alright? Nobody will book us if we're late for our own shows!"

Bocchi could barely hear what they were saying under the sound of her own piercing scream, her cock descending with electric shocks of delight, the poor girl feeling like she was about to glitch out of existence from how unbearably overwhelming it was.


It was getting smaller. It was getting smaller fast, Bocchi a screaming mess as she was flooded with continuing streams of utter delight, the experience never ending as it literally blew her mind. It was hiding away in the depths of her pussy, never to emerge, just like she wanted to do when she realised she was cumming in front of her bandmates, but both could do nothing to stop it as the pleasure continued to soar to newfound heights.

Each inch that inverted was another blissful burst, Bocchi helpless but to scream and twitch, her new self too strong to fight, not that she would ever dream of that of course, c-confrontation sounded s-scary...

"I-I'M- I'M- G-GOHHHHHHING- A-AH OH~! F-FUCKING S-SHIT~! I-I'M B-BOCCHI~! B-B0CCHIIIIIII~!!!!!!" she gave a final shout, her thrashing coming to an end at last as her cock imploded with a final pop! Bocchi crying out in delight, feeling her body finish, eyes spinning as she was left twitching, a blissful expression on her face, her massive breasts rising up and down under her loose shirt.

It was peaceful. Relaxing even, the orgasmic aftershocks making her smile, no anxieties to her name as she shut her eyes-

"Yep. I thought so. You scream more than Kita."

"D-don't tell them that senpai!"

"Good grief... well at least you're all finished now Bocchi."

And promptly realised she had just orgasmed several times in front of her bandmates.

"Bocchi?" asked Ijichi, watching as the pink haired girl stood up with a blank expression on her face. "Are you alri-"

"Bocchi isn't here right now. Please leave a message after the beep. Beeeeeeeeppppppp..." she muttered with a far away look in her eyes.

“O-oh don't be embarrassed Bocchi! We all went through it too! We're all a little embarrassed about what happened, so don't take it so hard!" Ijichi reassured with a smile.

"I'm not embarrassed. Mine was fucking hot." Ryo chimed in, before going silent at the blonde girl's glare.

"Yeah, come on Goto-chan! It's all o-kay~!" Kita beamed. "But now we really need to go and perform!"

Bocchi stiffened. "Oh... well... my guitar is gone. I was mugged in the violent american streets by corrupted delinquents."

"Nice try. I have it right here." Ryo blinked, tossing the guitar case at the pink haired girl, who squeaked and caught it possessively.

"B-b-but I don't want to play! C-can't I just hide in a box again!?"

"Are you kidding? You're like, the most popular out of us!" Iijichi argued, Ryo rolling her eyes at the statement.

"If that helps you all sleep at night."

"No time to be egotistical! Bocchi, come on! You can do this! You've played in front of crowds before! I'm certain the people here will love the music!"

"A-are you sure? But I thought A-Americans would be all... I don't know... perverts?" she asked, hoisting the bag onto her back and laughing nervously.

"That's a bit of a generalisation." Ryo thought aloud. "Just because there's some doesn't mean everyone is. Have you seen some of the manga back home?"

"Yeah, Bocchi! You'll do great as always! Come on! Please! Please?" asked the drummer, Bocchi eventually squeaking and nodding out of increasing nervousness about what would happen if she said no.

"Yay! Come on girls!" Kita beamed. "Let's get this show started already!"

"I regret every decision that led up to this moment." was all Bocchi could think as she was dragged onto stage.

With that, the newly formed Kessoku Band began the first of many performances, the four girls all having the times of their lives playing for the eager crowd. Sure, this new world might be a little concerning, along with some other things they would likely have to deal with.

But each girl was certain that as long as they had their music, band, and each other, they would be fine.

"NAKSHBJHGFHJJNFHJABJSHF oh god, oh god, oh god, this is awful! This is awful! Why are they all looking at me!? Can they see my bust!? Did I not zip up the tracksuit right!? I-Is it my legs? Do they hate me!? Is my introvert body so horrific that they can't take their eyes away?! T-that's it! I'm playing with my eyes closed! I'm not psyched up enough for this!"

Well, Bocchi probably knew that somewhere under her truckloads of anxiety.


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