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At this point, Cameron knew it was likely far past time to give up.

The man sighed to himself, sat all by his lonesome in his office, lamenting another failed audition to a band, the disaster another entry for the book of failure that was proving to be the norm for his countless attempts. He'd wanted to be a singer for pretty much all his life, always wishing to perform on a stage, to write music and share it all to the world.

But every time he put his dream into action, it always went wrong, last minute nerves, equipment playing up, it was almost like he was cursed to never be good enough to succeed. So his desires were trapped in the realm of daydreams, stuck in his head as he went through his boring, dead end job at some weird science lab.

He didn't do much, only watch the security cameras on a few nights. Not the most glamorous job, but it paid the bills for now. On the nights when he was on his own, he was even able to practise singing with nobody around to judge him, whether it was whatever was stuck in his head that night or even some of the original stuff he wrote.

Cameron wasn't sure what the lab actually did per say; he'd seen news reports of allegations of dumping some kind of unstable, inky oil in the nearby beach, and he was sure it had something to do with marine life. One time when he went drinking with some of the staff, one of them was going on about finding the next step in human evolution or something, but he'd been pretty out of it at that point. Besides, something that big would be ridiculous.

So he was alone at work as normal, the ink allegations actually inspiring some lyrics for an old melody in his mind, the man tapping to the beat on his work station as he thought aloud.

"Faces blush... a rush of ink? Then what? Something, something, no time to think? That could work..."

He wrote it down in his notebook, about to work on the next part of the song when, for the first time on the job, a flash of movement broke him from his thoughts, a small blur sliding across the footage of the hallway right outside. It was quick, so fast he wasn't even sure if it was even real, but he decided he may as well stretch his legs and check; might have been a cat or something.

When he emerged from the room and flicked on the lights though, he discovered something much more shocking, his eyes wide as he muttered. "W-what the fuck?"

There was green paint everywhere, the colour splattered all over the halls in large streaks, a few things knocked over as he looked around in shock, walking towards a wall and hesitantly putting his finger in the gooey matter.

"No it's not paint... it's... ink? Ugh, is this one of the scientist’s ideas of a prank or something? The camera probably didn't pick it up since those cheapskates made the footage black and white... but when did someone do this?"

He didn't have the time to properly think it through when he noticed something odder, raising an eyebrow as he walked towards the camera, more specifically what was positioned under it. It looked like a large kettle of all things, sticking out of the ground with broken pieces of floor around it, like the machine had burst from the ground.

Cameron looked down into it, only seeing darkness, his hand reaching for his walkie talkie until a sound broke him from his thoughts, the man turning around to see inhuman yellow eyes as a shadowy figure pushed him towards the hole.

"A-AH!? Oh fuck, shitshitshitSHITTTTTT!" he fell, descending into the darkness at rapid speeds. The world went black as he fell and fell, eventually passing out from fright before he hit the bottom.


By the time he came to, the man felt sore all over, his eyes flickering open to find himself in an unfamiliar world, lit only by strange lights on the ceiling. It almost looked like a dressing room, although a very sloppily made one, complete with ink dripping from the roof, the man groaning as he got to his feet.

"W-where the fuck am I?" he muttered, looking up at the lightbulbs to see some kind of fish swimming inside, the man swearing he was hallucinating from the fall, or perhaps dreaming to begin with. The outfits all looked nice though, all really colourful and poppy, some even having a sea or marine motif to them.

It didn't look like a part of the building... so was he underground? But who would be living so deep down here? Nothing about this made sense to the man, no matter how much he thought about it, the answers certainly not obvious as he hummed in thought.

It was then that he heard footsteps approaching the door, the man turning around and gaping at what entered. She looked human at first, having the same general body shape and frame. But there were clear differences, the domino mask-like pattern around her eyes, the noticeable fangs, and most obviously, the large green tentacles growing from her head in place of hair.

Part of him hoped it was someone in a costume, as strange as it was, but it looked way too lifelike to be fake, the man about to scream until the mysterious girl rolled her eyes, and said something in a language he didn't understand, her voice sounding gurgled like she was underwater.


"My bad. Forgot I had to talk in English for a moment... I see you’re awake. Good. I was starting to get impatient," she answered with a roll of her eyes. The words were still gurgled, and a bit unnatural on her lips, but he was able to understand her this time.

"W-what... what are you talking about!? W-who are... w-what are..."

"My name is Marie. I'm an Inkling. Hey,” she said bluntly.

"T-that doesn't e-explain anything th-"

"Oh yeah, guess not huh? I'll give you the long and short of it. You're in our little settlement. “Our” as in us Inklings and Octolings. We were normal sea animals, but then this ink started getting dumped near where we got our food from. And over time we sorta... got the ability to turn humanoid, I guess? We assume it came from that. After that happened, we had to get out of the water since we sorta dissolve in it now. Our bodies are like, 90% ink. So we moved into caves nearby to start a town. You would be surprised how many useful things you can find from shipwrecks and lost cargo, you know?"

The man was barely able to process what the Inkling was saying, clutching his head as he tried to wrap his thoughts around the infodump, having no idea the ink his employers were working on was this insane.

"H-hang on. So you were an... octopus?"

"Nope. Squid. Can't you tell from the tentacles?" asked Marie with a tilt of her head, going on to explain, “Now I'm an Inkling though. I can turn between forms whenever I want. It’s pretty handy."

"...I was never an expert on sea life. Anyways, that's... nice and all, but w-why am I here? What was that kettle thing? Was it you up there!? And why are you telling me this!?"

"I'm getting to that. Anyways, overtime we found that building was the source of the ink. So we started spying on them, pretty easy when you can turn into squids that can fit in the vents. Anyways, that's when I saw you."

"M-me?" asked Cameron in confusion, "What do I have to do with this?"

Lots. I was keeping watch one day when I heard you... singing. Not that annoying whalesong or anything. But... proper singing! Melodies! Tempo! I didn't know things like that existed until I saw you! I-it made me want to sing too... but I couldn't do it alone! I needed you to help me! And I need to test something too. Something we Inklings and Octolings have been desperate to try out for months. But it's finally ready now. And you'll be perfect for it!" Marie explained with some increased passion, before blushing and clearing her throat. "I'm sorry. Got a bit excited then."

"H-hold on!" Cameron blushed, waving his arms in shock. "You're moving too fast here! Y-you heard me singing!? B-but nobody was supposed to hear that! Let alone some kind of... squid girl... thing! W-what do you even need to test?"

"You shouldn't be so embarrassed. You sing... nice. Like I said, it was inspiring to me. I'm pretty lazy though. So I'm not all that amazing at writing music compared to you... not awful or anything, just not as easily as you seem to... and what we need to test is… well, you'll see,” she gave a half smile at that, showing a few fangs, "I guarantee you'll enjoy it~."

"O-ok? Well since you like my music, I suppose I could hear you out... this is fucking crazy though... there's no way anyone will believe me if I tell them about this..." he muttered while following the girl down the makeshift hallway. "How do you know English anyways?"

"Oh, that. We don't, we have our own language. That's what I used when I first saw you. I just taught myself some so I would be able to talk to you. I was too lazy to learn how to write it."

"Yet you learned how to speak it?" Cameron raised his eyebrow, the Inkling flushing as she continued walking, "shouldn't that have taken more effort?"

"I-it was nothing! Anyways, we're here." The girl muttered, walking into what looked like a hand-made armoury full of cartoonish weapons, all filled with different coloured ink.

"You just need to stand right there." She gestured to the corner. "Then we can discuss how to get what we both want."

"Is it that easy? I was expecting something a bit more dramatic than that…" he muttered.

She was probably just going to scan his body or something like that. Not seeing any harm in it as he headed to where Marie had pointed, turning back to face her as he asked. "Ok so now-"



The man cried out in shock as Marie pressed a remote in her pocket, the hidden bucket that had been suspended above him tipping over and utterly drenching him with purple ink. It dripped from his body in thick chunks, every inch of him being covered as he blushed in protest.

"M-Marie, what the fuck!? Is this some s-sort of... s-some... i-is it getting colder here?" he asked, looking down and squeaking as his blush deepened.

His clothes were literally melting away, the ink reducing them to nothing like acid, assimilating the fabric into itself as Cameron frantically hid his ink covered cock in shame. "W-WHAT THE HELL!? M-MY CLOTHES!"

"Oh wow, it really can be fast acting," Marie commented plainly, "probably should remember to mention that later..."

"W-what are you saying!? P-please you have to h-help get this o-off m-me! I-I'm f-feeling- s-s-strange!" He forced out between uncertain gasps, his heart pounding as he looked down at his naked form, watching how his body hair seemed to be scraped away by the ink, leaving hairless, smooth flesh in its wake.

With its lack of hair, greater sensitivity was brought with it, the man moaning reluctantly as the ink dripped down his reactive skin. It didn't feel like normal ink, or even water, it was much heavier than that, but also soft, like conditioner, seeping into his skin as he shivered in confused bliss.

His cock was stiffening, hardening and throbbing as he moaned in conflict, his mind spinning from the sensations, his face scrunching up as he accidentally swallowed some ink. Cameron's eyes widened, the man coughing as the substance burnt his throat, flooding his windpipe like he might suffocate.

"H-hack! C-cough! M-Marie! H-help! P-please, I-I'm- O-OH FUCK, Y-YOU'RE KILLING ME!" He managed to scream out, fingers clawing across his face as it began to shift. The ink was permanently staining his features, a beauty mark stabbing into his softening cheeks, a dark, domino mask-like pattern forming around his eyes as the ink washed over them.

He staggered in panic, screaming at the burning yet pleasurable sensation, the ink even slipping through his ears and crashing against his brain in strong, thick waves.

"Wow, you're overdramatic. Don't think of it like that. I see it more as... a rebirth." Marie gave a small, fanged smile, watching as the man's eyes shot open to reveal yellow, sparkling eyes, his pupils marked into a cross as teeth burst into fangs.

Even his brain felt good, the ink washing over it, caressing it, making his body twitch from the fresh, inky bliss, forcing his voice through a translator. His cries were gurgles, the ink in his throat dragging something down with it, his ears sharpening into points as he screamed.

"W-WHAT THE FUCK DOES THAT EVEN MEAN!? T-TELL ME WHAT'S… g-going?" He paused, his terror and confusion rising at the gurgly, unrecognisable sounds that left his lips. It was just like how Marie had sounded earlier, the pitch even coming off as a bit girly as the man felt his unfamiliar face in shock.

"Oh good, I can finally stop talking in your dumb language now. That was such a pain." there was no English left in Marie’s speech now, yet the man could understand it perfectly, if not more so than before. "Last time I put that much effort into something for a while."

"M-my voice... my face... m-my ears! I c-can... understand you? Y-you’re... t-turning me into one of you!?" He screamed in terror, grunting as both shoulders came down with the force of collapsing buildings, slotting into slimmer, sexier forms, his feminine, inked up face twisting in bliss as his cock throbbed like crazy.

"N-no! I'm n-not one of you! I-I'm a human! I-I-I'm not one of your i-ink whatevers!"

"Not yet, obviously. But you will soon enough. Don't fight it. There's no reason to resist."

"B-BUT I DON'T W-WAHHHHHHNTTTTTT~!" he screamed, feeling every bone in his body shake and ache as they lost their solid shape for a moment, his body wobbling unstably as his shaking hands collapsed in on themselves. "W-WHY ARE Y-OHHHHHHU D-DOING T-THIS YOU C-CRAZY B-BITCH~! S-STOP IT~! Y-YOU SAID YOU W-WAHNTED MY H-HELPPPPPPPPP~!" S-SHIT I CAN'T- I CAN'T EVEN SPEAK ENGLISH ANYMORE~! THIS IS SO F-FUCKED UP!

"Why do you think I'm doing this? I can't have you talking like that that you know. You're just going to unfresh the fashion of this place! But don't you see? We're the future! Those scientists are trying to evolve humanity! And we're the results! This proves it! It's not just marine life that can become us! It's people like you too! The future is all ink, cuz~. Better get used to it~."

Her words made him squeal, Camreon bucking back, feeling his jaw and nose break and shatter and bend inwards, his body caving in on itself, everything brutally snapping and popping to match the new DNA coded within. She was insane, she had to be, his arms collapsing on themselves as bone, muscle and tissue alike all turned to ink.


"Sigh... man, you are stubborn. And you're my cousin now. Although I think I prefer the term soul sisters. That ink you're covered in is an altered version of mine, so we're practically family. While that has everything to do with it. You can't help me perform as a human! We Inklings and Octolings need Inkling and Octoling stars. Besides, I didn't think you would panic this much. It's not like you have anything worth going back to."

She was utterly dismissive of his fear and concerns, the man only growing more panicked because of it, his back burning from the toxic ink as his height plummeted, inches of height melting away forever as his back cracked into an arch. Then again. Then again. Then-

"H-HOWWWW~!!!! A-AHHHHHH H-HOW IS IT STILL G-GETTING D-DEEPERRRR~!!!! S-SHUT UP OF COURSE I HAVE S-SOMETHING TO G-GO- GO- OH JESUS FUCKING S-SHITTTTTT~!!!!!!!" He cried out like he was singing the high note to end a performance, cumming out thick ropes of white human ink, his own species spurting out as his eyes were left spinning from the afterglow.

His spine had collapsed in on itself, seemingly defying the laws of physics from how deep of an arch he had been gifted with, another benefit of his rapidly inking body as he groaned in weak protest. He was so much smaller now too, his 5"7" body brought all the way down to 5'0", the exact same height as his newfound cousin, his tongue lolling out as he found himself hesitantly stroking his inky shaft in mindless euphoria.

He was melting from bliss, melting from the ink, everything breaking down into that single element, the baseline of his new form, the baseline of the future. It felt wrong that he was getting addicted to the feeling, the sheer pleasure from it, the way his heart pounded from excitement at the thought of turning into a squid and diving into some ink to hide like a mischievous pixie.

"All those failed auditions? Getting turned down over and over and over? Yes, yes that does sound worth it. But news flash, cuz. I want you. I want you and me to make music together~. Like is this any different from getting a new shirt before an interview? Or acting calmer in the questions?"

"Y-YES! YES IT'S VERY DIFFERENT! I-IT'S- IT'S- TOTALLY NOT THE FUCKING SAME!" He screamed in protest, his halfhearted attempts at wiping the ink off himself only spreading it further across his form.

"But don't you see? You won't just be a normal, popular musician~! You'll be a superstar! An idol! We'll be icons together~! The entirety of this new world's culture will form around us at the base! We will decide what's popular! What music is in! What styles are fresh! We'll be icons!"

Now her words were dancing around his head, a siren song for his resistance, tempting him with promises of grandeur, frame, popularity, success, w-wasn't that e-everything he wanted?

"N-NO! S-STOP IT! I W-WANTED THAT SURE, BUT I W-WANT TO BE H-HUMAN TOO! S-STOP TAKING T-THAT A-AWAY FROM ME~! I-I'M NOT- I'M NOT A S-SQUID GIRLLLLLL~!!!!" He screamed, forced to cum as his brain throbbed with inky bliss, his feet slamming and breaking into tiny, feminine forms as he sank into ever deeper pleasure.

"Oh please, I can tell you want it~. You're terrible at lying, cuz~. You even got harder after I suggested it~! Stop lying to yourself~. You're even giddy at the thought of it aren't you! Let's see that winning smile of yours~."

It was twitching onto his face, little rhythmic giggles joining them as it all slipped out, the infectious joy making it so he could barely stay still at the thought of performing. The idea of being cheered on, singing for hundreds and thousands of eager Inklings, the ranks only being added to as they spread the ink more and more, all of humanity falling to the wonderful, perfect upgrade as they evolved to the next stage of exis-


"Well, obviously. It gives us more fans. Come on, get some business sense! And quit lying to yourself already! It's getting super old. Also word of advice, cuz. Hair isn't in this season. And you're going to have to get used to keeping up with the freshest trends~."

They were flooding his body with alien sensations, pleasurable depths beyond human understanding, like he had two extra limbs attached to his head, each one as sensitive and reactive to pleasure than his cock. Suction cups were forming on them, wobbling and shaking in hyperactive bliss as the Inkling inside awoke within the aspiring musician.

"GAH~! H-HAH~! F-FUCK ME~!" he screamed, his cock firing like a Splattershot as more ink was thrown aside, "T-THE FANS~! THE T-THRILL~! T-THE FUN~! I-I'M LOSING MY F-FISHING MIND~!" w-was that a pun? How w-was that a pun that didn't even make any-

"Shhhhhhhhh, don't fight it, cuz~. This resistance is starting to get real tiring ya know? Come on! You know you want it! Give in! Give in! Stop being stubborn and give in already!" Marie was urging him on, Cameron swearing he was losing himself to both inky pleasure and infectious bubbliness, wanting to give in, but desperate to fight, his brain lost in inky horny hell until his tentacles decided for him.

They moved by themselves, guided by his true desires, the man finally losing himself to the emerging idol in a brutally pleasurable fashion, the suction cups literally locking onto his exposed chest and starting to pull. His mind shattered from the depths of delight, overwhelmed by the inky waves as he screamed like a riot singer, bucking in giggly, hyper delight as his tentacles dragged out his blossoming breasts.

It didn't make even a bit of biological sense that Inkling's even had them, but Cameron didn't care at all, more than happy to reap the blissful reward, the expanding pillows filled with ink as they bounced with each happy wriggle.


The slime covered tentacles pulled away with a wet SLURK, his eyes spinning, giggles slipping free from his smiling lips, his cock throbbing out more of the unneeded ink as his insides continued to waste away into more of the gooey material.  He shivered, his legs melting into feminine, shapely forms from the process, his body almost totally claimed by the ink of the future.

He was loving it, the musician unable to deny how good it felt to discard his humanity, mentally scolding himself for even considering resisting, eagerly controlling his tentacles himself as he twirled and spun like dancing to a rhythm only he could hear, the forming Inkling giggling his heart out. He smugly pushed out her hips to the beat, feeling them burst out shapely into idol grade handlebars, ready for hundreds of fans to drool over.

The hipbones melted away soon after, the lack of physical forms allowing them to burst out even fucking wider, beyond any human popstar, a literal wetdream incarnate.

"More like an inkdream~! Ha~! A-all those fans will be shooting their ink at the sight of me now~! H-hehe~! Top of the world~! I'm going to be at the top of the whole d-damn idol squid world~!"

"Now you're getting it.” Marie rolled her eyes. "Took you long enough, cuz."

"Hey! You could have helped me give in, you know! Jerk this human cock off! Grope me! Smooch me or something! Anything would have been welcome! What does a girl have to do for some damn attention?"

"Too much work," commented his cousin, flicking a page of the magazine she was reading, "You handle it yourself. I've done too much already."

"YOU LITERALLY JUST PUSHED A BUTTON CUZ THAT DOESN'T COUNT AS WORK, WHAT THE- FUCKKKK~!!!!!" He screamed before he could finish, his pounding heart collapsing in an explosion of ink as Cameron's brain literally melted, his old personality lost beyond recovery as the human became all Inkling.

And what an upgrade it was, the barely man singing his ink out as he spread out his arms, bucking his chest out to the tempo, tears of ink streaming down his face as his pressing thighs began to squish with increasing sensuality and allure.

"Blushing faces covered in pink~! Rushing bombs, exploding ink~! Yes, that's perfect~! Write that down Marie~! HAHA YES~! THIS IS AMAZING~! I-I WANT THIS CUZ~! I WANT TO BE A SEXY INKLING SUPER STARRRRRRRRR~!

Now the inspiration was flowing like a waterfall, flooding into his inky brain as every song he had written got a splat-themed reworking for the new target audience. His soul sister was just as pleased, giving one of her rare smiles as she jotted down the lines.

"Told you it was fun~. Should listen to me more often... huh, we need a new name for you huh. How about Callie? Keep part of your last name, and it goes super well with mine."

He accepted the new name with pride, squealing eagerly as it engraved itself into the core of his identity, the new name for the new rising star that would take the Inkling and human worlds by storm. Well, he'd only have a legacy in the world that was going to stick around, Callie knowing exactly which one he preferred as his new eager tentacles moved behind him.

They instantly got to work on the flat excuse for an ass, sucking on the cheeks, pulling them outwards as they were filled with thick inky goodness. His rear was swelling fast, expanding into one fit for a sexy, popular idol, thick and perky for the crowd to gawk at alongside his partners, the slimy tentacles removing themselves with another moist SLURK, the thickened cheeks wobbling from the force as Callie giggled smugly.

Only his cock was left, the stubborn, all too human thing coated in his ink, throbbing in a panic, human ink leaking from the tip as the inkling grinned, ready to truly complete himself and enter the inky future in style.

He squeaked and squealed as it began to sink into the pleasurable depths of his new opening, the once proud size rapidly dismissed by her horny need. The ink covering his shaft was only lubricating it, making everything easier to pack into it, the almost idol screaming in overwhelming delight as more and more of it became nothing more but things of the past.

Callie had never felt more perfect, more alive, more complete, the inkling bucking and wailing as he spurted out the remaining chunks of his human ink, not even bothering to wait until his manhood had inverted to refer to herself as her new gender. She was always impatient like that, but she didn't have to wait for long, her eyes wide as another chunk of her cock sank, making the decision to sink or swim against the inky tide.

It was the only thing left on her body that wasn't made of ink, so it was the prime target for pleasure, sucked into her human-crushing inky opening. She was purged of her past life, anxieties and weakness, Callie truly reborn with eager screams and a dripping, inky pussy, a wet POP signifying her completion.


She was left gasping and gurgling for breath, a new Inkling brought into the world in gorgeous fashion, Callie shivering and smiling from the afterglow.

"Y-yesssssssssssssssssss, fucking s-shit yesssssss~!!!!!! I'm C-Callieeeeeeeee~."

"You sure are cuz. Try not to step in that human ink on the way out. We need to get you something to wear before we perform. Then we can start planning how to spread the ink to everyone else~."

"Oh ew!" Callie shuddered, doing her best to avoid the icky white ink as she followed her soul sister down the corridor. “Thanks for the upgrade Marie! Do you already have a show booked? What are we going to perform?"

"Whatever you want~. Fans are going to eat it all up anyways. Plus I've been writing down your songs I heard back up there. And I gave most of them an inky translation so they sound better in our language."

"Nice one~! You're the best, cuz~! I already have a great song to start the show with! Ah, here we are!"

The inkling beamed as they reached the changing rooms. She didn't waste any time looking for her outfit, finding the perfect one right away, slipping on tight heeled boots, tight shorts, and a strapless, reflective idol romper that proved to be extremely form fitting.

She styled her tentacles before spinning in front of the mirror, admiring her reflection, loving every inch of her sexy, fresh inkling bod, some loose gloves finishing the look as her inky assets wobbled, Callie looking back curiously and humming in thought.

"Hmm... I don't know. Marie, does this make my ass look big enough?"

"It looks perfect. Now come on! We need to get this show started already," came her partner's snarky reply, rolling her eyes as she led her cousin down another hallway.

"There's a lot of fans who want to see us today. And you can't keep them waiting any longer."

That snapped the inkling back into focus, Callie's eyes sparkling as she heard the cheering of the crowd, emerging onto a gigantic stage, hundreds of Inklings, Octolings and other evolved sea creatures cheering at the first human to join their new order. They were all here for her. For her body. Her music. The idol almost squealed at the sight of everything she had ever dreamed of.

"Come on. You get the first song. You've been waiting long enough. Besides, I need to get changed into my matching outfit. Have fun, Callie." smiled Marie.

"Oh you're the best Marie! Don't worry, I won't dazzle them all too much! Got to save some for your solo too~!" She giggled, bouncing onto stage with confident sways of her hips and a smug gleam in her eyes. It was a long road to get where she was today, one that certainly had ups and downs along with going off in strange directions.

But despite all that she had finally made it to her lifelong dream, even if it had taken a form she didn't expect, it was an opportunity she wasn't going to waste, the new Inkling already smiling at the thousands of future fans and even some fellow performers they would soon ink over to their side in the turf war of a lifetime.

"THANKS FOR COMING OUT HERE EVERYONE~! I'M DELIGHTED TO INFORM YOU THAT THE SHOW IS ABOUT TO BEGIN~! HERE'S A LITTLE NUMBER I LIKE TO CALL BOMB RUSH BLUSH~! JUST REMEMBER TO STAYYYYYYYYYYY FRESH~!" With that, the backing music began, before fully starting her performance, fulfilling her passions and daydreams in glorious fashion in one of inkling society's most influential performances, the first of many for the newly formed Squid Sisters.

Callie was never happier, fully content with this twist of fate as she fully emerged herself in the atmosphere of the stage, earning thousands of fans in a single song, having one final thought before truly letting the rhythm of the show take her over.

"Marie was right. The future really is all ink~. And I wouldn't have it any other way~."


Aaron Machado

Theres not enough good splatoon tg stuff so I'm very excited to see this one, hope theres more in the future