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"Funny... I thought the others would have shown up by now..." muttered James, double checking his watch outside the seemingly empty club, waiting for his friends to arrive. He was admittedly super nervous to meet so many in person, but Jack had reassured him that he would be fine, and the random email he got seemed to be the perfect excuse to get together.

Apparently, he had won four free tickets for a night out at this new rock club. One that had just been set up a few weeks ago and tonight was about to debut some live performances, all to tie into the Bocchi anime of all things. He would have sworn that something like that would have been limited to Japan, but apparently it had gotten big enough to do it in America, James idly wondering if there would be one in the UK when he got back home.

Truthfully he just hoped nobody else got drunk or anything; he was definitely glad he just stuck with water. But none of that meant anything when he couldn't get in! The front door was locked tight. Had he just gotten here too early? It was playing at his nerves just thinking about it, James quickly typing a message via Discord to make sure.

Kirb — 20/02/2023 20:33

Hey Red, I can't get in. Did that email say how? Also how long until you show up?

Redro — 20/02/2023 20:34

Oh yeah forgot to mention that to you. It said they needed to fix the door or something. Try the back one, you should be able to get through there.

We'll be there in like 30 minutes or something. Traffic's killer right now.

Kirb — 20/02/2023 20:35

Thanks. See you there!

He pocketed his phone, grumbling to himself as he nervously headed down the alley to the back of the club, only wishing he had known to go this way in the first place. It wouldn't be a total waste of time though. If this place was promoting Bocchi, maybe there would be some hot Ryo cosplayers? Then he'd be able to look at them without being judged by his friends and teased about how subby he was! N-not that he didn't like that...

James knocked on the back door, blushing at the already slight arousal that had spawned upon thinking of the best girl from the series, at least glad it wasn't obvious as he waited to be let in. Annoyingly, there was no reply again, the man feeling like he was about to lose it, repeating the process with the same results each time.

"I swear if Jack got scammed by this..." he muttered, turning about to message his friend again, halfway through typing his message when he heard an ominous creakkkkkkkkk coming from behind him. He turned around to find the door open, the man blinking as he slowly ventured inside, searching for the lights when the wind blew it shut behind him.

It took him a good minute to find them, breathing a sigh of relief as they finally flickered to life, revealing what was most likely the band's room for them to prepare between gigs. At least he assumed so, he was pretty much lost when it came to music that wasn't from games or anime.

"Shouldn't stay here long... wouldn't want the band to catch me here. Even if we are allowed to be around, I'd rather not take the chance." he thought aloud, taking a few steps forward before spotting something blue out of the corner of his eye.

It was a short blue wig, left haphazardly on a couch, James lifting it up curiously and looking it over instantly recognizing the two black square hair clips on the right of the bangs. It was a perfect match for Ryo's hair. Maybe the band they booked was in cosplay and the girl had just left it here? That was something to look forward to for later at least.

He should have just left it there. He really should have. But that thought came to mind anyway, one that got him squirming in temptation.

"If this was a TG, putting the wig on would be a really hot trigger."

James bit his lip, looking at the nearby mirror and then the wig, squirming in place for a moment as his self control proved to be short lived, cursing his own subness under his breath as he marched over to it.

"I-I'll just put it on for a second! Then it'll go right back! Nobody will ever know!" he reassured himself, rubbing his cock a bit while blushing, hurriedly plopping the wig onto his head as soon as he could.

It was soft, the man blushing at the texture and sight of his reflection, unable to deny it was getting him going, his cock throbbing in agreement as he imagined the hair merging with his scalp, his old, plain brown mop being removed from the world under the beautiful locks, James groaning softly as he gave a few gentle jerks.

He didn't know how to describe the feeling, but his mind was doing wonders imagining it, the writer swearing he could feel the wig tighten, the fake locks digging into his head and assimilating his real hair as every strand was dominated out of existence. It was only making him more horny to imagine it, the speed of his jerking growing faster, his whole body tingling faintly with pleasant bliss as he fantasised, the changes spreading to his face, whimpering in reluctant bliss as phantom fingers strummed it like a bass, playing it into shape when...

"O-oh... u-um? A-ah~?" James gasped breathlessly, his eyelids fluttering open. "O-oh... I f-feel... so strange~? H-how into this fantasy am I-I... h-hngh~?"

He wobbled in confused delight, unsure at the source, his ears ringing from the distant sound of a bass, each string joined by a strange crack or pop, his face burning up, James certain he was coming down with something as he lazily pulled at the wig to get it off.

"Ah shit!" he swore, cursing himself for pulling the wig so hard he had grabbed the hair beneath, his breathing growing more panicked as each pull had the same result. It didn't make sense, none of it did, James's pulls growing more and more desperate as he stammered and tripped over his words.

"W-why... why isn't... it's not? I-I don't-" he managed to get out, shivering as he felt the strands with a shaking hand, every soft of inch of them felt throughout his body. "I-it's- it's... r-r-reAHHHHHH~!?"

He screamed, looking up into his reflection and almost passing out from fright, the melody of the bass picking up steam with all sorts of meaty percussion from his shifting features, the tectonic foundations of masculinity falling apart under the beat. It wasn't his face anyone, any hair under the eyebrows gone, his nose and jaw beaten down into tiny, feminine shapes, cheekbones bent inwards by the pleasurable playing.

It looked wrong, yet it was so, so familiar, eyelashes fluttering as newly golden and wide eyes stared in shock at his reflection, moaning as a beauty mark appeared under his left eye, adding to the strong feminine charisma his new face oozed. He knew that face, just as much as he knew that hair, everything fitting together in shocking clarity.

"R-RYOHHHHHHHHHHHHH~!!!!????" he managed to scream, the shocking, impossible reality hitting him like a truck, his whole body bucking from pleasure that shouldn't even be happening to him right now. It wasn't real, it couldn't be- there was no way it was-

"KYAAAAAAEEEEE~!?" James cried like a shocked animal, a sudden eruption of bliss travelling down to his core as the imaginary bass was played harder, an intense string literally breaking him from the inside out. His feeble hips showed the results of the labour, both snapping out in sync with two more rocking notes, his mind spinning as they widened into small handlebars, not that she'd let anyone grab them.

His heart was pounding, like when she was in the zone in a good show. His brain fogged like when she really got into the rhythm. Strange thoughts making it so hard to focus as she gulped something down, letting out a pleased sigh like she'd just had a drink after having a conversation when she had to give more than one word-

"G-GET OUT- GET OUT OF MY- m-my?" he squeaked, blinking as his panicked cries went down to a calmer register, smooth, cool and feminine, each word now sweet honey on his tongue.

It was a smoothing melody all by itself, his expression twitching neutral, James groaning happily as his stomach flattened, his tummy tight and tender, sides dipping into alluring curves as eyes spun to the gentle strings of the bass within. His stomach churned, his voice squeaking out words that weren't even English, the British countryside childhood fading under the busy cities of Japan, the fat seeming unsure where it should go, until it crashed into his thighs.

"Oh right. I need bigger thighs too. I suppose I can take care of that now." a voice echoed through his thoughts, a foreign presence he wanted to fight and push out b-but she was just too-

"Right, sure. I can see you're not even trying much you know? You're too submissive to even try and stop me. Suppose I can't blame you though. This is pretty hot." She spoke plainly and dismissively, cutting through the panic as James gurgled a weak protest.

"W-WAIT NOOOOOOHHHHHHHH- s-shitttttttttttt~!!!!!!!!" he screamed, the fat suddenly bearing down on his thighs, his body forced to only twitch due to the naturally cooler demeanour taking hold. They were inflating outwards, expanding like a set of balloons, jiggling with newfound mass and material as they were forced to squish down on his shaft, James desperate to deny what was happening as he stammered and shook in crazed delight.

"Heh. Look at how much it's squirming. Is it weird I'm into this? If it is, I'm only going to love it more. Might have to look up your stuff after the show. Might be my thing, you know?"

She was hijacking his brain, altering thoughts, the letters of writing turning to music notes, the memories of game controllers in his hands shifting to basses, the anxieties and stresses of his interests blooming into pride. So what if she wasn't normal? She was a quintessential musician! Being called a weirdo was something to be proud of! Nobody had her interests and taste!

James was finding it harder to struggle, even more so when a shrinking hand curiously wrapped around his shaft, a pleased gasp slipping free as he came hard from the contact. Ryo was better, being Ryo was better, those simple facts pounding into his soul as he came out nerdy trivia; musical, trendy facts taking their place and threatening to overwhelm him completely.

"I'm always one for trying out new things. But I'm not really into this. I have to be true to myself. And well... I'm not a boy. So this has to go."

She gave it a tap, the simple action engulfing his body with waves upon waves of unrivalled delight, James only able to scream as he slammed into the wall, Ryo's face twisted in bliss, his spine breaking into Ryo's as the world shot in front of Ryo's eyes, more of his thoughts assimilated into Ryo thoughts as his cock began to sink into Ryo's-


The bass was a siren's song for his dying identity and the start of Ryo’s new performance, the sound of the strings working away at his resistance like her nimble fingers on his shaft, poking and running across it like playing the strings of her instrument. The cum spurting free was the result, blasting out to the beat, Jamyo’s screams almost sounding bored and emotionless as he was drenched with the otherworldly pleasures of Ryo.

He could feel it all, his changing body ravenous for a satisfying meal after weeks of weeds, his cock proving to be a much more filling main dish as it was slurped inside deeper and deeper with each passing moment. It was sinking, inverting, the TGs he had written doing nothing to prepare him for such overwhelming ecstasy, driving him mad as he pleaded in his neutral cool tone, that only came off as slightly confused.

“P-please, stop- I-I don’t want- t-to- no! D-don’t p-please- this is soooooooooooo fucked up and weird and... I’m not- I’m not a weridoooooooooohhhhhhh~!” It felt wrong to say things like that, yet the man stubbornly struggled regardless, barely able to stop his dick from collapsing like a falling tower.

“Hey, don’t be embarrassed. I don’t mind. Just let it happen. Even if it’s weird you like this, you shouldn’t let that stop you from having a good time.”

“N-NOOOHHHHHH FUCKKKKKKKKK~!!!!” The following pleasure was enough to even break his cool demeanour, Jamyo squealing as loud as he could as his manhood lost the tug of war, sinking into the ravenous darkness, thriving in it, the man's mind going blank as-



For a moment he forgot who he was, his cock rocketing out the last of his seed in the form of bubbling black fluid as it inverted, every cell, every inch of him alight with bliss. He could only react to such delight, the blush coming out naturally, like she was singing along to some music, a hand desperately moving down to pat the now flat surface nestled between two thick thighs.

“It’s... g-gone?” she couldn’t understand why she said that, gasping quietly as the cummed out goop washed over her pants, the fabric converted to beyond skintight pantyhose, the boxers shrinking a cute pair of panties. It was too tight, as if her muscular legs weren’t designed for such girly clothing, her toes curling as shoes fell off smaller, legging-covered feet.

She watched with lazy eyes as a blue skirt fluttered into being, holding her head, feeling the waves closing in, something dripping away, like the last of a bad mood before a beautiful summer's day.

“I-I... don’t know w-who I...” Ryo was taking a moment to settle in, the last of James spinning incoherently in his own brain, the feeling of something wrong persisting as she shook her head, temporarily breaking out of the bass’s spell. She pulled her phone from her shirt pocket, just as it fully shifted into that of a Japanese schoolgirl.

“I-I... need to call for help? W-what with? I c-can write songs fine without the others... w-why is this phone in English?” she muttered, her hands shaking, body shivering as shoulders crunched down. “I-I can...”

Then her fingers found the string of a bass.

M-mmmmmmmm~? O-oh~?” she muttered out some moans, her pussy soaking wet as her phone shifted in her hand, the screen rounding, wires hardening into wood and strings, the top blooming into a tower as Ryo soon found herself holding a beautiful, expensive bass right from her private collection.

It almost made the stoic girl drool at the mere sight of it, the doubt in her soul dying as the melody tempting her made its escape into reality, a small smile filling her features as she slowly began to play. Her old self couldn't have played to save his life, but to her it was second nature, each string pulled right on cue, her feet tapping to the beat as Ryo truly found herself in her element.

The music had power too, power over her very body itself, the unfitting muscle that was ruining her limbs starting to shrink, then retreating altogether, shrinking away to become increasingly slender and feminine until they could hardly be seen as a man's at all. She was literally playing away her muscles, rocking them out into non-existence, some particularly violent cords sending them rushing into her ass and chest.

"H-hngh~! A-ah~! Ohhhhhhhh y-yes~! That h-hits the- m-mmmmmmm~!" she cried, bucking not only in time with the music, but also her chest and ass inflating outwards, each surge of bliss making them rise. They were gradually expanding, inflating with her passion for music, the pleasure more than money could buy which was good because man was she broke this month.

It felt so good to just let it happen, her inflating ass pushing out the skirt as her shirt did little to her blossoming bust, both sets of bouncy assets not growing too drastically but settling at nice, respectable and appealing sizes. It only added to her handsome, beautiful, androgynous style, an appearance she wore with pride, never one to conform to social norms, her new self freed by the music as she finally concluded her performance.

She had to catch her breath for a moment, both from the speed of her playing, and the pleasure of the changes, Ryo opening her eyes and giving a small smile, leaning forward as she looked at her own reflection.

"That really just happened, huh. A guy really just turned into me." she thought aloud and blinked.

"Hot. Wish I was recording it. There's a market for audio of these things. Videos are untapped income." she lamented emotionlessly. "Can't do anything about it now though. They need me on stage in the next forty five minutes. I understand the delay, they need to prepare their minds before I blow it with my bass skills."

She played a few notes for emphasis, her confidence in herself one of many things the transformation had increased massively, the girl about to get ready before pausing. "Wait. Damn. I'll be too popular won't I? If it's just me the crowd won't be able to contain themselves..."

Ryo hummed to herself in thought, wracking her brain for a solution, the obvious answer coming to mind as her eyes lit up. "Oh, I know. That guy had friends I think. It's hard to think back that far when it's not basses or money. I'll just wait here for them. After all, if something here changed me... then there should be something in here for the other girls. I can look for them as they get here."

Her eyes lit up again.

"And this time I can record- wait. Don't have a phone anymore. Oh well, basses are better anyways." she hugged her instrument at her words, sitting down with a sigh before starting to play, only hoping the rest of her band would arrive soon...


"Anddddddddddddd we're here." Jack sighed, relieved to finally get out of traffic as he packed up outside the club, Max getting out of the car soon after. "Can't believe there was so much traffic... hopefully James wasn't waiting for us too long."

"Oh he'll be fine." Max laughed. "If he's annoyed, we can just tease him a bit and he'll forget all about it! It shouldn't be much harder than doing it in Discord after all."

"It's not exactly hard..." Jack agreed with a smile. "Anyways, we probably should head in now... I am getting a bit thirsty. But then again I just got a message from Magnum saying he'll be a bit."

"Damn. One of us should probably wait a bit then, do you want me to-"

"Nah, I want some fresh air after being stuck in the car so long. I'll go in once Magnum gets here. Go ahead. Just don't get drunk or something while I'm gone."

"Sure thing. See you in a bit!" Max smiled, walking down the alley towards the back entrance they apparently had to use, admittedly finding that detail a little odd, but deciding it wasn't exactly worth worrying about. It would be nice to see James in person though, although it was also strange he had stopped answering to his dms...

"Maybe something is... no I'm just overworrying. I mean, it's only a club. It's not like anything bad is going to happen. He's probably just distracted by the cosplayers there. Wonder if the Kita ones are any good?" they thought aloud, similarly wondering about Bocchi's amazing girls right as they opened the door and entered the building.

They swore they could feel a tingle for a moment, a strange shock rushing through their body and not really going away, the only reason they weren't more aware of the sensation was the sight of the girl sat waiting, the sound of someone entering snapping her focus away from her bass as she looked upwards right at them.

"Oh finally. I can't believe you all kept me waiting that long. Especially this close to the show. Hardly our band's shining moment."

“I-I... u-um... huh?” they managed to get out, lost for words as the girl tilted her head and sighed... dashingly? They were oddly enchanted by the way she moved, vaguely realising they were perfectly understanding her despite her speaking Japanese, Ryo walking towards them as she hummed in thought.

“Oh right, I do have the effect of reducing others to silence at my mere presence. Although that usually only happens with...” she paused, before smiling. “Ah. So that’s who you are. I should have known you would find me first.”

“W-who are y-you?” they coughed, their throat bopping and aching, their voice strained into the starts of a squeak, their cock throbbing eagerly within their jeans. It didn’t make sense. Nothing about this did. W-why was this cosplayer so close? Why did she sound so much like Senpai? W-well because she was senpai! And senpai was sooooooooooo close to her and-

They shook their head, groaning as the strange thoughts clouded their mind, heart pounding, body shaking, their face red as they gulped, something sliding down their throat as they squeaked. “I don’t know what you- I’m sorry I just need to- I-I? E-eep!?”

The high pitched, feminine tone that was speaking perfect Japanese was certainly not their voice, their wide eyes already being washed out with yellow as eyelashes fluttered in shock. Their body was shaking harder, mind throbbing, heart pounding, the urge to run growing until he was stopped by a finger to their inflating lips from Ryo, the small, beautiful smile still on her face.

Oh don’t be so coy Kita. You made it just in time. Don’t worry, I’ll make sure you'll be ready before the others arrive~. She smiled, before moving both hands to their taller shoulders, Max’s mind still too dazed from being called Kita to stop her as she pushed down with all her might.


“AHHHHHHHHHH~!? O-OH GAWD, OH S-SHIT~! SENPAI~!? WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO HNGHHHHHHAAAAAAA~!?” they screamed like a wounded animal, shockwaves of bliss and pain alike blasting through their body at once. She had forced down their shoulders, rounding them down and removing the presence of broadness, in the most wonderful way possible.

But it was their height that was the most drastic change, Max swearing they were going mad as the whole experience became blurs of pleasure, the world rocketing up all around them. They were shrinking and fast, their 6'4" height already long gone as their legs slimmed and shrank. Every inch of height removed was sent spurting from their shaft, confused squeals their only response as they sprayed the floor with their seed.

B-but wait they had pants on h-how did it-

“M-my clothes! My body! My fucking brain~! S-senpai~! H-hehe~! My... beautiful... s-s-senpai~~ <3. WAIT NO I MEAN HELP ME HEELPPPPP~!!!” They screamed, clutching their head as their pants burst into a flowy and fluttery skirt, their plain skirt corrupted with infectious red as holes formed to showcase soft, flawless flesh.

They could feel their feet crack in high heels too tight for them, stockings hugging legs that were somehow just right but totally wrong-feeling, even Max’s face singing with bliss as their jaw, nose and cheekbones were forced into the mould of a preppy teen girl. It was too much. The changes. The impossibility of it all. The pleasure. And especially the roots of girliness spreading, their cries of resistance sounding more and more like giddy, giggly squeaks as they shook their head in alarm.

And though it all was Ryo. H-her s-senpaiiiiiii~. Those words alone acted as sledgehammers to their will to fight, enchanting the bubbliness, the social skills, fuelling the extrovert within. “S-STOP IT~! I-I WON’T- I’M NOT KITA~! I-I’M AN A-ARTIST AND AND- NO GET OUT OF MY HEAD SENP- RYO STOP IT STOP IT STOP IT HELP M-“


“Huh. It actually does make that noise.” Ryo blinked, lifting her bass down as Max slurred and staggered from the impact, the hit literally scrambling their thoughts as they moaned in confusion. “Sorry, Kita. But you were getting annoying there.”

Maita’s whole world was spinning, everything scrambled as they tried to navigate themself through the mess of thoughts, half panicked and resisting, the others giddy and giggling. Their girly face looked adorable trying to figure it all out, groaning as they squeezed their eager shaft, squealing in delight as they spiralled ever deeper.

S-senpai~?” Was all they could say, the only coherent giggly thought in the mess, repeating over and over. The desire to please her, to impress her, to truly be Ryo’s one and only?

That thought had major consequences for the mess of a person they had become, the pleasure blooming as memories of visual art unravelled into lyrics and guitar notes as they bucked and screamed. Pleasure was guiding itself now, knowing where to target, where to hit to get the results she wanted, her face twitching into a smirk as she eagerly accepted the new gender with pride.

AH~! HAHAHAAHHHHHH YESSSSS~! THIS FEELS SO G-GOOD~! S-SENPAI~! I’M YOUR GIRL~! I L-LOVE YOU SOOOOOOOOO~!!!!” she sang, squeaking melodically as her hips and spine caved in unison, hips bursting wider as her back slammed into an appealing feminine shape.

“That’s nice.” commented Ryo, checking her nails for a moment. “Don’t look like much of a girl right now though. You still need-“

HOLY SHITTTTTTTT~!!!!!! MY C-CHESTTTTTTT~!!!!!! M-MY BIG JIGGLY EXTROVERT TITSSSSSS~!!!!!” Maita was a slave to the lust, resistance as distant of a memory as her old life, screaming from the rapturous ecstasy as fat rushed behind her chest. “A-ALL FOR YOU SENPAI~! ALL FOR YOUUUUU~!!!”

“Cool. They’re pretty big too.”

The simple comment left her swooning, hearts in her eyes as the feeling of high school popularity drowned out any of the boring memories afterwards, the pleasure too strong and addictive to fight, Mita knowing she didn’t ever want to as her body swelled with love.

“T-Teehee~! S-Senpai said my breasts are big~! She’s been looking~!”

“Sure I guess? Only since they’re-“ Ryo didn’t get a chance to finish, the changing girl swore she was losing her mind, almost finding it impossible to believe it felt so good as she felt herself getting senpai crazy. Nothing else but music, singing and Ryo could fill her thoughts, her hair burning red from love as she squealed in delight.

“Ryo~!? Oh Ryo s-senpai~!” she giggled, giving her best teasing grin. “I-I- hehe~ saw you l-o-o-k-I-n-g~!” She pushed out her b-cup breasts for emphasis with each syllable, bouncing in front of her bandmates eyes.

“You can touch them if you w-want~! Don’t be shy~! You can-“

“Oh right, that might make the changes go faster. Good idea.” Ryo commented, grabbing her bandmate’s tit and squeezing it as Kita’s brain went blank from bliss. Messy red locks poured down her face and back as she cried, grabbing her ass as it exploded in squishiness and size in unison, bouncing wildly and fully visible in the loose fabric of the skirt. Just like she wanted it to~! H-hehe~!

She grabbed locks of her hair, rubbing it against her face eagerly, smelling the music shop perfume she had picked out, savouring the softness, the lust growing too great to hold back as her knees wobbled.

“Hm. Guess I was right then. Oh that reminds me, do you have your phone? I wanted to record this and- mmmmmmm~?” Ryo was cut off as the redhead pounced, drawing her senpai into a sloppy kiss as they slammed into the floor, breasts grinding as red strands poured all over her slightly shocked senpai.

Kita had waited long enough, every ounce of lust unleashed at once, moaning in delight into Ryo's mouth as they rolled across the floor, hands interlinked as Kita's finally caved down into nimble girly fingers. She swore they were made for Ryo to hold so lovingly, the strength in her arms atrophying along with it as she was left with slender, perfect limbs.

Her cock felt like it would burst at a moment's notice, her balls clenching, cock throbbing uncontrollably, pressing against her senpai’s thigh as she squealed in giddy, pleasured delight. Senpai was kissing her back too, on top of her now, that same cool expression on her face as she pulled away right as her thighs exploded.

There was little build up this time, only the release of an explosion of pleasure, Kita swearing she was in one of her personal fantasies as her thighs erupted in mass, bulging from her leggings and squishing her rock hard cock with bliss. It was then she had a thought come to her, one that made her heart almost stop from excitement.


"No thanks." Ryo blinked. "I don't like guys. So I don't want that anywhere near me."

"Noooooooooooooo but I was this close to making my futa fantasy happen in real-" she stopped herself, going bright red as her cock did a needy twitch in the opposite direction.


"What?" Kita quickly shouted with a blush, hoping her love would forget what she had let slip while her thighs needily rubbed together, summoning the seed she eagerly gave up in the name of her love. She wanted it gone, needed it gone, any doubt remaining in her mind slain as Ryo's lips were upon her once more, her place clear as thick thighs joined their breasts in squishing together.

It was the stuff of dreams, all of them coming true along with a fantasy from her old self, sealed with that final loving kiss as her cock fully processed that Ryo wanted it nowhere near her. The only logical thing to do then, was to collapse all at once, Kita screaming into her lover's mouth as she came for the first time as a woman, almost high of the rapture as she grinded and squeaked in giggly bliss.

They remained locked in their embrace for what felt like hours, but was in reality only a couple of minutes, sharing their love before pulling away from each other for some air.

"W-was I good s-senpai!" Kita managed to ask shakily. "I-I couldn't practise on anyone so... I d-did my best!"

"Hm. You have soft lips." Ryo commented with a very small blush on her face, Kita almost fainting from bliss at the comment. "I would have kissed you sooner if I'd known that."

Kita squeed, watching as Ryo got to her feet, doing the same while trying not to pass out from pride, sitting down with a giggle and playful, slightly smug grin. "O-oh senpai~! You have such a way with words~! And actions too~! And you're so talented! Making m-me out of someone so bland and boring~! I'm like a work of art you made yourself~! Ahhhhhhh I'm so honoured~!"

“Sure, sure.” Ryo stretched. “It wasn’t too much trouble anyways. We do need the whole band and all. I’m just lucky I found you first. You know that Ijichi would go on about it if she saw us...”

“Getting so frisky before a show~?” teasingly smiled Kita. “Oh I do see what you mean~. But don’t worry, we’ll be ready in time no matter what... indecency we get up too~.”

“Obviously. Quintessential musician remember? They could call us on midway through me fingering you and we would still be ready in time.”

“Ohhhhhhhhhh s-senpai~!” gasped Kita. “Well... I love the offer but... shouldn’t we find the others?”

Meh, they can get themselves ready. Besides, changing them all ourselves sounds like it would get old fast. Besides...” she leaned in close, Kita gulping in excitement as Ryo whispered. “I’m not done with you yet~.”

Kita’s screams for her senpai that filled the following minutes was only concealed by the raw volume of the club's music.




Luuco, (the person changing in that part of the story), goes by they/them pronouns :3