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"F-fuck... she's so beautiful..." muttered the man, staring at the character in the game he was playing, watching as she twirled a knife on her finger for what could have been the hundredth time.

Jacob had been playing Genshin for years, having picked it up close to when it launched and going back and forth between it and other games, the young man finding himself enjoying the music, environments, and what he could understand of the story. But there was something, or someone, that drew him in more than anything.

Rosaria. The beautiful, cold, gothic nun of his dreams. He'd been enchanted by her ever since he saw her in that Dragonspine event so long ago, the woman literally fitting every single type he had without even trying. He'd pulled in her first banner just for her, and played as her pretty much nonstop ever since.

She wasn't just alluring. Her backstory was just as good, the perfect mix of someone with good intentions that remained in the shadows, not as friendly with the other cast when she appeared, always making her stand out in the best ways. She was easily his favourite character, and he doubted that would change any time soon.

Sometimes, like he was doing now, he just had to stop playing and stare at her, hearing her voice lines, looking at the gorgeous hair and eyes, the curves in her outfit, the way her thighs, hips and breasts added to her frame. She was perfect. Simply perfect. And Jacob was helpless but to bask in that wonderful beauty.

He was playing the game again, watching how those claws on her fingers hypnotically clicked against each other, feeling drowsy as he wandered around the city, his eyelids fluttering as he put a hand to his screen, wishing that his goth obsession could be truly real. Jacob sighed, unable to help thinking things like that sometimes, sure it would be good and all, but it wasn't like-

Whatever he was going to end that sentence with, not even he knew, the man suddenly crying out in confusion as the solid surface of his monitor seemed to break down into unstable liquid, his hand falling though it right away.

"W-what? W-what the f-fuck- I-I can't- g-get it out!" he cried, pulling in panic as his own monitor began to drag the rest of him inwards, his struggles only speeding up the process as his legs and lower body were sucked in right away. Jacob grabbed the desk with his free arm, trying desperately to hold on, to reach for his phone, to do anything that could help, but the pull was too strong, the man letting out a final scream as he was sent plummeting through the looking glass, leaving his old home forever.

For a moment there was an explosion of colour, all blurring around him until he landed on solid ground with a groan, the man's eyes fluttering open as he stared up into an unfamiliar sky.

He got to his feet with a shake of his head, looking around in shock at the surprisingly familiar surroundings as everything slowly snapped into focus, the distinctive buildings of Mondstadt towering over him as his eyes widened in shock.

"W-what? I'm... in the game?! Did I just get fucking isekaied?!" Jacob thought aloud, his steps a little wobbly as he felt the walls, just trying to confirm they were real as he clutched his head, feeling a headache coming on. This couldn't be real right? He had to be asleep at his desk. Nothing about this made any sense! People didn't just fall into other universes like this! R-right?

He was freaking out a little, pinching his arm just to make sure that he wasn't dreaming, flinching from the pain as he felt the wind brush against him, the all too real feelings compared with the distant sounds and foreign smells confirming the reality of the situation. But still, he could hardly believe it himself. T-this was real? He was actually in a fantasy world! This was amazing!

Jacob smiled, unable to help himself from exploring the city, heading up the stairs as the possibilities raced in his mind, the ideas of his future only blinding him to the here and now. There were odd feelings teasing at his body, pleasantness that was unmistakably foreign to him, all topped with an extreme rise in temperature.  

"F-fuck... i-it feels really h-hot though... w-why? It l-looks so c-cold..." he shivered, still wobbling clumsily down the streets, nobody to see his strange behaviour as he gasped, feeling his cock harden from the heat as he stumbled into an alley.

Jacob tried to gather his thoughts, wondering what he was missing, not seeing anything that should be making him this fucking hot, the man sweating buckets as he clutched his head and panted. There was more to it than just heat though, Jacob swearing he could feel a frenzy of strange feelings under his skin, as if his internal organs were being pushed back, something wriggling inside and filling him with strange, yet amazing sensations.

"S-something- i-inside of me? M-moving!? U-ugh! W-why is it so fucking h-hot!?" the feelings were mixed with pain though, the man feeling like he was locked in a sauna as he stripped off his clothes, not even caring if anyone saw, desperate for even the slightest decrease in heat.

Everything was thrown aside in seconds, but he was still roasting, Jacob wondering if he was dying for a moment as he leaned back and caught his breath, finally feeling the sensations die down a little as he groaned. "S-someone... please h-help- A-ah... me~?"

Even his plea sounded unsure, his hardened cock on full display as he faintly heard some small cracks and pops from his hand, shakily raising it to his face and narrowing his eyes in focus. At first he thought his hand looked normal, but then he looked closer, what he saw both disgusting and yet somehow alluring.

It was like his bones didn't fit anyone, the tips of his fingers drooping like an oversized glove, the appendage itself looking saggy as he hesitantly reached out to touch it. He didn't get the chance, instead gasping as the sounds returned, his whole arm shaking from the sickening CRUNCHES and SNAPS that echoed from within. Now he could feel something inside, like his bones were being twisted into daggers, Jacob honestly feeling like he was going to explode from bliss and pain as sharp tents formed at the edges of his fingers. He was certainly going to bleed to death, the boy shutting his eyes and bracing himself as-



His hand felt relief from the heat. There was no pain. Only a nice, tingling bliss.

Slowly, the boy opened his eyes, looking down at his hand in shock, only growing more confused at what he was met with. It was another hand. A tiny, gloved, feminine hand, fingers topped with familiar dagger-like additions on the nails. The most concerning part though was the contrast with the rest of him, the glove seeming to come from nowhere, and the torn skin that was falling to the ground dissolving into snowflakes as it did so.

He knew this hand. How could he not? The man was able to identify it even in his pleasurable haze, his slim fingers clicking together as he muttered. "R-Rosaria?"

Jacob gasped, hugging himself as he stumbled forward, breathing heavily as the heat surged in the arm above his changed hand, his cock twitching out pre cum from the painfully intense bliss. His arm was in magma, it was burning, muscle was melting, shrinking but growing stronger. He needed to get it out. It needed to get out. He had to-


The harsh, cold, womanly voice made his whole body buck, the man screaming as he clawed at his arm, the skin tearing away as easily as wet paper, the limb he had all his life proving to be a cheap Halloween costume that concealed the rest, a womanly, powerful arm covered with a glove.

"I-i-it's.... c-coming from i-inside me!?" he managed to cry in panic, his arm literally torn away to reveal a woman's beneath, his mind spiralling as his head pounded, the man desperately trying to figure out what was happening. I-it was Rosaria's arm. It was a woman's arm. It was literally under his arm, the panic and impossibility of it all making it incredibly hard to focus. "R-Rosaria's i-inside of..? A-AH~! O-OH S-SHIT~! M-MY BODY~! M-MY FUCKING H-HNGH~!"

He screamed, the scalding mix of pleasure and pain only getting stronger as he messily came all over the floor, his other hand spamming as metal edges erupted from his fingertips, the rest of his hand peeling away to reveal a slim, dainty appendage beneath. He couldn’t stop himself from moaning, or tearing his other arm to shreds, almost collapsing as he found a limb identical to its right sister buried beneath. His head was killing him, pounding and throbbing like crazy as he did his best to form coherent thoughts through the haze, his whole body buzzing with the most painful, yet addictive bliss imaginable.



Thoughts were bursting to the surface with each throb, the boy stepping into the snowflakes that had been his skin as he staggered drunkenly, almost feeling high on pleasure as he moaned in conflict, feeling his feminine arms in disbelief. T-they already had c-clothes on too! W-where did they- how was this- f-fuck he couldn't f-fucking think!

Every part of him was burning up, begging to be freed, to escape from the prison that was Jacob's body, to join their fellow sisters in the cool night air. Try as he might to comprehend it, every theory resulted in the same conclusion. There was something inside him. And it wanted to get out.

"N-NOOOOOOOOOOOOO- I-I W-WON'T- I WON'T L-LET- LET YOUUUUUUUUUUU~!!!!! N-NO~! S-STAY IN~! I-I'M W-WARNING- KYAAAAAAAAAAMMMMMMMMM~!!!!!!!!!" he screamed, stumbling forward as a sway was forced into his steps, the pressure in his hips making him all too aware why.

He always thought some girls looked like they had hips barely contained by pants; now he was seeing what would happen if that was truly the case. Only his own skin was the pants, his growing hips the ones that would show the world they couldn't be contained behind an inferior form, the ripping driving him crazy as black pantyhose peeked out of the holes in his flesh.

Jacob felt like he was in a bizarre world where everything was in reverse, nothing making sense anymore as, with a scream, his massive hips introduced themselves to the world, bursting free from the weak flesh with a deafening CRACK. He staggered forward, clumsily swaying the gigantic things as he rammed into a barrel, crying from reluctant bliss while shaking his head over and over.

He had massive hips. Swaying, gigantic, hypnotic hips, the hips he had spent years obsessing over, the hands with their addicting clicks, all of it threatening to utterly overwhelm him as he took a step to the side, squeaking as he almost fell over. Now he could barely move at all, his feet meeting the same fate as his hands as whatever was inside no longer filled them. To make matters worse, his frame bucked, the skin that covered his shoulders flaking away to reveal the narrow frame beneath, the pressure in his feet heightening.

"N-no! P-please~! S-stop it! Y-your t-tearing me a-apart~! M-my body~! M-My- HNGH~! M-MIND~! B-BODY~! S-SHIT S-SOMEONE HELP ME~! S-SHE'S COMING OUTTTTTTTTTTTTT~!!!!!!!" he screamed, cumming out a storm as his mind went blank from the piercing RIPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP~!


High heels had erupted from his soles, the man wobbling from the sudden increase in height as his eyes spun in wild bliss, trying to wriggle his toes out of instinct only for them to be blown away, new, slimmer models doing the action instead beneath the feminine footwear. She was breaking free, Jacob knew that now, just like he was helpless to stop it, his body, his identity, all of it a chrysalis for the woman within.

He wriggled, clutching his head as he wondered if his mind was even his anymore. Or was it about to go too? A smaller, better, smarter Rosaria one laying under it. He was desperate to hold on, the caterpillar struggling against the butterfly within, not yet understanding it couldn't fight fate.

It was a lesson Jacob was about to learn, his eyes bulging from his head as it pulsed, the man grabbing and squealing as he threw open the barrel, staring into the reflection with tear stained eyes. The top of his head was stretching unnaturally, spikes pulling at the flesh, about to break through the skin prison like it was paper, the back of his head feeling fit to burst with how much was stuffed into it.

"N-NO~! YOU C-CAN'T~! Y-YOU FUCKING CAN'T~! S-STOP~! I DON'T WANT THIS- THIS IS SO FUCKED UP AND G-GROSS AND W-WHY IS IT MAKING ME S-SO HORNY~? I MEAN A-AH NONONONOOOOOHHH~!!!!!!" The tear this time brought him nothing but despair, the boy bucking so much he couldn't even look at his reflection as a nun's headdress erupted from his head, the back splitting open as long ropes of fabric flowed free, reaching all the way to his ass.

Snowflakes were falling into the barrel, the sudden growth also bringing forth large chunks of rosy red hair, most of his old strands thrown off like a wig as even some of his face dropped away like a cracked mask. Jacob's mind had blanked out from the pleasure, his vision blurry when he finally came to, the presence of the headdress instantly noticeable, the boy shivering as he realised the changes weren't feeling like alterations, instead they felt shockingly... ordinary, like this is how his body was supposed to be.

"N-noooooooooooooo- p-please noooooooooooo... s-send m-me back! K-keep her in~! I-I'll do anything~! J-just don't l-let her o-out~!" he pleaded, nobody present to answer his cries for help as he suddenly realised something, his vision only blurry in one eye.

Hesitantly, he removed his glasses and looked down into the pool, a confused face with heterochromatic red and brown eyes staring up at him, his hair a mess of soft red and rough brown. His face was still hanging on, literally torn between two identities, his head throbbing at the strange sight, burning with hot and cold. Jacob could feel his cock pound against the barrel, feeling most of his hair flow outwards, the soft, rosy red breaking through his fake brown in a beautiful fashion.


"N-no! I-it's not a m-mask! I-it's my f-fucking f-face~! S-shut-"



Take. Off. The Mask.

Let me out.

He couldn't drown out the voice, twitching and gasping as he felt his hands move on instinct, whimpering as they hovered over the frightened brown eye next to the natural girly partner.

"P-please... I c-can't let you out... I d-don't... oh f-fuckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk~. I c-can't s-stop l-letting you..." Jacob couldn't even finish his sentence before he truly couldn't hold himself back, grabbing the skin around his eye and brutally removing the snowflakes, moaning as gorgeous locks of red were exposed to the world, Rosaria's famous style revealed in his reflection. It drove him into a horny frenzy, the boy beneath pulsing as the man's rapidly fading form burned with pure bliss, Jacob's nails clicking together eagerly as he felt himself lessen.

"O-oh- oh- fuck- she's u-unleashed- she's out- she's coming- o-oh fuck I can't- I can't stop her- s-she's going to take me over- o-oh fuck no please- someone stop her! She's coming - she's- sh- h-h-" he began, falling silent as he gently pulled off the rest of his mask, instantly ending his protests. 

There was a moment of silence, before they slowly released a gasp, as if they were tasting air for the very first time, the figure looking down into their reflection once more.

The womanly face of Rosaria gave a small, pleased smile.

"I'm here."

The skin around her slim, swan-like neck was also a thing of the past, the woman's face free of its ugly prison as her old face dissolved into snowflakes. She wasn't smiling for long though, the goth woman never one to do that as her face returned to its standard expression, her head throbbing pleasantly as more of her thoughts polluted the mindscape.

"It was so stuffy in there... Thank... Baribato? Whatever. I'm out now." she thought aloud, slurping up the pleasure and panicked thoughts like a good cup of wine, sighing in satisfaction. Jacob's body had been hijacked, his ability to speak taken away, his mind gurgling in panicked ecstasy as he felt himself be absorbed into the woman that had always been buried deep inside.

Rosaria was never one to waste time either, sighing and grunting to herself with her perfect voice as she traced a finger across her back, opening the flesh like she was unzipping a dress, revealing a curved, womanly arch beneath, along with her glowing cyro vision. She leaned forward, pushing out her chest and ass, too cold to moan, even as her flat rear started to wobble, fat rushing behind her cheeks as they seemed to refuse to grow, the flesh desperately trying to contain the gigantic ass within.

B-brain- t-throbs- R-Rosaria- b-body- f-fading- s-she's out- she's o-out- I-I'm g-g-goingggggggg~.


The thoughts of her old self did little to ruin her enjoyment as her massive asscheeks erupted from her rear, the pantyhose-covered behind tearing free from her flesh while bouncing invitingly, hidden behind the flowing fabric that had been concealed in her legs. She could feel the heat fading, the rightful cold taking its place as she shivered from delight, pleased to find her body feeling more familiar by the second. 

The woman hastily kicked forward, effortlessly throwing the remaining cocoons off her lower limbs to reveal them in all their glory, Rosaria only left with the front of Jacob's body, thighs and his desperately throbbing shaft. She looked down at it, tilting her head as it continued to throb.

"Why even be turned on by this? I don't understand people. It's just someone else's body. I swear I'm the only sane person in this city..." she commented in thought, the woman pondering the strange reactions from the man's body as she heard his protests break down further. It was to be expected. He was nothing more than a cocoon. A shell for her to break free from. That was obvious. By all accounts she shouldn't care. But Rosaria wasn't completely heartless, even if she didn't show it.

"Worried? Don't be. It's nothing personal. It's going to feel rather nice. And while I loathe to do this... it's the least I can do." she muttered, the mental gurgling growing louder as her slim metal fingers wrapped around the old body’s desperately throbbing shaft.

She jerked slowly, treating it like cleaning a polearm, allowing Jacob to fully savour the death of his masculinity, gasping as her massive thighs bulged free of their prisons, the pantyhose-covered fat brushing against his eager shaft. Rosaria was honestly a bit bored, wondering how much attention this boy needed, already feeling her vagina under his skin as the last of his seed fell to the ground as frosty snowflakes.

With that it had nothing left to give, a particularly forceful stroke sending his cock crumbling as his thoughts went to the surface for the last time.

C-cock, g-gone? M-mind... sinking.... f-fading... R-Rosaria... R-Rosy... Rosy... R-Rosaria... c-coming out... t-taken over... a-am R-Rosaria.... f-foreverrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr~.

With that the boy's mind was fully engulfed, taken into the sister's mind forevermore as she let out a pleased sigh, the woman almost fully emerged from her masculine cocoon, only her core and breasts yet to escape as her cock crumbled away.  

She wasn't horny, or aroused at all really. But Rosaria had always been confused why people felt things like that anyways, seeing no reason to drag out the process as she slashed at her core.

She hummed to herself a little, clawing away at the countless amounts of body fat so she could find what was beneath, no blood or guts spilling free, only flowing fabric that fluttered in the breeze, covering her lower body as Rosaria at last struck her slender, womanly core.

With that, only her breasts remained, something that was more than eager to take care of itself, the woman finding the pleasure most interesting as her chest wobbled, for a moment contained by the last of Jacob's body. But it soon met the same fate as the rest, torn open by the depths of Rosaria as hefty double Ds burst into the world in spectacular fashion.

Rosaria went silent after that, the butterfly finally emerged from her cocoon as the woman sighed, savouring her freedom from the now destroyed chrysalis. Had she been gone from Teyvat for long? Had she even gone at all? Ugh, she had no idea how this worked...

"What a pain." she muttered, sighing as she walked away from the alley, grabbing her polearm on the way out, only giving a rare smile as she looked up at the night sky, using that to get a general sense of the time "Right before overtime. Perfect."

It didn't take long for her to figure out where in the city she was either, or how far away her destination was, Rosaria swaying away with the rhythmic clacks of her heels.

"I need a fucking drink."


An hour later, Rosaria found herself in much higher spirits (well, as high as they could be) in the Angel's Share, the tavern quiet at this time of night as the woman sipped her drink in satisfaction. It had been a long day of... whatever just happened. But the wine at the end made it all worth it, a little reward to herself before turning in for the night. Although there was church stuff to do in the morning, it couldn't be that bad. 

For now, it was just her and the wine. And she only hoped for the sake of everyone's sanity that it would stay th-

"Rosaria! There you are! I've been looking for you everywhere!" a cutesy voice rang out from the door, Barbara looking like she was attempting to look angry as she pouted with puffy cheeks at the sister.

"Isn't it past your bedtime Barbara?" asked Rosaria with a raise of her eyebrow, taking another sip of her glass as she pulled another out from behind the bar, leaving the mora like the bartender said before he left.

"Yes! I mean no! I mean!" Barbara hmphed. "You didn't turn up to choir practice today! Or yesterday! Or the time before that! You've been even more slack with your duties than normal!"

"Been busy. So what? Did you want a glass with me or something?" asked Rosaria seriously.

"W-what? No! I don't drink!"

"Shame, you're missing out. This is really good."

"That's not- ugh! I'm getting off topic!" Barbara cried. "The point is you need to start showing up for services more!"

"Sigh... or what?"

"Or you're going to have to start doing overtime services!" said Barbara smugly, already feeling pride at her idea as Rosaria stiffened in her seat, the idol having no idea what line she had just crossed. Rosaria narrowed her eyes, running a hand over her Vision before dropping its elemental energy into an empty glass, before filling it with wine, getting to her feet with it as the younger girl giggled.

"Teehee~! I knew that would work! See Rosaria! I bet you're going to really enjoy these now you're giving them a- HMM!?" the idol began, cut off as the older woman leaned down and forced the drink into Barbara's mouth, the girl coughing as she swallowed the alcohol by mistake. "R-Rosaria! I said I don't- d-don't- o-oh.... um... h-hic~! Ooooooooooooo, I feel f-funnyyyyyyyyyy~."

"Always knew you would be a lightweight." Rosaria commented, watching the younger girl shiver and gasp, the tips of her hair polluted by the blood red of the drink as she smiled. "Have fun, sister."

Barbara really was feeling strange, shivering and twitching in confusion while hugging herself, her skin paling as her strands shortened, falling out of their iconic twintails, her eyes darkening as her Vision's shade of blue lightened. Something was wrong, something was really wrong, b-but is what d-drinking wine felt like? No wonder so many people did it!

Something else was strange too, the word sister popping around in her mind as she gasped, unsure why it felt like Rosaria was talking about something other than the church. She was horny. So, so horny. Barbara moaned as she drew circles around her vagina in a very unidol like manner, blushing as red hair covered her shifting, maturing face.

"H-hic~! Mmmmmmmmmm~! A-ahhhhhhhhhhh~!!!!!!!! N-no~! D-don't l-look at me~! I-I'm not a-acting like a p-properrrrrrrrrrrrrr ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh~" her cutesy voice was overwhelmed by the mature purr that left her lips, her cutesy idol body ruined by bulging muscle, deepening curves and paling skin.

"Nothing I haven't seen before, don't worry." muttered Rosaria, having another bottle of wine to finish her drinking for the night, the maturing girl giggling and hiccuping from bliss as the world spun around her.

"H-hehe... haha... h-hic~! Hic~! G-go Barbara g-go?" she muttered in confusion, the cutesy line sounding alien on her tongue as she hicced again. "Awwwwwww s-show's- hic~! O-over?" 

She was utterly hammered from the bottle, the woman squealing in delight as her ass tore free from her tights, surging into a gigantic, thick rear, her thighs and hips doing the same as little shards of ice formed on the floor. "B-but... hic~! B-Barbara's here... s-show can't be- hic~! O-over?"

"Aren't you bored of being an idol?"

"O-oh... um... hic~! I-it's really hard s-so sometimes I-"

"Then just stop. Just do what you want." Rosaria rolled her eyes, the forming twin squealing as a fundamental part of herself was discarded from her identity. She was growing out of her idol phase, thick breasts spilling from the top of her dress as she smiled drunkenly.

"A-alright... I-I think I’d rather have m-more wine anyways~! That’s m-more- hic~! Oh R-Rosaria I h-have your boobs now~! I-is that s-supposed to- hic~!" the maturing girl asked with a squeal, more of her breasts slipping free as she shot upwards, growing rapidly as she reached Rosaria's height. She wasn't giggling anymore, only moaning, her eyes glazed from the alcohol and bliss.

"L-look Rosaria~! Hic~! Look~! I-I'm as tall as my b-big- hic~! sister now~!"

"You're drunk Rose. You're always as tall as me."

"H-hic~? O-oh yeah~! F-fud- fuck I had a bit t-too much again... hic~!" came her reply, the city's favourite idol truly gone as Rose entered existence, the drunken haze allowing every bit of her new twin sister to fill the body without a struggle, the only differences between the two being Rose was less able to hold her liquor, and being much more sexual and emotional than her sister.

"O-oh sis? W-why am I- hic~! Dressed as a s-singer~?"

"You're drunk. How am I supposed to know?"

"Hic! Good p-point~! You're so- hic! S-smart sis..."

It was after that when the two women set off back to their quarters, Rosaria having to support her sister all the way there until managing to drop her off in interesting fashion. It turned out the once idol had carried over one other thing than being a lightweight; although her new body had changed it drastically, Rose practically threw herself onto Jean when they ran into her.

She slammed her lips onto her, the love between sisters having been twisted into something much stronger as Rose gave her a long, sexual kiss, Jean seeming to struggle for a moment, as if she knew it was wrong, until new thoughts pounded behind those conflicted eyes. The older sister fought for a moment before she truly became an only child, instead seeming to only remember her girlfriend instead of a little sister, the two of them happily setting off to have some alone time together.

Rosaria didn't really care that much though, heading to her room with a small smile. Having a sister would make for a nice change of pace as long as it didn't mess with her work, hell it might even get the other sisters off her back more. Her life may be unusual, and far from safe, but Rosaria didn't think she would change it for the world. It was a necessity for the city after all, and as long as she was here, she would stop at nothing to protect it.




Ok, since my laptop is still fucked I have to post this and possibly some future stories from my phone, which unfortunately can't have images where they are supposed to be in the story itself or have italics used, these will all be fixed in the eventual DA upload. I hope everyone enjoys regardless of these though!