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After days of waiting, it was finally here.

Jack was shaking in excitement, holding the device in his hand, messing with the settings while practically drooling in anticipation. He was already pretty much consumed with lust as he prepared to put his perfect fantasy into action. Ever since he'd heard of this Metamorpher device, he simply had to get it himself, the idea of being able to turn himself into one of his favourite girls like he had always fantasised about making his heart beat faster as his cock stiffened.

It would only be temporary of course, being stuck as a girl forever not appealing to him at all. He just wanted to be her physically for a while, j-just so he knew how it felt to be a girl as flawless and sexy as her. He'd obviously make sure his mind wasn’t affected too, unsure why mental changes were even an option for this, wondering who would be crazy enough to actually leave that setting on.

But still, considering this was something that must have been legal, he didn't even need to check if it was off automatically, it just seemed like common sense as he put in the rest of the details he wanted. It was pretty simple to do the rest, uploading all the relevant information about his dream girl, every inch of her curves, how black her hair needed to be along with the exact sizes of her bust and ass, the latter of which he put as high as could be realistically allowed.

He only made one change to her outfit for when it appeared, rolling down her leggings slightly so he could see some of her thick, plush thighs when his own were turned into them, blushing as he turned the pleasure slider to maximum. Jack was desperate for it to feel good, to fill him with pleasure beyond his wildest dreams as his body became that of his dream girl.

With all that done, all he had to do was press the confirm button, the boy briefly considering looking through the settings again to ensure he hadn't selected anything by mistake. The need was far too strong to resist though, the anticipation already making his legs shake as he pressed the button and tossed the device onto his bed.

"O-ok here we g-gOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHH~!!!!!!!!!!!! A-AH FUCKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK~!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

It started much faster than he thought, a wave of bliss suddenly crashing into the unprotected shores of his body, his hairs and cock standing on end as his legs found themselves going from shaking to uncontrollable wobbling. His nerves had been set alight, a wildfire of electric pleasure shooting through him to prep him for the changes as he cried out in bliss.

It felt like a violent itch had engulfed his entire body, his body hair burning pleasurably as his cock twitched and throbbed in need, his arousal already unbearably high as he gasped desperately. He knew it was a minor change, but to his body, it simply didn't register as anything less than overwhelming, all of them slowly fading away in delightful agony, the sensitivity of his skin rising bit by bit.

That only made everything worse, every little wriggle and squirm sending his sensitive skin rubbing against his rough clothes, only bringing the pleasure to even greater heights. Jack was starting to realise he'd made a mistake setting the pleasure this high, breathing heavily as he looked around for the Metamorpher with lidded eyes, hoping there was still enough time to reverse this and start over with more manageable levels.




The record of pleasure was broken by the collapse of his outstretched hand, the boy accidentally directing the changes into it, the broad shape breaking in on itself as his cock spurted out his seed. His dazed mind couldn't help but make a pun about how the pleasure was comparable to a handjob, but it was hard to think much of anything through the fires of ecstasy, the boy whimpering in shock as he collapsed on his bed and stared at his newly delicate fingers.

He was lost for words, but his moans were doing all the talking, Jack's eyes rolling into his skull as he found himself minding less and less about being subjected to such godly pleasures, losing himself in the excitement of what would come next as he barely noticed a strange, rhythmic tingling breaking out in the back of his brain. It felt just as amazing as everything else, but it didn't stand out in the storm engulfing him, just another source of his screams as the boy found his fantasies already being topped beyond his wildest dreams.

Jack fell to his bed, feeling something twitching inside his throat, like a beautiful bird about to break free from its ugly prison, his body bucking in sync with each twitch as he grunted and moaned with them, his cock twitching in excitement as they also brought forth even more changes. He could feel the waves crashing and washing over his face, his features stretching and shifting like clay as they were moulded to follow the new blueprint being coded into the very core of his DNA.

His cheekbones were snapping into new, angular foundations, his jaw crunching down into a small, alluring point, his nose following soon after as it was smashed into a cute little button. He was being overrun by the impossible hotness of his waifu, the lump in his throat burning as his pleasured, dull grunts lilted up until with a final pop, Jack was letting out Blake's sexy, satisfied purr of delight.


He squealed, clenching his fists so hard that the other shattered too, euphoria flooding his body as he became a hotspot of bliss, his mind buzzing as his earlier memories turned fuzzy. Even his eyes felt the most pleasurable they had ever been, almost like he had something stuck in them, any discomfort only feeling like delight to him.

What was stuck there was falling out now, strange instincts bubbling to the surface of his brain as he let out a needy whine, the pesky hazel falling free as inhuman amber began to replace it. He opened them wide, the irises narrowing as the new colour flooded in, his cock throbbing over and over as the love for the changes morphed and shifted into an animalistic addiction.


He couldn’t stop yowling, his eyes spinning as the unreal pleasure drove his instincts out of control, dominating them with wonderful sensations as something extra dove into his DNA. It was corrupting him with faunus needs, his instincts starting to direct him instead of the other way around, his concern dying in his shrieks as he was filled with unstoppable lust that he didn’t even want to hold back.

There was a building pressure in the roof of his skull, Jack knowing exactly what was coming, so caught up in the storm he didn’t even notice his pleasured moans shifting into needy mewls as he frantically pawed into his hair, trying to find the sign of their correction. The strange way his mind referred to their growth wasn’t important, the boy missing the obvious once more as he stumbled towards a fate that was growing more inescapable by the minute.


It was a switch he couldn’t turn off, but sounding like a cat in heat was just making the cum run faster, the orgasms less of an event and more of a constant experience that was still growing as his slender finger found a tiny, fluffy nub. His eyes widened as the experience doubled in intensity, yowling happily as the nice fuzzy feeling surged over more of his brain.

Jack writhed in delight, the rhythmic pulsing in his head clearly just a result of the growth of his kitty ears and nothing more. It took hold of his brain without him noticing, continuing to send each and every thought and memory down the assembly line to be Blaked. He didn't know what was happening, but when it felt this good he could hardly complain, licking his plump lips while his needy nyas climaxed with an overjoyed scream, feeling the ears burst free from his skull, his body buzzing from ecstasy as they twitched happily.

His hearing rose suddenly, his body shivering as he picked up all sorts of little sounds, like the quiet little pops coming from his body as every part of him was drenched with Blake. He needed more, every instinct desperate for it, especially what he wanted the most, an idea managing to bubble to the surface of his lust-crazed mind.

He whined happily, shaking as he slowly raised his ass upwards, pushing it towards the ceiling as he thrusted it over and over. Jack could feel it tingle, drawing mass inside as he muttered out his desires.

"O-oh gawdddddddddddddddddddddd... a-am I... g-going to g-get it now? A-am I going to g-get my B-Bellabooty? I-is it- OH GAWD, OH SHIT YESYESYESYESYESYESSSSSSSSSSSSSSS I AMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM~!!!!!!!!!!!!! I-IT'S COMINGGGGGGGGG~!!!!!!!"

His cock had never been harder as it throbbed in anticipation, the boy taking deep, heavy breaths as he felt the fat start to fill the annoyingly flat thing, feeling it start to grow and thicken with squishy mass. It was wonderful, Jack's eyes spinning as he groped the inflating pillow, happily coaxing it out as he mumbled incoherently.

"B-Bella... b-booty... need a B-Bellabooty... for B-Belladonna... t-thick B-BellAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH GAWDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD~!!!!!!!!!"


The sheer size of his growing ass meant his hips were forced to make sacrifices to accommodate, both of them collapsing under the weight of the influx of fat flooding in. With how big it needed to become, it soon became a hotspot of gathering material, the rest of his body starting to slim down as the size drained from his limbs.

The old was being thrown aside, replaced with lithe, slender shapes starting to be filled with unimaginable strength while the former size was put to an even greater use. Strange images flashed in front of his vision, his brain buzzing as his memories were slowly edited beyond recognition, barely noticing it when he was feeling the biggest ass he could imagine, not even realising it was barely a quarter of its full size.


It didn't stop him from constantly cumming though, his ears twitching happily as his brain drowned in kitty bliss, wriggling his thickening ass upwards as he burbled about how big his bellabooty was. Jack was barely thinking, more focused on experiencing the wonder of the transformation as he dug his tiny hands into the expanding balloon, unable to get enough of it as he purred hungrily.

He was raising his ass so high that weight was building on his spine, the bone having no choice but obey the laws of gravity as the weight building on it grew too much, sending it snapping into an unmistakable curve. It only made the growing ass look even bigger, his body forced to naturally stick it outwards to make it even more pronounced than before.

His cat-like eyes spun as black ribbons wrapped around his brain, sending their influence rubbing into the thoughts to speed up the assembly line of Blakefication, Jack feeling like the simp he was as his mind was an endless stream of Blake love. He was losing himself, his thoughts more needs and wants for everything that made the sexy kitty lady herself, the long black hair, her massive fucking ass, and sexy, flawless midriff only some of the things he couldn't get enough of.

Jack's body shook as fat rushed into his ass from the thought, bringing it out even larger as it started to tear his pants at the seams, sections of its enchanting flesh bulging from the rips as his stomach tingled. His tongue lolled out of his mouth as he drooled, nyaing drunkenly as he could only feel its metamorphosis, unwilling to let go of his thickening ass no matter how intense the pressure got.

The fat was breaking down rapidly, his entire stomach slenderizing as its size was worked away, any unnecessary fat all going down the drain, looking like it was being ironed into submission from the outside. The exchange made it more than worth it though, his muscles doing anything but shrinking as they bulged with incredible power, becoming surrounded by an aura of pure strength.

The increased power only added to the pool of corruption that was overtaking him, the bed starting to buckle under his muscles as he thrashed, his midriff becoming impossibly, sensually sexy. He was cumming out goop, the leftover product of the factory in his brain spraying from his shaft as his ass continued its relentless growth.

With the addition of the fat from his stomach, it was reaching even greater heights, the growth seeming neverending as his pants were pushed closer and closer to their limit. He was a mess, his world blown by pleasure greater than any TG or smut he had read, Jack unsure which was more fitting until he felt a surge attack elsewhere, sending memories of late night masturbations under bedcovers to what felt like hundreds of erotic novels.

Details that rivalled a thousand of them were ravaging him, some of the fat being drawn from his body rushing in so fast that it had to go elsewhere, his thighs starting to slowly plump up as he let out pleased purrs and yowls of joy. His thighs were thickening through his pants, tearing the fabric apart as the mass in his legs was reused as inviting, thick fat.

He was becoming thick in all the right places, the mass reaching almost unreal levels as it grew bigger and bigger, his fluffy ears twitching as his brain sank into kittyhood. His face was in an ahegao as a final surge sent his fully grown thighs surging through the pants, directly crushing his cock as he let out an overjoyed mewl, squirming a little as he thrust his barely halfway done Bellabooty upwards.


Jack's mind was far too focused on the neverending growth of his behind to notice anything else, helpless as his brain was relentlessly Blaked without him even noticing, a natural seriousness overtaking him to complement his stunning beauty. It felt even better as hair started to flow downwards, the black of his twitching kitty ears growing hungry for more.

Every strand was overtaken, and thanks to the setting of maximum pleasure, each one brought a godly orgasm with it, Jack unable to stop spurting out buckets worth of his seed as he squeezed out his cum with his thick thighs. It was like he was being juiced of his identity, his brain squeezed by the mental ribbons of corruption and sending what was him squealing down into his cock before it went splat all over the floor.

Everything was getting foggier and foggier around him, his mind losing awareness fast as he sank into the endless pools of pleasures that were only beckoning him deeper, his feet crashing down into danity perfection as his hair was painted with the colours of his obsession. It was soft too, the texture beckoning the growth of his perfect Bellabooty, his mind never happier, wondering how something could be so thick and perfect as he wriggled it upwards.


Every instinct and thought was focused on squishing and groping his massive fucking ass, his hair pooling down as the changes decided to give his clothes some much needed attention. It was a ruthless takeover of his fashion, Jack letting out animalistic cries of need as his tiny feet were given black high heels to match their new womanly shape, the changes spreading up from there as his pants dropped into tight, sexy stockings.

They were a skintight fit for his supermodel legs, his thick thighs left completely exposed as they continued to drain his brain of the worthless info that was contained within. The pleasure only grew more intense when what remained of his trousers shrank like they were in the wash, the tears repairing themselves as it wedged itself into his crack, only being forced deeper as fat continuously rushed inside.

It was crushing his cock, the massive bulge fully visible in the shorts as he turned onto his back, squishing his still expanding rear into the buckling bed as the intensity of his bucking pushed it to its limit. His shirt was the next to be targeted, splitting into two as white took over the loose top section, the button tightening into a black corset that sent his waist cracking deeper inwards.

What remained of the fabric unravelled into a long black ribbon, the physical signs of corruption reflecting what was happening in his mind as his identity was domesticated into submission. He was left wrapped in Blakey black, purring in pure need as he was overrun with the invading colour, his halfway grown ass jiggling wildly as he dug his fingers deeper.

It was impossible for him not to notice what was happening to his mind now, the tingling growing stronger than ever as it removed what was him and replaced it with his sexy obsession. He was more Bellabooty and Belladonna than Jack now, yet he couldn’t bring himself to care, shaking from delight as his hair continued to flow down, growing longer and longer every second.

He was a drooling, moaning, blissfully giggling mess that could barely be called a boy, overwhelmed by the endless perfection that was Blake, the thoughts that hadn’t wanted to become her long since buried away. The perfection of Blake was far too amazing to resist, convincing him he had always wanted it.


Jack was too far gone to fight, convinced this was what he always wanted, the mental ribbons tying his mind up into a nice little bow of Blake as his bellabooty grew closer to completion. Every part of her was edging closer to that completion, pushing her closer and closer to the edge of her identity that almost everything else had fallen from.

She couldn’t complain, only praise the wonder that was her ass, the most perfect feature of her flawless body as she spiralled into Blake, her squishy rear wiping out everything left as she squealed in delight.


She couldn't even be called Jack anymore, the thoughts that made him who he was too far gone in the Blake, the new Faunus much more focused on thrashing wildly, her ass almost fully grown. The pleasure of her Bellabooty growing made it so she barely noticed the fluids from her cock turning clear, or that it was doing the reverse as it slowly shrank into the new kitty's pussy.

It was impatient, frantically diving into the new opening as fast as possible, hammering into it like the new name that was smashing into her brain, Blake Belladonna, the only name she could recall as the ribbons fully suppressed the old her. As her cock grew smaller, her ass surged out bigger, only making her thrash more frequently, the Faunus bucking wildly from pure delight, the girl not even noticing when something went smash under her still thickening rear.

She had shattered the Metamorpher beyond repair without even noticing, the full weight of her ass too much for the device, the DNA that would have been able to revert the changes gone in an instant. It sent a shock right through her, a final surge of fat bringing her rear to its complete, huge size, her ears twitching as the last of her cock was crushed between her impossibly thick thighs.


She screamed and purred in delight, her eyes spinning as she rolled off the bed, tangling herself in the black ribbons as her trusted weapon formed in her grip, the last effect of the now irreversible process as she was sealed as her obsession. It took a few moments for her to recover, the girl blinking as awareness slowly returned, her eyes darting around the unfamiliar room in confusion.

She spit out the ribbon, her hand tightening on her weapon as she untangled herself, remaining on high alert as her eyes narrowed in focus. She didn’t recognise where she was, the girl searching the room for anything that pointed towards her location. All Blake found though was some pieces of some unfamiliar device, clearly in a condition beyond repair.

”Yep. That’s useless. I have no idea where I am. And nothing here looks like it could help...”

The catgirl sighed in her stoic voice, opening the window and slipping outside, jumping from rooftop to rooftop as she unknowingly took the first steps of her new life. Strangely, every movement was slowly making her more and more horny, Blake biting her lip as she cursed not having any smut on her, feeling like having some alone time as soon as she got the chance as she squished her thighs together with a blush.

“W-well… I’m sure i-it would just help me f-focus… it won’t hurt… besides, I definitely need it… just need to find a book and a place for myself… then after that I can figure things out myself.”



Dang it now I want a Yang one I can hear the puns already.