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"What did you say to me you stupid fuck!"

The meek boy recoiled back from the shout, the bully slamming his hand into the locker to further intimidate him as he shivered in fear. Everyone in the school knew about Rex, the boy infamous for his violent behaviour, awful attitude, and all around brutish nature. He'd been terrorizing the students pretty much since he started, almost never handing his work in on time, the results mostly poor, almost never getting along with teachers and lashing out at the smallest incident.

Most students had lived in fear of him for as long as they could remember, not daring to cross him and face the infamous temper that he was known for. It was something Ryan had accidentally unleashed, making a comment to someone that he had nothing to be afraid of when he was just a heartless jerk that would get nowhere in life.

Of course, that “friend” was unable to point out in time that said jerk was right across the hall behind him, but of course had time to dash before Rex's fury was taken out on him. It really was times like this that reminded him why he had trust issues.

"O-oh n-nothing! It wasn't about you, promise! J-just another g-guy called Rex! Y-yeah! You're cool!"

"Nice try, idiot! I'm the only Rex in the school!"

"R-rightttttttttttttttttt... I-I know a lot of people?"

He cried out louder as Rex hit the locker harder, shivering madly at his expression of fury while his eyes darted for any way of escape. There was no way out though, Ryan deciding he had nothing better to do than prepare for the beating he was undoubtedly about to receive.

"And just what is going on over here?"

The unfamiliar girl's voice caught them both by surprise, the two boys turned to see a long, purple-haired girl staring at them in disapproval. She was dressed in the school's uniform, a hand on her hip as Rex eventually recognized her as the new girl who'd started the other day.

"Stay out of this new girl! This is between me and-"

"I have a name. It's Twilight."

"What kind of stupid name is that!?"

That only made her narrow her eyes more, glaring at Rex above her glasses while tightly clutching the books she was carrying.

"It's... foreign. That isn't the point though! What, may I ask, is going on here? I've thoroughly studied the school rules, and I believe it was quite clear that any cases of bullying or physical violence simply aren't permitted."

"I don't give a fuck about the rules! This nerd thinks he can get away saying stupid shit about me! So I'm going to teach him a lesson!"

"You don't have a lot of friends do you?"

Her voice turned softer at the question, something that only pissed him off further, the familiar anger and negatively overwriting the quiet little voice inside.

"What does that have to do with anything!? I don't care about pointless shit like that! Now you better not report this to the teachers or-"

"It doesn't matter. And I believe you're made your point quite clear... Rex was it? Anything else would just get you into even more trouble, and waste your valuable time. May I suggest it be more beneficial to leave this how it is?"

He paused at her words, Ryan still shaking in fear as Rex thought for a moment, seeing the logic in what she was saying before scoffing and stomping away to the exit. The other boy gasped in relief, Twilight walking up to him and smiling as Rex shouted back.

"Consider yourself lucky pest! I'll get you for real if you say that shit again!"

"C-Christ... I almost had a heart attack... t-thank you..."

"It's no problem. Try and stay out of trouble alright? Don't worry about him."

"D-don't... how can I not? I already had a target on my back from him all year now! It's not like he’ll just magically disappear one day!"

Twilight didn't say anything to that, instead she only smiled and headed towards the exit to head home herself...


Rex grumbled to himself, storming down the streets as he grew closer to home, a scowl still on his face as he found his anger persisting from what he had heard, muttering to himself to relieve himself of some frustrations.

"Stupid fucking... saying stupid things like that... and same with that annoying new girl too! Who did she even think she was anyways!?"

He continued ranting under his breath the entire journey, only stopping as he got to his apartment door, quickly unlocking it and slipping inside. Like every day he was met with silence upon his arrival, another reminder of what felt like a constant singular existence, something he had to constantly remind himself he did not care about in the slightest.

He was probably too young to live on his own, but it wasn't like his parents cared, his dad had practically dumped him here as soon as he got the chance, saying how this would prove he was a real man who could handle anything that came his way. It made him frown just from thinking about it, another sound made him groan as he threw his bags to one side, knowing from experience the rattling wouldn't stop if he tried to ignore it.

"Fuck's sake... I'm coming! You don't need to be a fucking pest to get my attention!"

Rex grabbed a packet of food from the cupboard, filling another bottle of water and sighing as he made his way to the hutch in the corner of the room, reminded once again that he was still stuck with one piece of contact. It hadn't been part of anyone's plan for him to take care of his older sister's rabbit, but with her moving abroad for university and their parents’ lack of experience, he'd really been the only option.

There was a time when he would have jumped at the opportunity to take care of it, but like most things his father disapproved of, he had made sure Rex wouldn't want to do it again. Rabbits and pets in general, like so many other things, were for "girls" and he was to have nothing to do with them.

His dad's focus on his gender and masculinity had always been present in his life, something that had made for a difficult childhood. That was in the past though, Rex was positive that things were ok now, that how he acted was what he wanted, that the lessons had shown him exactly how he liked to behave.

"There. You have food and water now. You can quit bothering me."

He finished getting them ready with a scowl, the white bunny staring back with big black eyes that were obviously much more annoying than cute as it hopped over for a bite. Rex turned away, sitting down with his own food while scrolling on his phone, ignoring the small part of him that wanted to watch the animal for a bit longer.

"I still can't believe she called you Angel. I couldn't have thought of a girlier name if I tried..."

The next several hours were as uneventful as ever, another attempt at understanding the day's work ending with failure like always, the boy just unable to wrap his head around any of it. Of course that always made him lash out, making the teachers label him as a troublemaker and giving up on him every time before even really giving him a chance.

Deciding it was a lost cause, he yawned, stretching as he headed to bed, stripping off his uniform to get changed into something more comfy. He sighed happily as he slipped the clothes on, surprised that they felt even softer against his skin than normal.

"Strange... thought I hadn't washed this set yet... pffff, who the fuck cares. At least I can end the day on a good note."

He turned off the lights and slid into bed, ignoring the increasing speed of his heartbeat from the shadows, his father's voice echoing though his head to remind him never to be scared of stupid things like that. Rex shut his eyes, surprised to find his thoughts shifting again, remembering the girl from the hallway once more, those same words echoing though his brain in that same stupid voice of concern, making him feel weak and vulnerable.

"You don't have a lot of friends do you?"

"Why the fuck does that matter to her anyways! I don't fucking care about friends! Only weak pussies need stupid shit like friends anyways!"

He grumbled to himself, closing his eyes once more as the comfy clothes rubbing against soft, reactive skin gently eased him into his rest, having no idea just how eventful the coming days would be.


Some annoying, though admittedly pleasant birdsong woke him from his slumber, Rex groaning as he stirred awake, yawning as he got up, instantly feeling... different. He wasn't sure how, or what the source of the feeling was, but something wasn't the same.

It only took a moment for him to place it though, the boy realising it was just because he'd woken up fully awake for once, confused how he managed it when he usually needed a shower to get his head on straight.

"Huh... fucking weird. Well, since it's my day off I may as well have one anyways..."

He got up and headed to the bathroom, unconcerned as his pants fell loose on the way there. He'd probably just forgotten to adjust the waist again, and it didn't matter when he was going to take them off anyways, Rex sighing to himself when he removed his shirt and slipped into the room, taking a moment to look at his reflection.

The same muscular figure stared back, the boy wondering what else he was even expecting as he sighed, holding a strand of hair in his fingers and cursing out loud.

"Shit... do I need a haircut already? Fuck, just had it done last week too..."

It had grown down to his ears already, Rex grumbling about something else he had to deal with as he got into the shower, sighing happily as the hot water poured onto him. It felt even better than normal, the boy loving the feeling of the liquid dribbling down his flesh as he shut his eyes, sinking into a daydream to help calm his frustrations.

"La, la la... la la laaaaaaaaaaa~.. cough! W-what!? Ugh, b-boy's don't sing stupid... it's a g-girl thing y-you fucking dumbass..."

He blushed, his mental walls rising once more when his body acted without thinking, harsh memories he didn't want to recall shaking him as he repeated the lessons to himself, burying the slip up deep inside him where it belonged. Instead he focused on other things, like how much he must have really needed this shower, for a moment his half tired brain thought he heard someone else singing, the ridiculous thought making him laugh nervously as his throat ached with tingling.

It was easy to ignore it though, Rex reaching for some hair wash next, scowling as he found it just out of reach, his anger returning as he had to stand on tip toes just to grab it, wondering why on earth he adjusted the shelf to make it so hard to get to. Rex dismissed the thought as soon as he ran his hands through his hair, groaning happily as he felt the strands soften, the product seeming to work even better than it ever before.

He spent an extra minute just massaging his scalp, his legs wobbling slightly from the wonderful, addictive feelings. After what felt like forever, he opened his eyes, his good mood ruined as soon as he noticed something that filled him with shock and shame as he stammered to himself.


His face was red as he stared at his erect dick, unable to help himself from considering to jerk it then and there, Rex angrily dismissing the thought as he turned off the water and stormed out.

"Stupid fucking body. At least that shower made me feel refreshed."

It was almost unreal just how much more refreshed he did feel, the boy at least pleased the shower wasn't a waste of time as he ran his hand though his still soft, neck level hair, Rex wondering why the hair wash wasn't this effective before now. That was hardly important though, the boy had much more important things to think about as he entered his room and started to get dressed for the day ahead.

It didn't take long for him to find an outfit that he was happy with, putting on something plain and simple that would keep him cool in the warm weather and strange heat in his apartment with the added bonus of feeling wonderful against his body. He headed into the living room after that, getting an apple to munch on while thinking of options for what to do on his day off.

His failure at doing work from yesterday had shot down that idea, the boy too bitter to have another go as he internally scolded himself for being too stupid to understand it.

"Well, it's been a while since I've had a run... and I need to make sure I keep in shape... dad always said men can't let themselves be lazy."

He shivered at the thought, slipping on his trainers and about to leave until he heard a squeak from behind him, turning to see Angel moving around his hutch. Normally, he probably would have shouted in annoyance before storming out as usual, but instead he paused, noticing the bowl of food and water bottle were close to being empty.

"Ugh... fuck. Fine... sis will be pissed if you starve anyways..."

Rex grumbled to himself, filling a new water bottle and grabbing the rabbit food as he walked over to Angel, swapping the drinks before tipping the normal amount of food into the bowl. He stared at it for a few moments, looking at the bag again and Angel's annoyingly nice eyes.

"Hang on... won't you need more nutrients than that? H-huh have I not been giving you enough all this time? Well, you've been a good little bunny being so quiet this morning... why the hell not..."

He tipped some more in, the edges of his mouth rising into a small smile as he brushed some hair out of his eyes, a small blush forming on his face as the happy squeaks from the animal filled the room.

"Y-you shouldn't get used to it o-or anything..."

Rex grumbled to himself, getting up while shaking slightly, the brief moment of happiness once again silenced by old memories. He'd wanted pets before, after his sister got Angel, but he got shouted at for even asking, forbidden from playing with his sister's rabbit afterwards so it wouldn't "corrupt" his mind further.

Of course, Nina got everything she wanted just by asking for it, she'd always been free from their father's pressures, if anything, having a daughter before him is probably why he had been so strict when it came to masculinity with him.

"I-I'm ok... he's not here... he won't know... h-he won't... I'm masculine like I'm supposed to be... f-fuck I need to run and clear my head..."

Rex did his best to dismiss the thoughts, cursing his lack of foresight again when he had to jump up just to reach his water bottle on the top shelf, something that crazily seemed even more out of reach than normal. He managed to get it in the end though, filling it up and leaving the apartment as soon as he could, rubbing his shoulder to satisfy the strange ache that had built up inside as he walked into the open sunlight.

He did his best to ignore the ache as he headed down the street, finding that it was as busy as it was every morning, various people going on with their daily routines as normal. Despite the heat, the thought made him shiver a bit, Rex wondering why it felt like they were all staring at him, he hadn't done anything weird lately had he? No, of course he hadn't, he was just walking, there wasn't anything strange about that... right?

T-then maybe he looked strange! Had he missed out on something when getting ready? The forming worries forced him to stop, the boy looking down at himself to make sure everything was in place, breathing a sigh of relief when he saw everything was normal aside from his shirt being a bit loose on his shoulders.

He scowled right after though, narrowing his eyes in anger as he stomped towards the park with shaking hands.

"W-what am I fucking doing!? Who gives a s-shit if they're looking at me! I don't! I-I don't care at all! It doesn't matter to me at all! Fuck what they think! I don't need them!"

Rex muttered to himself, his convincing sounding much better in his head as he walked past a nearby pet shop, the boy strangely having to will his legs to move forward though his sheer stubbornness. It seemed like his muttering wouldn't go unheard, his eyes narrowing in anger when he heard some other teens whispering as they walked past.

There wasn't anything that suggested they were talking about him, but it didn't stop him from lashing out as always, the boy turning around with a start, his long hair bouncing slightly against his shoulders. Of course it was then that the tiredness kicked in, Rex blinking as he forgot what he was going to say for a moment before blurting it out.

"H-hey! Y-you... you... s-shouldn't say things like that about people who are nearby! You f-fucking idiots!"

Strangely, they didn't seem to react, his eye twitching as he took a step forward, about to resort to physical violence as his lithe fingers clenched into tiny fists. There was a feeling of pins and needles in his hands, but that wasn't what gave him pause, instead a strange thought bubbling to the surface of his brain.

"O-oh... won't that h-hurt them?"

The thought was so unlike him, even the tone of it softer and more gentle than before, something that only pissed him off as he argued back at himself.

"Yes! Of course it fucking will! I-it's what they get for making f-fun of me!"

"But why do I always have to hurt people?"


He shouted the last part out, turning red as several people turned to stare at him in confusion, the looks of judgement making him uneasy. Rex turned around, shakily continuing to walk to the park for his run. He told himself it would have been stupid to attack people when the attention was focused on him like that, ignoring the thoughts that were breathing a sigh of relief from being away from the crowd.

"I don't care! Fuck them! I don't give a shit about what they think! W-why would I c-care?"

Like before, he didn't realise that his speaking voice had been falling, like someone steadily turning down the volume on a TV set, his muttering more of barely audible whispers, his shout the only thing the other people had heard, or in fact the first most even noticed his presence in the first place.

Rex meanwhile had no idea, instead rubbing a smaller hand against his arm, his body shaking slightly as he stroked an arm that was ever so slightly slimmer than it was that same morning.

It went unnoticed just like every other change, the boy noticing the park was almost in sight, filling him with relief that he could finally get his run started and forget about all the strange occurrences. Nervous confidence swelled inside as he messed with a strand of hair, making a mental note that he really should get it cut tomorrow, he must have been really tired earlier if he thought it could wait longer than that.

He looked over himself before getting ready to run, nothing seeming out of the ordinary or concerning to him, seeing no reason to be worried about the looseness of the shirt near his shoulders, the strange ache in his hips, or the funny sensations that were slowly gathering in the tips of his toes.

“T-this will help me focus... I can d-do this... I can... UGH OF COURSE I CAN DO THIS!”

“B-but what if I c-can’t? There’s s-so many p-people here too! Maybe I-I should go home b-before I make a fool of myself....”

Rex had already had enough of the sudden bursts of anxious thoughts, breathing heavily in fury as he broke into a shaky but still steady jog.

“NO! Of course I can fucking do this! I’m not some worthless piece of trash! I’m a man, and men are supposed to keep their bodies in good condition through constant exercise! M-men don’t care what other p-people think a-as they s-stare... since they d-don’t show emotion and-“


His inner voice that had been quiet all morning suddenly erupted into a furious shout, startling him as the words rang through his brain like he had stood next to a speaker. There was no rude comeback this time, Rex lost for words even if he had the chance to make one as he suddenly tripped over his own shoes.

He only had a moment to cry out in shock, tumbling to the ground as the barely noticeable tingling spread up from his feet and hands, the feeling of landing flat on his front more than overshadowing it. The suddenness of it shook him, Rex’s body shivering as pain shot through him, the boy whimpering as he tried to fight the tears.

He didn’t understand. He didn’t u-understand. He could always keep himself together before. H-he always could. H-he’d even learned not t-to cry when he got shouted at. When he couldn’t understand the work again. H-he hadn’t c-cried in years. WHY WAS A FALL MAKING HIM CRY?

He felt like he was having a panic attack even before he noticed the buzzing in his jaw, waves of anxious fear crashing into his brain as he prayed it wasn’t broken. He’d never been more thankful that he usually put his phone in his back pocket, at least relieved that the ache in his hips had subsided, finding them easy to wriggle without fully realising as he pulled out the phone to assess the damage to his face.

Rex’s unending fear had given him plenty of ideas of what to expect, but somehow the reality was even worse, the boy's eyes widening, dropping the phone to the floor as soon as he saw his reflection. His breathing and heart rate quickened, suddenly noticing his hand looked so tiny and attached to arms that were just a bit smaller than the skintight sleeves, shooting up to cup the less pronounced jaw, the impact somehow making it much smaller and almost a little bit c-cute?

He crushed the thought in panic, breathing heavily as the fear surged out, nothing making sense, finding too many things for him to focus on, all of it making it hard to think straight a-and... a-and... WHY WAS HE STILL FUCKING CRYING!?

"Errrrrrr, are you ok?"

Rex looked up with a start, his slim toes curling instinctively as he realised his fall had made more of a scene than he thought, a small crowd having gathered around him, all of them staring at him. The shivering was instinctive as he got to his feet, the instincts that always chose fight reconsidering for the first time in his life as they slammed down on flight hard.

"I want to go home. I want to go home. I want to go home. I really really want to go home right now!"

His confidence was dying in his throat, his expression more like a deer caught in the headlights as he tired to form insults, shouts, fucking anything. He was moving his mouth, but the only sound he could make were some strange squeaks from his aching, tingling throat.

"W-well... I-I just... it's... I-I... I... L-LEAVE ME ALONE!"

He cried out in terror, finally spotting an opening in the crowd as he set off into a panicked dash, not looking back as the tears contiuned to slide down his face, even something about that starting to feel a little off. Rex almost tripped a few times, his shoes feeling several sizes too small for him as the surroundings passed by in a blur.

Though his terror, part of him was trying to remind him that men always faced their problems head on, but that was drowned out by the sheer panic and anxiety that was rushing though him, his brain a mess of barely understandable thoughts that just wanted to get away and figure out what was happening. As much as he wanted to, he couldn't run forever, especially when his stamina felt so much more limited, his muscles aching as he stopped in front of a random shop.

"M-my muscles feel so fucking w-weird... B-BUT WHAT WAS THAT!? I HAD TO BE SEEING THINGS RIGHT!? I COULDN'T ACTUALLY... a-actually... o-oh no... oh fuck... nonononono..."

He was hyperventilating when he saw his reflection, his small hands shaking as he felt the unfamiliar curve of his cheekbones, looking less and less tough by the second. Rex felt it too, whimpering as he stared down at the unmistakably slimmer arms, shaking his head in denial as his inner voice returned.

"B-but I never liked being all s-strong anyways... so m-maybe it's good to l-lose them?"


It was like a nightmare, but he wasn't waking up, Rex unable to take anymore as he ran back home, his waist-length hair flowing behind him as he did so, while constantly muttering the same thing to himself.

"Men don't c-cry. Men don't cry. S-sniff. Men don't cry. Men d-don't... sniff... c-cry... I don't c-cry... I-I'm s-strong and... a-and... I-I'm not... sniff a-allowed to... sniffle..."

"I want to go home."

This time he didn't even try to correct the thought.

It felt like hours before he reached the safety of his home, slamming the door behind him as he breathed heavily, his paranoia at an all time high as he frantically looked through the peephole to check if anyone had followed him. It was only after that, the feeling of the eyes locked on him subsided, his panic calming down slightly as he sniffled, wiping the tears from his eyes.

He hadn't felt the full weight of the expectations to this degree in years, and he hated it, the words going through his head certain to crush him under it all.

"W-why... why am I acting like... a doormat!? P-people are just waking over me! A-and men are a-always supposed to..."

"I-I don't think I can d-do this anymore... c-could I ever do this? I w-want to be strong... b-but I never asked for t-those lessons to get drilled into my head! I-I never asked t-to be punished f-for my passions! I never asked t-to be focused into stupid v-violent sports that I hated hated hated instead of lessons..."


He finished the thought out loud, gasping for breath for a moment before his eyes widened in terror, slamming his hands over his mouth with a start. The tingling in his throat was gone now, and he had a sinking feeling in his stomach he knew why, praying he was hearing things as he whispered.

"H-hello? O-oh no... ohnononononononono... n-not my voice too!"

The tears were coming back, and this time he didn't give a shit what his mind was trying to tell him about boys not crying, whimpering in his sweet, soft, delicate voice that sounded like it belonged to a pure, kind soul. He walked towards his mirror, wanting to sink into the darkness when he noticed the pools of tears had dyed his eyes green, alongside just how much his hair had grown.

All of that combined with the further breakdown of his muscles was the final straw for him, his willpower finally dying as he burst into tears, running into his bedroom and slamming the door behind him. He threw himself onto his mattress, crying into his pillowcase as his long hair sprawled everywhere.

"W-why... why is this h-happening to me? W-what did I... w-what did I d-do wrong? I-I'm sorry... w-whatever I did... I-I'm so so sorry... w-what did I do to d-deserve this?"

He had started to realise what was happening as soon as he heard the voice, something that seemed impossible, while also being the worst thing that could happen to him.

"I-I d-don't want to b-be a girl... I-I'm a s-strong... sporty... m-man who can do things b-by himself and d-doesn't... doesn't... WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! P-please don't... h-hate me... I t-tried... I-I tried so h-hard to be w-what you wanted..."

Rex's denials only made it worse for him, the changing boy crying and crying until he had no more tears to give, only sniffling into his bedsheets. He didn't know how long he laid there, but eventually, his eyelids grew heavy and he gently slipped into the land of dreams, muttering something to himself as the same words that had filled his head the night before returned once more.

"You don't have a lot of friends do you?"

"I-I... I... w-wish I... d-did..."


It was hours later when he finally stirred awake, the boy groaning as he blinked, looking up at the ceiling with a frown, gathering that he must have turned over in his sleep and onto a soft squishy cushion. For a moment, he hoped he’d just been having a nightmare, a thought that only lasted a moment before he raised his dainty hand and sighed.

“Nope. It’s s-still here. O-of course it is... W-WAIT IS MY-“

He cut off his shout, narrowing his eyes in determination as he pulled himself upright, refusing to let the drastic decrease in muscle mass bother him, feeling his legs under the covers to confirm it had happened to them too.

“I-it’s fine... it’s fine... I-I can j-just train to build them u-up again! Y-yeah! I can go to the g-gym where.... where there be l-lots of p-people looking a-at m-me... j-judging me... AH NO I CAN’T DO IT I CAN’T!”

His attempt to raise his spirits ended miserably as a surge of anxiety crashed into him, Rex screaming in panic as he threw the covers over himself and hid under his bedsheets. The thought of people seeing him like this, anyone seeing him in general was making him scared, anxious, and unbelievably shy.

He hadn’t felt this sad in years, like crying he’d been taught that men dealt with anything head on, and never showed weakness, always burying any sadness beneath as many layers as possible.

“I-I didn’t like the lessons... I didn’t like being l-locked away... d-did I ever do what I wanted? Did he e-ever see me a-as my own p-person?”

The thoughts would have made him angry before, but the most he could manage now was a quiet whimper, hugging himself tighter as he vaguely noticed the muscle in his waist was completely gone, his core likely left utterly slender and flawless to the touch. The lessons had failed him thus far, but something inside him refused to be broken, a tiny piece of determination returning as he narrowed his eyes, shooting up angrily as he finally got out of bed.

“No. N-no I can... d-do this... men f-face their problems and end them h-himself! And e-even if my body l-looks like this I’m still a- o-oh... e-eep!”

As he looked down at himself, Rex realised just why it felt like he had been sitting on such a soft cushion, his face turning completely red as he looked back at his newly plumped up rear. He was mortified by the sight, lost for word by how alluring it looked in his pants, unable to help himself from giving it a nervous little squeeze.

”M-mmmmmmmm~! O-Oh dear! It’s so b-big! Oh this is so embarrassing!”

It felt good, the boy moaning uncertainty as his nerves were bathed in soft, comforting pleasures, his cock rising as he lost himself for a moment. It was only brief though, Rex’s blush deepening as he reluctantly pulled away his arm.

W-what am I d-doing!? So what if I h-have a r-really big... a-ass... meep! I MEAN I DON’T CARE! I’M FACING THIS! I CAN STILL BE WHAT HE- W-WHAT I WANT!”

He did his best to block out the changes in his head, trying to pretend they weren't there or bothering him, something that was difficult to do when he was getting changed into some cleaner clothes. Rex just pretended he didn't see the increased wideness of his hips or the decreased size of his cock, certain he could face the changes with dignity, slipping on his shirt as something lightly tickled against his nose.

"A-AH... AH... A-AH... achoo!"

His face shook despite how quiet his sneeze ended up being, the force much greater than the sound suggested as something went pop. A fearful shiver tore through him, but he was determined not to react, some pink falling in front of his eyes as he blinked, the realisation of what he was seeing him only hitting moments later.

“W-wait... no... nononononononononono! T-that can’t be my...”

He ran into the bathroom, shrieking at his reflection as he staggered back in terror, his fully feminised face framed by flowing long hair, that had dyed itself a bright girly pink overnight.

M-my hair... it’s p-pink? I’m... I’m turning i-into a freak! N-no.... I can’t... I can’t... sniff... d-do it... I can’t ignore it or... sniffle.... s-stop it... it’s going to h-happen no matter what I d-do...”

His confidence. His determination. All of his walls he had spent his entire life building up, finally collapsed. Tears filled Rex’s eyes as he left his room and collapsed, crying once more as he realised just how alone he was, the lessons making him feel sick just thinking about them.

“H-he... he... he didn’t care... he n-never... s-stopped. Even when I said I h-hated them...”

A small squeak broke him out of his thoughts, the boy looking up to see he was right next to the rabbit hutch, Angel staring at him curiously as they both blinked.

"O-oh... you p-probably don't r-recongsise me n-now huh... g-god I-I'd forgotten..."

He shot up at the realisation, his eyes widening as he was filled with panic that sent him darting around the kitchen.

"I-I COMPLETELY FORGOT TO TAKE CARE OF YOU! O-oh my! Don't w-worry Angel! I'll be r-right with you!"

Rex did it in record time, breathing a sigh of relief as he poured food into the hutch, and attacked the new water bottle, unable to help a smile forming as he watched the bunny hop around inside. The same thoughts as always started to emerge, but for once, he left them alone, shocked to find they were making his insides tingle with some unfamiliar feeling.

"H-huh..? I-is something else c-changing?"

It didn't feel like the other times, Rex blinking and squirming as he let the tide of desires and thoughts wash over his brain.

"A-ah! Look how f-fluffy he looks!"

"Awwwwwwwwwwww, he's thumping his little foot! The food and attention must have made him all happy~."

"I-I wonder if h-he'll mind m-me... holding him?"

He'd never gone so long without stopping himself for years, slowly and nervously reaching down into the hutch and grabbing the white bunny, squeaking with wide, happy eyes as he touched the soft fur. Rex eagerly lifted him out, putting the confused rabbit down onto his lap before gently stroking his head.

"Oh Angel... I-I'm so sorry I forgot to take c-care of you! There's j-just been s-so much happening lately..."

Angel made some pleased noises, quite happy to nest onto the slowly expanding cushions he had been placed on, the boy realising just how calming it was to be in the presence of an animal, to touch something so cute and fluffy, to make it happy enough for it to squeak and thump its foot.

"I-I'm sorry I was so mean to y-you too... i-it was wrong for me to take out all my anger and frustrations on you... y-you've been a really good bunny Angel... getting used to your new home so fast... a-and dealing with me..."

Now he had let one thought out, Rex didn't want to stop, wrapping his arms around the fluffy animal and giving out a cute giggle as the soft fur rubbed against his skin.

"T-the truth is I really wanted an a-animal like you when I was y-younger... but my dad said pets were for girls... a-and got angry at m-me again... I thought he beat it out of me. It was easier to think he had. B-but I'm still b-broken like he said..."

He frowned, hugging Angel tighter while sniffling again, the squirming creature comforting him from the worries that hung over them.

"By the time I got y-you Angel. I didn't want to take c-care of a p-pet. I-I was scared... s-scared if I d-did anything w-wrong, I-I'd get hurt... s-so I wanted to h-hurt the w-world first and..."

Rex burst into tears, memories of the past that would usually make him feel nothing causing him to cry as he pressed his thickening thighs together, blushing as they rubbed against his shaft slightly. The hints of arousal didn't help his mood though, the barely boy continuing his rambling while sniffling in despair.

"O-oh Angel! I was s-so horrible! I-I was a bully! I-I lashed o-out and m-made everyone m-miserable and h-hate me! S-so... so... I-I'm all alone. No matter what I look like. I'm always going to be alone."

He shut his eyes after that, staying still for a few moments before a knock on the door made him squeak in shock. Rex didn't dare move, sitting still until the second knock, the sound making him shiver nervously before he finally got up from the fifth. Still hugging Angel, he slowly walked to the door, nervous tingling gathering in his chest as he whimpered to himself, thinking aloud as he clutched the door handle and opened the door slightly.

"S-stay calm... stay c-calm... y-you don't know w-who it is... i-it could be... t-the mail! Or s-some door to door sale-"

His eyes widened from what he saw through the ajar door, the girl from only two days ago staring back with an equally surprised expression. They didn't say anything for a moment, seemingly waiting for the other to say something first, Twilight eventually breaking the silence.

"Oh… ehhh, hi? Rex was it? Huh. Have to say. I expected a more explosive reaction to me showing up he- wait have you been crying?"

He blinked, self consciously wiping the tears from his eyes, the boy trying to save face for a moment, before giving up.

"S-sniff... n-no, I-I'm... sigh... yes... w-wait. Y-you... know it's me?"

"Well, obviously! I'm kind of the reason that you're changing in the first place after all…”

That definitely got his attention, Rex hoping the door fully with shocked eyes, as Twilight's eyes widened by a tiny bit.

"Wait, y-you d-did this to me? How? What? I-I... b-but why! I-I l-liked being a m-man! S-so can you undo it?"

The girl simply giggled and smiled, something which the old him would have seen as an insult but now, it seemed obvious that she just found something he said funny, only causing a blush to fill his features.

"Well... it's a long story. How about I come in and tell you all about it? I want to ask you some things myself. So you can tell me why you're crying, and I can explain what you want to know. Alright?"

"O-ok... come i-in..."

He held open the door for her, Twilight humming happily as she looked around and sat down at the table, Rex uncertainly sitting opposite her, still hugging Angel tightly to calm him down.

"So. Do you want to start? I have a feeling my explanation will take a bit longer than yours..."

"O-oh... well if y-you want me too..."

Rex let it all out, Twilight staying silent as he retold everything that had happened since the end of school, hiding some of his face behind his long pink hair as he looked down at his tiny feet, not wanting to meet her eyes. He didn't notice her brow furrowing at certain statements where he'd let context slip in, but her silence did make him more comfortable, the girl seeming to have this strange, friendly aura that made it easy to warm up to her.

By the time he'd finished, he was confident enough to have let Angel go, the other girl smiling to herself as she stroked his head, before looking into Rex's teary eyes with an understanding glare.

"Wow. I'm sorry about all that. I didn't think this would upset you to this extent. It was insensitive of me. You just annoyed me a lot with how you were behaving and... h-heh... I got a little carried away due to other reasons... I thought casting the spell would just make you angry, then I would come in and help you get your act together!"

"Oh I c-can't blame you! I was just awful! I-insufferable... y-you had good reasons T-Twilight... I see t-that now... the entire school w-wouldn't even care if I-I stopped showing up..."

Twilight hummed to herself, adjusting her glasses while pulling out a book and double checking something while responding.

"I certainly didn't expect the spell to cause all this though... it was supposed to be a purification spell. I'd modified it for my mission here and tested it out on you. I knew it was perfectly safe for humans, but not what it did exactly... for once my skill might have made it a bit too perfect for a first attempt..."

"H-huh? What d-do you mean T-Twilight?"

"Oh yeah... guess I owe you an expectation. Long story short. I'm a pony princess from another universe."

There was a brief pause after that, Rex's eyes widening slightly as his mouth fell open, the boy's expectations thrown completely out of the water while the girl continued.

"I'll spare you the details until later. But back home, there are these really powerful items called the Elements of Harmony. Each one is a vital component of not just friendship but Equestria itself and has a specific pony that wields it. For example, I use the element of magic. Sadly, we're unable to use our elements at the moment, but they still continue to defend Equestria from harm. For centuries, we were under the assumption that the elements were unique to our world. Until we found a gateway to this one that had been hidden away for who knows how long."

"I-I... e-excuse... ponies? W-why ponies? A-and how is magic part of-"

Twilight smiled, clearly enjoying her explanation as she continued, Rex attempting to process all the information being dumped onto him. He didn't question if she was telling the truth, after what was happening to his body he would believe anything, deciding to nod along shyly as the other girl talked.

"We detected magic almost identical to the elements through it. But something was wrong, most of them were... well. Broken. It was putting the uncorrupted elements into overdrive just to keep this world together! If we left it alone, the results could have bled into other universes too. After some debating and plenty of studying, we decided to go into the world, find and fix the elements, and restore balance. Unfortunately, the current issues mean that only one pony could safely enter right now, and since I've had experience with a world similar to this one, I was the obvious choice."

She smiled smugly at that despite the serious situation before blushing slightly when she stared at Rex, coughing slightly as the boy looked down and squeaked.

"A-ah! Oh I-I'm sorry! I t-thought my c-chest felt nice but I-I didn't notice them g-growing..."

His b cup breasts were fully visible though the material of his shirt, Rex's blush deepening as his cock twitched in need, his arousal only making him more embarrassed.

"I-it's not your fault. Anyways, I altered the spell to purify the elements when I found them but wanted to make sure it worked in general... then I got annoyed at you... so here we are."

"W-wow... that's a-a lot to take i-in... you're from a-another world and... i-it's hard to even imagine something like that b-being real... n-not that I think your lying or anything!"

Rex was stroking Angel while talking to Twilight, his brain struggling to process everything he had just heard, the idea of other universes, talking ponies and magical elements making his brain spin just thinking about it.

"W-wait... so maybe you really c-can undo this? M-make my body n-normal again?"

Twilight winced, twiddling her thumbs as she slowly responded to Rex's desperate question.

"W-well, unfortunately there's a few... unforeseen issues. Since... well... turns out I'm really lucky?"

"I-issues? But s-shouldn't you be able to reverse spells? W-what issues? How a-are you lucky?"

She rolled her eyes a little this time, Twilight gently grabbing Rex's hand to try and calm him down before smiling.

"Well. Outside of the obvious reasons that you really hated who you were before this... there's the slight issue that you were actually one of the corrupted wielders of the elements I was looking for..."

The barely boy blinked, the words going into his head but somehow not processing as he felt Twilight tighten her grip to comfort him, his eyes widening slightly as the realisation gradually hit him.

"W-what? M-me? I-I... I'm sorry Twilight b-but there has to be some kind of m-mistake! I-I'm not anyone special! I-I would have noticed i-if I was the w-wielder of some m-magic thing!"

"Not necessary. The element is powerless when it's corrupted, and I don't even know how much magic it would grant you when it's pure. It would make sense why you didn't notice it. As for how I know... you're kinda turning into a human version of one of my friends. Like, it's kinda weird. Your eyes, hair colour, personality, voice, even love for animals are just like hers! That wasn't part of the spell I cast, so I think my magic might have influenced your dormant element with traits of its Equestrian counterpart while it was being restored..."

Her logic made sense, something that only made Rex more and more frightened as he shook his head faster, determined to deny what she was saying.

"Y-you have to b-be wrong though! I-I'm a guy! A m-man! S-so undo this! I-I'm supposed to be s-strong and... assertive! N-not this m-meek little t-twig! I d-don't care about some s-stupid..."

"Why do you still think that? Why are you insisting you want something that you hated so much?"

Twilight stared into his eyes as she calmly answered, the boy feeling no anger as he stayed back with eyes filled with tears.

"B-because he w-wanted to me too... h-he told me t-too... he b-beat and screamed at me until I w-was the m-masculine ideal he dreamed of. He w-wasn't happy with m-me. H-he never w-was. I don't t-think he ever cared for me. He forced me to push away everything I liked. Everything I enjoyed. F-forced me to be... o-on my own... a-and... and... sniffle.."

He was fully crying when Twilight came in for a hug, gently rubbing Rex's back as whimpered in despair. This time he wasn't crying about failing to live up to an impossible ideal. Or fear of what was happening. It was the first time he allowed himself to cry about everything he had been put through by the person who had cast a shadow over his life ever since he was born.

"It's alright. Let it out. You're not alone. You're never going to be alone again. Is he still part of your life?"

"N-no... he i-isn't... h-he's never g-going to... b-be... again... I-I'm not g-going to... s-sniff..."

His tears stopped a few minutes later, Twilight blushing as she pulled away a little before that, trying her best not to stare at his still growing breasts, considering it was a serious situation. He eventually stopped when he felt something, looking down to see Angel nuzzling comfortingly against his leg, the sight making him smile sweetly.

"Then it doesn't matter. All he cares about is himself. Fulfilling his own shallow dreams at the expense of what you wanted. You didn't have a choice back then. But you do now. The chains and shadows he left behind over your life don't have power over you anymore. All it takes is a good friend to help you see that. I believe in you. And even if you weren't the bearer of the element of kindness, I still would."

He laughed a little at her words, the encouragement, touch and warmth from Twilight stronger than anything he felt before.

"B-but... I don't t-think I c-can be kind... a-anymore... w-what if I'm... s-still broken? W-who would w-want to b-be f-friends with a m-monster like me?"

"You can be. I know you can. You aren’t a monster and if you are broken. Then I'll just help put you back together. Trust me. I've seen even the darkest of souls saved by the power of friendship. With or without the elements. It's the most powerful magic that any world can possess."

She smiled comfortingly at him, the warmth making him beam back, while giggling slightly.

"T-that... I t-think... pfff, that was the cheesiest thing I-I've ever h-heard... haha!"

The sadness vanished from his face as he burst into giggles, Twilight narrowing her eyes slightly as she crossed her arms.

"Hey, that doesn't make it any less true, you know!"

"I-I know... I'm s-sorry for laughing... but it r-really did make me feel better. I-I won't do it again... I hope I-I didn't come o-off as rude Twilight... but did y-you mean that? Y-you’ll be my f-friend? E-even after everything?"

Twilight rolled her eyes, answering the question with another hug that made him squeak in shock, Rex uncertainly returning the embrace while a happy smile naturally came over him.

"You don't need to apologise. Of course we are. I don't see a single good reason for us not to be friends."

"T-thank you... thank y-you so..."

"Shhhhhhhhhhhhhh it's ok... you can do what you want now. You’ll never have to force yourself to be like before ever again."

He was almost overcome by emotion, the embrace lasting several minutes as he felt the weights and burdens start to fade away, freeing him from the heavy chains that had tied in to goals he never wanted. Twilight pulled away a bit later, a slight blush on her face as she coughed.

"W-well... I think I'll j-just wait outside f-for a moment while you take care of... y-you know..."

"O-oh my! Of c-course! I'm r-really sorry!"

Rex hadn't even noticed just how hard and visible his cock had become, blushing with a squeak as he hid his face in his hands.

"D-don't be! It's b-because of my spell after all... but y-you know... it would be a bit a-awkward if I was here as you finish s-so could you get me when you're done?"

"Of c-course Twilight! T-thanks for the p-privacy... j-just one more thing?"

"No problem. Huh, what is it?"

"Y-your friend w-who you said I look like... what's her n-name?"

Twilight beamed at the question happily answering while heading towards the door and slipping back outside.

"Fluttershy. Her name is Fluttershy."

"F-Flutter... s-shy..."

He whispered the name to himself, feeling the words leave his lips, it felt soft on his lips, something that he would prefer to mutter than say out loud. It was a nice, lovely name. Sounding so sweet and pure in a way that seemed to generate kindness.

"F-Fluttershy... I like that n-name... it's so l-lovely and... e-eep!"

Rex turned bright red as his cock made another twitch, just saying the name out loud making him hornier as he self consciously rubbed his thighs together.

"O-oh dear! A-ah~! This f-feels really... n-nice actually... mmmm~! I-it's... s-shrinkinggggggggggggggg~!!!!!!!"

His body shivered in delight, the pleasure growing stronger as he picked up Angel and carefully dropped him into his hutch with shaky legs.

"I-I'm sorry Ahhhh-Angel... b-but I just n-need to o-oh~! Take c-care of s-somethingggggggg real q-quick ok? I-I- mmmmm~! J-just be a f-few... AH~! M-minutes!"

His body was being hit by surges of bliss, each one making his shrinking cock harder as he squeaked in shameful need, dashing into his bedroom as soon as he could. He gently sat down on his bed, pulling down his pants to reveal his plush, soft thighs and twitching cock, that was slowly sinking inside.

Strangely, the sight wasn't scaring him anymore. It wasn't worrying him in the slightest. With the expectations gone, he didn't have to worry about how he was losing his masculinity and strength, accepting they were things he never wanted in the first place. All his life, he'd been afraid. Living in fear of what would happen if he did what he wanted. If he strayed from the path laid out for him.

But now. Now his new friend had shown her support. Shown who he was. Who he had always been, deep inside. He finally had the courage to do what he always yearned to, whimpering in nervous, embarrassed delight as he gently lowered his hand towards his cock.

It was long overdue. But it was finally time for her to shape her own future.

"O-ok... I-I just need to t-take care of t-this... h-how do I-I... oh this is s-so embarrassing to do m-myself... do I j-just need to- o-oh~! A-ah~!"

Her soft, gentle touch was enough, Rex letting out a fluttering mix of a moan and a gasp as it sent a large chunk of her cock shooting back inside. Rex's face was scrunched up from delight, gasping needily as her dick spurted out some seed, now less than half of its size.

"M-mmmmmm~! O-oh d-dear~! This f-feels so n-nice~! I s-should t-thank T-Twilight for that later..."

Memories of her friend sent the doubt in her soul scuttering away, the "lessons" going to the backs of her mind like a bad dream, feminine pronouns fully taking hold as she felt as free as a bird. She moaned, her cock needing no further prompting to shrink, Rex instead gasping and shaking as it grew smaller and smaller, growing ever closer to oblivion.

All she could focus on was how happy she felt, her mind at peace, her anxieties, worries, and shyness something she knew she could overcome with the help and support of friendship. But her old name still lingered, and it was starting to feel more and more unfitting, the almost girl realising she needed something better now, something gentle, soft, and kind like her, a new name for her new self and future.

The answer came right away, her eyes widening slightly as her cock finally inverted, pure kindness rushing through her body as she came with a joyful squeal.


Fluttershy was ashamed that she screamed so loud, hoping the neighbours didn't hear as she fell limp on the bed, her pink hair going everywhere as she gently caught her breath. Her body tingled from the aftershocks, the girl slowly getting up after a few minutes while shivering slightly.

"Oh g-gosh... that was a l-little bit more i-intense than I t-thought it would be..."

She blushed shyly, pulling up her much too big pants and squeaking as they fell back down, rubbing her legs together as she fully realised just how much slimmer she was than before. She liked it. She loved it. Everything she was now just felt... perfect. And not even her anxieties could bring her down from that. Fluttershy jumped slightly as she heard a knock on her bedroom door, Twilight's voice ringing out soon after.

"You ok in there? It sounded like you were all done, so wanted to check if you were alright."

"O-oh I'm fine T-Twilight! E-everything's changed n-now... b-but I just r-realised none of my c-clothes fit me now..."

The other girl giggled from outside the door, Fluttershy blushing as she continued to try and find a piece of old clothing that would even come close to fitting her, the attempts all but useless.

"Don't worry about that. Come out when you find something that works the best. How about we go shopping? My treat."

"I-I... I would love that. T-thank you... b-but T-Twilight?"

"What are friends for? Yeah?"

"I-I was thinking... c-could you m-maybe start c-calling me F-Fluttershy?"

From behind the door, Twilight smiled, happiness overtaking her as she answered.

"I'd be happy to."


Ryan took a deep breath, trying hard not to show his anxiety as he made his way to the school gates, staying on high alert as he clutched his bag tightly. He'd been dreading school since the other day, the boy well aware that the target that was already on his back had tripled since Rex had overheard his comment in the hallways.

If it wasn't for that new girl, he'd have been dead on the spot, but he knew that would only be delaying the inevitable; Rex wasn't going to forget what happened that easily. He'd spent the following days terrified of the thought of going to school again, purposely missing it for a few days until his parents had forced him to go, along with people he supposed counted as friends being pissed he had left them alone without warning.

He was certain his life was over, but at least he could face it with dignity, the boy so lost in thought that he wasn't looking where he was going, accidently bumping into somebody and sending them both falling to the floor.

"Ah! Oh, s-sorry about that! I wasn't looking where I was going..."

"I-it's alright... s-sorry, it w-was probably m-my fault..."

The reply was so quiet that Ryan could barely hear it over the crowd that was around them, the boy's eyes widening as he blushed. He'd never seen the girl before, but she was beautiful. Her long, pink hair a perfect match for her shining green eyes, soft face, and angelic voice.

He was lost for words, unsure what to say for a moment before he noticed the slips of paper that had scattered all over the ground.

"O-oh let me help you with those!"

The boy started gathering them up, not noticing the green eyes of the girl widening slightly in recognition, slowly brushing her bangs out of the way of her eyes self consciously.

"Y-you don't h-have to... r-really it was m-my fault..."

It only took Ryan a minute, the boy handing the sheets over to the blushing girl, hoping his own wasn't obvious as he suddenly noticed what was written on the sheets.

"Animal rescue centre?"

"O-oh! I've been volunteering there since I joined the school... so t-they asked me i-if I could hand these around to i-increase awareness..."

She was almost impossibly cute, Ryan sure his blush was obvious as everything she did made his heart beat just a little bit faster as they slowly walked into the school.

"So you're new here? I'm Ryan. I've been off the last few days so that's probably why I haven't seen you around before."

"M-my name's F-Fluttershy... i-it's foreign. I-I transferred here from the s-same school as my f-friend T-Twilight a few days ago..."

The girl put the papers down on a desk that she had set up, turning away from him as her blush deepened by a small, but noticeable amount.

"Oh yeah, I know her! She helped me out the other day. There's this asshole who was bullying me and she managed to get him off my back. He's probably going to give me hell today though..."

He felt bad just bringing Rex up, his own nerves returning as Fluttershy seemed to retreat in on herself slightly, Ryan sad to admit he wouldn't be surprised if she had to deal with bullies like him in her old school.

"Y-yeah... she t-told me about t-that... I h-heard some of the other students t-talking about h-him the other d-day too... something a-about him m-moving to another s-school?"

His eyes widened at her words, the boy taking a moment to process them as he turned to Fluttershy with a start.

"Seriously!? He moved schools!? He doesn't come here anymore!?"

"T-that's just w-what I h-heard..."

"That's amazing! I'm not dead meat after all! I'm glad to hear that, Fluttershy. You probably would have been prime material for him too. Guess we both dodged a bullet huh?"

The girl laughed nervously, messing with her jacket timidly as her eyelashes fluttered wildly.

"Y-yeah. I-I've been a lot... I mean the school's been a lot happier since he left!"

If Ryan caught her slip up, he didn't get a chance to process it, a sudden shake coming from the backpack on the table as the girl squeaked in surprise.

"O-oh gosh! I almost f-forgot!"

The boy was somehow even more taken aback as the girl unzipped her bag, humming as she looked around to see if anyone else was nearby, before pulling out a white bunny rabbit. She lifted out some food after that, pouring it into a bowl as he eagerly ate it all up.

"Now don't eat too fast Angel. W-we don't want you getting s-stomach ache! You already had a big breakfast! Oh, please don't be picky with me. T-that kind of food is good for you. You need it to get big and strong! Please?"

Fluttershy effortlessly communicated with him, speech something Ryan was still trying to regain as he finally managed to form words.

"I-I... how... rabbit... bag... w-why?"

"Oh, I s-sometimes get l-lonely here when Twilight isn't around. And I already hate having to l-leave my furry friends alone f-for so long while I-I'm here... so I j-just hide him in my b-bag... I let him o-out at break and stuff… I wanted to bring more, but Twilight said it could be u-unsafe for them… please don't tell anyone..."

It felt like Ryan was melting from how cute this girl was, his face utterly red as he smiled back at her pleading expression.

"It's our secret. But... outside of Twilight… something tells me you don't have a lot of friends do you?"

Something about the question made her freeze for a second, the girl looking as still as a statue as she slowly shook her head.

"W-well... would y-you want to be mine?"

The boy cringed internally at his own stupid line, shutting his eyes for a moment until a soft giggle caused him to slowly open them. Fluttershy wasn't nervous now, the girl quietly giggling to herself as the animals looked up at her curiously, the girl stopping after a minute as she grabbed his hand and smiled.

"I would love that."

A short distance away, Twilight smiled at the scene, sat at a distance on a bench, before looking back down at her notebook and proofreading what she had just written.

Dear Princess Celestia,

Firstly, I must apologise to the poor quality of my writing in this letter. Not only am I unused to writing without Spike scribing for me, but I'm forced to use these stupid hands! I honestly have no idea how humans use these so often, I have to wonder why they haven't changed such a backwards system by now.

My work in restoring this world's elements has gotten off to a good start though. While experimenting with possible methods of finding the corrupted bearers, I just so happened to use the spell I was working on to purify the wielder of kindness!

Unfortunately, I also discovered why the element had been so corrupted in the first place. An absence of kindness in his life had made a void in his heart, another's interference wrapping chains that led him down a path he never wanted. My spell also not only purified him, but the presence of Equestrian magic caused the restored element to take up elements from our world which had a side effect of turning him into a human version of Fluttershy.

I'd only used the spell in an attempt to teach the boy a lesson. But in the end, I think we both learned something. You shouldn't live your life based on what others want out of you. You can't stop yourself from enjoying something. So instead of repressing it for others benefit, embrace it. Those interests are what you should really be using to shape your life. And all it takes is one good friend to give you the courage to embrace who you really are.

With one element restored, Fluttershy and I shall continue searching for the other corrupted bearers so we can purify them. I will alert you as soon as there are any further developments. Make sure to send the others my love and tell them not to worry about me. If this mission takes longer than we thought, I should be able to make time to visit every once in a while.

Your faithful stu-

"Wait... no! Stupid Twilight... good thing you caught that..."

The girl crossed out the last words, quickly rewriting it and sighing in relief as she rolled up the paper.

Yours sincerely. Princess Twilight Sparkle.

"T-Twilight? What are you d-doing?"

The princess smiled as she turned to face Fluttershy, the animals back in her backpack and safely on her back as Ryan walked away towards his first class.

"Just writing a report to send back home later. How did things go with you? Did you finally make a new friend?"

"I-I think s-so... it's t-that boy from when w-we first met... the one I w-was..."

"Calm down Fluttershy. That's not you anymore. You're better than that now. You don't need to feel guilty about it."

"O-ok... he was r-really nice though..."

"See! I knew you could make some friends by yourself!"

Fluttershy blushed and smiled at Twilight's happy reply, the two of them heading to their first class of the day while chattering cheerfully. Although there were still worries and anxieties inside her, the memories of her past were rarely recalled, the girl ignoring the powerless spectres as she set about living the life she had always desired.

She instead focused on the future, and with the help of Twilight, her animals and maybe even Ryan or other potential friends, she could finally say she was the person she wanted to be.

With those thoughts, Fluttershy's smile grew wider, her steps speeding up slightly to keep up with Twilight as they both set off towards a brighter and kinder future.


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