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Max breathed a sigh of relief, finally finishing work on their art for the day, having made more than enough progress on the piece to make it certain they would have it done in time for their birthday. They hadn't originally planned to do something for it, their excitement for one of their gifts was too intense to ignore, Scourge writing a TG for one of their favourite girls something that had filled them with inspiration.

Scourge said he would be finished with the story soon and was just making some final preparations. He had already manipulated them into spilling all the details they wanted, along what he needed to focus on while writing so it was as good as humanly possible. It meant that Raven seemed to always be on their mind, unable to stop thinking about the stoic cutie goth they loved so much, everything about her going through their head to make them consistently horny.

They knew there wasn't long to wait now, Max smiling as they decided to get something to drink and relax with their roommate for the night, pausing when they spotted something at their door, raising an eyebrow in confusion as they picked it up.

"Huh? What's this thing?"

The package was light, and there wasn't a hint of where it had come from, Max concluding that it had probably come in the mail that morning and Jack had just left it outside their room.

"How did he know it was for me though? Oh well, guess I'll see what's inside."

They put it down on their bed, opening it up and only finding themselves more confused when they saw what was within, pulling out the black leotard with a small blush.

"What the... is this for me? Did Jack leave it out as a joke or something? Looks a bit familiar though..."

Max dismissed the thought; honestly, the idea of wearing it was ridiculous, the entire outfit far too small to fit on Jack, let alone their tall body, the leotard even coming with sparkly long gloves and leggings. It was the colour they were focusing on the most though, that part in particular grabbing their attention, the outfit a deep, raven black that bordered on purple.

They were about to put it back, not entirely sure what to do with it, but not getting the chance to decide before a flash of purple blinded them, Max recoiling slightly, the feeling of the fabric vanishing from their hand, exchanged for a sudden, intense tightness.

"GAH!? F-FUCK~!?"

The feeling of the leotard had reappeared, and to their confused horror they could feel it all over them, Max frantically opening their shirt to find the leotard lying beneath, uncomfortably pressing against their skin. They were lost for words, pulling off the jacket to find even the mesh gloves squished against their flesh, Max unable to even stagger back without losing their balance, horrified to discover their feet had been stuffed into absolutely tiny heels.

"W-WHAT THE FUCK!? H-how did... when... I don't... w-why won’t it come off!?"

Their desperate pulls weren't enough, the leotard refusing to come off no matter how hard they tried, their confusion gradually growing into panic as their pulling grew even more frantic, still unable to figure out how the outfit had gotten onto their body, blushing at how tight it felt and... wait w-was it getting tighter?

They thought they were imagining it at first, but the feeling was unmistakable, pressure starting to gather as the leotard shrank more and more, the already tight fit only getting even more restrictive, their erect bulge fully visible as they blushed in shock. Something was going to have to give, either the outfit or their body, and it soon became all too clear which one was weaker.



Their eyes spun for a moment along with their thoughts, Max uncertain what exactly had happened or what the source of the noise even was, their fingers twitching as strange feelings stirred in the depths of their stomach, the pressure from the leotard making it hard to breathe. It was squeezing them, pushing against their core, any fat it deemed unnecessary paying the price for getting in its way as it was flattened.

It was unlike anything they had ever felt before, the feeling undeniably pleasurable as they couldn't help but moan in confusion, the fat bubbling as the surface shrank, the flesh literally melting into nothingness in a way that made their cock twitch and throb. They gasped from bliss, their confusion forgotten for a moment as they ran their hand across their increasingly slender tummy, moaning happily as the outfit moulded it into a perfect fit.

Within seconds, their stomach had been reformed, Max coming to their senses and crying out in shock as they looked down to see a powerful, sexy core fit for a supermodel. In other situations they would have been drooling over it, but seeing it attached to their body only made them more panicked, especially when the outfit tightened enough to force their waist inwards with an even louder crack.

It only got tighter after that, Max terrified as they found it impossible to get a grip on the outfit, the fabric feeling like a second layer of skin due to how tightly it was hugging them.


They couldn't help but moan, suddenly realising the compression was forcing the melted chunks upwards, repurposing it for something greater whether they wanted it to or not.


Their protests went ignored, electric pleasure rushing through their body as their nipples popped upwards, another strange feeling joining it, one that was almost... sparkly and m-magical? The odd thought was cut off by their pleased squeal, fat working its way into their chest as their pleas were silenced by pure delight frying their nerves as, to their shock, the mass started to push out.


It was unmistakable what was happening, the two mountains of flesh steadily growing from their chest, straining against the fabric as the feelings in their cock grew closer to bursting. With the leotard's tightness, the growing mounds had no choice but to make more space for themselves within the outfit, the rest of their body forced to deal with the consequences.

They could already feel the impacts as their inflating breasts jiggled, the leotard pushing out further to accommodate their impressive bust while pressure mounted everywhere else, digging itself in between their asscheeks while getting even tighter on their new core and cock. Their dick could barely twitch inside it, precum staining the leotard's purple material as it took all their self-control not to cum from the sensation of their jiggling c-cup breasts finishing off.

It left them breathless, twitching as their new breasts steadily rose and fell with each pleasured intake of air, Max briefly entertaining the thought that this might be the end of it before the sparking magic struck their shoulders. They weren't sure why they described it like that, but no other word was fitting, and in the face of pure bliss there wasn't much time to question it, only react.

Bones were snapping and shifting beneath their flesh, reforming into slimmer, distinctly feminine forms as they became tiny, dainty little things that were a perfect match for their new tits. The outfit showed them off perfectly, the alluring structure looking almost impossibly sexy to them, their shoulder fetish finally pushing them over the edge as they came hard, their eyes spinning from the intensity of it.

It had escaped their notice for now that the shoulderless outfit was something they had specifically asked for in the TG Scourge was doing, Max more focused on screaming as loud as they could.


They squealed even louder as the feelings gathered in their forehead, the magical pleasure burning as something started to emerge with harsh cracks and snaps. Whatever it was, it was just as hard as their erect cock, the new jewel glowing a bright red. Its effect was instant, their eyes instantly clouding with an unnatural purple, growing eyelashes fluttering as the same black clouds infected their mind.


Bolts of the pleasurable magic were striking the insides of their unprotected brain, strange thoughts bubbling as it weighed down on their emotions, almost making them wonder why they should even bother. They dismissed the thought, groaning and grunting as their face shifted like it was being edited in a computer program, their panic refusing to be suppressed as they clutched their head in panic.


Their eyes widened at the sound of the voice that left their throat, the sensations in their face so intense they hardly even noticed the crushing in their neck, their old features reduced to a thing of the past with a conclusive pop. What was left behind could only be described as alluring, perfectly sculpted cheekbones that were joined with a slender jawline, petite nose and plump, kissable lips.

They knew that voice, their cock reacting to it with gusto as they moaned in its perfect, sensual tones, needing a mirror to confirm the impossibility of what was happening, refusing to believe it until they saw it for themselves. It took them a minute to even get to their phone, the unsteady heels meaning they almost fell over several times on the journey before they opened the camera.

Max screamed, dropping the phone with a start and shaking as chains of purple wrapped around their brain, forcing in restrictions that it made even harder to think straight, especially when a stubborn will forged in demon fire was breaking free from it.


They bit down on their lip as strange images danced in front of their eyes, pure magic shocking down from their sexy shoulders and into their hands, something inside forcefully pulling them inwards into lithe, precise forms. Their pants fell away as they staggered back further, staring at their hands in fear as something in their head grew ravenous for emotion.

Their screams grew louder along with the shine of the jewel, pure magic blasting through their body as they came again, tendrils of corruptive gothness coiling from the clouds infecting their brain. They grabbed hold of their hair, Max's vision going purple as streaks of violet took it over, extinguishing and crushing the former colour like an annoying bug on the edge of an open book.

That interest was the next to take over, forcefully engraving itself into their mind as their feet went SNAP, the intensity enough to make them jump slightly from bliss as their shrinking toes were pulled into dainty perfection. Max was too focused on fighting the infection in their brain to notice they weren't coming down, feeling the soft purple strands in slowly fading terror, their expression shifting to one of more curiosity for a moment before the realisation struck again.


It wasn't listening, their panicked thrashing doing nothing to deter it as their breasts jiggled wildly, their cock twitching as it expelled even more seed, something going pop behind them, pressure arcing down their spine as they started to be drained of their impressive height. Their legs were only going up though, a steady levitation spell keeping them afloat, something that would only become more obvious the more Ravened their mind became.

They could feel the Raven inside, spreading her wings of darkness and wrapping around their brain while it squeezed tight, their own thoughts and wants starting to fall to the wayside as bursts of magic shot through them. It triggered a reaction in the muscle in their arms, the new body having no need for physical strength as the mesh tightened, forcing it all into slim, girly fat.

It was exchanged for something much more important, the gem gleaming and shining brighter, their strength exchanged for her intelligence. Their height may have been slowly decreasing but their legs and IQ were only going up, the newly purpled strands swishing as their floating body shook.

”GAWD NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO~!!!!!!!!! D-DON’T WANT TO B-BE RAVEN~! T-that would be b-bad since I want to be m-me and ugh this is totally annoying to deal with when- GAH NONONONONONONONO~!”

They were slipping, the talons of corruptive magic digging into their mind, the inks of drawing morphing into words from books she’d read, the panic forcefully suppressed as the emotion desperately tried to persist. Doing so was much harder than it looked, a pleased but notably less pleasured grunt the only reaction they had as they came out more of their height.

Max could feel it gothifying them from the inside out, uninterest spreading and infecting more and more of their mind, black nail varnish forming on their wiggling toes and twitching fingers as each emotion was put under heavy lockdown. They were desperate to resist it, to find something that would make them feel intense emotion again, only to play right into the emerging personality’s hands.

They didn’t know why they thought of him in the hellish inferno of pleasure, but as emotion surged, they realised their mistake, knowing it was too late to stop now.

“MMMMMMMMM~!!!!!! GAWDDDDDDDD~!!!!! S-stupid Beast Boy I-I don’t w-want to think of y-you right now you I-idiot! G-get out of my head so I can focus on f-fighting? Wait what am I fighting again... ugh great now he’s making me act random and stupid and GAH SHIT NONONONONONO GET OUT OF MY HEAD NO~!”

They'd completely fallen into her trap, the desire to feel intense normal emotion turned against them in the most brutal, sadistic way possible, the surges of affection gothifiying and suppressing everything that could be considered them. Raven was always very good at ignoring what annoyed her, and now they were getting a first-hand demonstration, the emerging personality paying no mind to their panicked pleas and shouts.

Thinking of Beast Boy did it all for her, fighting only delaying the inevitable as he returned to the forefront of their brain with enough force to completely shatter their hips into wide, sexy forms. They wriggled them instinctively, a natural sway installing itself into their instincts as something special for h-her crush... n-not that she cared what he thought obviously...


It was running wild, the thoughts of Beast Boy making their cock throb, their body aching as their heart rate quickened, a blush on their face as their legs kicked in the air, slimming down to an incredible degree, looking more like they belonged to a supermodel. This exchange gave Max much more than just IQ though, the increased wideness of their hips fit to contain a jiggly, massive ass that complemented their wide, alluring sway that was just as effective as any spell.

It gave more than enough space for their ass, something that was about to be taken full advantage of as the melted muscle surged into their rear. What followed redefined pleasure, blowing their brain apart with unearthly delights as muscle and height rushed inwards, their ass forced to bear it all as it thickened rapidly, the unstoppable growth sending the leotard even deeper into their crack as their brain and eyes spun.

Max couldn’t bear it, the constant Ravenness scoffing and messing with their resistance, the thoughts of their crush pounding in their head at every moment until they couldn’t deny they felt much more like a girl. She wailed at the thought, her ass refusing to stop growing as she started to lose herself in the mess of sensations, love and annoyance overwhelming the suppressed alarm regardless of her best efforts.

With all of her height, it was no wonder her ass was getting as big as it was, her kicking legs rising as her natural magical output slowly increased, the shrinking stopping for a moment when her ass had finished surging out into its final size. If the pleasure wasn't so intense, she would have recognised the repurposed height as one of her own details that she suggested for the TG, but her current state was in no position to come to many conclusions, instead only vaguely noticing she was floating and smaller while drooling and muttering, what remained of her old life being assimilated into her goth obsession.

The spreading stoicism killed any fear or panic, leaving the open acceptance for last, the forming girl having no choice but to give in as her mind spiralled into gothness

”B-Beast Boy... s-stupid, m-moron... d-don’t care about him... stupid s-sexy... ugh... so a-annoying how h-hot he is...”

Maxven muttered to herself, her cock twitching out cum as her ass and breasts jiggled, annoying thoughts going by wondering why she was wearing this stupid outfit, weakly trying to convince herself that she didn’t care if her crush liked it. The way her cock throbbed told a much different story though, her thick ass squishing into the wall as she groped a breast without thinking.

"A-AH~! O-oh fuck y-yes~! I-idiot c-can't even see h-how badly I n-need him~! S-stupid f-fucking- GAH GAWD YESSSSSSSSS~!!!!!!!! SHITTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT, I'M SO HORNYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY~!!!!!!!!!!!"

Her cock's orgasms weren't doing it for her, pure chaotic magic dancing between her fingers as Maven's dazed brain sank into the darkness, giving a teasing smirk as she finally remembered why she was wearing this outfit. It wasn't quite perfect yet though, and it still needed something to make her look even better, something quickly coming to mind as she raised her free hand upwards.

A simple spell would be enough, hesitation filling her for the briefest of moments before she narrowed her eyes in focus, the jewel shining brightly as she discarded the last tiny remaining trace of fear.

"A-azarathhhhhhhhhhhhhhh m-metriohn zinthossssssssssssssss~!!!!!!!!!!!"


She squealed as loud as she could as the roof of her head buzzed with intense bliss, the pressure building and releasing all at once regardless if she was ready or not, flooded with pleasure as two bunny ears burst free from her head. They twitched happily as another pressure gathered in her ass, a small black bunny tail popping free as she squealed in pure delight.

The new nerves and connections were too much, forcing the goth bunny girl to cum out more of her past imperfections while her new ears and tails shook from the euphoria rushing through her body. Maven was far more concerned with the future though, the magic rushing through her desperate to meet her desires as it suddenly concentrated in her thighs.

The reaction was instant, the bunny girl squealing and shaking as fat rushed in, sending them bulging out of the mesh stockings and on a collision course with her desperately throbbing shaft. It was an impact that had deadly consequences, her steadily growing thighs slowly piling pressure onto her cock, the exposed, swelling pillows doing an excellent job of squashing and crushing it as relentlessly as possible.

It was a result she was more than happy with, the horny Maven eagerly squishing her growing assets against her cock as hard as she could, another spell forming in between as she shut her eyes in focus. She didn't need to say an incantation this time, only focus her pure energy, biting her lip as she piled on the pressure, knowing it wouldn't be long now, certain it was about to leave this world for good.

Even with her suppressed emotions, the thought made her smug, her cock twitching as it started to retreat to thoughts of her crush. The ecstasy that followed was more violent and uncontrollable than any kind of magic she could conjure, her stoic brain drowning in tsundere love, reinforcing every memory and piece of her new life as the pathetic dick twitched away.

It was sulking into the shadows of her pussy, Raven's magic only pushing it along as everything became clear in her head, clicking permanently into gothness. That realization prompted the collapse of the biggest chunk of her cock yet, the horny bunny girl screaming as she was fucked by her own cock, her eyes hazing over as an instinctive spell made what little remained of the manhood a bright green.

It only helped along with her fantasy, her body filled with euphoric surges every second as she bucked in the air, each one signalling another chunk vanishing forever.


There wasn't a single unchanged thought in her head, every last inch dominated by the darkness, converting it completely as the magic sealed her brain into its new, improved mindset. It sent wonderful bliss flowing through her, but that was nothing compared to her cock finally inverting with a moist, wet pop~!

She wailed, the last few inches of height spurting free from her new opening as she dropped to the floor, the orgasm making it too hard to focus on maintaining the spell as she landed on her knees. Raven had been too focused on the pleasure to even notice her surroundings changing, a bunny ear twitching as she clutched her head, a wave of magic when she came causing a bunch of feathers to magically burst out before gently falling to the ground.

Raven smiled smugly, her tail twitching as she felt her perfectly flat leotard, feeling so perfectly right as she got up and stretched, testing her new muscles while her assets jiggled.

"All too easy. Ugh, I can't believe that idiot tried to fight this. It's almost sad how they refused to be better. Not worth dwelling on it though. I have more important things to deal with."

She scoffed, her ear twitching as she found herself feeling oddly unsatisfied, the bunny girl just as horny as before, a solution presenting itself as she sensually strolled to the door, the steady knocking showing her that it wouldn't be the case for long. Raven opened it with a half frown, hating how the sight of him alone made her heartbeat just a bit faster

"H-hey Beast Boy. Glad you could make it..."

He looked confused as she crossed her arms under her chest and turned away with a scoffing pout, hiding her blush that came just from seeing his cute face and muscular body in that skintight bodysuit.

"Ummmmmm hi Rae? What did you want me for- oh wow that outfit. I mean! H-hey where did those ears come from- MMMMMM!?"

Raven was too impatient to listen to his stupid rambling, shutting him up with a different approach than usual, Beast Boy's muffled cries showing he much preferred her lips than a snappy remark. His lips felt nice, the thought making her blush as she used her magic to slam the door shut as she pushed him down onto the bed, her ears and tail twitching with lust.

"Don't be shy, Beast Boy. I won't bite. T-tell me what you t-think of me... i-idiot..."

He was the only person that could make her act unsure like this, both of them blushing as he nervously stammered in shock.

"W-what do I think? Well, you l-look... look... a-amazing! Not that you didn't look amazing before now! You always do! But this is super amazing! I-I love it, and the clothes show your body off so well, and the ears are really cute and holy shit is that a tail as-"

"I-I get it! I-idiot..."

Ugh, how could she easily take over someone as sexually as she did and still get flustered by this green idiot! It was terribly annoying, but she couldn't deny that it made her heart flutter, Raven's tail twitching as she went down on her love.

"Now shut up. It's my birthday today, and I've decided you're going to be my present this year. I assume you have no complaints? Good. Now for my next trick, I'm going to make my Beast Boy into a Beast Man~."

She didn't need to say anything else from there, her actions speaking far more than words ever could, Raven taking great pleasure playing with her present as she made the day a birthday to remember~.


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