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Micheal was silent as he walked home, his expression neutral as he internally sighed, left utterly drained from his busy day of work once more. Lately, it felt like the days there would never end, stretching to the point of ridiculousness, sapping him of his motivation and will.

He had been so certain of the job being right for him when he had started, even moving away from his family to take it when he had been offered. It seemed perfect, the man always having a passion and fascination for computers and anything digital since he was young, something the company promised to research and develop beyond human imagination. The job had its moments of enjoyment, but it always felt like he was out of the loop of what was really going on, the higher ups always seeming to give them random calculations and jobs to do every day.

At first he assumed it was just him, but the others seemed to be in the same boat, even the ones who had been working there for months before he had joined.

”And despite all that, it’s still getting more boring! I just don’t get what the end goal is here! I swear if they didn’t pay as good I’d have quit already...”

Anything that hinted towards the higher ups' purpose didn’t make sense to him either, Micheal hearing one mutter something about a gate when they had finished an inspection of the workplace before. They had started to get more excited lately, one of his friends mentioning they heard rumours they were getting close to some kind of breakthrough, Micheal only hoping that it would be enough to finally get them in the know.

He sighed as he reached his door, pulling out his keys as a loud CLANG made him jump, the man turning around with a start. It was hard to see in the dark, but Micheal could barely make out one of the neighbour’s bins toppled over along with a flash of orange, black, and green.

”Oh, must have just been a stray cat..."

Not seeing a reason to be concerned, he headed inside, running a hand through his blonde hair as he put down his bags, all set to relax for the weekend. Another clatter caught his attention, Micheal sighing as he realised something had fallen out of his bag, looking down at the strange device on the floor in confusion.

He had never seen it before in his life, a small blue handheld machine, the man noticing it had three buttons around the flashing screen, strange electronic sounds coming from it as he grew closer. Had he picked up one of his co-worker's things by mistake in his hurry to get out? Some of them were into their anime and sci-fi after all, so he decided to just pick it up and check if they left their name on it or something before bringing it in after the weeken-



Micheal swore as he dropped the strange device to the floor, his hand sizzling with electricity as wisps of smoke floated upwards, the aftershocks making the entire thing tingle, from the tips of his fingers to the bones of his wrist. He barely had a moment to think about this though, crying out in pain and clutching his head with his free hand as a voice echoed through his skull.

“Mei? Mei? Where are you Mei?”

It sounded like it was coming from all around him, the sensations in his hand exploding as he cried out in bliss, collapsing in a surge of painful snaps and cracks right before his eyes. He couldn't believe what he was seeing, breathless as the slender fingers twitched in front of him, the violent pleasures not remaining an isolated incident, his body shaking as they shot through his arm.

He staggered forwards, his cock tenting his pants as the feelings grew to extremes that he had never dealt with before. His muscles felt like they were melting, the shape of his arm deflating like a popped balloon, strength and mass crumbling into a thin layer of fat.


"Huh? Mei? Was that you? Are you nearby? Mei? Mei? Me-"


His shoulders snapped down as he came harder than he ever had before, soaking his pants with his seed as the invading voice made something deep inside stir, as if it was reacting to his very soul. It felt like the electric shock was still going inside him, spreading through his insides as he staggered into his living room, so distracted by the pleasure filled nightmare that he missed the progress bar that had appeared on the screen of the device.

"Suitable partner located. Bonding in progress."

Micheal squealed and shook, swaying like he was drunk, his vision blurring with tears of fearful delight, his changed hand clutching his chest as an unfamiliar need burnt inside. He was separated from something. Something important. Something that was part of him.

"Nonononononono... I don't... I don't understand…. I need... I need... HAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

The shocks in his opposite shoulder dug into his unchanged arm like roots, leaving him no choice but to buck against the wall as the feminisation spread, feeling no less pleasurable the second time around. His tiny hands were losing themselves in his sleeves, but even that fact wouldn't remain true for long, the man feeling like he was losing his mind as blue gave way to white, the colour infecting his shirt and mind as it suddenly shrank several sizes at once.

It wasn't an issue for his arms, but it was instantly obvious when it came to his stomach, the man short of breath as he felt it press against his core, his muscles moving around like worms as he gave a delirious cry of protest.

"Nohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, n-not t-thAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH~!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

"I can feel you Mei! I'm coming now! I knew you wouldn't leave me to be all alone!"

His rock hard shaft was spraying out his strength, the muscle shrinking as it broke down into powerless fat, his soul screaming in joy as he shrieked in terror, the collar of his changing shirt opening slightly while something fluttered down below. He was desperate to see what it was, but the tears in eyes made it impossible to make out anything other than blurs, Micheal only able to feel the short fluttery skirt that his throbbing cock was pushing out.

The faint shock in his eyes was also unnoticed, his brown eyes widening and pinkening as his perfect vision was robbed from him, his hands shaking as his heart thumped in excitement. The voice meant something to him. Something his brain couldn't understand but desired so so much. It was taking every ounce of self control not to jerk off on the spot, moaning and cooing as its throb made the cute skirt flutter even more.

The fuzziness of his vision seemed to be spreading into his brain, the feeling of dizziness growing stronger as his memories started to grow unfocused, blurring together as they slowly began to lose meaning to him. The euphoria meant he could barely register what was happening, the man feeling more vulnerable by the second as he cried and came out his masculinity.

There was a bobbing lump in his throat, Micheal letting out choked cries of delight as pressure built within his neck, the pitch wavering as he clutched it tightly, feeling like it was going to explode at any moment. He could feel the electricity, hundreds of volts buzzing through his insides as he was forcefully remodelled from the inside out, all of it out of his control, leaving him unable to a do a thing as it went-



"Mei! I can hear you Mei! Mei! Mei Mei!"

He vaguely noticed that his voice sounded off, but the violent metamorphosis made it impossible to think, something that was only made worse by the words that were pounding into his brain, each one making his thoughts just a bit more fuzzy, unclear and alien. Micheal came to the sound of his own voice, the girly screams only adding to his overwhelming arousal, his soul and body accepting it as his own, entering conflict with what he knew to be right.

It would have been a close battle if it wasn't for the pleasure making it a massacre, the electric bliss darting over his features as he whimpered in despair. His mind was a mess, all Micheal able to determine for sure was that was something was wrong, the changes clearly unnatural, his body feeling increasingly alien, wondering why his face felt so strange, his hair too short, and he was simply far too ta-


If he had bothered to bring the device with him he would have noticed quite a bit of the progress bar had been filled by now, Micheal likely finding the situation ironic if he was able to think clearer, that someone who was so skilled at coding was experiencing just how it felt to be reprogrammed. Even though he couldn't see it, he could certainly feel the impacts, strange new thoughts dancing in and out of his visions, a new childhood blooming into existence as his nose collapsed, stirring his thoughts together as he slid to the ground.

His childhood seemed closer now, yet it wasn't one that was familiar to him, the city life fading into the countryside, dreary rains dissolving into clear blue skies, the sunlight on his face as his cheekbones sizzled and burnt into arches. There was something else too, that same feeling of importance swelling in his chest, something that was just out of reach of his mind.

It was important though, his lips swelling as he cooed, remembering wide green eyes, soft orange fur, a piece of himself forcefully rising to the surface as his world blurred and spun. He knew it wasn’t right, desperately trying to fight it, to resist what he knew was wrong, its existence tempting and coaxing him into permanent submission towards the new identity.

“I’m coming Mei! I’m coming! I missed you so-“

The familiar voice was forcing him to cum, to squeal, his eyes permanently widening as he realised the blurriness wasn’t because of the tears, his eyesight naturally worse to the point that he didn’t know where he was anymore. The room and house he was in were starting to mean less to him, Micho groaning as he managed to pull himself upright, his body burning from bliss as a sudden bolt of electricity slammed into his spine.

It sent him tumbling forward, the man barely stopping himself from falling on his front by catching himself on his chair, his spine dipping into an arch, his pants loosening as his height was sent splattering to the ground in a wet stain over and over. With each burst of height that was expelled, the blurriness grew stronger, spreading across his mind, his adult life becoming the most unfocused of all, even the idea of it feeling wrong.

"N-NO! IT'S R-RIGHT... I-I... I'm scared... n-need... need... head h-hurts... all so f-fuzzy need help p-please... I... EEP~!"

His girly begging only made him sound more vulnerable, Micho letting out a startled cry as his hair was flooded with shocking bliss, the blonde strands drained of colour as it darkened rapidly, flowing down at an incredible rate. He clutched his head as memories of the familiar feeling flooded in, the idea of him having long pretty hair becoming normal until even his dazed mind believed it.

It was soft too, the device eliminating every trace of imperfections in their purge, the upper half of his body completely unrecognisable as what it had been a few minutes ago, looking more like a teenage girl as the voice in his head pounded into his skull.

"Mei? Mei!? It's ok Mei! I'm coming!"

He was too, his dazed mind wondering how his balls were filled with so much fluid, squealing as a cotton bra squeezed down on his pecs, pressing all his hard-earned strength into nothing, the resulting surge of electric pleasure annihilating his body’s unnecessary hairs. There were some moments of post orgasmic clarity as his nipples perked up slightly, his mind racing as his cock throbbed in sync with his heartbeats, making his skirt flutter as something strange started to happen on his face.

Square frames were coming into existence, Micho blinking as glass appeared to fill them, his vision suddenly improving as he shakily raised his small hands to feel his new glasses, staring forward into his mirror and blushing at the stranger who stared back.

"I-I... what's... is that... me?"

It was such a strange feeling, staring at the face of someone who felt both like a stranger and his own reflection, his brain and soul fighting for dominance, each change another blow to his brain’s confidence as it was proved just how limited of a resource it was. Michko was calm for a moment, a feeling of normalcy filling him as he stared at his reflection, tilting his head in unison as he pulled down her skirt slightly, wondering what that weird looking lump in it was, maybe it would go away if she gave it a little-


The moment of calm ended as suddenly as it appeared, the violent surges of pleasure breaking him out with a start, his body crumpling into a heap as a chunk of his cock entered him, frying his nerves with the sensation of being entered. It blew his mind, his own cock fucking a new opening into existence, strange images of the countryside filling his mind once more, memories of teenage girls and boys he didn't know mucking the waters of who he was, all joined by strange creatures beyond his wildest dreams, names flashing in front of his eyes like lines of code as each one brought forth another foreign memory.

"Agumon, Palmon, Tailmon, Patamon, Leomon, Mugendramon, Hackmon, Alphamon, Omegamon, and... and... a-and..."

The last name slammed into his brain, his mouth opening into an “o” as the torrent of memories poured in, the meaning of the voice becoming so so obvious, the missing piece of his soul finally getting a name as he shrieked his partner's nickname in delight.


"Mei~! Mei feels like Mei again~! I'm coming Mei~! Mei Mei will find the right house eventually~!"

Once it had started, his fate was sealed, the essence crashing into his mind as unstoppable waves of bliss, the progress bar of the Digivice shooting up rapidly as he hopelessly staggered across the room, clutching his head to try and stop it from exploding from the sheer amount of info flooding it. He was remembering now, and he couldn't stop, his soul winning the war as his old identity was overwritten by the new.

His knees knocked together as lightning bolts of pleasure struck down his muscle, turning it to malleable jelly that only needed a push to be corrected, his pants dissolving as he cried out in shameful delight. Michko's skirt fluttered as he shook, his smaller cock throbbing happily as his socks suddenly tightened, forcing a squeak from his throat as his feet were forced down several sizes.

His dainty toes wriggled and curled as his socks started to climb, the material turning to soft, sexy pantyhose that began to give the muscle the push they needed, ironing them out into slender fat as the changes contained to claim him. All the while, memories continued to pound into his brain, memories of an unbreakable, unrivalled bond hijacking any attempt of resistance as he screamed in a mixture of desperate panic and overwhelming bliss.

Micko could feel his knowledge of technology and digital fading. Or was it expanding? It was hard to tell in the epicentre of euphoria he had been reduced to, the more technical side fading away and being replaced by the strange cre- Digimon, they were Digimon she remembered, oh god she remembered-


"No Mei! Mei! You're not going away~! You're coming back~! Back to me~! Back to your partner~!"

That only made his brain hurt more, the panic and fear really settling in as he realised the changes were trying to convince him he was someone else, the idea making him just as confused. How could she be someone else when she was thinking that about her own-


He desperately tried to run, his mind too hazed by the overwhelming electric bliss to realise how useless of a plan that was, a burst of bliss in his ass only proving it as he yelped and fell onto his front. The pure ecstasy in his ass was soon rivalled and suppressed by the explosion caused by his cock, another chunk of his shaft slipping inside as he cried from the sheer intensity of the pleasure, spurting out more of his old life as his ass pushed outwards slightly.

It was a breaking point for his body, his mind cracking as he realised only girls could be entered like that, guys couldn't be fucked in their pussy, he was being entered, so... she was a g-girl?


"Huh? I don't understand, of course you're a girl Mei! Are you ok?"

She couldn't stop thinking of herself as a girl as her growing ass surged outwards, her body writhing uncontrollably on the floor as it became perfectly outlined in her skirt, pushing it out alongside her small cumming cock. Her hands flexed and twitched violently, her brain feeling like it was burning as past memories were rewritten, knowledge on adulthood deleted as anything beyond her late teens faded.

Micko cooed softly as her tights continued to rise, coating her legs as she giggled mindlessly, wondering how it could feel so good to go away forever, especially when the pleasure in her ass dribbled like raindrops into her thighs. Her whole body writhed in delight as her thighs began to inflate, driving her mind deeper into the new identity, growing against the tights that had gone on to completely cover her legs.

Rubbing her thighs together felt as natural and unavoidable as thinking of herself as a girl, the pleasure making her eyes foggy as she squirmed and writhed, feeling pressure build in her hips with every grind. It burst a few moments later, Micko squealing out another load of identity as her hips burst outwards, her empty balls edging closer into her forming opening, about to pop at any moment while she whimpered incoherently.

The femininity couldn't be stopped, Meicko helpless as each surge brought her further away from her fading self and deeper into the new. Her balls were twitching, tears falling from her face as her confused brain realised she couldn't stop this, the thought making her giddy with fear and delight.


"Mei’s remembering! You're coming back! Come on, just let it all out!"

Her tesctiles shot inwards like billiard balls, slotting into ovaries as she wailed at the top of her lungs, her cock exploding with a mess of cum and clear fluids as she shook like she was possessed. She was cumming out more than her masculinity now, her very age starting to fall as she fell through her life, years slipping away as her thirties faded, her twenties going past in the blink of an eye as she squealed all the way down to 18.

She really was letting everything out, all of it spurting away into non-existence, her barely coherent mind loving every second, her balless cock clearly on the way out as she weakly pulled herself along, a tiny part of her still desperate to avoid this inevitable fate. Meicko knew this would be one of her last moments as herself, whimpering as she felt her chest tingle, the cracks in her mind open, the information and knowledge pounding into her brain.

The device. The device was causing it. She didn't know how she missed it before, m-maybe if she got there fast enough she’d be able to-



"Hmmm? Mei! I can hear you in that house! I'm coming now Mei! I'm so close!"

Meicko was too, the almost girl far too slow to escape her fate, her brain and sanity collapsing under pressure as she felt herself start to get fully overwritten, loving every moment as her chest pulsed with bliss. It was an electronic heartbeat, the surges making her hairs stand on end, the new girl emerging from her shattered identity as fat was directed into her chest in sync with them.

Her glasses almost fell off from how intense her writhing had gotten, bucking as surges of fat racked her body with unimaginable bliss, her face in an ahegao as she savoured the final moments of her existence, giggling about fading, falling and vanishing. All that remained of the man she had been was a pesky "c" in her name, something that hardly mattered compared to her expanding bust.

It was like her breasts had become a vacuum for any remaining mass that was inside her, her limbs and stomach slenderizing further as her hefty tits gradually rose in size. She rubbed her thighs together the entire time, gradually working away at the strange lump in her pretty skirt, the concept of her having anything other than a tight pussy one of the last things to spurt out.

"Mei! Mei! Mei! Mei!"

Her partner’s voice was on repeat in her head, only urging her onwards to discard every piece of her old self, her c-cup breasts jiggling wildy with every movement she made, the sensation filling her with familiar bliss. The feeling was spreading the rightness in her mind, her soul aching in need as she heard her partner call out for her, Meicko needing to answer more than anything.

Any part that didn’t want to was long buried, unable to stop it as her cock twitched, the last piece of masculinity about to collapse at any moment. She wailed as it drove into her, Meicko’s mind exploding with foreign bliss as the sexually inexperienced teen was fucked raw by her own shaft.

She bucked desperately as it worked its way deeper and deeper inside her, spraying clear fluids all over the floor, staining the unfamiliar carpets as her eyes rolled into her skull. It popped moments later, the sound echoing through her mind and removing the pointless “c” from her name, Meiko wailing in pure delight as she unknowingly came for the first time as a woman.

For a few moments she was still on the floor, save for the steady rhythm of her breathing, her body sizzling from the electric aftershocks that had ravaged her insides. It was her Digivice that spurred her awake, Meiko groaning as she heard it beep beside her, pulling herself upright as she pressed down in the screen, a smirk instinctively filling her features even if she didn’t fully know why, missing the text written on the screen as it faded to white.

Partnership Complete

“Ugh, my head... what happened? Did I pass out or something? And... wait, where am I?”

Confused, Meiko pulled herself to her feet, looking around at the unfamiliar surroundings, not recognizing it at all. It was homely, but she had never been here before, the simple fact making her whimper and shake, trying her best to keep her composure.

Not only that, but she was completely alone, the girl cautiously exploring the hallway, the amount of English everywhere only scaring her more. Was she even in Japan anymore?

“I-I... I don’t... I wish there was...”


Her eyes widened as she turned around with a start, shocked to see a small orange and black cat behind her, wide green eyes blinking in shock as she tilted her head curiously. The sight of her instantly raised the girl's spirits, an overjoyed smile filling her face as her eyes sparkled in shocked excitement.

”Mei Mei! Y-you’re here! How did you-”

”MEI~! I missed you so much Mei! I woke up in this weird building and didn’t know where I was! So I looked everywhere for you! I don’t know why but I knew you were here! You would never leave me alone!”

The Digimon excitedly gushed as she leapt into her partner's arms, nuzzling happily into her chest as Meiko held her tight with a big smile on her face.

”Yeah, I’m not sure how I got here either. But it’s ok Mei! As long as we’re together, it will all be ok~!”

The girl giggled at the Digimon’s words, nuzzling against her face before holding her close to her chest, her worries slipping away as the smile spread all over her face.

”Yeah~! I’m not sure where we are, or how we got here. But you're right~! As long as we’re together everything will go fine~! And now that we’re back together, nothing is going to break us apart again~!”

There may have been many trials ahead of them, but no matter what they faced, what issues they came across, they knew that as long as they faced them together, they had nothing to fear.


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