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The planet had been silent for decades, the globe slowly spinning on the very edge of creation, devoid of life and activity for millennia. It had been full of it once, you couldn’t go anywhere without seeing some strange creature, or one of the native races enjoying all their world had to offer. But that was before the war came, before the sky opened up and creatures beyond imagination rained down upon the unprotected world.

What happened couldn’t properly be described, time-based conflict rarely making sense when viewed from the outside, every shot fired breaking the air around it, rain turning to snow, that turned to fire, that burnt all it touched. Civilisations rose and fell, new races came into existence only to be exterminated from reality seconds later. When the conflict was over, the planet was left barren, its life permanently snuffed out. It was lucky compared to some other worlds, those battles usually ending with the entire planet erased from the timeline altogether.

That was, however, save for one curiosity, something that had mostly gone unnoticed at the time, overlooked by the temporal scale of the conflict. A single temple had remained since the start. A building that had somehow been unaltered by each radical change in history, standing though each empire, and remaining to even today.

The Time Lords didn’t notice, their determination to slaughter the enemy making them blind to such details, their madness blinding their judgement. It did not evade Dalek notice. The temple's survival was studied by their scientists, a small squadron analysing its contents before leaving the world forever. Until today.

”This is the best part about having the last visitors to a planet being Daleks. It's terribly easy to break back in again.”

The Master smiled, dancing though the blown open wall like a boy in a candy store, rubbing his hands together in glee as he followed the trail of carnage to his destination. He’d been meaning to get around to this planet for what felt like centuries, ever since he’d hacked the database of a dead Dalek to pass the time, surprised to find, of all things, what the Daleks had constructed their immunity to timeline changes from.

It had been one of the last straws before he ran away from the war, the sheer terror that they had cracked something the Time Lords never could, still making him shudder thinking about it. He’d added the information to his personal bucket list of possible plans, and after the “turning his dead race into Cybermen” plan blew up in his face, this seemed like the easiest way to get some revenge on his most hated adversary.

“Well well, isn’t this place pleasant... I’m sure it must be one of the 699 wonders of the universe. Though by now, I wouldn’t be surprised if that figure has gone down quite a bit.”

There was no real reason for his monologuing, but he had always enjoyed talking to himself, especially in one of his last incarnations before the war, which in hindsight had enjoyed it so much that it bordered on embarrassing. The halls were certainly impressive though, lined with unusual illustrations, the Master vaguely noticing ones of phoenixs and reapers, likely some alien race that was part of the planet before it was rewrote beyond recognition.

It wasn’t long until he found the core of the temple, a wide open room that was filled with strange containers, each one filled with different coloured energy. The Time Lord walked curiously around the room,inspecting each one.

”Interesting... this doesn’t look like energy that belongs in this universe. Was it drawn here before the war? They’re labelled too. Nature, space, death, hope and... sharks? Why not, I suppose...”

He could feel something dangerous about them all as he walked past them, stopping in front of the two capsules that the leftover Dalek equipment had been set up around, a sinister smile forming on his face as he read the joint description.


The grin remained on his face as he observed the contents of the capsules, one a mess of violent surges of blue energy, the other a single floating pocket watch that was surrounded by a faint yellow aura. Judging by the equipment surrounding it, this was the source of the research that led to the Daleks’ timeline immunity, and why the temple was even still standing.

He had never seen vortex energy so pure, so focused, the blue energy almost looking like it had a mind of its own from how it was...

”Hmmmmm, I wonder... are you intelligent, by any chance?”

The energy paused within its prison, nothing happening for a moment before it suddenly slammed against the glass in confirmation.

”Very interesting. Well, allow me to introduce myself. I am the Master, and from this point onwards you shall obey m-“

He was cut off by a violent slam, the vortex energy clearly not interested in his rambling as he narrowed his eyes in mild annoyance.

”I’ll get to the point then. From what I have seen of this place, you are some kind of living vortex energy, while these other beings are creatures that embody forces that I am less familiar with. You all fell to this planet at the dawn of the universe itself, perhaps from another dimension altogether. Here you were worshipped as gods, or idols of some kind before the Time War arrived. Then, you had to reduce yourself to energy and hide within one of your temples just to survive the changes in history. You likely had a failsafe to revert back to normal when the war ended. But I’m going to take a guess and say that your previous guests took that out of commission. Slam if I’m getting this right so far.”


”Wonderful. Since then, you and your council have been stuck here, unable to restore yourself into physical forms. At this stage, I imagine you are all running so low on energy you won’t even be able to if I let you out; assuming your biology is similar to some studies on Chronovores I performed a while back.”


The Master clapped his hands together in excitement, smiling as he spun around the room, a plan starting to form within his mind as the vortex energy fizzled in what could have been anger, the Time Lord taking note of a faded name under the case of what he was talking too.

“Now one last thing. Since you are from another reality, and are embodiments of what look to be forces and concepts, is it perhaps possible for you to use another being as your host form? One that you would have complete control over for all of time?”


“HAHA! YES! Then I think we can help each other... Kronii, is it? I’ll let you and your friend in that clock out if you target some specific individuals for me as your new bodies. You know them as the Doctor. Since you were active before the time war, I trust you are familiar with them.”


“Good. After that, I couldn’t care less what you do, as long as you stay out of my way. In fact, I’ll let all of your friends out if they do the same. Or at least, target people that are close to the Doctor. They do like to pick up strays. Cause as much disturbances to the timeline as possible and erase anyone that gets in my way that you're able to affect. Do we have an agreement?”

He smiled even wider at the chorus of slamming that echoed through the room, all of the energy seemingly desperate to do anything to get out, likely becoming so caught up in their enthusiasm to return to physical bodies they wouldn’t notice that one of them would be staying behind. The energy would be the perfect tool for mass destruction in the right hands, while their friends damaged the timestream beyond repair, with the Doctor right in the middle, a fitting final victory for him.

“Well, let's have some fun then, shall we?”



The booming voice echoed through the spaceship as the Doctor dashed through the featureless metal hallways, the distant sounds of activating Cybermen only spurring him onwards as he ran behind a corner, taking a moment to catch his breath while thinking aloud.

”Right. All in all, probably not one of my best plans. Probably went wrong when I misjudged the kind of Cybermen we were dealing with, so the glittergun only weakened their armour instead of disabling them altogether. In my defence, Cyberman history is very hard to pin down at a glance.”

It wasn’t one of his finest moments, but most of his plans were eventually reduced to him making it up as he went along anyways; besides, it wasn’t like this was any more disastrous than other times that had happened. Thankfully, he had a plan B already underway, River just needing to focus on getting the crew into the escape pods before setting the ship to crash into a nearby uninhabited moon, that drastic measure the best bet they had to ensure the Cybermen wouldn’t get their hands on the biological research that could possibly bring about the end of human history.

All he needed to do now was to meet up with River and get back to the TARDIS, all while avoiding being captured by Cybermen, something which, while possible, was likely to also be incredibly frustrating. The Doctor couldn’t help but feel like something was off though, a weird tingling in the air putting him on edge, deciding to scan the area just to make sure.


”What the? Oh, that can’t be good...”

His sonic screwdriver was picking up something, something vortex related by the looks of it, some kind of time storm maybe? But that didn’t make sense, events like that didn’t just happen in the middle of nowhere. Whatever it was, it was inside the ship and heading right for-


He couldn’t help from crying out as something rammed into his back, shocking his body with violent surges of vortex energy, something worming its way into his body unnoticed. It only lasted a moment, the feelings subsiding as soon as they started, his body tingling from the aftershocks, leaving him confused.

”Ok, that. That was not normal. What was it, some kind of energy surge? Felt like vortex energy; some kind of Cyberman weapon maybe? No, they don’t master vortex energy for another 700 millennia from now. Perhaps I should do a quick-“


The Cyberleader’s voice echoing through the ship was a swift reminder that he had little time to figure out what had happened, needing to get back to the TARDIS as soon as possible to have a proper investigation. The continued tingling went unnoticed as he made his way through the metallic halls, as did the smoother texture of his flesh, the being that had entered him already starting to make itself at home as it began to alter him to her liking.

She was subtle at first, testing her influence before moving on to more drastic alterations, the strange buzz persisting, his fingers twitching as he quickened his pace, not noticing how the shape of his hands was shifting, tiny pops going unheard over his footsteps. His slenderising fingers gripped the screwdriver tightly, the terribly annoying broadness worked away into dainty, regal elegance that was fit for a queen.

His feet were next, a faint wave of bliss travelling through them with every step, his shoes and socks loosening as the arches deepened, his toes curling as they joined his skin and hands in the realm of perfection. Something about the sonic screwdriver felt different in his hand as he turned the corner, ducking behind an open door when he saw a Cyberman standing guard at the end of the hall.

It was thankfully facing away from him, the Doctor's eyebrows narrowing in focus as a plan started to form in his head, his mental focus meaning he was even more oblivious to what was happening right under his nose. She was getting cocky, her confidence growing with each piece of herself she returned to narcissistically praise in her mind, his shoulders next to fall as hands of energy gave them a harsh push.

He gasped, shaking as he frowned, finding the aftershocks of the surge most inconvenient when he was trying to focus, his slimmer shoulders causing his jacket to  loosely hang off him. To make matters worse, the energy was having an even more confusing effect on him, his cock stiffening in his pants as the aftershocks turned strangely pleasurable.

It was a feeling he had frighteningly little experience with, making it all the easier for her to handle everything else, the tingling assaulting his face next, the Doctor passing it off as a weird itch, the feeling making him groan softly. It felt surprisingly pleasant, almost like he felt after regeneration, his rewritten cells supercharged with boundless energy as everything suddenly felt brand new.

The Doctor didn't know how close the comparison was, his eyelashes lengthening as a blue as deep and focused as the vortex itself conquered his widening eyes. The rest of the changes to his face were less than gentle, the invading force deciding to abandon subtlety out of impatience, the Time Lord's thoughts suddenly cut off by an onslaught of painful, pleasurable cracks.

He screamed in confused delight, his face suddenly feeling like it had been drenched in deadly radiation, yet he knew from experience that this felt too good to be some sort of death even after his chin and nose collapsed with painful crunches. The suddenness of it made his cock harder, the dainty remnants of the impressive features being left much more pleasing to the eye.

His lips swelled as he felt his face in shock, the pleasure leaving his mind terribly dazed as he slowly tried to work out what had just happened, his neck starting to thin as the invading presence began to take root in his distracted and so very unprotected mind. He was missing something, something obvious, something that was right in his face. Like the statues under the Byzantium, the hotel feeding on hope instead of fear or when Mumei planted berries in the freaking carrot far-

The Time Lord was cut out of his thoughts by movement at the corner of his eye, instinct saving him just in time as he ducked under the Cyberman's blaster fire, the creature alerted of his presence by his moans and groans. Something in his mind slipped as he gasped, a bump in his neck slipping away as the Cyberman pointed its weapon downwards just as a pop echoed through his brain.

"S-sohmething isn't... a-ah I-I don't... GWAK~! GWAKGWAKGWAK GO AWAY!"

New instincts took control as his mind was left in shock from the womanly shout that escaped him, the Cyberman crying out in pain as he thrust the sword he was suddenly holding into its stomach, pulling it away as it fell to the floor dead. He gasped for a moment, his mind slowly playing catch up through the daze as his body suddenly moved by itself, something giving a smug little giggle while twirling her weapon on a slender finger.

"Huh. Maybe chat will finally take my threats seriously if I show them a picture of this. And... oh hello~. Heck, it's good to hear this perfect voice of mine out loud again~."

The voice spurred him out of the daze, The Doctor taking control with a start as his body recoiled back like it had been hit, the expression on his face shifting to confused shock as he suddenly noticed the changes.

"W-what are you? What are you doing to my body? Is this some kind of infection? H-how did you do this quickly? Where did this sword come from? And why did you just kill that-"

He cried out in bliss as the being took back control with a surge of power, forcing his body back into the wall as they both squealed in euphoria, his spine breaking and bending into a perfect arch as his cock throbbed in lustful hunger.

"God, you need to shut up. Listen, I'm on a tight schedule and have been stuck in a jar for what has felt like forever. My name is Ouro Kronii, and I am time. This is no longer your body, I turned your dumb spanner thing into my sword, and hello? It was trying to kill me? Like you have room to judge, you shot a Cyber Controller in the chest! The only difference with what I did was it was more stabby."

She ran her hands down herself as she talked, gasping in bliss as her sides dipped into curves at her command, his mind's protests meaning nothing when his body was enslaved to her desires. He was totally in the dark, but this was still workable, he'd been mind-controlled before, he could find a way to get this being out of his body and stop her from- wait how did she know about that, she couldn't have gotten that far along already!

"Ugh, I have no idea how you handle being in such a flawed body! I can't stand it! I better fix up the rest of this already..."

Her words were disrupting his thoughts, spurring his cock and lust onwards, the Doctor realising with a start that she had taken control of his pleasure receptors, all he needed to do was ignore the feelings and stay focused on finding a way out of th-

"KYAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH~!!!!!!!!!!! Oh, oh that hits the spot~. My body is so sensitive~. Ah, I've missed this~."

It was, it was and it was killing him, the ecstasy that was rushing through him out of control in intensity, a surge of her presence alone instantly annihilating any muscle within his arms and legs, leaving them wonderfully slender. It only made his cock harder, a blush engulfing his features as he managed to take back control with a burst of willpower, quickly running down the halls in search of the TARDIS.

"L-listen, you don’t have to do this. I'm giving you a chance to stop this r-right now, before I stop you and... I’ve ah~! Dealt with GAH~! Things that think they are GOHHHHHHDSSSSSS~! And won e-every- MMMMMMMMFFFFFFFF~!!!!!!”

He could barely talk though the overwhelming delights that were shocking his bodily systems, his body becoming far less used to running as pressure lodged in his pelvis, forcing him to stop in his tracks as he moaned and cried in Kronii’s beautiful soprano. She took back control with a triumphant, sexy purr as his hips burst apart, their sheer girth ripping through his pants as the pleasure forced him to cum for one of the few times in his existence.

”Hahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh... my goodness. Things that think they’re gods? My my, then you really are out of your element with me then~. Creatures like Sutekh and the Beast are impressive... but nothing compared to time itself, wouldn’t you say~? And ha. Stop me. Good one. Anyways, what is up with this outfit! Ugh, I’m fixing that right now. The others will never let me hear the end of it if they see me in this...”

He would have defended his clothing choices under normal circumstances, but the pleasure was barely giving him a chance to think, his mental defences nonexistent as Kronii broke away at his unneeded mind. His hips and thighs remained exposed as what remained of his pants tightened against his legs, a pure, perfect white bleaching out the blue, the hungry fabric consuming his socks as they merged into skintight stockings, flooding him with lust.

She was a cruel mistress, the Time Lord unable to take back control, her takeover far more ruthless than the Cyber Planners as she kicked off his shoes, causally beheading a Cyberman that had just turned the corner while doing so. If given the chance, he might have been able to think of a way out of this, but it was a moment Kronii would ensure would never pass, the Time Lord shrieking from bliss as his pants tightened on his shaft.

He had no choice but to cum, orgasming with the intensity of a Kronie jerking off to her voice requests, the thought making her giggle smugly. It took all his effort to break out of the thoughts, the Time Lord starting to realise outmatched he was, the being infecting him affecting the timelines around him, disconnecting him from his past and future, the laws of time meaning nothing to her as his whitening boxers merging with his shifting shirt.

The purple tweed was a distant memory, the ends of his jacket floofing out, his shoulders surrounded by growing layers of padding, buttons vanishing as the fabric on his chest opened up invitingly, leaving an incredibly concerning amount of space open for something. His bow tie dropped down slightly from the ruffling material, darkening to a deep, beautiful blue as it blossomed into a ribbon, something he was waiting to see go ever since she got into this idiot's head, the insistence on them being cool feeling so tryhard and cringey.

Her opinion overrode his easily, just like what was happening to his body, the Time Lord screaming for mercy as his identity swirled to time’s will, his body devoting itself to her perfection as she ran her hand through his hair, humming to herself as a single finger was covered by the fabric and topped with a beautiful ring.


”You’re still resisting? Why? Just don’t. Your superior is trying to focus. Do you have any idea how hard it is to make this mess of a body get even close to my standards? And wrong again, I’ll say it slowly so your stupid little brain can understand. Not impossible. Per-fec-tion.”

He came to every syllable, orgasming more in the last few minutes than he had in all his lifetimes, his foggy brain finding its memories and experiences rocked away by the tides of time. His mind had never fought lust before, such an enemy proving to be infinitely more deadly than what he was used to. While his mind was a victim to an endless assault designed to destroy his identity, Kronii simply smiled, running her hands through his rapidly blueing strands as she styled it to her liking.

He could feel them soften under her touch, conditioned into her standards of perfection, flowing down beautifully as they lightly tickled his shoulders. It felt amazing, right, a chain materialising and tightening around his skull as it felt like his very brain was being squeezed, forcing out the memories of episodic journeys and replacing them with more important info, like how to set up streams, what games she liked playing, Minecraft map layouts, and so much more.

It was unlike any mental battle he had engaged in before, and this time he was losing, this time his body desired what was happening, this time he was utterly helpless, leaving him to only plead and beg in desperation.


His Kroniified hair flew everywhere as he thrashed, his hearts feeling like they would beat out of his chest, the intensity of the rhythm forcing his nipples to grow, his ass to stick outwards, and his thighs to press together. He had no idea Kronii was preparing him for the final blow to his life, the timestream converting around her, his incarnation’s timeline corrupted as every second of its existence was dominated by time itself.

She left the other lives alone, simply untangling their timelines so her friends could have some fun too, the Doctor realising he was fading, his knowledge too corrupted by lust to be helpful, his mind a mess of past adventures, most of them in this life seeming utterly ridiculous in hindsight.

"Oh, I know I'm not perfect. I'm better than perfect~. And I'm certainly better than you~. Don't worry though, the universe will be fine without you."

"Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo... p-please this isn't... possible... you can'tttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt-"

"Might as well call me the impossible girl then~. Oh wait, you already gave someone that title. Never mind, it was stupid anyways and one of the others will take care of her. Probably Calli if I had to guess. But seriously, are you still resisting?"

"I-I won't give in! I won't l-let youuuuuuuuuu-"


He screamed, his mouth forced shut as his body was forced to obey Kronii's commands, the expression of terror shifting to a satisfied smirk, the Time Lord only now noticing the faint tingling in his assets, all of it primed to blow as his hearts burnt with euphoria. There was no way for him to stop this, Kronii’s will unstoppable, not even certain if he wanted to anymore, content to scream in delight as Kronii slammed his thighs together.

It was the push they were waiting for, the Doctor squealing as loud as he could as fat poured into them, the useless twigs exploding outwards into thick cushions of mass, the stockings digging into the layers of flesh. It felt good to have one of her best features again, but it was nothing compared to what was happening within her chest, the pleasure making the Time Lord’s mind feel like another sun had forced its way inside, with even deadlier consequences.

Just like his thighs, his hearts were ramming together, something that should have been painful feeling unimaginably pleasurable to the hijacked nerves he could no longer call his own. The panicked drumbeat in his ears was becoming more of a solo rhythm, both of them melting together, merging into a singular organ as his mind was roasted in unfathomable delight.

She collapsed to the floor, her world descending into a mess of identities and bliss that slowly drove her mind to ruin, the blind lust that her body was lovingly chained to wrapping around his brain as he hopelessly grinded his chest into the floor. Kronii giggled smugly, feeling her host’s desires corrupting, shifting, becoming as perfect as hers as he mentally begged for her chest to fill the space left for them, for her bountiful perfection that her fans adored so much to be returned to her.

Kronii could feel his resistance die, his timeline snapping in her fingers as time bent to the will of its enobidement, her body bucking as her desires were finally fulfilled. Her nipples weren’t the only thing tenting her shirt any more, her chest pumping out like a set of jiggly water balloons surging out to the steady rhythm of a clock.

For every second there was another drop of mass, slowly but surely forming the feature everyone drooled over the most, what remained of his mind joining their number. She wanted them to grow, needed them to get bigger, the waiting killing her, every second feeling like an eternity as she cried out in need.

”Gahhhhhhhhhhhh gwakkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk... g-get bigger already you stupid b-bloody- KYAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS~!!!!!!!!!!!!”

They were exploding out of her chest now, bursting forwards as their growth accelerated, The Doctor's identity reduced to a mess of instinctive protests as the b cups surged to large cs, bursting into small Ds before launching right into massive double Ds.

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh there we go~. My ribbon looks even better now~! Pfffff. Look how quiet you are now. All that talk for nothing I see~. Typical~. I say it’s about time I put an end to this.”

Only his straining cock and annoyingly flat ass remained now, the dazed remains of his brain giggling at the pun as she raised her ass upwards, smugly pushing it out with each surge of fat. All the useless trash in his brain was rapidly becoming nothing more than a thing of the past, all of it exchanged for tons of jiggly mass that were completely visible through the fabric. The drain of knowledge now didn’t scare her, Kronii knew what mattered, and what mattered the most was removing this stupid thing between her legs and sealing her body into its wonderful state of perfection.

Her thighs were more than up to the task, the two pillows slowly squeezing out what remained of his fluids, his cock wriggling like a trapped worm. She slowly applied pressure, pushing his manhood to his limits as she squealed in victory, grinding it away into her body, the Time Lord that had fought and won against so much finally falling to her thick, juicy thighs.

To her, it was the perfect end, and thanks to her takeover there was no one to argue against the thought, Kronii purring in narcissistic delight as she savoured the feelings of her brand new body. The timelines were almost completely altered too, just needing something to snap them into place, the final push the perfect way to do so as her cock wavered under her thighs, straining and squirming pathetically like it was begging her to remove it.

It was hardly a superchat request, but she always aimed to please her followers, not holding back as she crushed her manhood, the remnants inverting with a pop as she squealed in rapture.


It had been far too long since her last female orgasm, the first in her new body certainly matching her expectations, the pleasure leaving her breathless as the new timelines snapped into place. Her eyes glazed over for a moment, the last of her energy bonding to her body as she stayed on her knees, dropping her blade as she tried to summon her other weapon though the daze.

The orgasmic aftershocks meant that she was slightly off though, her hand instead grabbing hold of a bouquet of pale pink lilies, a smile forming on her face as the pleasure started to calm down, her perfection finally returned to existence.

"Oh yessssssssssssssssss~. A new body at last~. God, I've waited years for this~! Sure I could have used someone else I suppose. But can't blame me for being impatient~."

She stretched as she got to her feet, attaching the flowers to her hip while summoning her second blade, the weapons looking like giant clock hands as she strolled confidently through the hallways, casually impaling any Cyberman that got in her way, sighing as blue fluids were sent splattering across the floor.

"If I remember correctly, weren’t you supposed to be the logical ones,? Sure, great idea to just keep throwing yourselves at me until something works. Ugh, where on earth did that idiot park..."

Kronii didn't need to wait long at least, smiling as she slipped into the cargo bay, instantly noticing the bright blue box sandwiched between two crates, two Cybermen staring at it with their backs turned.

"Leader. We have found the Time Lord's ship. It is clear that the Doctor will return here soon."

"Excellent. Form an ambush, the Doctor will not escape the might of the cyber race this time. We shall- GAHHHHHHHHHH!"

She didn't bat an eye as she kicked the impaled bodies off her blade, wiping the stains off her sword as she wondered if showing these photos next stream might get her demonetised. Still, that wasn't important, the warden smiling as she approached her pize, a smug smile on her face until she yelped in surprise as something rammed into her back, Kronii squeaking as she found a pair of arms tightly wrapped around her.

"Kronii~! I found you~!"

“M-Mumei!? What are you d-doing here!?”

Her calm and controlled persona went out of the window as soon as she realised who was hugging her, the owl girl smiling as wide as she could as she nuzzled into Kronii's back.

”Oh, I followed you~! I didn’t want to be alone again... so I followed you all the way here through the vortex and used someone to be my new host like you!”

Kronii did her best to hide her blush at the innocent comment, attempting to regain her composure as they separated, Mumei dressed in her usual outfit with her hands held together.

”R-really. That's n-nice of you... but please tell me you didn’t use one of those stupid metal husks as your new body Mumei.”

”Hmmmm, I forgor. I don’t think so though... and hey they’re sorta cute you know?”

"You’re precious Mumei. I’m glad that you're here though. It's hard to be perfect without anyone to appreciate it you know~? Wish it wasn't because some asshole tried to take advantage of us though. Oh well, we're out now. Doesn't really matter why."

Mumei beamed, her brain likely still processing what Kronii had said while the warden hummed in curiosity, walking up to the tall blue box while the other girl tilted her head in interest.

”Is that yours Kronii?”

“Nope, just saw it. But from now on it is! Let's go inside. I know what this is.”

She pulled open the doors, smirking at the sight she was met with as she dashed inside, Mumei following with wide eyes as Kronii pulled some levers on the console. The warden looked around in excitement, the wheezing, groaning sound echoing through the console room as the ship took off into the vortex, away from where anyone would bother them.

”Wow. It's bigger on the inside, handy. Hey Kronii what’s this-“

Mumei blinked, blushing at Kronii's overjoyed expression, the warden barely containing her excitement as her blue eyes sparkled, realising just how little of this amazing, almost infinite ship was unexplored, the shelves and chests that hadn't been organised in centuries, floating outside time itself without anything to worry about.

It may as well have been heaven to her, the warden already forming plans and layouts in her mind as she turned towards her companion with an elegant twirl, filled with excitement for all the possibilities that lay ahead now that she had a body again, and all the time in the world to do them.

“Oh, this? Welcome Mumei, to our brand new and improved Bunkeronii~!”


In the distant past, the impacts of the beings’ freedom were continuing to be felt, the confusing nature of timelines meaning its effects were happening all at once, despite being centuries apart. It was the Doctor's tenth incarnation that noticed the alterations first, his eyes wide as he dashed around the Tardis console, piloting it through the fluxing vortex as it spun wildly between the time storms.

"This shouldn't even be possible. Something is sending waves through the timeline. Altering it with no regard to history. But the vortex is stronger than ever. I haven't seen readings like this since before the Time War! Something powerful must have triggered it, and well, call me pessimistic but I don't have the feeling it has the best of intentions.

He only vaguely noticed he was talking to himself again, only cementing that he really needed a new companion already. Had it really only been a few days since he parted ways with Majenta? That was something to think about later, the location of the disruptions changing every second, almost impossible to pin down as he frantically pulled at levers and pressed buttons in the console.

"Almost... almost... this thing is moving fast! I just need to... THERE WE GO!"

The Doctor smirked in victory, pulling down a lever as the TARDIS spun towards the temporal placement he had pinpointed, dematerialising as the Time Lord cautiously exited the ship into the worn down alley. He breathed in the air, shutting the door behind him as he used the surroundings to confirm where he was.

"Earth, autumn 2020! September if I had to hazard a guess. Doesn't seem to be anything out of the ordinary here though. I couldn't have misread the readings... I should look around, just in case."

He confidently headed down the alley, checking his sonic screwdriver every few seconds to see if the readings were right, having no idea just how out of his depth he was. The invading force was subtler than Kronii, the first generation always preferring to be a bit less bombastic compared to the council, the energy seeping into his body without him sensing a thing, far too focused on some fake readings she set up to notice.

With his attention elsewhere, she was free to get to work, laughing mischievously as she began to worm her way into control, slowly banishing his body hair with a faint buzz that was more of an uncomfortable itch if anything. It was a side effect on her entering his body rather than a purposeful change, but she couldn't bring herself to complain as the new supple flesh rubbed against the rough texture of his suit.

The Time Lord gave a pleased sigh, his mind not fully noticing the pleasant feeling, only half paying attention, his eyes flashing blue as she began to put her plan into action. Her presence flooded his hair, the strands burning and buzzing blonde, the spikiness drooping away as it was softened and straightened to perfection.

It beautifully flowed downwards, styling itself into a bun, the invading force careful to ensure that none fell in front of his vision, keeping him in the dark until it was ready to make itself known.

"Strange, there seems to be something odd happening nearby if these readings are any indication, but I can't see anything at all…"

The Time Lord narrowed his eyes, his curiosity growing as he wandered down the alleyway, not noticing the way each step made his feet tingle with faint, addictive pleasures. They slowly, gently broke down, shrinking away into dainty, elegant shapes, his shrinking toes curling within the shoes that were rapidly becoming too big for them.

They flexed instinctively as she broke through the defences of his mind, gleefully and playfully altering his thoughts, an unnatural fixation on the readings taking hold of him as any attention he could give to the transformation faded away. She had draped a perception filter over his mind, all but ensuring the Time Lord’s fate, preventing any possible interference as pleasure began to ascend through his legs.

He gasped instinctively, the sounds clearly pleasurable as the muscle within his limbs twitched and shook, feeling the energy slide through them, the being doing something comparable to a stretch to remove some aches of going through her new host body. The force of it removed the broadness from his limbs, shrinking them away into slender fat that filled them in all the right places, making them look much sexier.

Something still bothered her though, the energy despising how long and lanky her new host's legs were, grumbling in his mind as she took matters into her own hands. The Doctor cried out in shocked bliss as pressure built on his body, his mind realising it must be a result of the weirdness, his mind prepped to burst into theories of the meaning of it, if it wasn’t reduced to a moaning mess.

It was such a strange feeling, yet it was certainly a pleasant one, the Time Lord finding he couldn’t really complain as he came one of the few times in this incarnation, his eyes flickering as the world shot up around him. He was shrinking fast, his tall, thin frame feeling like it was being pressed down, his legs compressed, only becoming more slender and feminine with each inch of height that was lost.

He shook and staggered, his mind feeling like he was missing something, the Doctor about to double check his sonic screwdriver before he was distracted by another surge of bliss. It felt like his mind was being covered with thick, hazy fog, making it all but impossible to think or focus on what was happening, no matter how intense the sensations in his lower body were getting.

The mass from his height was being repurposed, all of it on a collision course with his ass and thighs as he collapsed against the wall, his clothes feeling too big for his smaller body as dazed moans slipped out. There was too much mass, all of it pouring into his assets like crazy, pumping them full of jiggly, feminine fat.

The pleasure was overwhelming, his ass squishing into the floor as he cooed and shook, his eyes glazing over as foreign thoughts infected his mind, his rear perfect for ground pounding haha, ground pound your mom, that never gets old. He screamed, the Doctor's thoughts briefly overwhelmed and replaced with something alien as his growing thighs squished together, forcing his orgasms to keep cumming as his brain descended into confused bliss.

"Oh t-this is most... u-unusual I need to- GAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH~!!!!!!!!!! O-oh dear this feels r-really good and I should get back to the- MMMMMMMMMMF~!!!!!! W-what's HAPPENINGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG~!!!!!!!????"

His brain was trapped in a loop, the moment of realisation playing on repeat in his head, the response to it destined to never come as each surge of pleasure reset his brain, the trap making the energy giggle as he messily came all over his pants. As a result of the loop, each ecstatic explosion seemed as sudden as the last, his squeals echoing through the alleyway as his ass and thighs only continued to grow.

The force of his screams rippled though his face, the energy surging in and taking control as his eyes flickered blue for good, his eyelashes fluttering as everything cracked down, wriggling as they shrank and feminised. His smirking lips plumped outwards as something in his throat popped, a pleased coo signalling her face’s competition as she wriggled on the ground.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh~. There we go~! Man this guy was easy to take control of~. I thought finding a host was supposed to be hard~. I just need to touch up this body and get rid of this guy's mind~."

With his mind looping, there was nothing he could do to stop what was happening, only let her take more and more control of his body as Amelia stretched, sighing happily as the muscles in her arms twitched and shrank, her fingers cracking down into slender, dainty digits. She stood up with shaky legs, giggling as she came out every bit of knowledge in her host's old brain from Zarbi to Marca, the girl not caring about any of it as her too-large pants fell to the floor.

"Ugh, right. Need a better outfit than this. Hmmmmm maybe I'll go with something fancier than usual, just to celebrate my new body. Chat won't be able to say I'm bad at Pokemon if they're too distracted by how sexy I am after all~!"

She ignored the desperate screaming filling her mind as she casually waved her hand, the brown jacket opening as it flowed all the way down to her hips, the fabric slowly becoming clearer until it was completely translucent. Silver flower markings appeared around her waist as she sighed at her hipline, giving them a quick shake to send them bursting out with a crack, the sound echoing through the Doctor's mind to shatter the beginnings of a realisation that his mind was stuck on repeat.

Her waist followed suit, all the pointless muscle degenerating into powerless fat, something that was far more preferable, the Time Lord's cock agreeing as past companions' names were reduced to a puddle on the stone. Watson cooed in delight as the suit beneath the clear layer adjusted itself to match, the blue rapidly darkening into a deep black, peeling down to expose her chest while the growing fabric hugged her thick ass and thighs.

Watson stepped forward, grinning as she twirled in her new outfit, the loose trainers turning into clacking heels that added a few inches back to her height. The Doctor was struggling to take back control, in the middle of some pointless and determined speech for the sixth loop in a row, the woman sighing as a forming straps dug into her thigh, the forming feelings enough to silence him as she giggled smugly.

"Ugh can you fucking be quiet for a minute? I'm trying to enjoy myself here! Huh, maybe it's the city but this is reminding me of GTA. Unluckily for you, that always makes me feel pretty violent~. Hope you don't mind if I take it out on you~. I have to stream later, and I’d rather not deal with this while doing that."

Moulding his body was a perfect outlet for her stress, a clock tattoo forming on her shoulder as she sensually rubbed at her nipples through the fabric of her dress, moaning as they rose to attention. Both sets of thoughts were crying out in delight as fat was drawn behind them, slowly and sensually inflating her chest outwards, no end in sight for their growth as the emerging pillows jiggled with mass.

The sheer bliss forced her to thrash, the suddenness sending her back collapsing into a curved arch, bringing her down even further as she gave some pleased coos, the fading Time Lord clearly finding the process much more enjoyable than any regeneration as his cock throbbed happily. His body was on fire, and everything felt too good, too amazing, his insides shifting and morphing as his breasts contained to inflate outwards at a rapid rate.

There was barely anything left of the Time Lord now, Watson grinning, knowing what was left of his mind was primed for her to pound into oblivion, his stupid cock along with it as she readied her fist. She didn't show any mercy, squealing as she pounded her fist down onto his shaft, rocking her body as half of it was sent rocketing back inside her.

The Doctor felt half of himself fucked into nothing, screaming as Watson continued to erase him, the chunks of him that were trying so hard to resist unable to stand up to her, fading away forever in explosions of ecstasy. Her screams were almost animalistic from how pleasurable it all was, the Doctor's timeline breaking all around her while the sonic screwdriver in her hand shifted into an ordinary knife as she smirked.

"Oh look, I've finally found the source of all this weirdness~! I better take care of this before it corrupts the timeline~. Pfffff."

She mocked him before putting an end to him for good, squealing in pure delight as she sent her cock collapsing back inside her, the wet pop shattering what remained of the old mind as Watson fully took control. The pleasure shot through her like a firework, leaving her breathless as she experienced her first orgasm in years, falling to the ground while squealing in delight.

It took her a few moments to regain composure, smiling as she savoured the sensations  of her new physical form, the slightest touch and rub of flesh against her dress feeling nothing less than amazing.

"Oh hell yes~! Fuck it was annoying being stuck as energy for so long, but I'm back baby~! And thanks to time travel I'm not going to miss a single stream because of it! I'm sure Kronii won't mind me jumping through the timelines a bit if it’s to keep our fans happy~."

She giggled to herself. Even if Kronii took offence, it certainly wasn’t going to stop her, the girl running away with a grin, the new volatile nature of history perfect to cause some mischief in before she got around to doing her next stream~.


“HAHAHAHAHAHA YES! YESYESYES! This is going perfectly! This is my best plan yet!”

The Master's laugh flooded the chamber as he observed the readings of the timestream, watching as history fluxed and shifted, the universe left so wonderfully vulnerable in the process. Species like the Daleks had quickly ordered strategic meetings in order to handle whatever was happening, the Time Lord admittedly slightly concerned their Time War tech had allowed them to survive what had already caused so much anarchy throughout existence.

He would figure that out later though, the Master far more concerned with the next stage of his plan, smirking as he danced towards the only container left with energy inside it, the red glow flaring furiously at the sight of him.

”Oh don't be like that. What did you expect, me to be all selfless and helpful? WRONG! I’m not going to let all of you run wild. Not when you have everything I need to conquer a universe without the Doctor! Now, I’ll let you go, but only if you give me your powers. Every last bit of them! It's that or I’ll leave you here for all time.”

He gleefully taunted the energy, a few seconds of silence passing before it slammed into the glass, the Master’s smile growing wider as he adjusted the settings on the equipment before releasing it. The Time Lord burst into victorious laughter as the energy started to seep into him, feeling the raw power flowing through him as he savoured his victory.


Something was feeling wrong, the Time Lord's body shaking as he staggered against the wall, his breathing growing heavy as his hands twitched, the shapes shifting and shrinking before his eyes. He groaned, his cock starting to throb as his skin lightened and softened to perfection, the pleasure not making any sense to him, h-he thought it would feel good sure b-but not like this! W-wait was the energy taking him over, nonononononononono, they had a deal, it couldn’t end like this, it couldn't-

“Oh now people's words matter you fuck? You tried to fucking blackmail me into giving you my powers! Fuck you! You want my powers? Sure. You can have me, my knowledge, my soul and my existence too, hope it isn’t too much for your puny mind! Enjoy, bitch!”

The Master grunted and came to the high pitched feminine voice echoing though his mind, his widening eyes drowning in blue as red hair danced in front of them, the Time Lord only having one thing to say as his voice turned girly and Australian.

"Oh, motherfucker."

He took it back, this was definitely one of his worst plans.


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