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After years of training, Max knew he was finally ready to face them.

He had lived in fear of them all his life, the nightmarish, mishaphen spectres that walked among the mortal world, beings that lay invisible to the normal eye, Max one of the few people who had the "honour" of seeing them. It was a miracle he had managed to keep his secret from both human and spirit for so long, his incredible psychic abilities subjecting him to all sorts of horrors, ones that had quickly become normal for him.

A year after college though, he finally began to make progress, a chance encounter with another more experienced psychic leading him to finally get trained, focusing his ability and strengthening it with other objects in order to better deal with the spirits, perhaps enough to exorcise some from this world altogether. It was a challenging process but Max had done everything that was asked of him and now he knew he was ready. The training was the push he needed to boost his pitiably low self-confidence, giving him the courage to finally face what had haunted him all his life.

His mentors had recommended he should stay cautious, aware at just how little they knew about the horrific spectres, something which he was mostly unfazed by, spurred on by their comments on how his psychic ability was one of the highest they had ever seen. He supposed it didn't hurt that he had developed a bit of an ego; he had been suffering for years and his recent confidence wasn't undeserved, no ghost even coming close to him since he had started his training.

All he needed was a place to let loose and prove himself. He dismissed anything in America, he'd lived there all his life and through his past close calls, it was likely every ghost on the continent was at least slightly suspicious of him. No, what he needed was some place new, some place where the ghosts would have no reason to think he was different to anyone else, leaving them open and giving him the perfect chance to take care of them.

After assessing his options, he decided to go with Japan, the country bound to be filled with just as many restless souls as America, if not even more. It would be the perfect chance to prove himself, telling no one of what he was planning as he booked the soonest flight he could.

Now that he was in Japan, he could see his assumptions were correct, the streets filled with ghosts and spectres looking just as monstrous as America, the man making sure to show no reaction while he thought to himself.

“Good. Looks like this place is filled with spirits. They shouldn't expect a thing. Now I don't want to do this publicly... I just need a nice closed-off place where I can... bingo!"

He couldn't believe his luck, smirking as he stared up at the large shopping mall, seeing from the sign outside that it was only 30 minutes until it closed for the day. It was the perfect place, Max happily dashing inside, pleased to see it was just as empty as he expected, everyone having already left after a busy day of shopping.

To make things even better, it was littered with ghosts and spirits, everything falling into place as he adjusted the various bracelets and charms he had prepared, ensuring that none would even be able to get close to him. He had everything ready, confident that he would be able to handle anything they could throw at him. The day was going perfectly, and he had enjoyed looking around Japan too, thinking he should visit again for longer when he had the chance.

He remained focused on his mission though, finding a random hallway that was filled with the ghosts, Max deciding to finally make his move as he chuckled to himself in amusement.

"Well, now that the bystanders are away, I'm finally able to take action against the twisted souls that roam the halls of this building. For I will lay you to rest for good!"

Max smirked as ghosts started to take notice of him, the spirits stomping towards him, their inhuman, twisted features tilting as their necks cracked and spun.

"S E E ?   Y O U   S E E   U S ?"

Now that he had their attention, they were right where he wanted them, Max raising his arm and clutching the bracelet on his wrist as he focused his energy inside. It was his ace in the hole, an ancient talisman that allowed someone to use their psychic energy in a weaponized state as well as creating a barrier that would protect him from harm, smiling smugly as he ignored the harsh presences around him, knowing for a fact he was completely safe from-



The braclet broke, Max's eyes widening in shock and terror as the beads crattered to the floor, all the other tinklets he had collected following suit as any protection and power he had in the sitatution vanished in an instant. His heart was beating like crazy, his brain struggling to catch up to what had just happened in front of him, nothing making sense, his confidence replaced with pure fear as he shook from the intense chill in the air.

"D I D   Y O U   S E E ?"

He squeaked in terror as the arm where the bracelet had been only seconds ago was clutched by a massive, monsterous hand, empty eyes and a drooling mouth filled with fangs dropping down in front of him. His blood ran cold, Max doing his best not to react any more than he had already, hoping they would just move on and write him off as some random drunk.

"O-oh! Did I r-really spend that much time at the bar? I’d b-better be going!"

Max wanted to run, but he knew he wouldn't get far, hoping the ghost wouldn't see how much he was sweating, shivering when he realised the spirit's hand was on his pulse. He was terrified, frozen in fear for the first time in years, whimpering as its grip grew tighter, the pressure threatening to crush his hand into dust as the twisted creature leaned in close.

"Y    O    U     S     E    E"



He screamed, pure pain shooting though him as his hand was forced to give way, the entire thing breaking and shattering as he shot back instinctively, shaking in terror as ghosts and spirits gathered all around him, smiling and whispering to themselves. Something was mixed with the pain though, something that should have been the furthest thing he should be feeling right now, a faint feeling of pleasure.

The strangeness didn't end there though, Max's body shaking as he heard some faint cracks and pops coming from his broken bones, feeling them slide and click into their new placements, shocking his nerves with bliss in the process. Not only that, but his hand was shrinking, the man lost for words as his hand painfully restructured itself, becoming dainty and tiny.

"W-what the fuck? My h-hand? I-it's... f-feeling really tingly for some reason!"

Max was terrified, but pretending he didn't see anything was his best chance of survival, hoping his last minute save would help shake off the spirits as he staggered back in fear.

"Oh... I should probably see a doctor! I could be d-developing a rash!"

The man had no idea what happened to his hand, but he knew he needed to get away fast, his panic almost overwhelming him altogether as his legs wobbled like jelly, Max taking a few steps back as he tried to avert the eyes peering at him.

"S-sure is c-cold in- AH!"

A bandaged face had burst from the darkness, the spirit’s neck moving like a snake from a body that lay limp on a nearby bench, the creature hissing and spitting into his face, the shock causing him to fall onto his ass.

"H E   S E E   H E   K N O W   H E   O U R S"

Max felt like his face was melting, the acidic spit burning away at skin, the man devoting all his willpower not to scream and thrash like a madman, only quietly sniffling and shaking as the harsh pain surged through his body, mixed with an addictive, sensual pleasure. He couldn't see what was happening, only hearing a few faint pops as cheekbones collapsed, his jawline retreated, and his nose cracked down into a cute little button.

Nothing made sense, the man's lips swelling and softening as his mind hopelessly tried to process what was happening, whatever was going on beyond anything he had trained or prepared for, his wide eyes of terror growing in size as the green was washed out by pools of an acidic yellow.

Gone was the face of a determined adult man, a much different image left behind, one of a meek teenage girl, her expression of barely concealed terror more adorable than anything as he trembled all over. He thought he might pass out at any minute, his heart thumping like crazy, his breaths heavy and fast, harsh pains and pleasures running wild inside him.

"A-AH! M-my back! It's so s-slippery here! They should really put a w-wet floor sign up!"

He was lucky that the floor was actually wet, likely cleaned just before he arrived, the coincidence causing there to be even more whispering around him, Max hoping it would be enough to sway them off. It was then he noticed one puddle right in front of him, almost screaming at the top of his lungs when he saw his reflection, his girly eyelashes fluttering rapidly as an unfamiliar face stared back at him.

It wasn’t his face, his features twisted beyond all sort of recognition, everything about it turned tiny and fragile just like his hand, a sight torn from a twisted nightmare. T-they never said the spirits could do this! They never said that something like this could happen at all! He was so out of his depth and everything was about to get worse, his panicked reaction attracting the attention of more spirits.

"T H E Y   S E E   T H E   C H A N G E   T H E Y   S E E  U S"

Something stepped on his unchanged hand, a pained yelp coming out as a little muffled moan as they grinded their foot into it, slowly crushing it as violent, horrific pleasures swirled in his stomach, everything popping and bursting until it was an exact match to its twin. He didn't even have a moment to process all of that, another ghost looming behind him, cackling maniacally as it grabbed him by the ass.

Max shook, his nerves that were already flooded with bliss overwhelmed with electric bolts of unbearable agony, mixed with the most addictive of pleasures. The touch was cold and corruptive, demanding something from him his body wasn't designed to give, any lesson he had in his training doing nothing to prepare him for something like this.

The pain was making him horny, his body shivering as the grip grew stronger, his entire ass swelling like it was infected, only its growth was sensual, flooding his body with delights as his erect dick throbbed in need within his jeans.

“A-ah~! Oh it’s so c-cold here! I can’t b-believe I stumbled in here and s-said such crazy things! A-and my ass still hurts from the fall.. GAH~!”

He gasped in euphoria, his cute little face scrunching up as pre cum dripped from his shaft, his mind descending into panicked gurgles, his rear gaining mass, rapidly surging out into a plump, womanly ass that was prime for the ghosts to grope. They took full advantage of it, the one behind him squeezing his thickening rear out further, hissing happily as it did so.

It was too big, the simple feeling of it unfamiliar and alien, something that scared him more than anything, Max completely out of his depth and utterly terrified. He didn't want anything else to change, but it was clear he had no say in the matter, the coldness that filled the room only seeming to grow stronger, becoming too much for his body hair, all of it blown away by the chill to leave behind soft, unprotected flesh.

Max had never felt more vulnerable, tears forming in his eyes as his ass finished surging out into a jiggly bubble butt, his instinctive shaking miraculously resulting in the ghoul letting go of the outlined peach in his jeans. He shot up as soon as he could, "accidentally" hitting the spirit that was crushing his hand from how sudden it was, frantically rubbing at his femininsed hand.

"Oh dear! I really should b-be going now! I'll be late for g-getting on my f-flight!"

The man could barely hide his fear, focused on moving forward as fast as possible without making it obvious what he was doing, praying that these ghosts would just leave him alone. He froze when something touched his shoulders, his eyes widening slightly as he kept his expression as neutral as he could, pretending he didn’t hear the ragged breathing of the ghost behind him, the feel it on his neck and especially not the clawed hands digging into his flesh.

N O   L E A V E   N O T   Y E T”

It pushed, a shiver tearing through him as unimaginable force piled onto his shoulders, threatening to crush him, to force his body down further than what was physically possible, and to his horror, his body was obeying. The impossibility of the situation was soon forgotten under the waves and layers of pleasurable agony, his mouth opening in a silent “o” every ounce of willpower barely stopping him from screaming. He was shrinking, the spirit forcefully compressing his body, reducing him into a smaller, tighter package whether he liked it or not.

All that mass would have to go somewhere and Max soon discovered just how it would be repurposed, the man feeling more vulnerable and frightened than ever before as he shrank into his increasingly baggy clothes. The ghost that was pushing towered over him now, a reminder of just how much he had lost as tears started to drip from his eyes, his cock tenting the jeans that had only stayed up thanks to the newfound thickness of ass.

He let out a little squeak when the mass from his height reached its final destination, buckets worth of fat pouring into his thighs all at once, forcing them to inflate like a pair of balloons. There was too much, everything threatening to overwhelm him as his brain was reduced to a mess of screaming, not even noticing clouds of black consuming some of his thoughts, his jiggly thighs directly surging out into his cock.

There was no choice but to cum, the excess mass pouring out in thick bursts of white, Max barely able to keep standing from the sheer intensity of the orgasms. He had never felt a feminine touch, and it was clear the ghosts wanted more from him, spirits surrounding him from all over as a reptilian-like tongue coiled around his neck.

It was painfully tight, but part of him loved the way it hurt just as much as the pleasure, Max disguising his terrified squirming as he rubbed his thighs against his shaft, forcing himself to spurt out the height he desperately wanted to keep. W-were they making him into some kind of masochist? S-shit they were corrupting his thoughts and wants, he remembered being trained about that, he can stop it if he just focused- if he just-



His head bopped from bliss as something in his throat burst, the tongue unwrapping itself from around his neck as another cackling spectre pushed him to the floor, a harsh crack echoing through the halls as his spine was forced inwards. Max fell to the floor, shivering and shaking, his feminine ass only pushed out more by his newly arched spine, his cock twitching against his plump, womanly thighs, his eyes filled with tears as he realised in horror just how higher-pitched his gasps sounded now.

Everything towered over him, the ghosts peering down at their vulnerable prey, his body barely reaching even 5’0’ anymore, everything about his body feeling so wrong and weak. It wasn't supposed to go like this! He was supposed to beat them! N-not become their h-helpless plaything! There was no way he could take any more of this!

I S   T O Y   B R O K E N ?   W E   S T I L L   W A N T   T O   P L A Y !”

He shook in terror at the sound of the demonic, child-like cries, realising to his horror that he didn’t have a say in how long he would have to put up the act, the performance only over when the spirits were satisfied as he wiped the tears from his eyes.

”Owwwwwwww... did something get in my eye? That really hurt! A-and how silly of me! T-these must be some of my friends' clothes! I really should have noticed sooner, haha. Oh I‘d better get h-home, I feel r-really turned on for some reason...”

Hearing someone else’s voice saying his own thoughts almost made him sick, the natural stoicness hopefully masking him from some suspicion. He didn’t know who he was trying to fool though, not when it was painfully obvious just how aware he was, Max knowing he needed to do something drastic to even hope to throw them off.

He shakily got to his feet, whimpering as his cock throbbed, his corrupted desires whispering temptations into his scared mind to distract it from the growing cloud that draped over it. Max didn’t want to, the little pride he had left refusing to give the spirits the satisfaction, but the need was stronger and in the end, it was what he had no choice but to follow, his conflicted squeaks only making them demand it more.

”W-well, since I’m a-all alone... and I’m just s-so horny... I suppose it wouldn’t h-hurt to... have a l-little bit of f-fun...”

Max hesitantly pulled down his pants, any semblance of pride dying in his core as his desires screamed in lust, the man whimpering in fear as he realised his own erect cock was arousing him. He could hear the murmurings all around him when he touched it, biting his lip to hold back his whine as he came from his own soft touch.

It was a nightmare mixed with a wet dream, the man whimpering as he slowly started to jerk, closing his eyes as he imagined some arousing images in an attempt to block out the hellish creatures that surrounded him. He did it to the best of his ability, his body too horny to care as he experienced a constant chain of intense release.

He needed to hold onto what was important, but even that was unclear, Max realising with a start just how foggy everything was, like he was looking through a distorted mirror. What was clear only scared him more, memories that weren't his own, being friends with a bubbly orange-haired girl while still going to high school and nonononono he wasn't in high school he left college years ago what were they doing what, wait was this still in Jap-

Max squeaked as he came, his teeth clattering from terror as he felt something tug out of his core, something that shouldn't be moved rushing into his shaft and spurting out as he wailed from ecstasey. The cloud in his mind was growing as something slipped from his body, a mass rewrite washing over him, purging strands of DNA and inserting new sections that washed away his American heritage and sent it splattering into a puddle.

Claws teasingly ran across his lightening flesh, his eyes slanting as something in his brain clicked, his very way of thinking changing without him even realising as he finally stopped orgasming. He was left a gasping wreck, tears streaming across his face as details and memories were lost in the spreading black aether, the spirits already upon him as he hopelessly tried to figure out what had changed in his head, all his thoughts seeming fine, but at the same time, twisted into an unfamiliar form, oblivious that he was thinking in a completely different language.

He didn't have much chance to dwell on what it could be though,dashing forward in a panic, a pointless attempt when the spirits were already upon him, stopping him in his tracks as they grabbed him by the arms and squeezed.

"N O  L E A V E   N O   E S C A P E   N O   F I G H T"

They were crushing his muscles, sapping him of his strength as he squirmed and screamed, his arms losing the bulky appearance they had as it was exchanged with an overwhelming vulnerability that made him feel even more malleable in their grip. His arms were being forced down, slenderized as they became devoid of even the smallest trace of strength to become terribly slim.

The new thoughts didn't see an issue, that fact making the old ones scream even louder as he struggled against them, high school suddenly seeming so much more recent as college information dribbled from his brain, reverting to high school understanding. He was losing, helpless as they battered his mind to pieces, even knowledge of the supernatural slipping away, counter strategies and mental preparation vanishing as a freakishly huge arm wrapped around his waist.

Maxo cried out in panicked bliss as it crunched his waist inwards, only adding to his growing hourglass figure, his nipples perking up as he felt his identity fall, the pain making his cock throb harder, his wants and needs overtaken by the corruption. He was scared, no pride stopping him from admitting it now, shrieking as a different, unnaturally thin feminine spirit clutched his cock and began to jerk.

It felt so much worse than his own hand, yet somehow the unnatural coldness of it only made his cock harder, the movement of the slender fingers feeling like they were drawing something out. It was something he had never felt being affected like this before, yet that meant nothing to the ghosts, the impossible sensation registered as an intense, searing pleasure.

He came into the ghost's hand, wailing as he emptied his balls of their contents, unknowingly draining something else along with it as his body shrank by a few more inches, his age plummeting rapidly as his newest memories and independence were swallowed by the darkness. He fell out of his thirties in seconds, his twenties going by in a blink of an eye as his body's sensitivity only grew more extreme, his stamina fading as an exhausted 18 year old was left whimpering and crying from the most intense pleasure his body had ever experienced, regardless of what his mind was telling him.

Maxo shook, squeaking as his hips burst outwards from the sheer intensity of his releases, the constant orgasms finally coming to an end as his balls ran out of fluid to give. His identity’s waters were muddled, what remained of his male self mixed with the feminine, leaving him dazed and panicked, his thoughts too slow to process what was happening.

Some instincts were determined to fight regardless though, his small body thrashing in a desperate attempt to break free, the suddenness of it managing to loosen himself from the spirits before he ran as fast as he could. He wasn't quick enough though, the boy squeaking in discomfort as a slumped over ghost with a wide open mouth clutched him by the hair, pulling it painfully and stopping him in his tracks

The spirit's touch was tainting his strands, burning the brown ash black as the creature pulled harder. Max cried as it extended his hair, his insides roasting in pleasurable agony as his hair was pulled longer and longer, the roughness purged altogether and left wonderfully soft.

It was a texture that the ghosts couldn't get enough of, all of them wanting a piece of it, eagerly running their hands through the texture as he whimpered helplessly. They were removing his instincts, trying to stop him from escaping as he cried and squealed, feeling less like himself by the minute as the stranger took over, wondering where Hana was and what was happening to he-


It was so hard to fight, especially with the sheer intensity of it all, every thought feeling both wrong and right all while the supernatural that a growing part of him didn't think even existed treated him as their own personal plaything. He tore himself loose, not stopping for a second as he ran, instinct guiding him as he cried uncontrollably, already hearing the frustrated growls of the spirits behind him.

He looked around desperately, determined to find somewhere he could hide, a small piece of hope finally hitting him as he spotted a still open clothes store. Mako weakly dashed into the store, gasping for breath as his erect nipples brushed against his shirt. With the chaos that was raging in his mind, he forgot what he was running from for a moment, his eyes widening as he clutched his cute head in a fearful panic.

He prayed and begged that the ghosts wouldn't find him, shaking as he repeated what he knew on loop in his head, fighting off the fog to the best of his ability. He wanted to go home, Mako barely standing due to his vastly different centre of gravity, combined with his much smaller body and lighter form. It was only thanks to the instincts he was fighting that he could even move, something that only made him all the more terrified.

It was taking all of his willpower just to hang on and stay focused, the boy knowing he could beat this somehow if he was able to do that, but knowing it would take a miracle for him to even get a chance. Mako felt lost, confused, crying in fear as he staggered through the shop, a small bit of hope emerging as he spotted a figure in the distance, gasping for breath as he grew closer, hoping they could help him escape and preserve his identity.

“P-please... s-someone help m-me... don’t l-let them f-find m-”

He froze when the figure fully came into view, gasping in terror when he saw the hole in its head, its empty, soulless eyes and the toothy, inhuman grin that only cemented just how badly he had fucked up.

S E E ?   Y O U   S E E ?”

“Nonononononononononono I didn’t... I don’t... p-please just leave me AHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHH~!”

The ghost didn’t care about what he had to say, grabbing him by the collar and dragging him into a changing room, kicking and screaming, desperate to escape his inevitable fate, feeling his cock throb in awful excitement despite his overwhelming fear. He was pressed against the wall, the ghost’s smile somehow only growing wider as it assaulted his clothes, tearing through the fabric like it was nothing as it threw what was left to the floor, Mako not noticing them starting to morph as he squeaked from shame.

”G I R L   W A N T S   N E W   C L O T H E S.   O L D   C L O T H E S   B A D.   N E E D   T O   B E   P R E T T Y”

”N-no! I-I don’t... I don’t- WAHHHHHHHHHNTTTTTTTTTT~!!!!!!!!”

The femininity was drenching his brain, memories of his childhood that had survived so long corrupted and shifting, the details fading and wavering until they became something else altogether. With his clothes removed, the ghost started to dress him, the boy bucking and shrieking as black panties pressed against his shaft, the sheer softness of them sending his useless balls back into him with moist slurps as clear fluid dribbled down his legs.

There was no resistance for the bra, his limp body only making a few weak gurgles as she clamped it onto his chest, Mako shaking his head in a panic as he felt fat start to gather behind it. He couldn’t stop it, forced to endure every movement of his chest's growth as it filled his new lacy bra, unable to deny he was feeling more like a girl as memories of buying bras dribbled into his head, knowledge on cup sizes and measurements replacing his lost college experiences.

His body was spent when they finally finished growing, emotionally and physically exhausted from the overwhelmingly intense experience, his new c-cups going perfectly with his tiny, curvy body. Part of him wished that he got as much attention as Hana, but he was perfectly happy with his body as it was; aside from his legs, they always seemed way too muscular for him.

It wasn’t an issue for much longer, the spirit laughing as it pulled a set of stockings up his legs, the skintight material making him squeal adorably as the fabric squeezed his muscle and strength into the weak, slim fat that could only belong to a teenage girl. The thought made him twitch, his shrinking toes curling as his feet cracked and popped down several shoe sizes, something about him being a girl seeming so much more correct than a boy, even if a part of her was so insistent it was wro-


There was a dress hanging on the wall, and Mako knew it was ready for him, wondering if wearing something so pretty could really be so bad as the ghost threw it over his body. It was soft, unbearably soft. Those were only thoughts she could form as the flawless fabric draped over her body, gently fluttering against her knees as the ghost lowered her to the ground.

The poor girl's mind was a mess, everything feeling upside down, back to front, wrong yet so right, the weird thing in her panties starting to strain, something she thought was important for a moment until it started to slide back into her. Miko found she didn’t care too much after that started, far more focused on the explosion of ecstasy that shot through her body like a rocket, the feelings growing stronger the more it entered her pussy.

The voice inside her was growing even more desperate and panicked as it did, Miko’s eyes fluttering shut as she felt the entire thing about to collapse, blacking out from the sheer bliss as-

“Ah~! N-nooooooooooooooo~! Don’t~! DAHNT~!”

It took everything of what remained of Max to stop her cock’s collapse, every ounce of her willpower barely able to stop it from exploding, tears streaming down her face as she did her best to stay afloat in the raging tides of Miko. What remained of her was a mess, more of a mass of feelings than a person, all of them currently focused on survival as her eyes fluttered open. She stared at the reflection of her new body in shock, her instincts begging her not to react to the monster standing right next to her.


She hated to admit it, but she definitely made for a very pretty girl, Miko’s natural stoicness meaning she didn't show any reaction to her body or the intense focus she needed just to stop her cock from shrinking away. She didn’t want to call herself Miko, but her brain couldn’t think of any other name for herself, whimpering internally as she posed, admiring her reflection as she mentally begged for the ghost to leave so she could finally escape from the nightmare she was trapped in.

It felt like it took hours for her to leave, every second torture for her mind as it held onto her cock with all she had, whimpering and crying from the sheer amount of mental effort it took, Miko filled with relief when the ghost finally left. She waited a minute just in case she came back, not moving until she was certain the coast was clear, quickly pulling off the dress before its softness drove her cock away for good and checking her old outfit to see how much of it was wearable.

To Miko's surprise, her old clothes were more than usable, the ghost’s touch having morphed them into something much better fitting for her new body, and it was the only other outfit she had. Miko shivered from bliss as she slid on the short blue miniskirt, doing the same with her newly created shirt and cardigan, even grabbing hold of the school bag made for her, all of it making her look like an ordinary schoolgirl.

That was the worst part of all, Miko whimpering in terror at the familiarity of it as she dashed from the shop, not stopping until she was out of the shopping mall altogether and into the pouring rain. She didn’t know where she was going, what she was doing, or even what she was running away from, all that knowledge lost during the mental struggle raging in her head.

She didn’t notice her tears in the rain, determined not to lose this battle to survive against... something? Fuck her head hurt and there was a weird feeling in her panties that was making it hard to think, maybe she should just...


The weak little voice in her head that was so smug a moment ago descended into screaming as soon as she pressed on her panties, starting to wedge something into her pussy as she bucked against the bus stop. Calling it screaming was misleading though, it was honestly more of a whisper being as quiet as it was, the little nub straining as Miko put the final nail in her coffin, ignoring the barely understandable begging and silencing it with push.


Miko bit her lip as she spasmed violently, the divide in her mind vanishing as two identities became one, leaving a gasping, horny teenager cumming in the rain. The girl was left shaking, her mind blank as she savoured what was unknowingly her first female orgasm, until eventually going still, her mind filling in the blanks as the aftershocks flowed through her.

It only took a few moments for her to recover, the girl blinking as her awareness returned, confused about what she was doing for a moment until she remembered with a start. She'd been heading home from school, having stayed there a bit longer today to do some extra studying, and had been just heading to the bus stop to get a lift back home.

That was the plan until she got lost in thought, blushing slightly as she realised how long she had spent thinking of Hana, likely the source of the arousal she was feeling. Honestly, that girl could be such a handful sometimes, her friend always striking such confusing feelings inside her that Miko could spend hours unravelling.

Right now though, she just wanted to get home out of the storm, sure that she would have plenty of time to figure it all out later as she stood under the bus stop, brushing her wet hair out of her eyes while thinking out loud.

"Wow, it's pouring."

She had the strangest feeling she was forgetting something as she looked over herself, pulling up her skirt slightly as the water dropped down her body.

"I'm all wet. My skirt is soaked too."

There was almost nothing that remained of the American man that had walked into that shopping mall, every trace of his existence fading from the world as if he had never existed, even records and memories going unspared in the purge. In their place was a regular Japanese high school girl, the only thing out of the ordinary being an impressive amount of stoicness.

If there was anything of Max left, perhaps he may have seen this as a second chance. A chance to embark on a new, different life of her own choosing, one that wasn't haunted or defined by the constant presence of nightmarish horrors. It would have been pointless to even consider that though, a strange noise catching Miko's attention as she glanced upwards, freezing at the sight that awaited her, something that proved one thing from her old identity had managed to survive the transformation, even if she didn’t know it.

Perhaps it would be more of the same after all.


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