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(Note:  All Japanese used in this story was done though Google translate, so is most likely inaccurate because of it.)

Joshua smiled to himself as he navigated through the busy city streets, doing his best not to bump into anyone on the way while looking around for any sign of his friends. It felt like ages since they had last met up together, barely having the time in their busy schedules to arrange anything lately, today being the first time they were all able to fit something in.

He was ecstatic to see them again, ending up heading to the meeting point ten minutes earlier than they said to, just to ensure he wasn't late. Unfortunately, it seemed like his other friends had decided to arrive on time, Joshua left with pretty much nothing to do until they all got there.

The man was lost in thought as he waited for them to arrive, not noticing that someone had taken an interest in him until they were right behind him.

Hmmmmmmmm that guy! He’ll be kanzen~!

He yelped in surprise as someone grabbed him by the arm, pulling him to the side, the man finding himself surrounded by three Japanese girls, all of them looking to be in their late teens or early twenties at most. The one who had grabbed him was smiling excitedly, the second startled by her friend's sudden action while the third simply stared at him judgingly.

"H-huh? What's going-"

"A-Ai-chan! You can't go around dragging random guys off the streets as soon as we arrive!"

The second girl adjusted her glasses before crossing her arms, the girl holding him giggling in excitement as her grip ever so slightly tightened.

"Oh come onnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn, Maichi-chan! We've been u~ōkingu around for ages! Why not get one of the chūjitsuna hito to help us out? I'm sure he’ll know plenty of places for us to go and see~!"

The closeness of the girls alongside their bubbly voices was making him blush, the man never growing out of his awkwardness near girls despite being in his early thirties by now. It was almost impossible to get a word in too, the bickering between the two soon descending into Japanese, making it completely meaningless to him.

"Are you sure Ai-chan? He looks pretty taikutsuna to me."

The third girl eventually broke them out of their argument, still staring at him judgingly, as if his very existence was offending her in some way, her comment making Ai smile mischievously

"Oh but that just makes it more fun, Hana-chan~! Even if Maichi-chan studied Eigo for months, she forgot to look up anything omoshiroi~!"

"E-excuse me! If it wasn't for me, we wouldn't have even gotten out of the airport! You two only studied it when I forced you to!"

"Hang on! W-what's going on here? W-why-"

"Oh relax! We're not going to hurt you or anything, teehee~! We just want dareka to show us shinai shūhen~!"

"W-what? I didn't catch some of that..."

"Sigh... what Ai-chan is trying to say is that we're tourists and she wants you to show us around."

Maichi filled him in before he could get even more confused, the man blushing as he felt all three of the girls staring at him, caught off guard by the entire situation.

"Well I-I would love to but I'm actually waiting for some friends right now and I don't want to make them-"

"Pffffff we'll be back in no time~! No need to shinpai~!"

Ai wasn't fazed by his comment at all, smiling up at him while fluttering her eyelashes, only making him blush deeper as Hana scoffed.

"Amerikan gaichū. Rirakkusu, you'll enjoy it~. We won't be long~."

He had the strangest impression they were aware of something he wasn't, a weird shine in their eyes joined by an odd prickling sensation on his skin from where Ai was touching him. It worried him for a moment, but he just wrote it off as him being nervous, Joshua doing his best to ignore it. After all, what were the worst three girls could do?

"Well if we're not too long, then I don't see why-"

"Wonderful~! Sāikō~! Let's go~!"

The man squeaked as he was dragged away by the excitable girl, her friends following with a knowing glance, his face heating up from how cute she looked doing it. He didn't really notice how the heat was filling more than just his face, nor how it joined with the prickling sensation, and certainly not how his flesh felt almost softer beneath his clothes, more responsive to his movements, scars and blemishes fading in the process.

He wobbled as she guided him along, the girl slipping into her native tongue as she chatted with her friends, likely discussing what to ask him, his shaking legs starting to snap when they finally did.

"So how long have you lived here, misutā? I’m sure you know all sorts of places for us to visit.”

Hana was smirking now, the sight somehow putting him on edge further, their giggles drowning out the faint snaps as the smoother skin failed to get along with his muscles, squeezing down on the unsightly bulk and forcing it down. He shivered from the feeling, oblivious as they gradually withered away, his pants starting to feel oddly loose around his legs as they slimmed down further.

He was too flustered by Ai's fluttering eyelashes to think what to say, the usual quick thinker finding his thoughts slowed by how flustered he was getting, his toes twitching as his feet started to be dwarfed by his own socks.

"W-well... there’s this really nice cafe over there that I used to visit with my friends. They have really good food and- YAH!?”

The man stumbled mid walk, almost toppling over if it wasn’t for Maichi, the girl catching him just in time with her arm, Joshua feeling like his stomach had lurched forward as it tingled from bliss. He wasn’t sure why he’d tripped, feeling like he had fallen over his own shoes, the girls giggling at his misfortune as he felt butterflies in his chest.

"T-thanks... I'm not sure how that... huh? You can let go now you-"

"No no no! You clearly need more help moving around~. Trust me~. You've always been clumsy after all."

She wouldn't let go, smiling to herself as she started to tighten her grip, forcing a confused groan from his lips as the other girls drew closer, his cock giving a weak twitch as they pressed against him.

"Giggle~. You're so bakana~! Let us help~."

"No r-really I'm... I'm... o-oh? Oh, I f-feel... f-funny... ohhhhhhhhhh..."

It wasn't long until he found his cock was throbbing, his body alight with the tingling as Maichi's arm grew tighter; at least, that's what he had assumed; The pressure wasn't increasing, but her arm was suddenly growing closer. His stomach was churning, the butterflies inside on the attack, teasing his insides with fluttering blinks of bliss as his body changed right under his nose.

His waist was shrinking, the bones narrowing and breaking under weaker foundations as the girl's soft touch moulded him like clay, Ai and Hana pushing harder as his sides dipped into enacting curves. The changes winded him, his brain dazed as he wondered what she meant by him always being clumsy, his free hand feeling his core in confusion, moaning in shocked bliss as his malleable fat melted into a slender, sexy tummy.

"H-huh? What... my... WHAT'S GOING-”

"Oh come onnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn Junko-chan~! Don't cause a scene~! That would be so hazukashī~! Calm down~."

"Pffffffff. You know Junko-chan. She always wants to be the center of attention. Be shizukani. Don't make a fool of yourself gaichū."

"Yeah, Junko-chan! It's ok~. We came here to have fun, remember? Oh, I just noticed you still have some America on your face, let me get that for you..."

His attempts at escape were ended by a single finger, his confused brain soon filled with coos and gasps as her touch brought forth even greater pleasures, the girls quickly dropping the act as they watched in interest. It felt like his face was burning, melting and morphing under the feminine touch, the feeling both wrong and wonderfully right.

"I-I don't... w-what are you doing to m-me? I d-don't- A-AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! H-HOTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT~!!!!!!!!"

"Yeah, you're very sekushī Junko-Chan~. I'm so shitto of your pretty features~."

No one around them seemed to notice his cries of alarm, his features distorting as he whimpered in confused bliss, Maichi tracing in femininity, his cheekbones bending inwards with harsh cracks, Joshua biting down on his lip as they inflated outwards. He tasted cherry, lip gloss applying itself as a gentle poke on his nose sent it all falling down into a dainty, girly point.

His jaw wasn't given the same luxury, Hana uncaringly shoving it down into its new size, crunching it as he let out a terrified squeal, his wide eyes drowning in brown as his body shook from bliss, his cock twitching as his bulge became impossible to keep hidden. They had made him unrecognisable in seconds, their touch alone enough to completely remould him. He was terrified as he managed to tear free from the girl’s grip, before squealing as his legs shook from unfamiliar feelings, his core feeling much too curvy as he left like he might pass out.

There we go~! Cleared it all off for you~. Isn’t that better?”

Teehee~! That’s such a kawaii look~! Say, Junko-channnnnnnnnnnnn, are there any good clothes shops nearby? I have to try out some Amerikan fashion~!”

They were acting too casual, too unconcerned, his breathing growing heavy as he tried to back away from them, his cock twitching from the pleasurable aftershocks as they slowly grew closer. He didn’t fully understand what was happening, but he knew it wasn’t good, the pleasurable haze slowly continuing to spread through his mind even when he was apart from the girls.

”W-what the fuck are you taking about!? What are you d-doing to me!? Stay bAHHHHHHHHHHHH~!!!!!!!”

In his confusion, he hadn’t realised only two of them were in front of him, Hana sneaking up from behind and smirking as she pushed down on his shoulders. She may as well have pushed a button that made him cum, the girls giggling as he stained his office trousers with seed, the force sending him staggering and swaying as his bones reformed themselves into slender, smaller shapes, making his shirt hang off him comically.

”Oh come on Junko-Chan. You're usually more fun than this. You're far less shallow than some orokana amerikahito. Honestly I’m surprised just how good your English is. You studied really hard for the trip huh?”

They weren’t making sense, but he didn’t have time to think about that when they were on him once more, squealing and shaking as they pleasured and moulded him to their liking. His skin felt as flawless and smooth as a doll, and the simple touch of the girls was enough to set his pleasure receptors on fire, their slender fingers dancing over his perfect flesh as their giggles pounded into his ears.

He wanted to protest but the girls had lit a fire in his throat, burning his Adams Apple into blissful cinders, Hana’s words making the haze in his brain grow stronger, making it feel fuzzy and muddled. It was like he couldn't tell what was up or what was down, his brain descending into pleasured coos as cute, girly sighs left his lips.

What she said wasn't right, he was certain of that, but the way Hana had said it made it sound so correct, his mind agreeing with it a bit even if he knew it was wrong. I-it didn't make sense, he knew English all his life, why would he be studying i-


The girls cut him off, his eyes widening at the girly shriek he let out, Ai suddenly giving him a big hug from behind, his core cracking as her embrace forced it inwards even further, his curves deepening as he came in delight. The murkiness in his brain was hungry for his identity, set on consuming it all as his body twitched from the sparks of bliss it was unleashing through him.

"Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww you did? Teehee~! You're so kawaii Junko-chan~!"

They needed to stop calling him that, he was desperate for it, internally begging and pleading for them to stop calling him by the name that was only making it harder to think, the pleasurable twitching even spreading to his muscles as his arms shook. The muscle was decaying, wasting away into weak layers of mass, his strength outclassed by the overwhelming k-kawaiiness of the other girls.


"Yeah, Junko-chan. I'm quite happy you decided to follow my example for once. Usually you're just a total airhead~."

It had gone for his language next, Maichi's comment feeling like it was literally filling his brain with air, certain words beginning to lose meaning to him as they melted into the ether. Alien, unfamiliar words were taking their place, a cultural conquest unfolding in the very depths of his identity, corruption ensuring the victory of the foreign forces.

Everything felt wrong yet right at the same time, and it was driving him insane with ecstasy, his arms somehow both not weak and not strong enough, his body too tall, feeling more like he should be looking up at his f-f... f... friends! So much about that thought terrified him, the idea of these strangers being his friends making his shaft twitch, his body itself shaking from fear that it had taken him so long to remember a word that was so simple.

Joshua didn't say his thoughts out loud, but the girls somehow knew everything, giggling as their hands were drawn towards his shoulders, gleefully oblivious to his desperate head shaking.


"Relax~! This isn't a bad thing Junko-chan~! You should stop complaining and have some fun~! Just wasureru all your worries now~. Teehee~!"

They pushed, a terrible pleasured shriek forcing itself from his throat as he felt himself go down, his world view literally shifting as everything shot up around him in sync with everything that was shooting out of his cock. Inches were becoming nothing more than stains on the pavement, his impressive height of 5’9" gone with the Japanese breeze he was caught up in, leaving him at a tiny 5’3" as he looked up in fear at the three girls he was at the mercy of.

All of them were acting like the changes weren't happening, and for brief moments his own panicked mess of a mind believed it, their smug looks almost entrancing him deeper into the nice fuzzy fog that made his brain want to be nice and kūra-


Strange memories were bubbling to the surface of his sinking mind, distant experiences of school life corrupted as they were brought forward, the setting and people within shifting, autumn leaves turning to cherry blossoms, the girls that were changing him inserting themselves into his life. They were rubbing off on him, literally, Joshua's body soaking up their features, behaviour and language, assimilating him into their ranks as to his horror, he found himself gigging too, his head growing hazier and airier by the second.

The girls were too close, his protests drowned out by his own moans as their closeness forced him to press his thighs together, something that Ai and Maichi noticed right away. Josho squeaked as they pulled down his pants, his cries turning to deafening squeals as he felt them grab his exposed thighs and squeeze.

"Giggle~. Silly Junko-chan~! You need to be more sekushī than that~!"

He came and shrieked at their words, swearing he could feel them dig into his brain, parting memories, feelings, and sending his thoughts through an auto-translator, shrieking out curses in both languages as he came out who he was. He should have cared more, but his thighs were growing and anything other than that mind numbing pleasure suddenly seemed unimportant in comparison.

Jiggly mass was rushing inside, drawn by the girls’ touch as his eyes glazed over from pure delight, his instinctive thigh rubbing only bringing him to greater heights of pleasure. It was greater than anything he had ever felt before, the soft, thick pillows feeling heavenly against his cumming cock, his brain a mess of thoughts and desires that violently dragged him deeper into the corruption.

He was loving it though, enjoying every second as he was pulled deeper into the foreign waters, bursts of kawaiiness tearing his identity apart, his fully grown thighs flattening his cock as his head spun from the overwhelming experience. It was what happened next that drove his mind further past the point of no return, Josho swearing they were squeezing far more than flesh now, grabbing his cells and rewriting him at the core.

Hana seemed to be enjoying it the most, and part of him somehow knew that what happened next was all her. Waves of bliss were suddenly jolting through his body as he screamed in rapture, his back collapsing with a crunch as it felt like his entire body was on fire.

"Really, Junko-chan? I know you wanted to come to America a lot, but you seem to be forgetting your Japanese roots a bit~. Let me help~."

Her speaking entirely in Japanese made it even worse for him, the man cursing and wailing as he unloaded blasts of cum every second, helpless as his very cells were overwritten like a computer program. Centuries worth of his American heritage were being washed away by the Asian tide, his skin lightening with a youthful, foreign paleness while his eyes slanted as his very body shook from feelings it had no idea how to comprehend.

It was like he was experiencing one continuous orgasm that had no end in sight, his plump, girly thighs only edging his cock onwards, English removing itself from his mind as memories of girls turning him down becoming the eighth boy of the month trying to ask her out. Boring office meetups were consumed by after school karaokes, knowledge of America falling and fading, only a single fact echoing through her head, that America had such tasty forgein foods on display, both in restaurants and all the dreamy boys~.


Her identity was swirling down a plughole, her language and gender fading the fastest of all, no attempt of hanging onto them successful as she twitched and gasped. New behaviours were being engraved into her mind, actions that her body knew weren’t normal, her arched spine naturally leaning in more to place more emphasis on her ass and annoyingly flat chest.

Josko couldn't delay that Japan felt more like home as she clutched her head, her body heaving from the sheer ecstasy of the one continuous orgasm her body was going through, cum pouring out nonstop. She had long since realised in the few moments of clarity that what was happening was invisible to anyone passing by, nothing able to stop it as the girls manually restructured his DNA with their slender, skilled fingers.

"Don't be scared, Junko-chan~! We're going to make it all better~! And have so much fun together~! Oh, right! We need to fix your hair too! Teehee~!”

She didn’t know what was foreign inside her anymore, her dying mind more focused on enjoying the ride of pure bliss as she felt the girls’ hands in her hair. The strands burnt from their touch, the blonde engulfed by wildfire as it was reduced to darkened ash. Growing strands emerged from the inferno, flowing down her shoulders and lightly brushing against her chest.

The pleasure was making her start to forget why she was scared to begin with; was she overthinking things again? Sure, even if her hair felt off it wasn’t like that feeling would stay for long, after all it was feeling more normal by the second, the familiar sensation of it against her chest making her nipples tingle from bliss.

Josko giggled, wondering what she was thinking about for a moment as her hair grew even more, a particularly intense buck breaking her hips apart with a painful crack. She was only staying standing due to her friends' support, Hana and Maichi holding her increasingly slender arms while Ai lovingly stroked her hair as it was infected with kawaiiness.

”O-oh right... I was... worrying about overthinking? Hah... that’s strange... I usually just... go with the flow... a-am I worried about b-being in America? No that c-can't be... ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh my headddddddddddddd~."

She was speaking more Japanese than ever now, English words few and far between as bubbly bubbles went pop in her mind. It made her giggle, familiar feelings, thoughts, and behaviours reinforcing her one true identity, her body twitching as the flawless hair that so many boys had dreamed of touching was fully returned to her.

There were faint thoughts about stopping something, at least that's what she thought. It was nothing more than some random sounds to her; was it another language or something? Ugh, she would never bother wasting her time trying to understand that...

"Oh yeah, what the hell are you wearing Junko-chan? You need to be more fasshonaburu than this. Especially if you’re hoping to catch the eye of all the good looking gaikokus like you wanted~."

"Ugh... t-talk Japanese Hana-chan! I told you I-I don't care about learning E-Englishhhhhhhhhhhh~!!!!!!!!!!!! GAH FUCK~!!!!!!"

Jonko squealed, her body suddenly pleasured by her own clothes, the much too big business shirt instantly tightening to fit her, the bottom half floofing outward as it disconnected, only a strip of its former colour remaining as black washed out everything else. It fluttered gently in the breeze, barely covering her thighs as the fabric of her new skirt softened to perfection.

Her shirt did the same, the expensive outfit shifting to a cheap girl's uniform, a red ribbon appearing to finish off the look as the short sleeves turned long and hugged her arms, the almost girl squeaking as her boxers tightened into white panties, crushing her manhood with girly cotten. She giggled, her feet cracking and snapping as the girls pulled away the massive pants left at her feet, smiling proudly at how their new friend was turning out.

"Teehee~! O-oh I feel s-so... goodddddddddddddddd~!!!!!!!!!!!!!! All the w-weird thoughts g-going away... yessssssssssss... I f-feel a bit a-achy though... so annoying... I-I need to be at m-my best for all those A-American b-boys..."

"Oh right, you're acting pretty mature tonight aren't you Junko-chan? Maybe you should start acting your age a bit more~."

"Huh? W-what do you.. and I-I said s-speak J-Japan- OH FUCKING SHITTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT~!!!!!!!!!"

Now something else inside her was burning, anything that remained of her old self wiped in an instant as she squealed from the unfiltered bliss, her body shaking as age was gradually removed. Everything shifted, his body looking like it was going through a reverse timelapse, her face and skin regaining a youthful glow that matched the other girls, her slender limbs thinning even more as her curves deepened.

It was making her body even sexier, and she loved it, squeaking and thrashing as she fell backwards in time, all the way down to 18 as her constant bucking forced her hips to burst apart, completing her perfect hourglass figure. The change seemed to trigger the rest all at once, Jonko screaming as loud as she could as pleasure filled her ass and chest all at once.

Both of them were growing fast, flooded with jiggly surges of fat, pushing outwards as fast as possible as her breasts tented her shirt, filling her forming bra as more bubbles burst in her brain, bringing her IQ down with her age as her brain was drained of its knowledge. The capacity for knowing two sets of language was gone, experience of the adult world fading along with it, topping off with everything about her former country, save for images of boys she had looked up to before the trip.

All that knowledge was melting into goopy mush, reused for something much greater as her ass tingled with ecstasy, fat dripping its way inside as it peeked out from under her skirt.

"My my, Junko-Chan~. You really have developed nicely~."

She squeaked as Hana groped her ass, Ai giggling cheerfully as she coaxed in mass, bringing it out to make it bigger and bigger, her brain thinking of nothing but boys and fashion as she was assimilated by her new country. Her new assets jiggled as she gasped, shaking as only her cock remained of her old existence, twitching with arousal.

"Yeah, Junko-Chan~! Your breasts are just the perfect size~!"

Ai was upon her c-cup breasts before Jonko could even react, her friends coaxing the last tiny pieces of her into girlhood, the femininity spreading to every little part of her mind. Maichi giggled at the sight, grabbing her cock with her hand, the almost girl's shrieks growing louder as her eyes grew foggy.

Her brain was going boy crazy, Jonko drooling over the dreamy foreigners all over the country, her pussy ravenous for the taste of American cock, hers first on the menu as it eagerly dove into her opening as fast as it could. She wailed and shook, her manhood happy to remove itself from existence as fast as possible, fucking her raw as she squeaked in delight.

Each buck sent another piece slotting inside, Junko grinding against Maichi's leg to get rid of it faster, desperate to remove it forever as she shook from pure euphoria. It was almost there, so close to popping for good, Junko just wishing the weird stiff thing would shrink faster and just go-



She screamed out her name as she came for the first time as a girl, going limp in her friend's arms, the illusion that seemed to mask her before fading as some nearby people looked at her oddly, Maichi saying some reasoning in English that she didn't understand. Junko didn’t particularly care though, moaning a much better use of her time as she recovered from her orgasmic aftershocks with a grin.

“Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh... gawdddddddddddddddddddddddd~. So... so... I’m... ohhhhhhhh...”

“Teehee~! Feeling better Junko-Chan? Man, the jet lag really hit you hard huh~?”

Ai’s words filled in the blanks of her mind, a smile slowly forming on Junko's face as she giggled, slowly getting to her feet and giggling with her friends.

”Ugh yeah, that sucked! God, how was I meant to pick up boys when I felt like that~! Now the trip can really get started~!”

The four walked down the street together, smiling and giggling together, even her best friend Hana seeming happier than normal. She didn’t understand a word that was being said around her; Maichi had said she should have taken her preparations more seriously but she didn’t need language for what she had planned~. She giggled at the thought, quickly taking the lead from her friends, spotting a nice looking guy and walking towards him, swaying her hips as she did so.

"Hey, handsome~. Waiting for someone~?"

The man blushed, unsure how to react to the sudden appearance of the girl while also having no idea what she had even said, Junko simply smiling as he answered.

"Errrrrrrr... s-sorry but I don't speak J-Japanese, do you want me for something?"

"Giggle~. You're so cute~. Want to fuck~?"

Maichi came up to them while they talked, the man turning even redder at her giggling, the girl smirking as she explained the situation in English.

"She's saying she wants you to fuck her."

They all giggled at how red he got from that, the man’s stammering and embarrassed expression only making Junko want him more, the forward girl smirking as she ran her hands down his muscular chest, even teasing his growing shaft with her slender fingers.

"A-ah~! I-I don't- I mean we just- I was waiting for someone and- MMMMMMMM~!"

He covered his mouth to muffle his cry, the arousal quickly taking hold as the lust overwhelmed his logic, Junko squeaking happily as he returned the kiss, Hana and Ai catching up to see the two making their way to somewhere where their lovemaking wouldn't be disturbed.

They smiled at the display, already getting used to what they would have to expect for the reminder of the trip and beyond from their new friend. Ai giggled again before quickly running towards another guy to get some more "help" looking around the city, even Hana excited to have some fun with their next friend.

"What number were we on again Hana-Chan?"

"Ugh, I don't know Ai-Chan! It doesn't matter anyways~! We need to be at this all night until we have an entire school's worth of students~."

Maichi smiled at their display, turning towards Junko and her newest catch and watching for a moment as they walked away in another needy embrace, thinking aloud to herself before joining her friends.

"You'll have been waiting for a long time anyways~. May as well have some fun with your friend's new look instead~! Giggle~!"


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